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OFFICE PERFORMANCE COMMITMENT AND REVIEW (OPCR) SORASEFESe1 co | 103270 [nett [LLILIBETH A EAMACION, CESO IL Regional Director of DILG Region Xl commit to deliver and agree tobe rated onthe attainment ofthe following targets in ‘accordance with the indicated measures for the period January talune 2022 Sigratire of Head of OfcamRatog Date ~ ” E _ as SUIS, : ee |Strategic Priorities Htmplorentation of] Isnadenas-Gocia [Supreme court [Ruling Spy LUT — SP room aTOUOTPS Jassessmert_fosmneduatang be OTP lconductea JAssessment Tool as of end of | \ecoo [rr uae seta) 1m arto Lcue — eva wih Tan fore Jmonopetas SOM Jewunerart sat of Snir et cs pres er (spa) ECan on 5 2.100% ofeae sie oat of cecenatton fiona proved wan EC Les00 Serene ratte rr ‘ompate fom CO fsa ot Good Lael [Governance f20L) [se.3.1) 100% orc [ses Assessment ot [assessed on SGLG as of ‘Subject to BLGS fal lLcus on sis metre wit a report towed ‘udelines [conducted lrepared and submited ater [Srevelons [5 Cri Sacieg) \Organizations/ Peopies| [Participation [Partnership Program \csoreprr) [se 41) traning of 100% of [SE JOLRI Trang |p on SIS facta ws of tome fscitates oe [se 5.1) 100% oftwroet CSIs suvey wih the [SE.S)CSS Suvey — |Gurs conducted CSS tar pee [suey ax of tele [a Lupong [Tegepamayepe Incantivee and Awards lama) [SP 16:7) 100% of quaifed Lupons assessed on 4 TA corte tO” fcategores as of maine with LGMED/ FOUs fics [a epor prepare anc [svomted aha 3 rvinore I. Support to Locat ‘Governance Program 7) Capacty development |acivites on enhancing overall [sP 7. Capacity Joiciency of tw local [Development Activities [government structure Lcooo loves Provided to 100% of trpet participants as of tneine wih [srepor prepared and 172) Capacty Development lactis on strengthening local finances and increasing usooo ee [sP'7. capecty Strengthening C80 lpricipaton nthe LsB6 Iconctas to a iast 100% of tscoo larpet paricpants 2s of limetine wis a repo lrepare and submited ater revisions ‘SP 7.4.1) 100% of BOCs of ‘Assessment ot | Region assessed on ts poet ot | tunctonalty 28 of onc of eee tiotne wa repo sco! Fous propre ond suite ar ‘Steven s. comptanca to Preiderta Directives land other top Inaragement issuances and pices [SP 100% of prenntat [recive and ater wo Sree snsc'tp [ise cops wah wan Inenagerert coces [ovine win aropot LeMmeD) .eco01 FAD tute croc ard potas conpted Prepared and aubitied ater Fous ‘earn, Na recone room (Daabans for Evidence 7) Tecra Ratace lon COuS prowdedta 100% [sp o)rectrica! —_letrequsing LGUs ano larstance oncaMs meine ecto) proviced ‘Strengthening Peace| [and Order Councits |sP 10). Conduct ot [Mentoring & Evaluaton 8P 10.1)100% of GUS (POM) meniored on ther submission oftheir Physical ‘ad Fanci Pan Aczomp, (Gre omn of 2021 eu the POPSPCMS as ofthe timeline LeMeDy Four [SP 11) Provision of lsscrtarat servces to ‘8 11.1) Fecitated conduct ‘of Webinars on peace and evelopment for POC. Secretarat as of maine LcmeD) Fous [cored actviy 3° 1.2) Factated conduct tsk ennancement varing| 0 POC Secretariats LomeD '8P 11.3) Fectiate conduct of Jit NPOC and RPOC ‘meeting a scheduled LGMEDY FOUs Isp 12). Po [sp 121). 