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Article 1784.

A partnership begins from the moment of the execution of the contract, He shall also be bound for warranty in case of eviction with regard to specific and
unless it is otherwise stipulated. (1679) determinate things which he may have contributed to the partnership, in the same
cases and in the same manner as the vendor is bound with respect to the vendee. He
Article 1784 shall also be liable for the fruits thereof from the time they should have been delivered,
• Commencement of Term of Partnership without the need of any demand. (1681a)
- A partnership is consensual contract; hence it is exist from the moment the celebration
of the contract by the partners. Article 1786
- by just saying yes to the contract • Obligations of partner as debtor:
-For example, nanligaw yung boy sa girl. By just saying yes sa proposal ni boy, official 1. Contribute money, property or industry.
dating na sila. By mere consent ni girl, may relationship ng nabuo (Shall deliver at the beginning of the partnership or, if a different date has been agreed
• Validity of future partnership upon, at the stipulated time the properties he agreed to contribute)
-The partners may stipulate some other date for the commencement of partnership like a (The failure to contribute is to make the partner a debtor of the partnership even if there
person who have entered into a contract to become partners at some future time or the is no demand. This is an exception to the general rule that there is no delay when there is
happening of some condition like natural disaste no demand.)
-Example is yung nag yes ka sa contract but meron ka munang need tapusin na another
contract. Example. Daniel promised to contribute land to Kathniel Partnership. The land is located
new office premises. Thus, an ideal location to build a fast food restaurant. Agreed date of
Article 1785. When a partnership for a fixed term or particular undertaking is continued delivery of the land is on or before June 30, 2022.
after the termination of such term or particular undertaking without any express
agreement, the rights and duties of the partners remain the same as they were at such If after June 30, 2022, Daniel failed to deliver said land to the partnership, Daniel
termination, so far as is consistent with a partnership at will. automatically become a debtor of of the partnership even in the absence of demand.

Partnership at will is one in which no term of existence has been fixed and which may (Unlike in oblico where demand is necessary, in this case, bound na agad si daniel to
be terminated at the will of the partners. comply with his obligation.)

1785. Partnership at will 2. Answer for eviction

(Shall answer for eviction, in case the partnership is deprived of the ownership of any
Eto yung walang agreement na naganap kung kailan matatapos specific property he contributed)
(The partner is bound in the same cases and in the same manner as the vendor is bound
Fixed term is merong napag usapan na date kung kailan matatapos, example tayo nag with respect to the vendee with regard to specific and determinate things which he may
tayo ng bilihin ng souvenir sa isang event, tas after ng event na yon sa school or what have contributed. This matter is governed by the law on sales)
madami padin bumibili. Ayon yung Partnership at will kasi tapos na yung termination ng
agreement. Ex. Daniel complied the said date of delivery and the operation started after 2 months. If
after 6 months, brother of daniel cam and claiming that the land was his and not Daniel,
Prima Facie Evidence- first facts permits daniel then became liable to the partnership.

Article 1786. Every partner is a debtor of the partnership for whatever he may have (Related to law of sales. There are 2 kinds of warranty- warranty against hidden defect
promised to contribute thereto. and warranty against eviction. Even though there is no oral or written agreement on
warranty, this is an implied obligation of the seller. In the example, daniel is bound to the Failure to comply the partner of said contribution does not necessarily results to
warranty to the partnership. rescission or cancellation of the partnership but an action for specific performance with
3. Answer for the fruits
(No demand is necessary to put the partner at fault Article 1787
• Manner of appraising of Goods
The fruits referred to are those arising from the time they should have been delivered,
without the need of any demand. Art. 1787. When the capital or part thereof which a partner is bound to contribute
consists of goods, their appraisal must be made in the manner prescribed in the
If the partner is in bad faith, he is liable not only for the fruits actually produced, but also contract of partnership, and in the absence of stipulation, it shall be made by experts
for those that could have been produced. chosen by the partners, and according to current prices, the subsequent changes
thereof being for the account of the partnership.
If money has been promised and that partner failed to do so, he becomes a debtor for the
interest and damages from the time he should have complied with his obligation.) The appraisal of the value of the goods contributed is necessary to determine how
much has been contributed by the partners. In the absence of stipulation, the share of
(Like na delay sa pagdilever si partner, tas during that time may customers na dapat sila each
(assuming a civil fruit). So yung kikitain dapat nila, si partner mananagot?) partner in the profits and losses is in proportion to what he may have contributed.

4. Preserve property How the appraisal is made?

(To preserve said property with the diligence of a good father of a family pending delivery 1. In the manner prescribed in the contract of partnership
in its contribution) 2.In the absence of stipulation, by experts chosen by the partners and according to
current prices.
Same ex:
Daniel agreed to contribute the land and building to partnership insteadn a land lang, On After the goods have been contributed, the partnership bears the risk or gets the benefit
june 20,2022, the building was on fire. Because of the fire, the building can no longer be of subsequent changes in their value.
-Example: Suppose Kathryn contributed Land worth 5M while Daniel contributed delivery
Here, daniel has an preserve the land and building with a diligence of a good father. truck worth 3M to their partnership.

5. Indemnify for damages After a year, the value of the land appraised to 5.5M while the delivery truck depreciated
(Indemnify the partnership for any damage caused it by the retention of said properties or by 100k.
by the delay in their contribution)
Question, who will shoulder the gain and loss of the land
Same sa example kanina: and delivery truck?
Daniel will then indemnify (compensate) the partnership for any damages. Because the
building can no longer be used because of the fire, pwedeng si daniel and sumagot sa Obviously, it is the partnership. PeroWhat if in the above sample, they form a UNIVERSAL

