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Scholars have proposed a number of pedagogical models for task-based instruction who also received

great attention in language teaching such as:

Estaire & Zanon’s (1994) model

The task-based framework proposed by Estaire & Zanon (1994) consists of three phases: first, the
communication task, which refers to a piece of classroom work which has a communicative purpose,
focuses the learner’s attention on meaning rather than form, and results in a concrete outcome. Second,
the enabling task, the aim of which is to concentrate on forms; and the final task, the evaluation task,
from which an evaluation of both process and product can be drawn.

Gatbonton’s (1994) model

Gatbonton (1994) promotes the importance of genuine communication activities as optimal conditions
in classroom learning. Gatbonton (1994) uses the production-presentation-practice sequence in her
implementation of task-based instruction. Similar to Estaire & Zanon(1994), her framework is comprised
of the

main task and the language focus task, but Gatbonton also incorporates task repetition for adequate

Skehan’s (1996) model

Skehan proposed a model, which would allow teachers to implement taskbased in struction
systematically a nd on a principled basis. Skehan’s methodological stages for task-based implementation
are composed of 4 stages: Pre-emptive work, During, Post task 1, Post task 2.

Ellis’ (2003) model

The most recently proposed framework is espoused by Ellis (2003) of task-based instruction.

In designing task features, Ellis uses the model of (1) goal (2) input (3) conditions (4) procedures (5)
predicted outcomes or product and (6) process .

Based on his model of task features, his TBI involves pre=task phase, main task, and post task phase.

1. Can you tell us about your research in a few sentences?

2. Why did you choose pre-service English teachers as your study's respondents?
follow up questions:

Could you tell me anything about your respondents' backgrounds?

Was your respondents truly exposed in both face-to-face and virtual learning environments during the
Academic Year 2021-2022, as you mentioned?

If not, don't you think it defeats the purpose of your research to compare the ease of conduct in both
face-to-face and virtual settings, the challenges they faced, and the adjustments they made while not
having fully experienced both?

Why not hire experienced teachers with at least three years of teaching experience? Why not have

3. What are the main goals of TBI?

What is the TBI's perspective on the roles of teachers and students in a language classroom?

Does task-based instruction necessarily mean the total abandonment of grammar instruction.

4. What is the best way to define the term task? There is no single definition for the term task
(Shehadeh, 2005). In fact, different scholars have defined tasks in various ways. Tasks can be viewed
from a pedagogical, language classroom, or even operational perspective. How would you define a task
based on your own understanding?

Table 2.1 The Six Criterial Features of a Task (summarized from Ellis, 2003, pp. 9-11)

a task is not an exercise, that requires learners to use language patterns or forms they have just been
taught or been told to use. Willis added that a task is concerned with pragmatic meaning (i.e., the use of
language in context) but an exercise is concerned with semantic meaning irrespective of context.

5. What gaps did you intent to bridge with your research?

6. What is the scope of your study?

7. Why did you use the mixed-methods?

8. What is the validity of your findings?

9. How did you gather the data?

10. What theories or theoretical framework is your study based on?

11. In Figure 1 page 30, you have presented the effectiveness in online and face to face mode of classes.
Where did this framework come from?

In your framework for TBI, why did you choose the framework of Willis and Willis? 12. What about the
other scholars who have proposed a number of pedagogical models for task-based instruction who also
received great attention in language teaching such as: Estaire & Zanon’s (1994) model , Gatbonton’s
(1994) model, Skehan’s (1996) model, and Ellis’ (2003) model which is the most recently proposed
framework of task-based instruction.
13. What considerations did you make, and how did you map out the variables in your conceptual
framework? Do you believe it is the best way to conceptualize your research?

14. What are the highly significant findings of your research?

15. What's the implication of the findings in Table ____?

Are there any studies that show similarities that highlight the challenges encountered by teachers in the
adoption of task-based language teaching based on the findings about specific challenges?

16. Do you believe you've addressed all of the SOP and research questions?

17. Why did you only include the teacher's roles in Figure 3 Adopted Task-Based Lerning Framework by
Willis on page 28? The framework is divided into three main types: pre-task, task phase, and language
focus. Why not include the students' roles in each phase in your framework?

18. How should task-based language learning and teaching be assessed? Is there a model or framework
in place for this?

19. Based on your findings, what are your recommendations? What are the basis of these

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