Real Warriors Campaign: Using Social Media and Partnerships To Drive Results For Health Communications #Hcmmconf 2011

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Real Warriors Campaign: Using Social Media and Partnerships to Drive Results for Health Communications

Jill Herzog Senior Associate August 9, 2011 National Conference on Health Communication, Marketing, and Media

What is social marketing? Real Warriors Campaign The power of partnerships The reach of social media Defining and proving success Learn more

Presenting now @ #hcmm11: How @realwarriors uses #socialmarketing to address the stigma of seeking #mentalhealth care #hcsm

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Presenting now @ #hcmmconf: How @realwarriors uses #socialmarketing to address the stigma of seeking #mentalhealth care #hcsm

What is social marketing?

Social marketing is the use of commercial marketing techniques grounded by behavioral science to promote the adoption of a behavior that will improve the health or well-being of a stakeholder group or of society as a whole.
Social Marketing is A social or behavior change strategy Most effective when it activates people Targeted Based on research of target audience perceptions, and beliefs Fully Integrated Social Marketing is not Just advertising A clever slogan or messaging strategy An image or branding campaign Done in a vacuum A quick process

Social marketing is deliberately tied to a specific behavior. Its about what people do not what they know. -@BoozAllen #hcmmconf

Social marketers use 4 extra Ps to change behavior

Publics: External and internal groups that have a vested interest in the desired change Partnerships: Engaging credible like-minded groups, associations, and government agencies to extend resources Policy: Procedures and guidelines set up to sustain and motivate behavior change Purse Strings: Funds provided by other sources such as foundation and government grants, donations, and individual gifts
In social marketing, we have to think like marketers. We have our own 4Ps too #hcmmconf

Social marketing is grounded in behavior change theories. The NCI health communications model is one framework you can use.
Stage 1: Planning and Strategy Development Stage 2: Developing and Pretesting Concepts, Messages and Materials Stage 3: Implementing the Program Stage 4: Assessing Effectiveness and Making Refinements
Source: National Cancer Institute: Making Health Communications Work

To plan a #socialmarketing campaign, you can use @theNCI #healthcomm model #hcmmconf

Booz Allen developed the Real Warriors Campaign which launched in May 2009
The Real Warriors Campaign is a social marketing campaign based on behavior change theories and designed to combat the stigma associated with seeking psychological health treatment and encourage service members to get appropriate treatment.

Real Warriors Campaign goals

Create awareness about available resources for mental health care treatment among service members, their families, their commanders and the public at large Create understanding regarding the obstacles service members feel prevent them from seeking treatment for PH and TBI issues Create investment in the concepts of resilience, early intervention and the roles they play in successful treatment, recovery and reintegration

Target Audience Findings

They want proof. Personal examples of service members who have received treatment and are maintaining a successful military career. They want success, either in their military career or post-service. They want to see themselves. Represent a variety of services, ranks (enlisted and officers) and age as well as both active duty and Guard and Reserve.

Real Warriors Campaign social marketing mix

Real Warriors Campaign PSA Major Jeff Hall


The power of partnerships

Partnership program
We partner with more than 155 partner organizations in the greater PH community that support the campaigns mission Our partner program helps us build awareness, disseminate materials and information, and spread campaign messages Partners support the campaign by distributing campaign materials at trainings, seminars and military installations worldwide, and sharing resources in their social media channels

Benefits of partnership program:

Reached more than 5.7 million individuals through 142 campaign announcements in partners blogs and newsletters Distributed more than 86,000 campaign materials at partners conferences, seminars and events Reached more than 875,000 individuals through partners social media channels

@realwarriors partners with more than 155 organizations to reach audiences and build awareness #hcmmconf

The reach of social media

The campaigns Facebook/Twitter accounts reach nearly 25,000 individuals Facebook has sent more visitors to than any other site Through targeted Facebook advertising to OEF/OIF service members, we increased our fan base by 550% or about 16,000 fans. Now, 81% of our Facebook fans are users who self-identify as service members. Anecdotally, weve seen our Facebook Page grow into a supportive and positive community for returning/deploying warriors Your social media channels are a destination. What will it take to keep them coming back? #hcmmconf

Is social media achieving your objectives? Are you driving discussions? Are you reaching target markets?
Twitter Followers

Facebook Fans United States 15,347 921 504 437 429 Philippines Germany Italy Iraq

Every day, audiences post and share campaign content. Over time, its an upward trend.



Defining and proving success

Visits to the website Number of subscribers to listserv Interactions in social media Clicks on Facebook ads Calls to the toll-free phone number Number of emails received and responded to Amount of donated media Requests for and number of materials distributed/downloaded Number of partners Partner engagement (e.g., linking to website) Qualitative feedback from target audiences and key stakeholders Impact across tasks


Whats next for the campaign?

Mobile site offers 24/7 access to videos, articles and Live Chat (i.e. instant message with a trained health professional) New Real Warrior video profiles, PSAs and podcasts Blogger outreach Ongoing social media outreach to returning and deploying units New articles that roll out from our six-month content plan
Visit on your smartphone to watch @realwarriors videos and order free materials #hcmmconf

Learn more about the Real Warriors Campaign Partnership inquiries:

Social Marketing Resources

Journals: Social Marketing Quarterly Texts:
Making Health Communications Work (The Pink Book). NIH Marketing in the Public Sector: A Roadmap for Improved Performance. Philip Kotler and Nancy Lee, Wharton School Publishing, 2006 Social Marketing: Influencing Behaviors for Good. Philip Kotler and Nancy Lee, Sage, 2008

Blogs and list servs:


For a blog post summarizing todays talk, snap this QR code on your smartphone or visit

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