In that case, their properties

belong to the partners. The gain and loss will account by the partners. Kahit mawala pa partners may either exclude him from the firm or avail themselves of the benefits which
ang delivery truck ni Daniel, yung loss shoulder niya ng solo. he may have obtained in violation of this provision, with a right to damages in either
case. (n)
Art. 1788. A partner who has undertaken to contribute a sum of money and fails to do
so becomes a debtor for the interest and damages from the time he should have Article 1789
complied with his obligation. • Obligations of industrial partners
The same rule applies to any amount he may have taken from the partnership coffers, • Prohibition against engaging in business
and his liability shall begin from the time he converted the amount to is own use. • Remedies where industrial partner engages in business
Article 1788 Industrial partner- is one who contributes his industry or labor in the partnership.
• Effect if was money promised but not given on time
Industrial partner barred for, engaging in business.
-For example, let's say Kathryn and Daniel formed a partnership para mag-operate ng To prevent any conflict of interest between the industrial and the partnership, and to
xerox/photocopy service in front of school. Kathryn and Daniel agreed to contribute 100k insure faithful compliance by said partner with his prestation.
each on or before May 26, 2020. On May 25,
2020 nag comply si Kathryn sa agreed amount na 100k. On the same day, may customer Example: K and A entered into a partnership that engaged music tuturial for kids. K is the
na sana sila and estmated 10k ang income nila with that customer. But because Daniel did industrial partner while A is the capitalist. K’s shift ends at 5 in the afternoon.
not yet contributed the agreed amount, hindi pa sila nakabili ng photocopier machine,
they lost their client on that day. In the example, di pwedeng mag engage si K sa music tuturial past 5pm as part time. If
that’s the case, A can exclude him from the firm with a right to damage or avail for the
On May 27,2020 may another client sila of which estimated 30k ang estimated income ng benefits which may have obtained with a right to damage.
partnership. But the partnership again lost the customer because Daniel still not yet
complied with his contribution. Daniel contributed the agreed amount on May 31,2020. The partnership has the exclusive right to her industry, industrial partner is also prohibited
from engaging in business to any kind unless the partnership has expressly permitted her
(Summary) On May 26,2020 to do so.
naging debtor na si Daniel sa partnership. Daniel is also liable on the amount lost on May
27,2020 amounting to 30k. Hindi maka-operate ang partnerhip dahil sa failure ni Daniel sa What if A invest as capitalist partner sa isang cosmetic business? If that’s the case, A does
contribution niya sa partnerhip. not violate the partnership with K, Capitalist partner are prohibited from engaging similar
businesses only.
• Effect if partnership money was converted to personal use
- For example, let's say nag start ang operation ng partnership nila Kathryn and Daniel on Art. 1790. Unless there is a stipulation to the contrary, the partners shall contribute
June 01,2020. On June 30,2020, nanguha si Daniel sa partnership coffers to buy ng pang equal shares to the capital of the partnership.
maintenance sa photocopier machine amounting to 50k. While on his way, may tumawag
kay Daniel at may emergency sa family nila. Daniel then used the money for his family. On • Extent of contribution to partnership capital
the above sample, Daniel becomes the debtor of the partnership. He converted the
amount for his own use. -The partners can stipulate the contribution of unequal shares to the common fund, but in
the absence of such stipulation, the presumption is that their contribution shall be in
Article 1789. An industrial partner cannot engage in business for himself, unless the equal shares.
partnership expressly permits him to do so; and if he should do so, the capitalist
Example: Clara and Maria decide to form a partnership and agree to contribute to the 2. Both debts are demandable
capital in the ratio of 60:40 meaning if their partnership capital is combined total of 3. Collected by managing partner
10,000.00 then Clara contributed 6,000.00 and Maria contributed 4,000.00. • Reason of the rule?
• Right of the debtor to application of payment
Art. 1791. If there is no agreement to the contrary, in case of an imminent loss of the
business of the partnership, any partner who refuses to contribute an additional share Obligation of managing partner who collects debt.
to the capital, except an industrial partner, to save the venture, shall be obliged to sell
his interest to the other partners. A person may be separately indebted to the partnership and to the managing partner at
the same time. Any sum received by the managing partner shall be applied to the two
• Obligation of capitalist partner to contribute additional capital credits in proportion to their amounts.

As a general rule, a capitalist partner is not bound to contribute to the partnership more The exception is where the managing partner received the sum for the account of the
than what he agreed to contribute. partnership, in which case, the whole sum shall be applied to the partnership credit only.
In case, however, of an imminent loss of the business, and there is no agreement to the Obligation of managing partner who collects debt.
contrary, he is under obligation to contribute an additional share to save the venture, If he Where a person is separately indebted to the partnership and to the managing partner at
refuses to contribute, he shall be obliged to sell his interest to the other partner. the same time, any sum received by the managing partner shall be applied to the two
credits in proportion to their amounts, except where he received it for the account of the
In case of imminent loss of the partnership, hindi mandatory kay industrial partner to partnership, in which case the whole sum shall be applied to the partnership credit only.
contribute additional share. Simply because, they already give the 100% of their industry. (1) Requisites for application of rule. — The following are the requisites for the application
Sa case naman ni Capitalist partner, meron natural obligation sila a mag contribute ng of this article:
additional shares to save the business. Unless Capitalist partner is insolvent or may (a) There exist at least two debts, one where the collecting partner is creditor, and the
agreement. If the solvent Capitalist partner refuses to contribute, then they must sell their other, where the partnership is the creditor;
interest to the other partners na willing. (b) Both debts are demandable; and
(c) The partner who collects is authorized to manage and actually manages the
Article 1792. If a partner authorized to manage collects a demandable sum which was partnership.
owed to him in his own name, from a person who owed the partnership another sum EXAMPLE:
also demandable, the sum thus collected shall be applied to the two credits in A and B are partners in X and Co., with A as the managing partner. C is indebted to A in
proportion to their amounts, even though he may have given a receipt for his own the sum of P2,000.00. C is also indebted to the partnership in the sum of P4,000.00. Both
