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In the discharge of his vice-chancellor's duties

under the various bureaus, or directly as advisers to the

that the magnetic force, like gravitation, did not experience

for gin.'' Almost insuperable difficulties as to the meaning

a-aminovalerianic acid, leucin or isobutyl-a-aminoacetic

stores at the War Office. He was made a K.C.B. in 1873,

received, until the original cost of the works has been

and has satirized this form in several poems. See I. Goldziher,

N.L. Non licet, Non liquet, Non longe.

in 1901 was 837,695, showing a decrease of 6% in the decade,

was known, however, to the alchemists as early as the 13th

of pumice and precipitated barium carbonate, and kept at a

The ICA or PUTUMAYO, west of and parallel to the Yapura,

a group of two Catholic and three Moslem tribes, extend in

one ever imagined that he would be known to posterity as a

by conclusive evidence. During the period which has elapsed

Complete Grazier, rewritten by W. Fream (London, 1900); E.


south. The head-rest common in the south-east and the

being bridged, immediately below the Victoria Falls, in

attempts at revival, it has fallen into complete disuse.

of the king and of the realm; saving always to the king all

regions and the Central Asian khanates with Kabul, and those

are rivals; the Italian Alps boast of Trepalle, 6788 ft.

roads and other works of the province are excellent, and,

of the tube; these cilia maintain a constant motion.

thought to be equivalent to the Xerxes (485-465 B.C.) of the

Manufactures, with the Minutes of Evidence and Appendix

is extremely convenient and to a certain extent justifiable

northward to Tabarca and southward to Tina. The importance

are to be found in Sainte-Beuve's Portraits litteraires, vol.

and West docks (1825-1834), and beyond these stretch the

influence. Along with Julius von Pflug, bishop of Naumburg-Zeitz,

of which the following are the chief --tropacocaine, stovaine,

holdings, the peasant farms amounting to 66% of the whole,

written by ecclesiastics, some of whom were natives of the

dissolved. He died in Edinburgh on the 9th of December 1882.

agriculture and stock-breeding, which furnish the bulk of the

Brie. He served in the campaigns in Italy during the War of

justifying the truth of a bargain or transaction, as: ``I

navigation was principally confined to the main river; and

basins and depressions which bear no relation to the existing

two days, with little advantage to either side. On his part

for nearly a mile, is 70 ft. wide, and contains the principal

both able men. They were fanatical, and their tyranny drove

of pictures was formed out of the collections removed

manipulate, while on the other hand, the only source of

of the ships entering the harbour rose from 2,375,000 to

problematical. Some better monumental illustration may some day be

Queen Ranavalona signed a convention recognizing the French

Phoenician, though it would be premature to say that the

children, including some who had fled to Holland to escape

chief causes of his victory over his opponents were his

to be injurious to production; but it is impossible to prove

the eyelid when the globe is touched; this and the size of

Col de Freius (same to same), carriage road, beneath which

pillars. From this court the walls of the Torre de Comares are
of agriculture and mechanic arts; this institution, opened in

ALI, in full, 'ALI BEN ABU TALIB (c. 600-661), the

became $4.40 in 1899 and $7.78 in 1903; in 1906 it was $6.18.

centre; Arakan, farther down the rivers; and Akyab on the

inscriptions on Roman coins. The relationship between the

upper courses of the river were linked by the opening of a

Schofield out of his lines and pushed on once more. At Franklin

companies and a Domaine de la Couronne had been created

to all local rates in a reduced proportion of their ratable

a-, privative, plann, a wandering). This word was

solution of the problem of the perturbations of the planets,

with the various medical, chemical and technical questions

Britain, as calculated upon the crops harvested during the

of the National Gallery without making any provision for it

her old age, to educate the children of his first teacher,

is declared a vagrant and may be fined $500 and imprisoned

AGNES OF MERAN (d. 1201), queen of France, was the daughter

an infinite variety of wines suitable to every constitution

spinal cord in the lumbar region. The spinal cord as such

do not fail to clot when intravascularly injected with

in the British Museum is one for the year 1431. The first

limestone at Iyerry Falls, W. N.W. of Braemar, has yielded

a pianoforte teacher till his death. He is important as the

a class by themselves, totally unlike those of the elder

AMBROSIA, in ancient mythology, sometimes the food,

of the war department during the Spanish-American War was

gardens, many of the squares are planted with trees and adorned

Anaconda over 110 m. of wire at 70,000 voltage. Anaconda

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