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Lesson 8: President Corazon Aquino’s Speech before the U.S. Congress Sept.

18, 1986

Course: Reading In Philippine History

Activity 08

After Watching the short documentary video of the late former president Cory Aquino,
write a context and content analysis of the primary source by filling out he necessary
information in the worksheet provided.

President Corazon Aquino’s Speech Before the Joint Session of the US


1. Document The author of this document are Sec.

 Who is/are the author/s? Teodoro Locsin Jr. and President Corazon

2. Author(s) / Creator(s) Corazon Aquino, along with Teodoro Locsin

 What information about the Jr, was his speechwriter and the one who
author(s)/creator(s) makes prepared his speech before his presidency on
her/him credible in coming September 18, 1986. Maria Corazon Aquino
up with the primary source? or better known as Corazon Aquino was
born on June 25, 1933, in the province of
Tarlac, Philippines. After the long rule of
former President Ferdinand Marcos, she led
and served as the first female President of
the Republic of the Philippines and restored
democratic governance to our country.
Teodoro Locsin was also one of the authors
of the speech before the joint session of the
US Congress. On the other hand, Teodoro
Locsin Jr., the man who wrote and arranged
the speech but did not finish it so it was
former President Corazon Aquino who
finished the speech previously. He was also a
speechwriter and secretary of late Corazon

The 11th president of our country is Corazon

Aquino. She was also a leader of the people’s
power revolution, also called the 1986 EDSA
Revolution. She was also one of those who
fought against former President Marcos for
the freedom of every Filipino. Teodoro
Locsin Jr served Corazon Aquino as legal
counsel and speechwriter. He is also a
former journalist who gives information to
people about what happened then until now.

3.Historical Context of the When former President Corazon Aquino

document comes to Congress, everyone present stood
 What were the situations and up, and when she began to speak before the
who are the key personalities joint session of the United States Congress in
that distinguishes the era September 1986, it all started there. The
during the time the document month of September 1986 was the first visit
was created? to America since overthrowing the dictator
Ferdinand Marcos in February 1986, and the
Philippines was suffering because of
everything his administration had caused.
That includes 26 billion dollars in foreign

Late President Corazon Aquino delivered a

historic speech for the US congress to favor
her for the recovery of the Philippine
economy due to the martial law of late
Ferdinand Marcos. House Speaker Tip
O'Neill was so impressed with President
Cory Aquino’s speech that he said it was the
best speech he had ever heard. Senate
Majority Leader Robert Dole and House
Minority Whip Trent Lott agreed. This was
the best speech for the former President.

4. Content Presentation and  This document says is what happened

Analysis of the Important to Ninoy Aquino during the
Historical Information Found in administration of former president
the Document. Marcos. also including foreign debts
 What does the document say? and events during martial law.
 What are the significant terms
or phrases, events, people,  President Corazon Aquino told a story
and places mentioned in the about her bereaved husband and what
document? happened to this family at that time.
 What significant opinions or
viewpoints it conveys?  President Corazon Aquino said “ still
we fought of honor, and if for only
honor, we shall pay” what she trying
to say is their fight is not wasted and
especially not nonsense.

 The Aquino family's participation in

EDSA People Power

 the country is saddled with a huge

amount of debt from foreign creditors
due to the corruption of Marcos’

 Do not oppress political dictators and

It is about the leadership of late
President Marcos and unpaid debts.

5. Contribution and Relevance of the speech of former President Corazon

the Document in Understanding Aquino gave an insight into how every
the Grand Narrative of Philippine Filipino suffered at the hands of the
History administration of former president Marcos
 How can the document help and because of the past young people like
in understanding our past me have been inspired to give a free speech
and help people better about what is happening. it also gave a clear
appreciate our heritage, view of what happened to Ninoy Aquino
especially young people like during his time. This document is also about
you? how the Aquino fought for freedom for the
 What important lesson in this Philippines. It also tells how deceptive
historical event did you politics was then which is still happening till
realize and appreciate? now so you need to vote who deserves it.
Expound your answer.
The important lesson I learned is don't vote
for people who will only use you for
themselves. Don't be fooled with nice words
but research about what they have done for
our country. We don't need a wise leader of
the country we need those who do his job.
And I realize that not everyone in politics
will be able to trust. Some people in politics
don’t deserve the position so be wise.