credit only; but should he have given it for the account of the partnership credit, the debts are demandable. A collects the amount of P1,500.00 from C.
amount shall be fully applied to the latter. If A issues a receipt to the effect that it is in payment of his (A’s) credit, P500.00 will be
The provisions of this article are understood to be without prejudice to the right granted applied only to his credit, the partnership being entitled to a proportionate amount of
to the other debtor by article 1252, but only if the personal credit of the partner should P1,000.00 in the payment made by C. But if A gives a receipt for the account only of the
be more onerous to him. (1684) partnership credit, the amount of P1,500.00 will be fully applied to the latter.
(2) Reason for applying payment to partnership credit. — The law safeguards the interests
Article 1792 of the partnership by preventing the possibility of their being subordinated by the
• Obligation of managing partner who collects debt managing partner to his own interest to the prejudice of the other partners. Good faith
• Requisites: demands that the partner vested with the management of the partnership attend more to
1. At least two (2) debts the interest of the partnership than to his own and he should not intentionally fail to
effect the collection of the credit of the partnership in order to effect the collection of his should thereafter become insolvent, to bring to the partnership capital what he
own. (11 Manresa 351.) received even though he may have given receipt for his share only.
The article does not apply where the partner who collects for his own credit only is not
authorized to manage, for there can be no ground for suspicion that he may have acted Article 1793
improperly create an undue advantage to himself. However, where the manner of • Obligation of Partner who receives share of partnership credit
management has not been agreed upon and all the partners participate in the
management of the partnership (see Art. 1803.), then every partner shall be considered a -The case contemplated under this article is different from that referred to in Article 1792,
managing partner for purposes of Article 1792. which treats of two distinct credits, one in favor of the partnership and another in favor of
(3) Right of debtor to application of payment. — Under the second paragraph, the debtor the managing partner.
is given the right to prefer payment of the credit of the partner if it should be more
onerous to him in accordance with his right to application of payment. (Art. 1252.6) - In the present article, there is only one credit- credit in favor of the partnership.
In the example given above, if the obligation in favor of A bears 18% interest per annum -Futhermore, the present article applies whether the partner who receives his share of
while that in favor of the partnership is 16% interest per annum, the credit of A being the partnership credit is authorized to manage or not.
more onerous or burdensome, the law allows C to prefer the payment of A’s credit in case
he so desires. - For example, Si Nadine ay may utang sa Kathniel partnership amounting to 25,000.00. Si
Kathryn, na-receive na niya "yung share niya amounting to 5,000 ahead of Daniel. When
Art. 1792 Daniel collects his share, Nadine was already insolvent (unable to pay)
In this case, pwedeng yung taong may utang is parehas na may utang sa partnership at sa
partner. Example, si Nadine may utang sa Kathnierl partnership na 10k at kay kathryn na In the above case, Kathryn is required to share the 5,000.00
5k. Kung nagbayad si Nadine ng 12k at niresibuhan niya si Kathryn for oayment para sa with Daniel. Kahit na si Kathryn is given a receipt for her share only
utang niya rito, only 4k ang maapply sa credit niya, the rest is sa partnership.
• Requisites:
Pero kung ang 12k payment ni Nadine is for the amount of Kathniel, the full amount will 1. A partner received his share of the partnership credit
be fully applied to kathniel. 2. Other partners not collected their shares
3. Partnership debtor has become insolvent
That’s the essence of the partnership. Like when you enter into a relationship. Di mo
pwedeng u ahin sarili mo. Once na may natanggap ka para sayo, para sa inyong dalawa
yun. Pero kung may natanggap siya pra sa kaniya, sa kaniya lang din yun.
-Reasons for imposing obligation to return.
Pero sa 2nd paragraph ng art., may right si nadine na i-apply yung payment niya sa utang The debt of D becomes a bad debt. It would be unjust or unfair for A not to share in the
niya kay kathryn kung yung utang niya kay kath ay mas mabigat (remember oblicon). loss with B less.
The above provision is based on the community of interest among the partners which is
For example, ang utang ni nad kay kath bears 15% per annum while and utang niya sa one of the underlying principles of the contract of partnership.
partnership is 14% per annum. In this case, the law allows nad to prefer the payment of
kath’s credit in case she so desire. Art. 1794. Every partner is responsible to the partnership for damages suffered by it
through his fault, and he cannot compensate them with the profits and benefits which
Art. 1793. A partner who has received, in whole or in part, his share of a partnership he may have earned for the partnership by his industry. However, the courts may
credit, when the other partners have not collected theirs, shall be obliged, if the debtor
equitably lessen this responsibility if through the partner’s extraordinary efforts in other
activities of the partnership, unusual profits have been realized. FROM WATTPAD
Partner liable for damages caused the partnership First of all, ginawa ang partnership to earn profit at para hindi i compensate sa damages
Art. 1794 follows the general rule of contracts that where a person is at fault in the caused by the partner. Hindi kayo nagtayo ng business just to pay sa damages.
fulfillment of his obligations he shall be liable for the payment of damages. The partner’s
fault, however, must be determined in accordance with the circumstances of person, time But in every rule there's an exemption. If unusual profit derived from extraordinary effort
and place. of the partner at fault, the court may lessen the partner's responsibility. Take note of the
Liquidation necessary to ascertain damages word lessen. Still hindi ito pwede i-compensate.
It is first necessary that a liquidation of the business thereof be made to the end that the
profits and losses may be known and the causes of the latter and the responsibility of the For example, Daniel accidentally caused the fire in the Kathniel warehouse. Because of
defendant as well as the damages which each partner may have suffered, may be that, yung caterings na clients nila this coming month, cancelled. Estimated 500k ang loss
determined. nila including 'yung nasira sa warehouse at kikitain sana sa catering clients. Because of
what happened, naghanap ng way si Daniel para kumita ng mas malaki ang partnership
Article 1794 para makabawi
• Damage suffered through partner’s fault ito. He worked overnight advertising the Kathniel
restaurant. He even used his connection to network the
This article follows the general rule applicable to all contracts that any person guilty or business. Nag hire rin siya ng artista to advertise the
negligence or fault in the fulfillment of his obligation, shall be liable for damages. (Art. business. Used the radio and television. After a week, naging hit ang business and after a
1170.) month, agad nabawi ng partnership ang loss na 500k

