Entreprenuerhsip and Sme Outline

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Small Business Management by Longenecker, Moore, Petty

An Entrepreneurial emphasis
Small Business Management Fundamentals by Dan Steinhoff & John F. Burgess
The Small Business by Irving Burstiner


Noon Business School
University of Sargodha

Noon Business School
Course Guide Book

Instructor: Salman Piracha Credit Hours: 2
Program: BS Electrical Engineering Class Day/Time : Monday 12-2 pm
Consultancy Timing: Monday to Thursday (12:00pm to 2:00pm)
Venue: Office/ Online

Course Rationale:

The subject of Small business management has moved from the periphery to the center of
management thinking and education. As we enter the new millennium, an entrepreneurial
approach is no longer seen as an option but as the only option for owners and managers
seeking to enhance the performance of their organization. The Pakistan government also
recognizes that economic growth in a modern economy depends on development of the
entrepreneurial and SME’s culture. In line with this movement it is necessary to give students
an understanding of the nature of Small business and issues they might encounter in planning,
starting, growing and harvesting their business

Course Objective:

This course has basically three fundamental objectives:

1. To elucidate the role of creativity, entrepreneurial and innovative business activities,
and their management, within a domestic and global environment.
2. To communicate an up-to-date body of knowledge about the nature and scope of new
business formation, and its application, within an ethical business context.
3. To engender critical analytical skills, creative problem solving in the development &
evaluation of new venture ideas, while understanding both the opportunities &
constraints faced by entrepreneurs.

Noon Business School, University of Sargodha (contact: salman.piracha@uos.edu.pk 2


Week 1  Introduction to Small business Management
 Advantages and disadvantages of running a small firm

Week 2  Steps in planning a new business

 The desired income approach to planning

Week 3  Surveying the market

 Choosing a legal form of organization
 Developing a statement of assets
 Developing an opening day balance sheet
 Sources of financing for a new business

Week 4  Location of the business

 Layout
 Advertising and promotion
 Pricing policies
 Types of merchandise sold and their implications
Week 5  Seasonal variations
 Purchasing and inventory control
 The break even point
 Selling on credit
 Personnel policies
 Accounting Statements

Week 6  Managing Computer-Based Technology

 Evaluating Financial Performance
 Franchising
 Exporting and importing
Week 7&8 Guest Speaker Session

 The Role of the Business Plan

 Developing the business Plan
Week 9&10

 Presentations on Marketing ,Operation ,

Management & Financial Plans

 Midterm ( Case Study)

Noon Business School, University of Sargodha (contact: salman.piracha@uos.edu.pk 3


 Midterm week at the department

 Presentation/Running of Cases developed (SME)
 Presentation/Running of Cases developed(SME)

Week 13

 Discussion on projects regarding development of business

Week 14  Final Project submission

 Case studies

Week 15  Presentations of Final Project(Business Plan)

Week 16  Presentations of Final Project(Business Plan)

1. Teaching Methodology
1. Lecture for disseminating key concepts
2. Discussion on practical issues
3. Assignments and Presentations/Projects

2. Assessment/Evaluation
The course is assessed by the group assignments and individual class presentation of relevant topics
(20%), and a closed-book examination (80%).

Individual Class Presentations/Projects* 20%

Regular Class Presentations/Participation (7%)
Term Paper/Assignment (8%)
Class Quiz/Case Studies (5%)
Mid Term Examination (25 Minutes) 30%
Final Examination (25 Minutes) 25%
Final Viva 25 %
Total 100%

Noon Business School, University of Sargodha (contact: salman.piracha@uos.edu.pk 4



The following is meant to give a general indication of the attributes which are normally expected of written
work for it to be awarded marks in particular degree classes. This is indicative only since an answer can have
a number of attributes, strengths and weaknesses and the overall classification given to individual answers
and to a script is based on the judgment of the examiners about the inter-play of these attributes, strengths and

(80%+) Excellent, logical and well-presented answer showing clear evidence of recent research
findings on the topic, evidence of additional readings, and showing content of original
thought and ideas.
(70-79%) Very good, well-presented answer showing clear evidence of supplementary reading and some original
thought and ideas.
(60-69%) Good comprehensive answer. Clear, logical, thorough with evidence of breadth and depth in reading.
Understanding of inter-relationships between parts of the course and of the subject.
(50-59%) Adequate to good answer. Material limited to basic reading and lectures, Competent understanding of
individual topics with only limited grasp of links between topics.
(40-49%) Incomplete answer. Material is sparse with inaccuracies and little evidence of even basic reading.
Reliance on lecture material with only limited indication of understanding.
(<40%) Deficient answer. Inaccuracies, omissions, errors in approach, no evidence of
understanding or work.

Attendance Policy (Zero Tolerance):

As per university policy atleast 75% attendance in the class will be mandatory for every student to become
eligible for final term exam.

Noon Business School, University of Sargodha (contact: salman.piracha@uos.edu.pk 5

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