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National Service Training Program 1

Mountain View College

Worksheet 1
Chapter 1: NSTP Program (RA 9163)

Full Name: Ziraili Oriel Vidal

Joshua Penaranda
Barbie Jane Perdizo
Princess Rose Ybanez
Ashley Freno
Section Code: SBG
Course and Year Level: BSN-1

Provide what are being asked for. Form a group of at most 5-members for this worksheet. Indicate the
group members. Submit your work to my email: Deadline will be before
12am. Thank you

1. Show 5 illustrations (drawing, pictures, cuttings, etc) of how NSTP-CWTS students can serve the
community. Give a description for each illustration. You can sketch, use pictures from the
internet, or use your personal pictures for this item. Each illustration will be credited 5 points.
Use appropriate pictures.
National Service Training Program 1
Mountain View College

Community Clean-up Programs

A Community Clean-up program is one of the most well-known ways to help the
community. There is always a lawn to mow, pathways to clean, and garbage to throw.
This makes Clean-ups a viable option for students looking to volunteer for community
By being involved in the Community Clean-up program, students help clean, repair, and
improve public spaces or other areas that have been neglected, vandalized, or misused.
This creates immediate results and permanent changes in the local areas.
National Service Training Program 1
Mountain View College

Book Donations

A book donation program is a program that students may get involved with which
assists small and rural schools in establishing a school library. Books collected in this
manner may come from personal collections, academic or public libraries, duplicates or
discards, school systems, superseded editions or publisher overstocks, or in-kind
donations. This program is an excellent way to help children, without the financial
capacity, with their education.
National Service Training Program 1
Mountain View College

Leadership Training Programs

For the community to maintain its clean, organized, and safe state, it needs leaders
so that it can be kept that way. By holding Leadership Training programs in the
community, it provides an opportunity for future leaders to step up and receive formal
training on how to better the community. This program trains future leaders by honing
their existing leadership skills. Leadership is essential in all fields to provide direction
towards the achievement of their goals and objectives, and is especially important in the
community. After all, good leadership raises the standard of living for everyone in the
community, hence improves the quality of life.
National Service Training Program 1
Mountain View College

Feeding Programs

A Feeding program is highly important because these are among the efforts done to
address the prominent problem of malnutrition, hunger, and food insecurity in various
communities here in our country. This program mostly aims to serve underprivileged
individuals, especially children. Participating in a feeding program is a sure-fire way of
being a good help in the community, as it provides care and basic necessity to those who
need them the most.
National Service Training Program 1
Mountain View College

Tree planting

Students in the NSTP-CWTS program may be able to increase public

understanding of the ecosystem through this form of service. We have a duty to care for
the planet since it is our home, and we are responsible for ensuring that everyone,
including animals, has access to new and fresh environmental life. Through this service,
we can address problems like air pollution and climate change, which will undoubtedly
be a huge help to our community.

2. The following are the NSTP Program Outcomes formulated by the NSTP Educators Association
of Region 10 (NEAR 10) in 2015 which are adapted by MVC NSTP.

a) Recognize one’s social responsibilities.

b) Engage in community working
c) Perform the spirit of volunteerism during community-related activities.
d) Demonstrate a deep sense of community.

What can you contribute to help achieve these outcomes? (10 points)

These outcomes can, for sure, be achieved through participating in the activities
outlined in the NSTP course. However, aside from that, in order to fully reach the
outcomes, we need to embrace the idea of service. To serve, not because the class
requires it, not because of how interesting it is, but because we genuinely want our
communities to become healthier, safer, and cleaner places. In other words, to serve not
only for the benefit of ourselves, but the benefit of others.
National Service Training Program 1
Mountain View College

By conditioning our minds to love being in the service of other people and the
community, we are able to actively join service programs and volunteer without having to
be forced to do so. In fact, it will become a joy to serve the community, instead of what
others think to be a burden. This mentality is usually achieved through realization. The
realization that what we are doing for others and the community, is actually making a
difference. Like, helping an elderly woman cross the street and putting a smile on her
face; or seeing the happy looks of children when they receive the gifts in the form of
donations, it’s in these simple things.
Once we hone this ‘service’ mentality; recognizing one’s social responsibilities,
engaging in community working, and demonstrating a deep sense of community will
come naturally. In the end, we wouldn’t even need to actively think about achieving these
outcomes. Once we instill the idea of service in our hearts and minds, serving and helping
the community will become second nature. Then starting from ourselves, we can slowly,
but surely, make the world a better place.

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