The partner’s fault, however, must be determined in accordance with the nature of the
obligation and the circumstances of the person, the time, and the place. (Art. 1173) In the above case, Is Daniel's responsibility compensated?
-No, it's not compensated. The efforts in other activites that Daniel did to derived unusual
Compensation of damages with profits earned for partnership by guilty partner. profits to the partnership will only lessen the responsibility.

Damages not generally subject to set-off. – As a general rule, the damages caused by a Article 1795. The risk of specific and determinate things, which are not fungible,
partner to the partnership cannot be compensated or offset by the contributed to the partnership so that only their use and fruits may be for the common
profits or benefits which he may have earned for the partnership by his industry. benefit, shall be borne by the partner who owns them.

Exception – If unsual profits are realized through the extraordinary efforts of the partner If the things contribute are fungible, or cannot be kept without deteriorating, or if they
at fault, the courts are authorized by the law to equitably mitigate or lessen his liability for were contributed to be sold, the risk shall be borne by the partnership. In the absence of
damages. This rule rests on equity. Note that eveven in this case the partner at fault is not stipulation, the risk of the things brought and appraised in the inventory, shall also be
allowed to compensate the borne by the partnership, and in such case the claim shall be limited to the value at which
damages suffered by the profits earned. they were appraised. (1687)
Case Sample: Article 1795
A partnership between Riz And Anne is engaged in an autoshop business. A customer • Who bears the risk of loss in the following situations:
bought a car to be painted yellow but Riz bought red paint instead and the car is painted 1. Specific and determinate things which are not fungible where only the use is
red. Damages are suffered by the partnership for 30,000.00 due to the repainting. contributed
2. Specific and determinate things the ownership of which is transferred to the partnership for evidently the ownership was being transferred since use is impossible
partnership without the things (e.g., oil, wine) being consumed or impaired;
3. Fungible things which cannot be kept without deteriorating even if they are (4) Things contributed to be sold. — The partnership bears risk of loss for there cannot be
contributed only for the use of the partnership any doubt that the partnership was intended to be the owner; otherwise, the partnership
4. Things contributed to be sold could not effect the sale; and
5. Things brought and appraised in the inventory (5) Things brought and appraised in the inventory. — The partnership bears the risk of loss
—————————————- because the intention of the parties was to contribute to the partnership the price of the
(From study guide) things contributed with an appraisal in the inventory. There is thus an implied sale making
Risk of Specific and determinate things- the partnership owner of the said things, the price being represented by their appraised
The risk of specific and determinate things which are not fungible, like a boat, only the use value.
of which is contributed, shall be borne by the partner as the ownership thereof is not The above presuppose that the things contributed have been delivered actually or
transferred to the partnership. This follows the general rule that the thing perished with constructively to the partnership. Before delivery, the risk of loss is borne by the partner
the owner. since he remains their owner. He is a debtor of the partnership for whatever he may have
promised to contribute. (Art. 1786; see Arts. 712, 1164, 1262, 1263.) If the loss is due to
Things fungible or perishable- the fault of any of the partners, he shall be liable for damages to the partnership in
If the things contributed are fungible or cannot be kept without deteriorating (perishable) accordance with the provision of the preceding article.
like wine, oil, etc., even if they are contributed only for the use of the partnership, the risk ——————————————-
of loss shall be for the account of the partnership for the latter cannot make use of them (From domingo)
without their getting consumed or presumed. Risk of loss
1. Specific and determinate things which are not fungible
Things contributed to be sold- What was contributed here is only the use of the object.
If the things contributed are to be sold, the partnership bears the risk of loss, for obviously For example, a partner contributes only the use of his
the partnership is the intended owner; otherwise, the firm cannot make the sale. delivery truck. Hence, it is the partner who bears the risk of loss
because the partner did not transfer the ownership to the
Things brought and appraised in inventory- partnership.
The partnership bears the risk of loss of things brought and appraised in the inventory as 2. Fungible things
this has the effect of an implied sale thus making the partnership the owner of said things. It is the partnership who bears the risk of loss as there wa
——————————————- transfer of ownership after delivery of the fungible things.
(From deleon) 3. Things contributed to be sold
Risk of loss of things contributed. It is the partnership who bears the risk of loss as there wa
There are five cases contemplated by the present article for the determination of the risk transfer of ownership after delivery of the things that were contribute
of the things contributed to the partnership, namely: to be sold.
(1) Specific and determinate things which are not fungible where only the use is 4, Things brought and appraised in the inventory
contributed. — The risk of loss is borne by the partner because he remains the owner of It is the partnership who bears the risk of loss as there wa
the things (like car); transfer of ownership after delivery of the things brought and appraise!
(2) Specific and determinate things the ownership of which is transferred to the in the inventory.
partnership. — The risk of loss is for the account of the partnership, being the owner;
(3) Fungible7 things or things which cannot be kept without deteriorating even if they are ————————————————
contributed only for the use of the partnership. — The risk of loss is borne by the (From wattpad)
Im the above case, Ang pag determine kung sino mag borne ng risk is kung sino ang consent of A on August 1, 2020.
owner. In this case, AB partnership must reimburse the amount of
(May sample din sa wp, pero check niyo na lang) What if AB partnership reimbursed B only on October 1, 2020?
In this case, AB partnership must also be liable for legal interest for two
To sum it up, 5 things to remember in this art, months (from August 1, 2020 to October 1, 2020).
2. To answer to each partner for obligations, he may have contracted into
1. Specific and determinate thing tapos use lang ang contributed, owner is the oartner, in good faith in the interest of the partnership, and for the risks in
the risk is partner din. consequence of its management.
2. Specific and determinate thing tapos ownership transferred to the partnership. Example:
Obviously, the partnership borne the risk. A and B formed AB partnership to engage in car repair shop.
3. Fungible things, the risk will be borne by the partnership. Kahit na use lang contributed. Subsequently B purchased, on credit, car accessories from X Corp. in the
4. Things contributed to be sold. Obviously, the ownership transferred to the partnership amount of P400,000. In this case, AB partnership is answerable to X
so is the risk. Corp. for its accounts payable amounting to P400,000.
5. Things brought and appraised in the inventory. In this case, there is implied sale making ————
in the partnership. Thus the owner is the partnership, the risk will be borne also by the Article 1797. The losses and profits shall be distributed in conformity with the
latter. agreement. If only the share of each partner in the profits has been agreed upon, the
share of each in the losses shall be in the same proportion.
Article 1796. The partnership shall be responsible to every partner for the amounts he In the absence of stipulation, the share of each partner in the profits and losses shall be
may have disbursed on behalf of the partnership and for the corresponding interest, in proportion to what he may have contributed, but the industrial partner shall not be
from the time the expense are made; it shall also answer to each partner for the liable for the losses. As for the profits, the industrial partner shall receive such share as
obligations he may have contracted in good faith in the interest of the partnership may be just and equitable under the circumstances. If besides his services he has
business, and for risks in consequence of its management. (1688a) contributed capital, he shall also receive a share in the profits in proportion to his
——————- capital. (1689a)
Article 1796 ————-
• Reimbursement to the partner Article 1797
—————- Partnership liability (losses & profits)
Responsibility of the partnership to a partner ————-
If a partner has advanced funds for the partnership, he is entitled to recover the amounts Rules in profit sharing:
advanced by him with interest. This must be so for the reason that a partner is a mere 1. The partners share the profits in accordance with the ratio established by their
agent of the partnership and under the rules of agency, an agent who advances funds for contract.
his principal may recover the same interest. 2. If there is no such stipulation in the partnership contract, then:
————— 1. If all are capitalist partners they
Obligation of the partnership to every partner have the profits in proportion to
1. To refund the amounts a partner may have disbursed on behalf of th partnership plus their capital contributions;
the interest from the time the expenses were made. 2. If there are capitalist as well as industrial partners, the industrial
