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10 Affordable Foods
That Make You Age Backward, Reverse Chronic
Disease, and Can Even Replace Your Medication

Joel Fuhrman, M.D.

Copyright 2022 by Joel Fuhrman, M.D.
No part of this document may be reproduced in any form or by any
electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and
retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the copyright
holder, except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages in a review.

This program is so effective at dropping your weight, blood pressure,
and blood sugar that you may need to have your medication adjusted so
that you are not overmedicated, which could be harmful to your health.
Keep in mind that results vary from person to person. Some people
have a medical history and/or condition that may warrant individual
recommendations and, in some cases, medication and even surgery.
Please consult with your physician.

Do not start, stop, or change medication without professional medical
advice, and do not change your diet if you are ill or on medication except
under the supervision of a physician. Neither this nor any other book is
intended to take the place of personalized medical care or treatment.

The food you put in your mouth every day will determine your health destiny, more than any other factor. More
than genetics. More than fate. More than medical procedures and drugs.

That’s why I want you to make the best nutritional choices. You deserve to live a long, healthy and vibrant life.

My name is Joel Fuhrman, M.D. I am a board-certified family physician, nutritional researcher, and the author
of 7 New York Times bestselling books on health and nutrition. I have practiced lifestyle medicine for more than
30 years, and have helped thousands of patients lose weight, reverse disease and push the envelope of human
longevity with one simple prescription: Nutritional Excellence. And that is why I designed the Nutritarian® diet.

This book will introduce the key concepts of the Nutritarian eating style, and will focus on 10 superfoods that
supercharge your health and support your longevity.

After reading this eBook, mark your calendar and be sure to join me for my upcoming 9-part online Eat To Live
Masterclass. Through these 9 modules I’ll be sharing my top secrets for losing weight while living a long, healthy
life free from the pain of chronic diseases like heart disease, cancer, diabetes and Alzheimer’s.

Watch your email for details on how to access the classes, then join me for this special world premiere of the Eat
To Live Masterclass, beginning on March 29th, 2022.

Wishing you the best of health,

No Shots, No Drugs, No Sick Days | 3

Joel Fuhrman, M.D.
What is the Nutritarian® Diet?

My Nutritarian® diet is the gold standard

of healthy eating styles. I coined the term
“Nutritarian” to describe an ideal diet that is
based on the most cutting-edge scientific studies Nutritarian Guidelines
on nutrition. It is an eating style that centers on
whole plant foods, avoids salt, oil, sugar, white
flour and processed foods, limits animal products, • Eat nutrient-rich foods
and offers the full portfolio of superfoods with They unleash the body’s tremendous
anti-cancer benefits. It is hormonally favorable ability to heal, achieve optimal
and maximizes the number of micronutrients weight, and slow the aging process.
per calorie. Plant foods have disease-preventive, • Eat mostly plants
therapeutic, and life-extending properties. Avoid animal products, such as meat,
This eating style also incorporates the use of fish, dairy, and eggs – or eat them
supplements to assure optimal levels of specific only in small amounts.
nutrients that are less available in plants. • Eat whole food
Choose natural foods that are not
A simple health equation heavily processed. The majority of
The key to optimizing your health and achieving your diet should be made up of fresh
an ideal body weight (suppressing overeating and clean produce rather than food
behavior) is to eat foods with a relatively high that comes out of a package.
proportion of nutrients to calories. It is a simple • Avoid S.O.S. and white flour
logic: Your long-term health is predicted by Don’t add salt, oil, or sugar to your
your nutrient intake, divided by your number of food and avoid processed food,
calories, or even more simply: H=N/C (Your long- especially those made with white
term Health is predicted by your Nutrient intake flour. These ingredients have been
per Calories eaten). shown to have a negative impact
No Shots, No Drugs, No Sick Days | 4

on our health. When we get our fat

High-nutrient foods will satisfy you from whole nuts and seeds rather
If you need to lose weight, you will find that the than refined oils, we are getting a
more nutrient-dense foods you consume, the wide assortment of protective and
more you will be satisfied with a normal amount longevity-promoting nutrients!
of calories and you will no longer need to eat
excessively just to feel okay. You can lose your
cravings for overeating and frequent eating by
consuming more healthy foods – and your body
will gravitate to its ideal weight. And because
these high-nutrient plant foods are dense in fiber,
bulk and nutrients, it will satisfy your appetite,
even though you are eating fewer calories.
Get Started: Clear Your Pantry

