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Ejemplo 1 de diálogo en un restaurante en inglés

Imaginemos que entramos a un restaurante y queremos cenar allí.

Entering (Entrando)
 Good afternoon, a table for two, please. (Buenas tardes, una mesa para dos, por
 Yes, we have one for you. Please follow me. (Si, tenemos una para ustedes. Por
favor, síganme)
Ordering (Pidiendo)
 (Waiter) Can I take your order, Sir and Madam? (mesero: ¿Les puedo tomar nota,
 (Madam) I’ll have the tomato soup to start and the grilled fish. (Señora: Yo tomaré
la sopa de tomate como entrante y el pescado a la parrilla.)
 (Sir) For me a side salad only (Para mí solo una ensalada de tipo guarnición).
 (Waiter) Would you like to see the drink menu? (¿Les gustaría ver el menú de
 There’s no need. We will both take lemonade (No hace falta, los dos tomaremos
The bill (la cuenta)
 (Madam) Could I have the bill, please? (¿Me puede traer la cuenta por favor?)
 Of course, Madam, here you have. (Claro, señora, aquí tiene)
 Can I pay by credit card? (¿Puedo pagar con tarjeta de crédito?)
 I’m sorry, we only admit cash (Lo siento, solo admitimos efectivo)
Ejemplo 2
Waiter: Good evening, would you like to see our special drinks menu in addition to the
food menu?
Juan: Hello, yes, I’d like to see both menus.
Waiter: Here they are.
catalina: What is today’s special?
Waiter: Our special today is grilled salmon with roasted garlic potatoes and seasonal
Juan: That sounds good. I’ll have that please.
Catalina : For me a spaguetti and salmon please
Jorge : I want the special too , please
Waiter: All right. Would you like an appetizer before we bring the salmon? And would you
like something to drink?
Juan: No, I don’t want an appetizer. I’ll take a look at the drinks menu and let you know in
a bit, but for now may I have some water please?
Catalina: I want a orangeade please
Javier: I want a beer please
Waiter: Certainly. I’ll be back shortly.
Juan: (Waiter comes back) I think I’ll have a glass of wine.
Waiter: Would you like a Merlot or a Cabernet Sauvignon?
Juan: Merlot, please.
Waiter: Okay. Your dish and wine will come in a few minutes.
Juan: Thank you.

Waiter: Everything okay with your meal?

Catalina: Yes, it was great.
Waiter: Would you like any dessert?
juan: No thank you, but I will have a cup of tea.
Catalina: yes I want a piece of cake
Waiter: All right.
Catalina: Can I also have the bill please?
Waiter: Certainly. Let me get that for you.
Catalina: Thank you.
Waiter: (Returns) Here is your tea and here is the bill. How would you like to pay?
Catalina: Thanks. I’d like to pay by card.
Waiter: All right. I just need your signature. Here is your receipt.
Catalina: Sure. Thank you.
Juan: I´ll pay with cash
Javier: me too I´ll pay with cash
Waiter: ok , very good, I hope your enjoyed your food and come back soon.

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