De-Leon Reflection

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StephenKyleDeLeon BS

CpE 1B

As part of our culminating activity, we attended a leadership and environmental

education symposium. During the discussion, I heard some of our country's societal
problems, which I can relate to because I'm residing in Hagonoy. Flood is one of the
main problems of this place, specifically during the rainy season. The speaker also
isanexcellenttoolforbeinganeffectiveleader.Throughthis,Irealizedthateveryone of us has
the potential to be a leader. We only need to have the right mindset and willingness to
listen to the complaints of our fellowmen to create a peaceful and better community.
StephenKyleDeLeon BS
CpE 1B

As part of our culminating activity in NSTP 1, we cleaned and planted trees at La

ConsolacionUniversityPhilippines.Atfirst,wescouredthedriedleavesandputthemin a
garbage bag, then planted ornamental plants at the university. I enjoyed this activity not
just because it's a requirement to pass this subject but also the fact that I did something
good for the environment. I realized how essential taking care of our mother nature is;
this small act of kindness can significantly minimize the impact of climate change on our
planet. This clean-up drive gave me lessons such as keeping the surroundings clean,
helping my fellow students in need, and bonding with my classmates. This activity
served as a platform for every student to communicate with each other.
StephenKyleDeLeon BS
CpE 1B

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