Take a long, hard look at your pantry. Do you Cereals / Grains

see a lot of unhealthy foods? Snacks? Processed TOSS: Cold, processed cereals (yes, even your
convenience foods? Cold cereals? If the answer bran flakes and “O”-shaped varieties). Brown
is yes – get rid of them. After all, if it’s not there, and white rice, couscous, white flour and whole
you can’t eat it. (And even with healthful foods, wheat breads.
remember: do not snack or eat when STOCK: Old fashioned oats, steel cut oats,
you’re bored.) quinoa, bulgur wheat, kamut, millet, amaranth,
wheatberries, bean pastas (with no added salt, oil
Do not consume the following foods: or sugar).
• Products made with sugar or white flour
• Soda and soft drinks, including those made Baked goods
with artificial sweeteners TOSS: Standard bread, cake, cookies, crackers and
• Fruit juice similar items
• Barbecued, processed and cured meats, and STOCK: Bread and pitas made from 100%
all red meat sprouted whole grain (such as “Food for Life”
• Dairy (cheese, ice cream, butter, milk) Ezekiel bread products).
• Eggs (except occasional egg whites)
Nuts and Seeds
If you share pantry / kitchen space with family TOSS: All nuts that are roasted, salted, candied,
members or others, you can still make a clean etc. Also, all nut butters that have added salt,
start. Designate a space – some shelves, a drawer, sweeteners or oil.
a section of the refrigerator – and stock them STOCK: Raw, unsalted nuts and seeds, including
with healthful foods. Here are some substitutes: walnuts, almonds, pumpkin seeds, flax seeds,
chia seeds, hemp seeds, unhulled (brown) sesame
Seasonings seeds; raw cashew, almond or sunflower
TOSS: Salt is salt, no matter what fancy name seed butter.

No Shots, No Drugs, No Sick Days | 5

is on it, so don’t be fooled into thinking that
Pink Himalayan, Celtic Sea or Fleur de Sel have Get rid of trigger foods and get your kitchen ready
any health benefits. At best, they supply minute for your new eating style!
quantities of trace minerals, and the high sodium
content still damages your health, increasing
stroke risk.
STOCK: Salt-free seasonings, fresh and dried
herbs, vinegars, lemon and lime juice, cinnamon,
(natural) unsweetened cocoa powder, ground
vanilla bean powder, garlic and onion powder.
Longevity foods that satisfy

Did you know that the same foods that enhance our carotenoids, and amount of regular exercise are
longevity are also some of the most delicious, satisfying linked to slower biological aging. We now know that
foods we can eat? calorie and nutrient availability affects processes
associated with chronic disease and aging, such
For years, scientists have known that moderate calorie as inflammation, oxidative stress, DNA repair, and
restriction with adequate micronutrients extended mitochondrial function.
lifespan in many species of animals. Further research
revealed how this works and we are learning how it In short, excess calories and excess protein dampen
can apply to human nutrition to slow aging and longevity-promoting signals in the body, whereas
enhance longevity. exercise and many dietary phytochemicals amplify
them.1-6 For a healthy weight and a long life, we should
For any eating style to be both healthful and strive for a high nutrient-to-calorie ratio and a wide
sustainable, it needs to supply a wide variety of variety of phytochemicals. The Nutritarian diet also
nutrients, be hormonally favorable, free of toxins – takes care to assure that all essential nutrients and
and satisfying. The Nutritarian diet checks all of these fatty acids are available, assuring a normal omega-3
boxes; it is nutrient-dense, plant-rich and packed index. This is essential for preventing later life
with anti-cancer superfoods that boost our immune neurologic disease and dementia, but is lacking in most
defenses while keeping us satiated. That’s because plant-based and vegan diets.
fiber-rich plant foods take up room in the stomach,
enhancing meal satisfaction with a smaller number In the following pages, you’ll find a list of 10 foods
of calories. that are filling but low-calorie and phytochemical-
rich: vegetables and fruit that effortlessly reduce your
When you combine this gold standard of nutrition calorie intake and up your nutrient intake.
with moderate caloric restriction and time-restricted
eating, you reap incredible benefits. Indicators of a Bon appétit!
healthy lifestyle, such as lower BMI, higher circulating
No Shots, No Drugs, No Sick Days | 6

