Uts Activity&assement 02

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Name: Raiza Mae S. Arizo.

Program: BSBA

Major: HRM

Course and Section: Understanding the Self ( GEC 1Q )

Title: Setting goals for success

Activity 01: Answer the following questions

Research on the internet the theory of the following theorists and cite an example of
application for each. (Ex: industrial, educational, and other settings)

1. Bandura’s Self Efficacy 2. Dweck’s Mindset 3. Locke’s Goal Setting

Theory Theory
-Self-efficacy refers to an -People with a - Goal setting is
individual's belief in his fixed mindset believe that essentially linked to task
or her capacity to execute they're born with certain performance (Locke). For
behaviors necessary to intelligence, skills and example, Complete your
produce specific abilities that cannot assignment to the best of
performance attainments change (Dweck). For your ability.
(Bandura, 1977, 1986, example, when planning a
1997). task, you must maintain
For example, having your good mindset to be
a strong sense of self- focused on what you are
efficacy can help people doing.
who are trying to quit
smoking stick to their


What do you think of the three theories discussed in this module? In what way are they
similar? In what way are they different? Which of those is more applicably?

The three theories mentioned are required for the success of any plan
established, whether for study or for a job. They assist a person in becoming more
successful. The similarity between these three is that they all have the same goal. The
difference is that self-efficacy is about a person's attitude and how he acts to achieve
his goal. Mindset is an important requirement in making a goal because it teaches
you how to think effectively, and goal setting is where you will receive feedback on
whether your goal was a success or a failure. The mindset is more appropriate for me
because all of our daily actions and goals will come to the brain first, and we will
first think about the steps to take before we act. Making a decision is a difficult
undertaking for anyone who wishes to prove or achieve an objective.

Assessment 01.


DIRECTION: Unscramble the words and then briefly explain the concept. (10 PTS)

1. DNTESINM - Mindset

2. RIYLTAC – Clarity

3. CISF CEFNIYELFE – Self Efficacy

4. ALOG - Goal

5. ATID-MESEB – Time Based


DIRECTION: Match the column A with those in column B with the best answer.
Provide the answer on the line before the numbers on column A. (5 POINTS)


_D_ 1. Carol Dweck A. belief that one’s self is capable

_E_ 2. Goal B. feedback is a way to enhance performance

_C_ 3. Success C. is an objective that a person expends energy to

_A_ 4. Albert Bandura D. self-concept that limits or allows achievement of full


_B_ 5. Edwin Locke E. defined by the attainment of the objective.


DIRECTION: Choose the best answer. Encircle the letter of correct answer. (5 POINTS)

B 1. Albert Bandura’s Self-efficacy theory states that the belief of a person that they
are capable to take on challenges determine the successful outcome of the situation. He
asserted that a person should have a feedback on his progress for him to achieve higher

a. Both statements are correct

b. Only the first sentence is correct

c. Only the second sentence is correct

d. Both sentences are incorrect

A 2. Edwin Locke’s Goal-setting theory states that a person will be more motivated
to be successful on a difficult task that has clear, specific goal than on easy task with
unclear objective. He suggested that people feel more fulfilled when doing a hard task
than easy ones.

a. Both statements are correct

b. Only the first sentence is correct

c. Only the second sentence is correct

d. Both sentences are incorrect

A 3. Mindset theory proposes that there are two mindsets. Carol Dweck is the
proponent of the conscious and unconscious mindset.
a. Both statements are correct

b. Only the first sentence is correct

c. Only the second sentence is correct

d. Both sentences are incorrect

B 4. There are two mindsets; the fixed and the growth mindset, that people adhere to
when faced with a challenge. People who have a growth mindset avoids problems and
have little to no room for growth.

a. Both statements are correct

b. Only the first sentence is correct

c. Only the second sentence is correct

d. Both sentences are incorrect

D 5. A person will be more motivated to be successful on a difficult task that has

unclear, vague goal than on hard task with clear objective. People feel more fulfilled
when doing an easy task than hard ones.

a. Both statements are correct

b. Only the first sentence is correct

c. Only the second sentence is correct

d. Both sentences are incorrect

Learner’s Feedback Form

Name of Student:__Raiza Mae S. Arizo___________________

Program:___BSBA – HRM_______________________________

Year Level: __First Year_________

Faculty:__Rey Barata_________ ______________

Schedule: WF 4:30 – 6:00 PM________________

Learning Packet : Number : ___2_____ Title : Setting goals for success.

How do you feel about the topic or concept presented?

 I completely get it.

□ I’m struggling.

□ I’ve almost got it.

□ I’m lost.

In what particular portion of this learning packet, you feel that you are struggling or

__I didn’t feel like I was having a hard time with this lesson. _________

Did you raise your concern to you instructor?


 No

If Yes, what did he/she do to help you?


If No, state your reason?

_My answer is no because I’m shy. __________________________________________

To further improve this learning packet, what part do you think should be enhanced?

___I don't want to enhance anything because the module is well written.________

How do you want it to be enhanced?

__No need to enhance because I understand what was written in this module.____

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