Example: partner get a share each that is just and equitable while the capitalist partners divide the
A and B formed AB partnership. Subsequently B purchased remainder in proportion to their capital contributions; and
office supplies in the amount of P20,000 out of his own money with the
3. If there is a capitalist-industrial partner, he gets a share in the profits as an industrial Admittedly, the designation of profits and losses cannot be entrusted to one of the
partner and an additional share in proportion to his capital contribution to be determined partners as the fulfillment of a contract cannot be left to one of the contracting parties. It
as in (b), above. may, however, be entrusted to a third person by common interest.
Rules in loss sharing: ——-
1. The stipulation in the partnership agreement regarding loss sharing must be followed. Designation by a third person of share in profits and losses.
2. If there is no such agreement, but the contract provides for a profit sharing ration, the (1) Delegation to a third person. — The designation of the share in the profits and losses
profit sharing ratio shall also be the loss sharing ration. may be delegated to a third person by common consent. This article speaks of a third
3. In the absence of loss sharing and profit sharing stipulations in the contract, then the person, not a partner, following the general rule in contracts that the fulfillment of a
loss shall be borne by the partners in proportion to their capital contributions; but a contract cannot be left to the will of one of the contracting parties alone. (Arts. 1308,
purely industrial partner is exempted from participation in the loss. 1309.)
Share of industrial partner in profits and losses The prohibition in the second paragraph (Art. 1798.) is necessary to guarantee the utmost
Unless agreed upon, the industrial partner shall receive such share in the profits as may impartiality in the distribution of shares in the profits and losses. (11 Manresa 375.)
be just and equitable under the circumstances. As for the losses, the industrial partner is (2) Binding force of designation by third person. — The desig- nation by the third person
not liable. However, under Art. 1816, if the partnership has a contractual debt and it would generally be binding unless manifestly inequitable. Even then, a partner who has
cannot pay, the industrial partner equally with the capitalist partners, can be compelled begun to execute the decision of the third person or who fails to impugn the same within
by the creditor to pay his pro rata share out of his own property or assets. three months from the time he had knowledge of it can no longer complain. In such case,
——— the partner is guilty of estoppel or is deemed to have given his consent or ratification to
1. Profit sharing shall be distributed according to agreement. Kung walang agreement sa the designation.
loss sharing, gagamitin yung proportion sa profit sharing. The reason behind the comparatively short period of three months within which to
2. If no agreement, the profit and losses sharing shall be proportion to the capital impugn the designation is to forestall any paralyzation in the operations of the
contribution. Basta always remember na hindi liable si industrial partner sa sharing ng partnership. (Ibid.)
losses. Industrial partner already contributed his/her industry. Parang yun na ang naging ----------
share niya ng loss, effort. And as for the profit sharing, the industrial partner shall receive Third Person Designating the Share of Partners in the Profits
a just and equitable share. Kung may capital contribution pa si industrial partner bukod sa and Losses
industry niya, he/she will also share the profits in proportion to his capital. General rule:
It is valid.
Article 1798. If the partners have agreed to intrust to a third person the designation of Exception:
the share of each one in the profits and losses, such designation may be impugned only It is not valid and it may be questioned if it is manifestly inequitable;
when it is manifestly inequitable. In no case may a partner who has begun to execute unless:
the decision of the third person, or who has not impugned the same within a period of 1. A partner began to execute the decision of the third person; or
three months from the time he had knowledge thereof, complain of such decision. 2.A partner has not questioned the said decision of the third person
within a period of 3 months from the time he had knowledge thereof.
The designation of losses and profits cannot be intrusted to one of the partners. (1690) Art. 1799. A stipulation which excludes one or more partners from any
——- share in the profits or losses is void. (1691)
Article 1798 ------
Designation of shares by third person In the above article, pwedeng walang agreement as to p&l sharing but mag intrust sila ng
——— third party for the profit loss sharing. And ang pag appoint ng 3rd person is dapat agreed
Reason for the provision by all the partners. Contract cannot be left to the will of one of the contracting parties
alone. Kaya nga siya tinawag na partnership, dapat lahat ng decision, galaw mo, is alam ng The very reason kung bakit nag eexist and partnership is to earn profit. Kaya kung e-
partner mo. You cannot call it a pertner if you decide and take action alone. exclude ang one of the partners sa share ng profit, then the partner is void. Mali. Ang
agreement and void. Hindi na dapat siya sinama as partner kung hindi naman pala siya
Pero may right ang partners na magcomplain/impugned king ang designation ng 3rd party isasma sa profit sharing. That is the general rule. Then what will happen to the partners
is inequitable. and the partnership? The profits and losses shall be apportioned a if there is no stipulation
Impugned- to question the validity. But the complain must be made within 3 months. The of the same. Ibig sabihin, continue parin ang operation ng partnership.
reason for the short period of within 3 months to impugned the designation is to prevent
the paralyzation in the operations of the partnership. Pero what if in the agreement, expressly stipulated na walang magiging liable sa losses,
what will be the status of the partnership? Since sabi naman sa previous articles, it is valid
Art. 1799. A stipulation which excludes one or more partners from any share in the na walang agreement sa losses sharing since ang purpose naman ng partnership is to earn
profits or losses is void. profits. Is the partnership valid? No. Kung papasok ka sa isang partnership, dapat willing
——— ka ring mag take ng risk.
Article 1799 Void stipulation
——— If expressly stipulated that there shall be no liable for losses, or not intend to share in the
Stipulation to exclude a partner from profits and losses is void losses, no partnership exists.
The law does not allow a provision in the contract of partnership excluding one or more
partners from sharing in the profits and losses. The reason is that a partnership is Remember, magkaiba ang expressly stipulated sa agreement.
organized for the common benefit or interest of the partners.
Reason for exclusion of industrial partner In the case yung industrial partner and ini-exlude sa share ng loss, the agreement is valid.
An industrial partner is not liable for losses because if the partnership fails to realize any As mentioned in the previous article, larang ang share na niya na loss is yung effort niya.
profits, the industrial partner would have contributed his labor in vain. Furthermore, the And one thing, hindi niya pwede i-wothdraw ang work o labor niya na already contributed
industrial partner cannot withdraw the work already done by him for the partnership. in the partnership.
General rule: Article 1800. The partner who has been appointed manager in the articles of
A stipulation excluding one or more partners from any share in the profits and losses is partnership may execute all acts of administration despite the opposition of his
void. Take note that what is void is the stipulation only and not the contract of partners, unless he should act in bad faith; and his power is irrevocable without just or
partnership. Hence, the profits and losses shall be distributed as if there was no lawful cause. The vote of the partners representing the controlling interest shall be
agreement as discussed in the preceding article. necessary for such revocation of power.
Also, let it be noted that one of the tests in order to have a partnership is the intent of the A power granted after the partnership has been constituted may be revoked at any
contracting parties to divide the profits among themselves. time. (1692a)
Exception: ——-
An industrial partner is not liable for losses unless he waived this right. Article 1800
Rationale: Why an Industrial Partner is not liable for losses? Management of Partnership
While capitalist partners can withdraw their capital, the industrial partner cannot ——-
withdraw any labor or industry he had already exerted. Moreover, in a certain sense, he Example of an act of administration
already has shared in the losses in that, if the partnership shows no profit, this means that A managing partner of a partnership may execute all acts of administration including the
he has labored in vain.*3 right to sue debtors of the partnership in case of their failure to pay their obligation when
—— it became due and demandable.
Who shall manage the partnership?
Either one, some or all of the partners designated as managing partner/s either in the In Kathniel partnership, since Kathryn is the managing partner, she has the right on the
articles of partnership or after the contract of. partnership had already been constituted. administraive related sa business. Ano-ano nga ba itong administrative role? Ito 'yung
If there is no agreement. support sa may business. Like Accounting, human resource, etc. Basta tandaan na lang lagi
management is vested in all of the partners. na every act must be in good faith. Dapat faithful ka sa partner mo.

