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Citations should have the following form:

(Barber, 2003: 24)
(Friedent, 1998: 63)
References should be cited in alphabetical order in the following form:

- books: Barber B.R. (2003), Strong Democracy Participatory Politics for a New Age,
Berkeley–Los Angeles–London.

- articles in books: Sobczak J. (2008), The Disputes over the Definition of Terrorism and
Polish Law, in: Terrorist Pandora’s Box. Analysis of chosen terrorist issue, (eds.) J. Babiak,
S. Wojciechowski, Poznan.

- articles: Friedent L.A. (1998), New Citizenship, “Media & Society”, Vol. 18, No. 2.

- newspaper articles: US-Russia nuclear treaty finalised, “USA Today”, 2.05.2001.

- Internet sources:

Azhiben S. (2008), The Andijan Events: Radical Islam and Conflict in Uzbekistan, “Conflict &
Communication Online, Vol. 7, No. 1;  (20.05.2016).
The European Union and Central Asia: The New Partnership in action
(2009); (10.06.2

Note: The text should be in English, Times New Roman, font 12, interval between lines
1.5. Length of text: 20,000–25,000 characters (spaces included)

A separate note about the Author is also required (including the name of the institution
where they are employed, academic title and degree, address)

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