This leafy green vegetable is high in beta-carotene, which the body converts to vitamin A. Beta-carotene and other
carotenoids found in bok choy scavenge free radicals, and vitamin A is essential for the health of the retina and other
parts of the eye. For this reason, foods high in carotenoids may help those who are suffering from – or at risk for –
age-related macular degeneration, a disease of the eyes that is a common cause of vision loss in older adults.1

Bok choy is part of the cruciferous family of vegetables, which is unique in their content of glucosinolates. When
the plant cell walls are disrupted by chewing, chopping, or blending, glucosinolates are converted to phytochemicals
called isothiocyanates (ITCs). These phytochemicals have anti-cancer effects, and studies have found a lower risk of
cancer in people who eat cruciferous vegetables regularly.2-6

Braised Bok Choy

Serves 4

INGREDIENTS Drizzle with coconut aminos. Cover and cook on

8 baby bok choy or 2 regular bok choy high heat until bok choy is crisp-tender, about 6
1 teaspoon coconut aminos minutes.
2 cups coarsely chopped shiitake mushrooms
2 large cloves garlic, chopped Remove bok choy, add mushrooms and garlic, to
1 tablespoon unhulled sesame seeds, lightly the liquid.
toasted (see note)
Simmer liquid until reduced to a glaze. Pour over
INSTRUCTIONS bok choy. Top with toasted sesame seeds.

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Cover bottom of large skillet with 1/4-1/2 inch
water. Add bok choy (cut baby bok choy in half Note: Lightly toast sesame seeds in a pan
lengthwise or cut regular bok choy into chunks). over medium heat for 3 minutes, shaking pan
2 Cauliflower

Cauliflower is a non-leafy cruciferous vegetable, and its glucosinolates, sinigrin and glucobrassicin, are converted to
ITCs, just like the glucosinolates in bok choy. ITCs are most likely the reason for the observation in many studies that
consumption of cruciferous vegetables is associated with reduced risk of cancer, as well as death from cardiovascular
disease and all causes.7-9

In addition, cauliflower is a good source of choline, a B vitamin that is important during pregnancy for its role in brain
development. Higher choline intake during pregnancy has been associated with a lower risk of neural tube defects
and better visual memory in children at age 7.10-12

Roasted Cauliflower Tacos

Serves 6

INGREDIENTS cauliflower, cumin, chili powder and paprika

1 head cauliflower, chopped into small florets and toss to combine. Roast for 25 minutes or
1 1/2 teaspoons cumin until tender and lightly browned.
1 teaspoon chili powder
1 teaspoon paprika On a separate small baking sheet, place
12 corn or small whole grain flour tortillas almonds and the four unpeeled garlic cloves
2 cups shredded cabbage and bake for 10 minutes or until garlic is soft
1/4 cup cilantro and almonds are lightly browned. Let cool and
peel garlic.
4 cloves garlic, unpeeled Place the roasted almonds and roasted
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1/4 cup raw almonds garlic in a high-powered blender along with

1 1/2 cups chopped tomatoes tomatoes, raw peeled garlic, dates, lime juice,
1 clove garlic, peeled paprika, cumin and chipotle chili powder.
1 medjool or 2 regular dates, pitted Blend until smooth and creamy.
3 tablespoons lime juice
1/2 teaspoon cumin Warm tortillas in the microwave or in the
1/4 teaspoon paprika oven. Fill each tortilla with 1-2 tablespoons of
1/4 teaspoon chipotle chili powder sauce, roasted cauliflower, shredded cabbage
and cilantro.
Preheat oven to 375 degrees F. Note: If desired serve with sliced avocado,
jalapeno slices and lime wedges.
Lightly oil a large baking sheet, add
3 Raspberries

A raspberry is made up of many tiny bead-like fruits called “drupelets” clustered around a core. Each drupelet contains
one seed, and a typical raspberry has 100 to 120 seeds. Red raspberries contain powerful antioxidants such as
anthocyanins and ellagitannins, which have protective effects against heart disease, diabetes, and cancer.