TWO MODES OF APPOINTMENT (May kasunod pato pero inaantok nako itype, nasa wp)
1. Appointment as manager in the articles of partnership; or
2. Appointment as manager made in an instrument other than the articles Article 1801. If two or more partners have been intrusted with the management of the
of partnership. partnership without specification of their respective duties, or without a stipulation that
I. APPOINTMENT AS MANAGER IN THE ARTICLES OF PARTNERSHIP one of them shall not act without the consent of all the others, each one may separately
General Rule: execute all acts of administration, but if any of them should oppose the acts of the
Power is irrevocable without just or lawful cause. others, the decision of the majority shall prevail. In case of a tie, the matter shall be
Exception: decided by the partners owning the controlling interest. (1693a)
1.To remove him for just cause, vote of partners having controlling ——
interest is necessary;** Management of partnership
2. To remove him without just cause, there must be unanimity including ——-
his own vote. Each one may separately perform acts of administration
Reason: 1. If one or more of the managing partners
This represents a change in the will of the parties; a change in the shall oppose the acts of the others, then the decision of the majority of the managing
terms of the contract; a novation; so to speak, requiring unanimity.* partners shall prevail. Right to oppose can be exercise only by those entrusted with
Extent of power: management.
1. If he acts in good faith, he may do all acts of administration despite the 2. In case of tie, matter shall be decided by the vote of the partners owning the controlling
opposition of his partners. interest.
2. If he acts in bad faith, he cannot do any act of administration. It must be - Let’s say that they are 4 managing partners and tie of votes 2 of agree and 2 of oppose.
noted that the presumption in law is in favor of good faith. In case of a tie, decision of partners owning controlling interest shall prevail.
THAN THE ARTICLES OF PARTNERSHIP 1. Two or more partners have been appointed as managers;
Rule: 2. There is no specification of their
The power to act may be revoked at any time, with or without respective duties;
just cause by the partners owning the controlling interest. 3. There is no stipulation that one of them
Reason: shall not act without the consent of all the others.
Such appointment is a mere delegation of power; revocable at —-
any time.*®
Extent of power: ART. 1802 In case it should have been stipulated that none of the managing partner
The manager can do all acts of administration. shall act without the consent of the others, the concurrence of all shall be necessary for
—- validity of the acts, and the absence or disability of any one of them cannot alleged,
Sa case ng GPP(General Professional Partnership), every partner has the equal voice in the unless there is imminent danger of grave or irreparable injury to the partnership.
partners, , lalo na sa malalaking firms. ——
Management of partnership
Is a written consent still needed for the alteration of immovable property? No, the
When unanimity of action stipulated concurrence necessary for validity of acts t consent need not be express. Apparently the alteration was made and no one objected,
he partners may stipulate that none of the managing partners shall act without the the act deemed binding.
consent of the others. In such a case, the unanimous consent of all the managing partners
But if one of the partners does not want to give consent, let's say he did it on purpose.
shall be necessary for the validity of their acts. This consent is so indispensable that
The intervention of the court may be sought for authority to make the necessary
neither absence nor disability of any one of them may allege as excuse to dispense with
But if the alteration of the immovable property is NECESSARY for its preservation, not
But if the managing partner's act is recurring, meaning, routine transaction purchase of merely USEFUL, consent of the other partner is not needed.
goods- as long as it is anything related to the normal operation of the business, there is no
need for the consent of the other partners EXAMPLE
Exception: When there is imminent danger of grave or irreparable injury to the Suppose before A builds the warehouse, he asks for the consent of the other partners,
partnership then a partner may act alone without consent of partner who is absent or who refuse to give it. When a tries to convince them and asks why they refuse to give
under disability. consent, they simply say that they do not want it to be there, making their objection
Consent of managing partners not necessary in routine transactions manifestly prejudicial, meaning, there is really no reason for their objection,
The requirement of written authority refers evidently to formal and unusual written
contracts. what then, is the remedy of A in this situation?
A may bring the matter to court. If the court finds the other partners of having no solid
Art. 1803. When the manner of management has not agreed upon, the following rules reason to object, it may compel the other partners to give their consent.
shall observed
For example, one of the immovable property-building of
(1) All the partners shall be considered agents and whatever any one of them may do Kathniel partnership, medyo luma na kaya may tumutulo everytime na ummulan. Since
alone shall bind the partnership, without prejudice to the provisions of Article 1801. kinakailangan i-repair ang buiding, nag hire si Kathryn ng laborers at nag order ng
(2) None of the partners may, without the consent of the others, make any important materials to repair the Building. Since necessary naman ang act ni Kathryn- alteration of
alteration in the immovable property of the partnership, even if it may be useful to the the building, kaya kahit walang consent ang ibang partners, she can do such act and
partnership. But if the refusal of consent by the other partners is manifestly prejudicial to binding ang kanyang act.
the interest of the partnership, the court's intervention may be sought. Pero what if wala namang tumutulo sa Building pero ang
interior design niya is too old for the latest generation, is the consent of the other
In the first rule, seems to be the same as in Article 1801. The only difference is that no partners necessary kung maisapan ni Kathryn ipa-renovate ang building to attract more
managing partner is appointed in Article 1803. In the article, each of the partners are customers?
considered agents of partnership. They can all act as managing partners and their act is -Yes the consent of the other partners are necessary, because changing the interior design
binding. If there are any opposition in any of them, apply the rule in Article 1801. is an important alteration in immovable property even though it may be useful to the
partnership, unanimity is required.
On the second rule, when the alteration of immovable property is involved, unanimous
decision of the partners are required. Why? Alteration of immovable property is an act of Art. 1804. Every partner may associate another person with him in his share, but the
strict dominion. So even the managing partner cannot make an alteration without the associates shall not admitted into the partnership without the consent of all other
consent of other partners. partners, even of the partner having an associate should be a manager of
subpartnership nature
•Subpartner - Partner may associate another person with him/her in his share without Kaya ang libro ng partnership is hindi dapat tinatago within the partners. Ano ba 'yung
theconsent of the other partners libro na tinutukoy dito? Ito 'yung financial transactions g business. Kung ang tindahan may
listahan, ang Partnership may Partnership books. Basta books ng isang Company,
•Subpartnership–the partnership formed between a member of a partnership and a third confidential 'yan. Hindi mo pwede i-disclose sa labas. Per if ever na naghihinala 'yung isa
person for a division of the profits coming from the partnership. sa mga partner, pwede sila mag ask ng copy ng libro at i- inspect nila yun. Another thing,
ano ang ibig sabihin kapag sinabing reasonble hour? We may also say na within the
For example, business hours 'yan. Kung maisipan mo tignan ang libro ng madaling araw, tulog na lahat
Kathryn, a managing partner, associated Mamay with his share in the partnership. ng tao, 'yun yung time na mag demand ka sa mga kasama mo g copy ng libro.
Kailangan pa ba ng consent ng ibang partners sa para accepted si Maymay
as Kathryn's associate? The answer is no. Why do you think hindi kailangan ng consent ng Article 1806. Partners shall render on demand true and full information of all things
ibang partners sa pag associate ng another partner for his/her affecting the partnership to any partner or the legal representative of any deceased
share sa partnership? partner or of any partner under legal disability. (n)

