Philosophy Spirit

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Christoph Michael D.


1. What Characteristics make God a “supreme being”
 Omnipotence
 Omniscience
 Omnibenevolence
 Omnipresence
Omnipotence means that God has supreme power wherein no man or any species
whatever they may be can compare, God is the all mighty and can do all things and
remember through him nothing is impossible. Omniscience means that god is all
knowing, he knows everything whatever you did may It be past, present, future, he
knows it all. Omnibenevolence God is all-loving he loves everyone and is slow to
anger he hates fighting and is merciful, remember God gave his only son Jesus
Christ to save us from our sins that’s how much he loves us. Omnipresence means
that god is everywhere at the same time, He is here with us, whenever you need
him, he is there and present.

2. How do philosophers justify the existence of God?

Philosophers justifies God existence in different kinds of Arguments such as the
theological argument, cosmological argument and etc. there are also different kinds
of view like panentheistic view of god and pandeism, so you could clearly see that
each philosopher and people justify the existence of God in different beliefs.

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