1. Compare and contrast the Philippine situation during Marcos’s regime and
present administration in terms of: (Use T-chart per each)

1.1 Peace and Order

Compare Contrast
During Marcos's time, he declared martial In the Philippine situation during the time
law in which many people were tortured of late president Ferdinand Marcos, you
and others were killed. The late President could not say that the people had peace
Marcos ordered to arrest of the opposition because their freedom was limited, such as
leaders and militant activists. It also it was forbidden to talk regarding what
describes the violence, crime and, was going on in politics and another
suspension of habeas corpus, and other reason was martial law. The late President
propositions of the Philippines that are Marcos, who himself banned freedom of
still happening under the leadership of the press and other civil liberties,
President Duterte. The people killed by abolished Congress, controlled media
police, for this reason, sell or use illicit establishments nationwide, and his
drugs. there is also a lot of violence that is strongest opponent, Senator Benigno
happening today such as raping women Aquino Jr. Now during the time of
who are still to criticize so it happened to president Duterte, everyone is free to say
them. Duterte also declared martial law on what we want to say about the
May 23, 2017, on the island of Mindanao. government and the administration is not
However the leadership of President strict with the people today.
Duterte, you can say there is peace
because every Filipino has the freedom to
1.2 Justice and Human rights

Compare Contrast
The administration of late president Marcos' leadership on human rights is not
Marcos is believed to be the most brutal humane especially with the death penalty
because he tortures even innocent people he likened and to those who were
and incurs the death penalty. The imprisoned even without guilt it was very
demonstration was pure injustice of the brutal and inhumane but they did not get
corrupt, often brutal, and shameless justice from the people who were tortured
Marcos regime. The administration today by the late President's administration for
is just as full of massacres, especially when them. The administration of President
President Duterte was just new. Many Duterte is also inhumane but those who
politicians were imprisoned and removed were killed and tortured get the justice
from their positions. He is also called they deserve and the criminals are not
second Marcos because of the method of killed but imprisoned only to pay for their
his leadership which has resulted in many sins.
Filipinos wanting to remove him.

1.3 Rule of law

Compare Contrast
In September 1972, President Ferdinand The rule of law of late president Marcos is
Marcos announced on television that he brutal for every Filipino especially the
had placed the whole of the Philippines Aquino family. The law that can be
under martial law. Where everyone must enforced cannot be said to be humane. It
obey if they do not want to be punished. also has a good example but there are also
This marked the beginning of 14 years of not especially those who were punished at
one-man rule that will effectively last until that time. The rules of President Duterte's
Marcos is removed as president of the law can be said to be humane because the
Philippines. President Duterte also penalties are not that severe. Affordable
practiced martial law but it did not last as rules should only be followed in order not
long as Marcos. He also had many to be incarcerated.
similarities to the law similar to the laws
made by President Marcos but the law of
Marcos is a tutor for every Filipino.

1.4 Transparency
Compare Contrast
During the time of late president Ferdinand The debts of President Marcos he could not
Marcos, there was a lot of corruption and pay but the current of money in the
unpaid debts in the years 1973 to 1986 Philippines would increase during his time.
amounting to 11.3 billion dollars which All the money he owed is for the next
caused a rally to oust him. It also says that Marcos will sit as president of the
all the wealth of the Marcos family comes Philippines and it will be used to develop
from the county's fund. The present the country. According to the wife of late
president Duterte, on the other hand, has President Marcos, all the money for the
also faced much political corruption, and all Philippines is hidden. President Duterte, on
of that he has been imprisoned and ousted the other hand, said that the money
from his position. But they are the same as borrowed is for the betterment of the
the late president Marcos who had a huge country and the vaccine, especially now that
debt abroad that reached a trillion. As a there is Covid 19. The money borrowed is
result of the two presidents being indebted made like road and the one in manila bay,
the country’s economy became low. but the country's economy is declining in
the amount of debt paid and the current
money is decreased.

1.5 International relation

Compare Contrast
The relationship of late President Marcos The late President Marcos spoke in America
with other countries is good he was able to but when he was ousted it was the late
give a speech in America which was also President Corazon Aquino who spoke
done by our President Duterte. Many against him. The topic is regarding bad and
different leaders of the country faced and sad events in administration Marcos.
talked. Some countries fought and opposed However, President Marcos made many
their administration but they fixed this gap friends. The present Duterte, on the other
immediately. Unlike president Marcos, hand, does not have such good relations
President Duterte has many warring with other countries because he often
members of large organizations. President interferes with the presidents of the
Marcos was a feared foreign president countries he speaks of, but many still trust
during his time because he was smart. him and lend to the country.

2. What is the greatest contribution of EDSA Revolution in the Philippines and the
world? Why?
- The 1986 EDSA People Power Revolution gathered millions of Filipinos
from all walks of life to march along Epifanio de Los Santos Avenue
(EDSA), to end the dictatorship of President Ferdinand E. Marcos and
begin a new era. marked. through true freedom and democracy. The
EDSA People Revolution was a historic event that delivered one of the
country’s best histories. It was a conspiracy to overthrow the late
President Marcos. This is important because every Filipino has become
free in the hands of the dictatorial president.

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