The reason is, magiging subpartner lang siya. Ang subpartner doesn't have rights of the Art. 1806. Partners shall render on demand true and full information of all things affecting
partner. Kaya kahit managing partner si Kathryn, Maymay doesn't have right to manage the partnership to any partner or the legal representative of any deceased partner or of
the partnership. Para maging admitted si Maymay sa partnership, kailangan ng consent of any partner under legal disability. Duty to render information, there must be no
ALL the partners. If that's the case, ano lang ang magiging role ni Maymay sa partnership? concealment between partners in all matters affecting the partnership. Information must
Parang ang mangyayari na lang is a partnership within a partnership pero separate and use only for partnership purpose. Not just on demand but partner also has duty of
distinct. voluntary disclosure. However, duty to render info does notarise with respect to matters
Ang responsible pa rin sa utang is si Kathryn. Ang hahati sa partnership profits is si appearing in partnership books since each partner has the right to inspect those. Good
Kathryn. faith not only requires that a partner should not make a false statement but also that he
should abstain from any false concealment.

The article does not mean that the partners need wait for demands before disclosing
Art. 1805. The partnership books shall be kept, subject to any agreement between the information, when they get hold of the information, they should disclose it immediately,
partners, at the principal place of the business of the partnership, and every partner although additional details may be demanded.
shall at any reasonable hour have access to and may inspect and copy any of them.
If information is not disclosed and it is found out later on, the partner/s who did not
Each partner will have access to ALL partnership books. disclose such will be held liable for it and be charged for misrepresentation.
The violation of this article refers to concealment.
• When will the partner be allowed to access the partnership
books? Who can demand true and full information?
The partner is allowed to access partnership books during
REASONABLE HOURS OF BUSINESS (8am-5pm), according to the law. The one who is -Any partner
keeping the partnership books cannot state when it can be inspected. -Legal representative of any deceased partner;
Laging tatandaan na ang partnership is under the principle of MUTUAL TRUST and -Legal representative of any partner under legal disability.
confidence among the partners.
Suppose A, B and C are in a partnership wherein A is sent to Example:
inspect partnership property in Mindanao. A realizes that the A and B are partners engaged in the operation of a cinema
property contains oil deposits and does not disdose this information to B and C. He also business. The theater was mortgaged to C who foreclosed
lies and says that the property is completely useless for their business and offers to buy B the mortgaged debt. A, in his own behalf, redeemed the property with his own private
and C's interests in the partnership. When A is the funds. Subsequently, A files a petition for the cancellation of the old title of the
only one holding the business, he develops the land and gains substantial profits from the partnership and the issuance of a new title in HIS name alone.
oil deposits. B and C later on learn about the information A kept hidden from them and
demand that they be given their shares in the oil profits. Did A become the absolute owner of the property?
-No, the law says that he will only hold the property as the trustee and will be entitled to
The question now is, can B and C, after having sold their interests in the partnership, still reimbursement plus interest
share in the profits? from the time he redeemed the property.

-Yes, they will be allowed to share in the profits because the information regarding oil Art. 1808. The Capitalist partners cannot engage for their own account in any operation,
deposits was present when they sold their share to A, just that it was hidden from them. which is of the kind of business in which the partnership is engaged, unless there is a
stipulation to the contrary. Any capitalist partner violating this prohibition shall bring to
the common funds any profit accruing to him from his transactions, and shall personally
Every partner is bound to disclose the status of the Partnership to the partner. Hindi bear all the losses
porket sinabi sa article na on demand', tsaka ka lang mag disclose ng information
about sa status ng business. Dapat volunteer ang act na Is the capitalist partner allowed to engage in other businesses aside from the one he has
'yan. "Yung tipong hindi ka pa tinatanong, sinasabi mo na with the partnership?
agad kung ano nangyayari sa business. Parang nangyayri, -Yes, as long as the business he engages in is something dissimilar or different from the of
as a team lagi ang galaw niyo. the partnership's.
Hindi pwedeng ayaw mo mag-alala ang partner mo kaya hindi mo dinisclose. Tsaka mo
lang sasabihin kapag okay na ang lahat. What will happen if the capitalist partner violates the law regarding his ability to engage in
other businesses?
Article 1807. -Then he shall have to bring the profits he gained from the other business to the
Every partner must account to the partnership for any benefit, and hold as trustee for it partnership and be liable for losses suffered by the partnership.
any profits derived by him without the consent of the other partners from any -The capitalist partner can engage in a business similar to the partnership if there was a
transaction connected with the formation, conduct, or liquidation of the partnership stipulation in the contract of partnership and if the business he operates exists in a
or from any use by him of its property. different area or place.

