This Is A Short Story

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this is a short story, but everyone knows this story. do you know robin hood?

yeah, sure you know or

have at least heard of, the generous thief, that's what it's called. How could he not, he stole the
treasures of the greedy and selfish prince. This prince always raises the taxes of his people and
roughly takes them. And you know? this prince also spree with the taxes of its people

prince: ha, ha, ha I'm the prince in this kingdom, I'm rich,handsome, and because my father has died
I'm the most powerful here, I do what i want to do, isn't that my beautiful sister?

daughter: oh, my brother, are you proud of yourself? look at your people who you continue to collect
taxes, they are miserable because of your needs. you are not like father

prince: hey, look who's in power now, that's me. now I'm the king, I'm free to do anything, who cares
about the people

Prince: Never mind, I'm tired of talking to you, Sheriff!!!


serif: yes prince,should I collect taxes now?

Prince: Yes, of course, collect all residents' taxes as usual, and make sure they pay it

Serif:yes, my lord, I'm ready to carry out, come on soldiers, quickly carry out orders

serif did what the prince ordered to collect the residents' taxes, he did it very roughly, making the
residents afraid and resigned to handing over their money. It’sreally bad luck for them now, but,
remember! crime is not always at the top

serif: hey, hurry up! pay your taxes, this is the prince's order

resident: I don't have money, serif. My trade is quiet today

sherif: you liar, I don't believe it! soldiers, search this person and the item his sold
syerif: what is this?!!!, you said you haven’t money, you dare lie to me!!

resident: please forgive me, serif, please, the money is to feed my family and trading capital,pease, I
beg you to return it

robin: hey, return that person's money!!

serif: who are you?, heh, you don't know who i am?

robin: I do not care who you are, but you have done arbitrary, so hurry up! return the money

serif: don't know manners, soldiers, finish them!!!

john: robin, looks like we're going to exercise today


robin: heh, what can you do now?, quickly return all the money that you stole or I'll finish you right

john: weak base, now you claim to be royal soldiers?, ha, ha, ha lousy.

serif: okay, okay, please spare us, everything we looted is in that bag

John: Yes, Robin.he is honest

robin: then, quickly you guys go! before i change my mind, and say hello to the greedy prince from
robin hood
(Serif enters the palace and meets the prince)

prince: (shocked), what's wrong serif, you don't usually come home early, and hey, where's the taxes,
where's my money!!!

serif:i'm really sorry prince,the tax money i took was all taken by robin hood,he beat us all

prince: what!!!you are useless , how can you keep quiet when my money is taken, and who is robin
hood , until you lose against him

Serif: I don't know Prince, but he is good at fighting and archery, he is also not alone, he is with
someone who is stocky and strong

prince: bullshit !!. now you come back to the village and take all my money back, bring more soldiers
and complete weapons, I want my money back, fast!!!

Serif:yes,my lord!!!

Putri: My brother, my worries are starting to happen, people are starting to fight. You better lower
your taxes and start thinking about them.

prince: heh, what are you talking about, I'm a prince, I'm in charge here, never mind I want to rest in
the room!!!!

daughter: heh, why is he so stubborn, hmmm, brother is not like you father. I want all of this to end. I
miss you dad
(robin infiltrated the palace and met the princess)

robin: princess, why do you look sad?

Putri: (surprised) Hey, who are you? Why are you suddenly here?sold........

robin: shuuuuuuuut!!!!, calm down, I won't hurt you, introduce me, I'm robin hood,

Putri: Robin Hood, you are the one who snatched the tax money from the Serif, right? Are you going
to attack this palace, huh?

robin: hey, I'm not robbing, I'm just returning the money that is the right of the villagers. your brother
put a very high tax until making residents miserable, so if you have a good heart please persuade your
brother not to be selfish.

Putri: Really? Oh Robin, you're a good person, okay, I'll help you

robin: okay, this is the address where I live, if you are looking for me just come here and call my name

princess: wait, your house is in the forest?!!!

Robin: Yes, that's right, okay, I have business to do, see you later princess
(robin kisses princess hand)
ha, ha, ha, this one prince is really grumpy, doesn't he already have a lot of wealth? Why is he still
greedy? back to the story. in short the sheriff failed, always failed when collecting taxes. making the
prince even more angry and angry. until one day, he was uncontrollably angry

sherif: i'm sorry prince, the tax i collected was taken again by robin.

prince: useless, you suck!, you weak!!!. 10 times you fail again and again, never mind I'm fed up with
all this! send all the troops, then search and get robin, I'll join you this time. quickly prepare
everything !!!.

Princess: You really did send an entire army to kill one person. Isn't this cowardly?

Prince: I don't care!!!. I'm so fed up with Robin.

Putri: O my brother, Robin is against you because you are greedy and selfish, you must repent and fix

prince: I've said many times, I'm a prince, I do what I want to do. never mind I have to go

Putri: oh this is bad, I have to tell Robin.

yeah, the angry prince wanted to avenge the robin, the princess was worried hearing that, she ran
into the woods to look for the robin. will he meet robin?
princess: robin.....robin.....where are you?
(the princess is silent and sings)

Putri: Robin,'re here,I'm worried about you,...

robin: yes princess ......i,m here ......what are you doing here?,and why should you worry about me?

princess: the prince is looking for you, he is very angry and intends to kill you. what are you going to

robin: don't worry princess, I'm very ready to face that arrogant prince.

robin: john....come here

john: what's wrong robin, why did you call me, and who is this pretty girl?.

robin: john, we are going to war, prepare everything, and if possible gather all residents.

john: to war? who dares to challenge us?

robin: the prince, and he is really serious this time. he brought all his troops and intends to kill us

john: ok robin, leave everything to me. I will also ask for the support of the residents to help us.

robin: nice, john. i'll catch up with you later

john: okay, I'm permission to resign, see you later, beautiful princess.

Princes: why don't you run?,they exert all troops, you know?

robin: don't worry princess, I've prepared everything. and I am very sure that we will win. you better
go back to the palace now.
princess: okay, but you have to be careful
Robin:yes,my lady
(robin kiss princes’s hand)

the princess had told everyone. hearing that robin and john prepared a strategy. because they were
outnumbered, robin and john asked for the support of the residents to help them. the residents who
were very fed up with the greedy prince agreed and stood at the forefront

Robin: Hey Prince of Greed, I am Robin Hood, and today your authority will end

prince: oh, so you are robin hood. the snatcher who took my treasure. heh! one thing you need to
know today is that you will die by my hands,bwahaahhaaaa(prince laughs and followed by soldiers)

robin: it seems you are very confident prince, before this fight takes place I will give you two choices,
lower taxes or fight? what do you choose?

prince: what? two choices? hahahahah, I should give you two choices, be killed by burning or
beheaded, heh?. let's just end this vain conversation. soldiers!!! attack him.!!!!

and just like any other story, evil eventually loses and good wins

robin: give up, prince. now you've lost (pointing arrow to the head)

prince: aaaaahhhh, damn you robin !!

robin: if you still want to live, do what i say!!

prince: okay, okay. what do you want?

robin: good boy, first, announce to everyone that taxes are lowered and you will be fair to your

prince: okay, I'll do it soon, now lower your bow

robin: this is not finished, secondly let me marry your sister.

prince: what?!!, come on!! I will not let my sister's royal blood be tainted by you

Robin:robin: prince! this bow never lies

prince: ok, ok!!! do as you like!! lower your bow now....please....

robin: i'll take it down after you announce that taxes are!!!!

rince: yes, .... hey all my people, from now on taxes from the palace will be lowered and I promise to
be fair to all of you

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