In vitro studies show red raspberry extract increases antioxidant enzyme activity within the cells, decreases the
activity of pro-inflammatory substances, inhibits DNA damage, and slows the breakdown of starches by digestive
enzymes.13 Black raspberries have been used in exciting new studies on cancers and precancerous conditions. Black
raspberry gel was applied to precancerous lesions in the mouth twice a day for 12 weeks; in the black raspberry
group, on average the patients’ lesions showed a reduction in size, whereas in the placebo group, lesions increased
in size. The black raspberry group also experienced a reduction in histologic grade, meaning that the progression
to cancer started to reverse.2 Another clinical trial in patients with colorectal cancer reported a reduction in blood
inflammatory markers, plus a reduction in proliferation and angiogenesis markers in the cancerous tissue after
patients consumed freeze-dried black raspberry powder three times a day for three weeks.14 All types of raspberries
are longevity-promoting foods with a portfolio of health benefits.

Like watermelons, grapes and blueberries, raspberries do not continue to ripen after they are picked because they are
non-climacteric fruit, which means they produce little or no ethylene gas.

Greens and Berries Salad

with Raspberry Dressing
Serves 2

INGREDIENTS 1/2 clove garlic, chopped

5 cups mixed baby greens 1/2 teaspoon Dijon mustard

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5 cups romaine lettuce, chopped 1/4 cup water
1 cup cherry tomatoes, halved 1 tablespoon Dr. Fuhrman's Riesling Reserve
1/4 small red onion, sliced Vinegar or balsamic vinegar
1/4 cup shredded carrots 1 teaspoon fresh lime juice
1/4 cup currants
1 cup fresh raspberries INSTRUCTIONS
1/4 cup almonds, toasted and chopped Combine all salad ingredients, except
raspberries and almonds. Add raspberries and
FOR THE DRESSING: toss lightly. Sprinkle almonds on top.
1 1/4 cups frozen raspberries
1/2 apple, peeled and quartered Combine dressing ingredients in a high-powered
4 regular or 2 Medjool dates, pitted blender. Pour desired amount over salad.
4 Lentils

Small in size, lentils are big in protecting your health. This is due, in part, to their high micronutrient and high-fiber
content. Eating legumes (such as lentils and beans) regularly may lower the risk of heart disease, as these fiber-rich
foods are known to reduce cholesterol levels.15

Adding lentils to the diet has been found to reduce blood pressure and measures of insulin resistance.2 The high-fiber
content of lentils also limits spikes in blood sugar following a meal. There is also the “second meal effect”: lentils have
been shown to reduce blood glucose and food intake not just within the same meal but at the next meal, four hours
later.16 In addition, lentils are also rich in lignins and other antioxidant compounds that have anti-cancer and anti-
diabetic effects.17

Lentils and soybeans have more protein than almost any other plant food. Lentils are also a good source of iron for
those eating plant-rich diets. Their plant proteins and other supportive nutrients also protect against muscle and bone
loss with aging. They should be in everybody’s diet. They are easy to prepare: Lentils need no pre-soaking, and cook
much more quickly than other dried legumes.