-A partner who receives benefits or profits derived without consent of others shall For example,
account for it as the partnerships. Sa Kathniel partnership. Daniel, as capitalist partner, nag invest siya sa Karjon partnership
-If particular property is mortgaged and foreclose, the (Karina and
partner who uses personal funds is able to get the property back will not become the new Aljon as existing partners) as capitalist partner. Karjon partnership engages in English
owner, he will only be its trustee. Tutorial for kids. Is Daniel as partner in Kathniel, invested in Karjon partnership valid?
- If the partner gets the property back after ONE year from the 3rd party involved, then it Yes. Capitalist partner may engage in other partnership as
shall become his as it was a private transaction, so long as he uses his own funds) long as magkaiba ang line of business ng both invested
What if Karjon is also a restaurant partnership. Isa sa malaking rival ng Kathniel Ang sample sa pang apat is, when one of the partners assigned sa ibang bansa. Since
partnership. Para walang ma- incurr na loss si Daniel, nag invest din siya sa Karjo malayo siya sa partnership head office, pag dating niya sa bansa, may right siya to a formal
partnerhsip as capitalist partner. Para kahit ano sa dalawang partnership ang manguna, account of partnership affairs.
walang lug sa part ni Daniel.
A formal account is necessary incident to the dissolution of a partnership.
According to Article 1808, Capitalist partner CANNOT
engage for their own account in any operation which is of the kind of business in which CHAPTER 2 Obligations of the Partners
the partnership is engaged Pero may unless pa sa sentence. Since the problem is silent. SECTION 1
Walang stipulation. Obligations of the Partners Among Themselves
Article 1784. A partnership begins from the moment of the execution of the contract,
Sa second paragraph, any capitalist partner violating this unless it is otherwise stipulated. (1679)
prohibition shall bring to the common fund any profits accruing to him from his Article 1785. When a partnership for a fixed term or particular undertaking is continued
transactions, and shall personally bear the losses. after the termination of such term or particular undertaking without any express
agreement, the rights and duties of the partners remain the same as they were at such
Art. 1809. termination, so far as is consistent with a partnership at will.
Any partner shall have the right to a formal account as partnership affairs: A continuation of the business by the partners or such of them as habitually acted therein
1. If he is wrongfully excluded from the partnership business or possession of its during the term, without any settlement or liquidation of the partnership affairs, is prima
property by his co-partner; facie evidence of a continuation of the partnership. (n)
2. If the right exists under the terms of any agreement; Article 1786. Every partner is a debtor of the partnership for whatever he may have
3. Provided by article 1807; promised to contribute thereto.
4. Whenever other circumstances render it just and reasonable, Right of the partner to a He shall also be bound for warranty in case of eviction with regard to specific and
formal account. determinate things which he may have contributed to the partnership, in the same cases
and in the same manner as the vendor is bound with respect to the vendee. He shall also
General rule: During existence of partnership, a partner is not entitled to a formal account be liable for the fruits thereof from the time they should have been delivered, without the
of partnership affairs. Reason: rights of partner amply protected in arts1805 and 1806. In need of any demand. (1681a)
addition, it would cause much inconvenience and unnecessary waste of time. Article 1787. When the capital or a part thereof which a partner is bound to contribute
consists of goods, their appraisal must be made in the manner prescribed in the contract
Exception: In the special and unusual situations enumerated under art. 1809. Right of of partnership, and in the absence of stipulation, it shall be made by experts chosen by
partner to demand an accounting w/o bringing about dissolution is a necessary corollary the partners, and according to current prices, the subsequent changes thereof being for
to right to share in profits. A formal account is a necessary incident to the dissolution of account of the partnership. (n)
the partnership. Article 1788. A partner who has undertaken to contribute a sum of money and fails to do
so becomes a debtor for the interest and damages from the time he should have complied
Parang summary lang ito sa previous articles. The relation between the partners is with his obligation.
essentially fiduciary, that is involving trust and confidence. Kaya walang dapat ilihim sa The same rule applies to any amount he may have taken from the partnership coffers, and
partnership affairs. his liability shall begin from the time he converted the amount to his own use. (1682)
Article 1789. An industrial partner cannot engage in business for himself, unless the
If any of the four enumerated occurs, the partner have the right to a formal account as to partnership expressly permits him to do so; and if he should do so, the capitalist partners
partnership affairs.
may either exclude him from the firm or avail themselves of the benefits which he may may have contracted in good faith in the interest of the partnership business, and for risks
have obtained in violation of this provision, with a right to damages in either case. (n) in consequence of its management. (1688a)
Article 1790. Unless there is a stipulation to the contrary, the partners shall contribute Article 1797. The losses and profits shall be distributed in conformity with the agreement.
equal shares to the capital of the partnership. If only the share of each partner in the profits has been agreed upon, the share of each in
(n) the losses shall be in the same proportion.
Article 1791. If there is no agreement to the contrary, in case of an imminent loss of the In the absence of stipulation, the share of each partner in the profits and losses shall be in
business of the partnership, any partner who refuses to contribute an additional share to proportion to what he may have contributed, but the industrial partner shall not be liable
the capital, except an industrial partner, to save the venture, shall he obliged to sell his for the losses. As for the profits, the industrial partner shall receive such share as may be
interest to the other partners. (n) just and equitable under the circumstances. If besides his services he has contributed
Article 1792. If a partner authorized to manage collects a demandable sum which was capital, he shall also receive a share in the profits in proportion to his capital. (1689a)
owed to him in his own name, from a person who owed the partnership another sum also Article 1798. If the partners have agreed to intrust to a third person the designation of the
demandable, the sum thus collected shall be applied to the two credits in proportion to share of each one in the profits and losses, such designation may be impugned only when
their amounts, even though he may have given a receipt for his own credit only; but it is manifestly inequitable. In no case may a partner who has begun to execute the
should he have given it for the account of the partnership credit, the amount shall be fully decision of the third person, or who has not impugned the same within a period of three
applied to the latter. months from the time he had knowledge thereof, complain of such decision.
The provisions of this article are understood to be without prejudice to the right granted The designation of losses and profits cannot be intrusted to one of the partners. (1690)
to the other debtor by article 1252, but only if the personal credit of the partner should be Article 1799. A stipulation which excludes one or more partners from any share in the
more onerous to him. (1684) profits or losses is void. (1691)
Article 1793. A partner who has received, in whole or in part, his share of a partnership Article 1800. The partner who has been appointed manager in the articles of partnership
credit, when the other partners have not collected theirs, shall be obliged, if the debtor may execute all acts of administration despite the opposition of his partners, unless he
should thereafter become insolvent, to bring to the partnership capital what he received should act in bad faith; and his power is irrevocable without just or lawful cause. The vote
even though he may have given receipt for his share only. (1685a) of the partners representing the controlling interest shall be necessary for such revocation
Article 1794. Every partner is responsible to the partnership for damages suffered by it of power.
through his fault, and he cannot compensate them with the profits and benefits which he A power granted after the partnership has been constituted may be revoked at any time.
may have earned for the partnership by his industry. However, the courts may equitably (1692a)
lessen this responsibility if through the partner's extraordinary efforts in other activities of Article 1801. If two or more partners have been intrusted with the management of the
the partnership, unusual profits have been realized. (1686a) partnership without specification of their respective duties, or without a stipulation that
Article 1795. The risk of specific and determinate things, which are not fungible, one of them shall not act without the consent of all the others, each one may separately
contributed to the partnership so that only their use and fruits may be for the common execute all acts of administration, but if any of them should oppose the acts of the others,
benefit, shall be borne by the partner who owns them. the decision of the majority shall prevail. In case of a tie, the matter shall be decided by
If the things contribute are fungible, or cannot be kept without deteriorating, or if they the partners owning the controlling interest. (1693a)
were contributed to be sold, the risk shall be borne by the partnership. In the absence of Article 1802. In case it should have been stipulated that none of the managing partners
stipulation, the risk of the things brought and appraised in the inventory, shall also be shall act without the consent of the others, the concurrence of all shall be necessary for
borne by the partnership, and in such case the claim shall be limited to the value at which the validity of the acts, and the absence or disability of any one of them cannot be
they were appraised. (1687) alleged, unless there is imminent danger of grave or irreparable injury to the partnership.
Article 1796. The partnership shall be responsible to every partner for the amounts he (1694)
may have disbursed on behalf of the partnership and for the corresponding interest, from Article 1803. When the manner of management has not been agreed upon, the following
the time the expense are made; it shall also answer to each partner for the obligations he rules shall be observed:
(1) All the partners shall be considered agents and whatever any one of them may do
alone shall bind the partnership,
without prejudice to the provisions of article 1801.
(2) None of the partners may, without the consent of the others, make any important
alteration in the immovable property of the partnership, even if it may be useful to the
partnership. But if the refusal of consent by the other partners is manifestly prejudicial to
the interest of the partnership, the court's intervention may be sought. (1695a)
Article 1804. Every partner may associate another person with him in his share, but the
associate shall not be admitted into the partnership without the consent of all the other
partners, even if the partner having an associate should be a manager. (1696)
Article 1805. The partnership books shall be kept, subject to any agreement between the
partners, at the principal place of business of the partnership, and every partner shall at
any reasonable hour have access to and may inspect and copy any of them.

Article 1806. Partners shall render on demand true and full information of all things
affecting the partnership to any partner or the legal representative of any deceased
partner or of any partner under legal disability. (n)
Article 1807. Every partner must account to the partnership for any benefit, and hold as
trustee for it any profits derived by him without the consent of the other partners from
any transaction connected with the formation, conduct, or liquidation of the partnership
or from any use by him of its property. (n)
Article 1808. The capitalist partners cannot engage for their own account in any operation
which is of the kind of business in which the partnership is engaged, unless there is a
stipulation to the contrary.
Any capitalist partner violating this prohibition shall bring to the common funds any
profits accruing to him from his transactions, and shall personally bear all the losses. (n)
Article 1809. Any partner shall have the right to a formal account as to partnership affairs:
(1) If he is wrongfully excluded from the partnership business or possession of its property
by his co-partners; (2) If the right exists under the terms of any agreement;
(3) As provided by article 1807;
(4) Whenever other circumstances render it just and reasonable. (n)

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