78.0% 100% of (LGUs avated on POC {unctonaty a8 of imtine jit report prepared anc [svbited fer 9 rvione LGMEDY FOU Aust of POC conver ‘a lovels of LGUs and barangays (PPOC. (CPOC, MPOC and ‘BPOC) 9. Strengthening !Phitippine Anti-legal [Drugs Strategy (PADS) 3133) 0m aoe seston AOAC lsp32)-Pertrmance | cerermance anf tetre Loven Fous ‘ova rapot proper an ted eer roe 3° 123) 100% ottarnome | mand ovBAORS stray wept Lowen rove roped en sate oer Sree oP 131 00% ftp se 13 capacty Lowen’ Fous 8° 132 00% ope sacar porsed cape tn evenghunng castes le buengey Ans De Ae Loweo/Fous Candee stnenevihe repr peered an strated ern o> 141) Fete cod er cxD Queer Caner [SP %4) Custer Meets vegtings of as scheduled wih LGMED: Jnaries arerot prepared en erator rns Js 151) 10% ore fs 16, Dsernaton lecperms proves an ec tsweo ee |materiais as of meine Fo, Eahenoed [compretenle Local Imograton Progam (ecu ‘SP 16.1) Factated the provision of nancial 2ssistance 1 100% of uaiied FRs and former olert ecremiss as of ‘eine LGMEDIFAD/ FOUR '8P 17.1). 50% of target barangays implemented CSP as of eraina wih 8 report prepared and suomted ater 3 revsons uscoo) Fous |se 18). cuceo leonauctes ‘SP 18.1) $0% of target cites ‘and provinces with convergence, secon! founs| ‘and delogue and solution- seeking activites conducted os of reine LuscooY FoUs: 2 LeSr-SEOP [SP 18). Monitoring and Evaluation SP 18.1) 100% of funded projects monitored wit status "pot prepared and updated inthe Subaybayan as of| timeine ane 3 revsions LeeD0 / PoMu FOUs a _FOUs a [SBOP implementation lw cud 1. Monitoring status of Jroect implementation la. Provson of TA to] Jrequesing LGUs re Jroect implementation [3 Cocrainaton wih) lrceciecinent LGUs] Ite 00 and RO. la Conduct of FOU [mtaied acti: ‘SP 18.2) 100% of got barangays assisted inthe i. sc00 / Pour Fous requirements for SBOP ‘SP 193) Fel ists and ‘ocumentaton cote 2 100% of funded projects a of Re erees Lsc00 / PoMUI FOUs prepared and submited ater Srevsions 3: Preventing and Countering Violent [Extremism & Ineurgency (PCED, ‘SP 20:1) 80% of targot participants provided with ‘apacty eveooment on sp 20). Capsev on [CBRN conducts CBRN inlorriton a ot ktomeD / .ccoo’ Fous Prepared and submit afte | ‘Sevens '8P 211) Fecitaed the se 2) concang nar] “Toten on \.omeD / iscoo Fous ‘ohedules lar 22) cascading ne | _ SP 22.1) Facitated the |remevorcané meaie | cascading of Famewok at |sevelped tor Commun | module develope fr CBR. [BeseeReweraion an | “and Reconciaton othe eet IReconcaton othe Regional OFfens a FRepenal orcas fecheduled [i Comprehensive [Social Benetts ‘SP 23.1) Fecitated te [se 23). Meetngs ‘conduet of Regional Working Lome [Pondusted fected | Ceup Meeting as scheduled ‘SP 241) Fecitated the ee A-we atte Rat owen Fos roman a yeaa sr arp aon |conaat econ rare -nn |Housing sites inspected | and PNP housing sites as. “ sini ‘td 5 Sani Kompen Wi joe wwe ronsrerg nase sv, carer | exact lscveee cocoa | “concn vowecy Fou [SSeacsaieced | asesisrem eres pond nnn oe Soman sm. end oat crasaoro om dat = provinces on ques! powers of] a sera Isp 27) Case utd up | SP 27.1) Case butd up and land complaint monitoring complaint mentoring actives LemeD) Four Joneuctes ‘conducted as of tele | H. Monitoring and levaluation of ae Sang [eases eames | Ciececn ens morn * ‘Subaybayan as of timeline cn ese EES ese astuncetr ring | MSparLaveas one aco" POM FOUs pa ‘prepared and submitted after sane ware a= en Aa hme lean rane | casera seactiitl peias rae tcoee eso a se — nee ee = 2 ett wane eae renee eer | ae arene omen ‘submitted as of timeline - cr 9 tomeat ous cr, moteng tou [romreen ne eonsane Lowen’ Fous comer othe Pte [Motard en ht cona cri ematiovenat ‘yc tr ty LoneDrrous teeta CF 13) 