Curried Lentil, Coconut and Tomato Soup

Serves 5

1 medium onion, chopped Combine onion, mushrooms, garlic, ginger,
1 cup chopped mushrooms curry powder, red pepper flakes and water.
9 Foods That Supercharge Your Health | 10

2 cloves garlic, chopped Bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer

2 inch piece ginger, peeled and grated for five minutes. Add tomatoes, lentils,
2 tablespoons curry powder coconut milk, kale and cilantro, return to a
1/4 teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes simmer and cook for 20-25 minutes, until
5 cups water lentils are soft.
1 1/2 cups red lentils
1 1/2 cups crushed tomatoes (see note) Note: Choose tomatoes packaged in BPA-
1 (14 ounce) can unsweetened coconut free packaging.
2 cups finely chopped kale
1/4 cup finely chopped cilantro
5 Mushrooms

Mushrooms are used in the culinary world as vegetables, but they are actually part of the fungi kingdom, which is
completely separate from the plant kingdom.

Although they don’t always get the respect they deserve, mushrooms are a superfood. Mushrooms are known for
their unique polysaccharides, called beta-glucans, which have immune-boosting effects, thought to protect against
infections and cancers.18, 19 Other mushroom components interfere with estrogen production, which is likely why
frequent consumption of mushrooms (approximately one button mushroom per day) has been linked to a 64 percent
decrease in the risk of breast cancer.20, 21 Mushroom phytochemicals also have anti-inflammatory effects that could
help prevent cardiovascular disease.22, 23 In addition, the fiber and potassium content of mushrooms all contribute
to healthy blood pressure levels and good cardiovascular health. Mushrooms are rich in the B vitamins niacin and
riboflavin, plus in the minerals potassium, iron, copper, and selenium.

Greens and Berries Salad with Raspberry Dressing

Serves 2

INGREDIENTS sheet, gill side up, and sprinkle with garlic

2 large portobello mushrooms, stems removed powder, basil and oregano. Bake for 6 minutes.
1/4 teaspoon garlic powder
1/4 teaspoon dried basil Top with tomato sauce, onions and peppers and
1/4 teaspoon dried oregano a sprinkle of Nutritarian Parmesan. Bake for an
1/2 cup low-sodium pasta sauce additional 20 minutes or until vegetables are

9 Foods That Supercharge Your Health | 11

1/3 cup thinly sliced onion tender.
1/3 cup thinly sliced green or red bell pepper
2-3 tablespoons Nutritarian Parmesan (see note) Note: To make Nutritarian Parmesan, place 1/4
cup walnuts or almonds and 1/4 cup nutritional
INSTRUCTIONS yeast in a food processor and pulse until the
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. texture of grated Parmesan is achieved. Store in
an airtight container and refrigerate.
Place mushrooms on a parchment-lined baking
6 Scallions

Scallions, also known as green onions, are young onions harvested when the bulbs are straight. They are often
confused with spring onions, which have a small bulb at the base and are stronger in flavor. They are part of the
Allium family of vegetables, which also includes onions, garlic, leeks, chives and shallots.

Onions have beneficial effects on the cardiovascular and immune systems. Epidemiological studies have indicated
that increased consumption of onions and other foods in the Allium family, like scallions and garlic, are also associated
with a lower risk of gastric and prostate cancers.24

The entire scallion, including the stem, leaf and base, can be used raw in salads, added to stir-fries and sauces, or
used as a garnish, to add a mild onion flavor to dishes. The onion family has powerful anti-cancer properties, but
scallions are special because they not only have the sulfur compounds common to the whole family, but are also rich
in minerals and vitamin K, and provide some carotenoids.

Napa Cabbage Salad with Sesame Peanut Dressing

Serves 4


FOR THE DRESSING: 6 cups shredded napa cabbage
1/4 cup no-oil, no-salt-added peanut butter 1 small red bell pepper, thinly sliced
2 tablespoons unhulled sesame seeds 1 cup thinly sliced snow peas
1/4 cup unsweetened soy, hemp or 6 scallions, sliced
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almond milk
1/4 cup water INSTRUCTIONS
1/4 cup rice vinegar Blend dressing ingredients in a high-powered
3 regular dates, pitted (or 1 1/2 Medjool dates) blender until smooth.
1 clove garlic, chopped
1 tablespoon chopped fresh ginger Combine salad ingredients in a large bowl and
1 teaspoon coconut aminos toss with desired amount of dressing.
7 Pine Nuts

