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Purposive Communication: Multi-Modal Communication

Submitted by: Vidal, Ziraili Oriel B.

Date: Sep. 29, 2022

The Five Models as Observed in the Photograph:

Visual: An example of the ‘visual’ aspect can be observed in the fist-shaped cutouts of the posters the protestors
are carrying. The clenched fists have no sound, though they have alphabetical texts on the bottom to support the
meaning; however, it is still mostly visual. The clenched fists can symbolize strength, unity, or resistance.
Aural: The audio cues are not directly observable in this example because the medium of observation is a
photograph. However, from the picture, it can be seen that the protestors are shouting and chanting; we can
assume therefore, that they are indeed doing so in real life. This is an example of the aural mode of
Gestural: As observed from the picture, the protestors are holding their banners up high, waving them, and some
can even be seen raising their hands in protest. An example of using gestures to communicate.
Linguistic: This mode can be observed in the alphabetical texts that form words which are present in the banners
and posters the protestors are carrying. The people in the picture can also be seen to be saying things. The words
coming out of their mouths are also examples of linguistic communication.
Spatial: The protestors are arranged to face the establishment, government office, or the people who are the
targets of their complaints. They are organized in such a way where the ones who carry the large banner are
located in the front and the other protestors are lined up to the back of these banner bearers.

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