90% bererane compas BFOP ana! Lonenrous rlre festeatonaing [sener Responsive [seer Govemance CF21) 008 of wom certoarts poded ws cr, capder'e Jeomicewcmeten | pion rr ar tsc00/ Fou |GAD conducted ims ‘tarot vars an ied eer vio Jer, tecmen | cr 2.1) 100% otrestng Jsstareson GAO | LGUs rowns wt rover [provided to requesting | trainings / TA. on GAD as of a sve Sreine CF 41) 100% oh woe rocingact te SPS lor Mestngs one rps .ocoo! conten sais ores alee ‘GED FAD: FOU sbi ar sons aris Sees CF 5.1) 100% of request for [oF 9), Requestor “rave Abroad of Local [Travel Abroad of Local | Oficial received by the Lowen’ rove lofscas ected upon | Ofte acted upon on the ‘meine crs) Request tox | CF6.1) 100% frequent payment of Death | received fr payment of D8C LoMeDY FADIFOUs Benefé Cie eced vpn) cied upon aa of ieline CF 7.1 100% of request lor 7) Request for received for Autry © lautnontyo Purcrave LemeDr Fous Purchase Motor Vorioe atc Eee Upon as oftiline lor) Request tor | F 8.) 100% of requestor ldcitonel Contsense! | sostonal CF acted upen a Lowen’ Fous rune ‘of tating CF 9.1 100% of request itn acd wooo tamsens role ‘he bneine ippon Function [SF 1) LORRG [sr 1.1) MSAC meetings tse [SF 1.2) LORRG Gore Team |moetngs conducted os Issues tscoo [se 13) 100% or GAR [cents provided with technical [assitance as of troine seo [SF 1.4) Conduct of LGRRC lassossmert os of endo the [semester facies send [sr 1.2). comPian implementation Ise 1.21) 100% ot prepared press statement released to media outets a of imoine LuseD01 Comm Link (FOUs) [SF 122.) Concuctot press nteviews 08 of smote. scans use IS Tas) FY 2021 Anna [Report pened and [disseminates o 100% of hergetrecpients os of end of |e frst sorester seo ‘SFE PRIME - RRM limplementes [SF 2.1). Reccutment Ise 2.1.1) Recruitment, [selection and promotion |selberations conducted as lschoies wih a report lrepared and submitted ater [Sevan FAD/ RPSBI FOUs lertipation of nearby IFOUs tothe \dveraton-mastegs Guten Cty & Agusan [et Nore) [SF 2.2). Leeming and [se 22-1) 100% oftarpot LeMeD LecoomraDy FOU LeMEDy LecoDrFADy FOUs [SF 3). Pertomance SF 3.1) 100% of personnel |assassad on thar perermance as of end of the [semester LGMEDY LGcODIFADY FOUs SF 3.2) Pertomance targets lr 100% of personnel reviewed ard endorsed for approval wihn timeline sr [Srevssons {LoMED LecooFAD/ FOUs [SF 4) Rewards ane JSF 4.1.) 100% of quate personnel provided win Fewaros ané neartives within in sot te FAD [sr 4.2) Employees Weltare ls Bonet provided within tho lrescrbed pert FADIFOU [SF 3) Financia IManagment and Acrin IMators [SF 2.1). Fanci [Reports prepared ane lssorites Is 31) 100% of rquted |inencl reports prepared and |sutmited a of tein air Sreviions FADY FOUs Pevodiereports of Budget and ‘Aecounting Sections [oF 9.2) Records [SF 3.21) Incoming and JOutcoing communicators feotnates and outed win [he prescted pores FADIFOU [sr 2.3) Leave ladminisraton [sr 3.2.1) 100% Leave lapicavons (F8) processed 3 |working days ater ces of Irs FADIFOU [SF 352) CRA reviewed |monthiy and submited Yom lay ofthe ensuing month later being approved with 2 FADIFOU ISF3.41) Cones of Aust [sr 3.4) ams-iso _jactvies wttn he prescribed aes [SF 3.4.2) Capdew for organic rene [personel cn ISO GMS within | erescrted period Cooter) [SF 3.4.3) OMS Reports [suomi wit the ROVARDY lbrescroed perod ater 2 LGMEDILGCODIFAD revsone ‘SF 35) Prosirement and General Servens! mee [SF3.5.1) PReand ts FADA.GMEDILGCOD Jatorment tothe to the APP " [SF 3.5.2) RFOs prepared and ostesin he PriGepe within A ine prescribed parca ater 3 Ievsone [SF 353) 610s prepared ard lubed witvn the FADILGMEDI.GCDD lrescrbed pero aaa Force smonae aaeaes [SF 3.5.2) Notice ot Anaré lerepared win the eer FADLGMEDILGCDD Fewsions [Sr 3.6%) Report on he IMoterpoot Services and [SF 2.0). Motrpoo! [serices atbuidng [Parca Naitenance, FADILGCOD-POMU paseasece) [submited es of reine ater [Srevisens [SF 37) Sreaminng [SF 37.4) Reports onthe | Steamining Efors of tice submited as of iretie ster 3 reveions FADILGMEDIL.GCDD SF 4) Mootngs and |conferences SF 41) MANCOM meetings conducted within et tmoine wth a report propaed and submited ater 3 revisions FADILGMEDILGCDD [SF 4.2) Report on the 100% Team Conferences conductea| ley the FOUs submited to RO a8 of endo he semester Fous Monthy Team Cons [SF 5) Lgal Services [SF 6) Legal Opinions prepared ts 100% of request reeived win te se |etine Gwen’ ORD FoUs Fs.) Fact fing report prepared and submited wii Ie prescribed period ater 3 LLGMEDY OROY FOU [SF 53) 100% of wakin cients proved wi egal [assatance win sat mote win report prepared anc [subreted ater 3 revisions LUGMEDY OROY FOUs gal assistance woul ‘ean lege! opinion [SF 5.) 100% or ease |concems ang issues recoves ly the OFfce acted upon as of lirelne witha report [tepared ard submited afer [sevisons LGMED ORDY FOUs [SF 5.5) 100% of lomeutaman, Sendigan [Bayan Decisions to Loc! Jott cates received rom |e Cena! Oca issued |concemed recipients as of fimeline witha report Jprepared and suomited ater Sreiions \LGwED/ ORD FOUS [SF 6.2) Agency Operations se) Planning lan an Budget prepares Planing Tear Reporting land subratiog win the LeMeDUccoOrrAD rescrbed pero 5.2) Provision ot reports Planning Tear [Requirng agencies win te rece SF 6.3) Agency JAccomplahment Report Planning Tear prepared end submits wisn LGMEDLGCODFAD [te prescrbed pero se 6.4 Provision of reports Plenning Tea [Requring agencies within the eee [SF 7.) 90% oF aeragency actives wit the proscribed Se 7. intr agoney ROWAROY pee with a report prepared lctvtos ee a LGMEDILECODIFAD lrevsions [se 5) support services [SF 7 Regional wetste} |nsinsined! updated [SF 81) Reportonthe Jreouarundating [manenarce othe Regona! |webste reglay maintained! Rictu lepot can be nctided jn tre na [SF 32) Sabie ratwork lconnecivty of al ofco [SFBZ) Roper on the Provision of table ratwork feonnectvty ofa oftce |aevices prepared anc submited every ater end of tne menth afr 3 revisions RicTu [SF 82) Regional website Jreguary maintained! |spdated wn stable [network connectivity of at otice devices provided report can be clades in the MILA (SF 3.3) DIG vane Iintemet Appcaton [syatems, [SFBR7) 100% of FOUe requests for updating of [accounts sooees to he DILG Iineanet Application Systems acted upon a8 of inne wih | la por prepared and [submited ater 3 revisions ict Pease detire the ‘meine [sr 8.3.2) 100% of cus’ requests for updating of [accounts acess fo the ILG [Appication Sstems acted upon a8 of mine wah 2 report prepares anc sumed ater 3 revisions lease doi the meine ISF-8A7) 100% reqest or rictu repair? lacivses conducted as of [SF 32) GRPS Qusrery| |meetngs conducted [Sra 4quarery Imeetngs ofthe GFPS [conducted a scheduled wth aticst 100% oft target baricipans in attendance wth a report prepered end submited ater 3 evens [SF8-3) GAD rated [SF 037) 100% of planed [GAD related trainings

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