Pine nuts provide significant amounts of protein, vitamin E, and minerals magnesium, zinc, phosphorus, copper, and
manganese. Pinolenic acid, a fatty acid derived from pine nuts, was found to reduce appetite in women by increasing
secretion of satiety hormones.25, 26

Mediterranean pine nuts contain almost 30 percent protein, which is double the protein content of Chinese pine
nuts. Mediterranean pine nuts are also one of the richest whole food sources of plant sterols.27, 28 Plant sterols have
a similar structure to cholesterol, and are able to inhibit the re-absorption of cholesterol in the digestive system,
leading to excretion of the cholesterol and helping to maintain favorable blood cholesterol levels.29 In addition to
their cholesterol-lowering properties, higher plant sterol intake has been linked to a lower risk of several common

Perfect Pesto
Serves 6

2/3 cup raw almonds In a blender or food processor, pulse to grind
2/3 cup pine nuts almonds and pine nuts finely (do not puree).
1 cup fresh basil leaves, packed Remove and place in a mixing bowl. Blend
2/3 cup fresh parsley or cilantro leaves, packed remaining ingredients in blender or food

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3 garlic cloves processor. Combine with nut mixture.
1 teaspoon coconut aminos
2 tablespoons lemon juice Use as a dip for fresh cut veggies, or as a
1/2 cup chopped tomato topping for cooked vegetables or bean pasta.
8 Sesame Seeds

Sesame, one of the oldest plants cultivated by humans, is believed to have originated in India or Africa, and is
now grown all over the world. Tahini, a paste of ground sesame seeds, is a staple in the cuisines of the eastern
Mediterranean and Middle East.

These little seeds are a goldmine of health benefits, and are an excellent source of essential minerals such as calcium,
iron, manganese, magnesium, selenium and copper. Sesame seeds have the greatest amount of calcium of any food in
the world, and provide abundant amounts of vitamin E. Also, black sesame seeds are extremely rich in antioxidants.35
The healthy fats in seeds and nuts also aid in the absorption of carotenoids when eaten with vegetables.36

Note that unhulled sesame seeds are richer in minerals, especially calcium, compared to the more common
hulled seeds. Sesame seeds are also one of the few foods (along with flax and chia seeds) that contain lignans,
phytochemicals with antioxidant and antiestrogenic properties that are linked to a reduction in breast cancer risk.37

Szechuan Sesame Pasta with Broccoli

Serves 6

INGREDIENTS 1/4 teaspoon red pepper flakes or to taste

8 ounces bean pasta (see note), cooked 3 tablespoons rice vinegar
according to package directions, rinsed under
cold water and drained INSTRUCTIONS
2 pounds fresh or frozen broccoli florets, In a high-powered blender, blend all of the
steamed sauce ingredients until smooth.
1 large red bell pepper, or 2 roasted red
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peppers, cut into strips In a large bowl, toss the noodles, broccoli, red
6 scallions, thinly sliced pepper and scallions with the sesame sauce
unhulled (brown) sesame seeds, lightly toasted, until thoroughly coated. Serve immediately or
for garnish refrigerate until ready to use.

FOR THE SAUCE: To serve, divide among 6 plates and sprinkle

1/4 cup unhulled sesame seeds, lightly toasted with the sesame seeds.
1 cup unsweetened soy, hemp or almond milk
6 Medjool or 12 regular dates, pitted
1/2 tablespoon minced ginger
2-3 cloves garlic, peeled
9 Tomatoes

Tomatoes are the biggest source of dietary lycopene; a powerful antioxidant that, unlike some other nutrients in fruits
and vegetables, is more easily absorbed by the body after cooking.38, 39

The antioxidant effects of lycopene help protect the skin from sun damage.40 Lycopene also contains other protective
mechanisms, such as anti-inflammatory and cholesterol-lowering actions.41, 42 Tomatoes are also rich in vitamins C
and E, beta-carotene, and many flavonol antioxidants. Additionally, a relationship has been found between eating
more tomatoes and a lower risk of certain cancers (especially prostate cancer) as well as heart attack, stroke, and hip

