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Bandung, 21 juli 2011

Kepada Yth, Kepala HRD Di tempat

Dengan Hormat, Bersama ini saya sampaikan keinginan saya untuk melamar pekerjaan diperusahaan yang bapak/ ibu pimpin. Maka saya yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini: Nama : Pendi Cahyo Utomo

Tempat, tanggal lahir : Cilacap, 09.08.1990 Alamat Lengkap : Poncol jaya Rt 02/ 19 no.54 Bekasi Barat

Bersama surat lamaran pekerjaan ini lampirkan persyaratan yang diperlukan sebagai bahan pertimbangan Demikian surat lamaran pekerjaan ini saya sampaikan atas perhatian bapak/ ibu, saya ucapkan terima kasih.


Pendi Cahyo Utomo

Personal Data
Name Address : Pendi Cahyo Utomo : Kp. Poncol Jaya RT 19/04 kel. Jakasampurna Bekasi Barat (17145) KPAD Jl. Ajudan Jendral No.66H - Bandung 40154 085781371379 / (021)88850301 : : Cilacap, Agustus 09nd 1990 : Male : Moslem : Indonesia : Single : Honest and Responsibility : 175 cm : 80 kg : Good : 3,10

Email Place & Date of Birth Sex Religion Natonality Martial Status Personality Height Weight Health IPK

Education Background
2008 2011 Automotive Engineering Department at Indonesia University Education, Bandung (Diploma 3) 2005 - 2008 Automotive Engineering Department at SMK Negeri 1 Bekasi Barat 2002 2005 Junior High School; SMP Negeri 14 Bekasi Barat 1996 2002 Elementary School; SD Negeri 8 Jakasampurna of

Able to operate computer Discipline, Strong leadership, good communication, energetic and organization ability. Familiar with Diesel Technology Familiar with Gasolin Technology Able to operate Automotive tools Enough to operate welding Enough to operate autocad. Familiar with Maps Info

Course & Training

December 2010 Training Diesel Technology with PT ROBERT BOSCH December 2010 Seminar Strategic And Integrated Approach To Career Development with PT ROBERT BOSCH June 2008 Training PT ASTARA HONDA INTERNASIONAL LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY Specification Indonesia English Sunda Description Speak (Excellent), Read ( Excellent ), Write ( Excellent ) Passive and Active Speak (Little), Read ( Little ), Write ( Little ) Practicing English language is enough Speak (Excellent), Read ( Excellent ), Write ( Excellent ) Passive and Active

February-April 2011 Job Training at PT Intraco Penta. Tbk Samarinda, Kalimantan timur. July 2007 - September 2007 Mechanics (Motors Workshop Dealer Suzuki PUMA) as jobtre.

Organization Background
Member of Organization Himpunan Mahasiswa Mesin (HMM FPTK UPI). Member of Organization of Mahasiswa Otomotif Club (MOC)

Sport (football, swimming, hicking, adventure), reading, Travelling. I certify that the information made by me in this Curriculum Vitae are true, complete and correct to the best of my knowledge. Bandung, 2011 Pendi Cahyo Utomo

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