Home-Style Tomato Sauce

Serves 4

INGREDIENTS Heat 2-3 tablespoons water in a medium skillet

3 cups chopped tomatoes and saute the onion and garlic for 2 minutes or
8 unsulfured, unsalted dried tomatoes, finely until tender. Add the pureed tomato mixture,
diced MatoZest and pepper. Bring to a gentle boil,
1 small yellow onion, diced reduce heat to low, cover and simmer for one
8 cloves garlic, minced hour. Add basil and adjust seasonings to taste,
1 tablespoon Dr. Fuhrman's MatoZest or other adding a little more MatoZest if you wish.

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no-salt Italian seasoning blend, adjusted to taste
freshly ground black pepper, to taste Note: To make a Roasted Garlic Tomato Sauce,
2 tablespoons fresh basil, chopped roast the unpeeled garlic cloves in a 350 degree
F oven for about 25 minutes or until soft.
INSTRUCTIONS Remove skins, mash with a fork and add to the
In a saucepan, cook tomatoes and dried skillet along with tomato mixture.
tomatoes over medium-low heat until soft,
about 10 minutes. Place in a food processor or
blender and puree.
10 Pomegranates

For thousands of years, pomegranates have been used all over the world as medicine, thanks to their healing
properties. More recently, pomegranates have been shown in laboratory tests to have antiviral, antibacterial and
antioxidant properties.48, 49

In the laboratory it was shown that extracts of the juice, rind and oil of pomegranates slowed down the reproduction
of cancer cells, and also helped reduce the blood supply to tumors, thereby starving them and preventing them from
growing.50 Patients with prostate cancer who took pomegranate extract or pomegranate juice daily had slower PSA
doubling time, which suggests that pomegranates could help to prevent recurrence of prostate cancer.51, 52 There
have also been studies in humans, suggesting that pomegranate juice protects LDL cholesterol from oxidation,49 and
also improves blood pressure and shrinks coronary artery blockages.53 Research also suggests that the fruit’s potent
antioxidant capacity provides protection against cognitive impairment.54

Broccoli Pomegranate Salad

Serves 6

2 large heads broccoli, florets cut to bite size Combine broccoli, a 1/4 cup of the raisins,
1/4 cup plus 2 tablespoons raisins, divided sunflower seeds and onion in large bowl.
1/4 cup raw sunflower seeds
1/4 cup chopped onion In a high-powered blender, make dressing by
3/4 cup pomegranate juice blending pomegranate juice, the remaining
1/2 cup raw cashew butter 2 tablespoons of raisins and nut butter until
No Shots, No Drugs, No Sick Days | 16

pomegranate arils, optional smooth but not too thin. Pour dressing over
broccoli mixture and stir all together.

If desired, garnish with pomegranate arils.

Chill and serve.

“There Is a Special Type of Soup That You Can Eat
Once Per Week… That Protects You From Cancer,
Heart Disease, and Osteoarthritis…”
That’s just ONE of the many secrets that you’re about to learn during the Eat To Live
Masterclass. When you downloaded this eBook, we sent you a COMPLIMENTARY
ticket to this event, and you won’t want to miss it.

Why? Because Dr. Joel Fuhrman is revealing the biggest weight-loss and disease-
reversing secrets that he’s learned over the past 34 years. Circle your calendar. Make a
reminder. Do whatever it takes to watch this live airing.

During the Eat To Live Masterclass, here’s just a taste of what you’ll learn…

• Do you like ice cream? This delicious 3-ingredient “ice cream” recipe loads your
body with SO MANY fat-burning ingredients… that in a matter of 1-2 weeks, you
could fit into your favorite pair of jeans again.
• How Dr. Fuhrman has helped thousands of people get off of a constant merry-go-
round of new medications… and serious side effects from those medications.
• This study on 2,000 women showed how women who ate more of this had a 64%
lower risk of getting breast cancer.
• The “Toxic Hunger” pandemic that has been sweeping across America, and how it
makes it almost impossible for you to lose weight. (Unless you do this.)
• The real reason why most diets fail. *Hint, if you ever have stomach grumblings,
headaches, fatigue, or irritability, then you are falling prey to this.
• The most powerful protection that you can give your body against disease. And how
it’s possible to live a DISEASE-FREE life, with a healthy weight and the energy of a
• If everyone ate enough of this, many of the COVID deaths would never have

No Shots, No Drugs, No Sick Days | 17

• How to lower your LDL cholesterol without medications. (Just add this one thing to
your cereal!)
• And so much more!

Are you excited? Are you ready to be handed the biggest weight-loss and longevity
SECRETS that Dr. Fuhrman has learned from 34 years of medical practice and
researching seven NYT best-selling books on reversing disease?

If so, then don’t miss the world premiere of Dr. Fuhrman’s Eat To Live Masterclass. It
starts on March 29th, 2022. (Circle it on your calendar, create a reminder, and tell all
your friends!)
1. Office of Dietary Supplements, Natinal Institutes of Health. Dietary Supplement Fact Sheet: Vitamin A. 2016.
2. Zhang Z, Bergan R, Shannon J, et al. The Role of Cruciferous Vegetables and Isothiocyanates for Lung Cancer Prevention: Current Status,
Challenges, and Future Research Directions. Mol Nutr Food Res 2018, 62:e1700936.
3. Hu J, Hu Y, Hu Y, Zheng S. Intake of cruciferous vegetables is associated with reduced risk of ovarian cancer: a meta-analysis. Asia Pac J
Clin Nutr 2015, 24:101-109.
4. Wu QJ, Yang Y, Vogtmann E, et al. Cruciferous vegetables intake and the risk of colorectal cancer: a meta-analysis of observational studies.
Ann Oncol 2013, 24:1079-1087.
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About Joel Fuhrman, M.D.
Joel Fuhrman, M.D. is a board-certified family In 2017, Dr. Fuhrman released Fast Food Genocide
physician, seven-time New York Times bestselling (HarperOne 2017), an examination of how
author, and nutritional researcher who specializes fast food is destroying the physical, mental and
in preventing and reversing disease through emotional health of our society — and what we
nutritional and natural methods. can do about it. He also introduced legions of food
lovers to the joys of Nutritarian cooking with his
Dr. Fuhrman is the President of the Nutritional Eat to Live Cookbook and his Eat to Live Quick and
Research Foundation. His work and discoveries are Easy Cookbook (HarperOne, 2017).
published in medical journals, and he is involved
with multiple nutritional studies with major Dr. Fuhrman has written several other popular
research institutions across America. books on nutritional science, which include: Eat for
Health, Disease-Proof Your Child, Fasting and Eating
Dr. Fuhrman runs the Eat to Live Retreat in San for Health and the Nutritarian Handbook and ANDI
Diego, California and takes over the medical care Food Scoring Guide.
for his guests, enabling them to transform their
lives as they recover from diabetes, heart disease,
autoimmune disease, cancer and other serious

Dr. Fuhrman has appeared on hundreds of radio

and television shows. Through his own hugely
successful PBS specials, which have raised more
than $50 million for public broadcasting stations,
he has brought nutritional science to homes across
America and around the world.

Dr. Fuhrman is the author of seven New York

Times bestsellers: Eat for Life (HarperOne, 2020),
Eat to Live (Little Brown, 2003; updated, 2011);
Super Immunity (HarperOne, 2012); The End
of Diabetes (HarperOne, 2013); The Eat to Live
Cookbook (HarperOne, 2013); The End of Dieting
(HarperOne, 2014) and The End of Heart Disease
(HarperOne, 2016).

He is also the author of the Transformation 20

guides to health and weight loss. The titles include:
Transformation 20 Diabetes; Transformation 20
Blood Pressure and Cholesterol; 10 in 20: Lose 10
Pounds in 20 Days Detox Program; 10 in 20: More
of What You Love; and T20: Infection Protection in
20 Days.

To date, Dr. Fuhrman has sold more than three

million books.

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