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Shivaji Vidyalaya Secondary Section, Kurla (w)

Std : 6th Subject : English Teacher Name : Mrs. Lila Garje.

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1.4 Children are going to school

Meanings :
1) Muslin - kind of soft cotton cloth. 6) foliage - greenery
2) fragrant - having a pleasant smell. 7) a-gleam - shinning bright
3) melodies - tunes, songs 8) particle - a very small piece of
4) deep - strong and dark. 9) throbs - beats with a strong, regular
5) lush - covered with healthy grass and

Q.1 Find at least two things from the poem that show the following :

1) It is early morning:
Answer: i) The morning light spreads over the earth.
ii) The sun is on one side of the road.

2) The atmosphere is pleasant

Answer: i) The breezes are singing songs of blessings.
ii) The Peepal waves his hands .
iii) Fragrant flowers make the sleepy roads come awake with their songs.
Q.2 Many natural elements are shown to act like persons. Name them and also
write what they do.
Answer: Natural elements that are shown to act like persons are:
i) The Sky - bows his head in respect.
ii) The Sun - takes a dip in the river and dresses up: waits and smiles on one
side of the road.
iii) The Breeze - sings songs of blessings.
iv) The Flowers - sing songs; awaken sleepy road.
v) The Roads - are sleepy; are shining bright.
vi) The Peepal tree - waves his hands.
vii) The particles of Earth - throb.
viii) Time - sitting on an old proof.

Open Ended Question:

Q.1 How does your family support you to go to school?

Answer : My family supports me to go to school. My parents pay the school fees ,

buy new uniform etc. I have a study table of my own, where I can study in peace.
If I have any difficulties, my parents help me and encourage me. My mother cooks
nutritious food so that I can be healthy and study well. During my exam, the TV is
not switched on and not allowed to make noise. Wherever I need for learning is
given to me. Thus I have complete support from my family to work hard and do
well at school.

Q.2 Write in short about what your parents/guardians feel when they send you to

Answer: When my parents send me to school, they feel pleased that I am learning
something important and that I am imbibing values. They feel glad that I will grow
up well and be able to make a career and earn a living. They also feel happy that I
will learn whatever is necessary to face any problems that I may come across in
my life.

1.5 A Kabaddi Match
1) Scheduled - arranged to happen at a 10) inched towards -moved towards
particular time. something very slowly and gradually.
2) Outstanding - extremely good, 11)cautiously - carefully, without taking
excellent risks
3) spectator- a person who is watching 12) strategies - plans to achieve a
an event. particular purpose.
4) boost the morale of the team - make 13) icing on the cake - something extra
the team feel more confident, added to make something that is good,
encourage the team even better.
5) grip - tight hold 14) set the heads reeling - make
someone very shocked and upset
6) literally - really 15) outplayed - played better than an
7) ace - very good 16) lona - extra point
8) wrested down - thrown on the 17) enviable - something that is so good
ground and held down that other people want it.
9) proved his mettle - proved that he is 18) suppleness - ability to bend and
good at doing something by succeeding more easily.
in difficult situation

Q.1 Answer the following questions:

1) Write down the names of the players and say whether each one belongs to 9A
or 9B.

Players from 9A Players from 9B

Govind, Mangesh, Sohan, Vivek. Suresh, Ravi, Mohan, Vinod, Ajinkya, Mihir.
2) Describe, in your words, the important events in the first half.

Answer: The match begin with 9A winning the toss. They sent their raider Govind
who swiftly touched Suresh from 9B and scored a point. Then 9B sent their raider,
ace player Ravi. Ravi wrestled down Mangesh, a strong player from 9A. However,
Mangesh saved himself. He scored 3 point for his team, as Ravi, Mohan and
Ajinkya, who were holding him, were declared out. Then Mihir from 9B managed
to tag Sohan from 9A. After this came Vivek's raid. The remaining 3 players from
9B caught his arm and tried to pull him back, but he went across the midline with
the anti-raiders hanging onto his arm. Thus the whole 9B team was declared out.

3) Write in your own words what happened in the second half.

Answer: In the second half, the 9A team was full of confidence. Once again, they
managed to catch hold of the ace raiders Mohan, Ajinkya and Ravi and won the

4) List all the words specially used in the game of Kabaddi.

Answer: raid, raiders, anti-raiders, tag, lona, mildline.

Q.2 Say whether the following statements are True or False: Answer:

1) There were 3 new students in class 9B. False

2) The toss was won by 9A. True

3) Suresh was the first to score a point. False

4) Ravi was an ace player. True

5) Mangesh scored 3 points for his team. True

6) Vivek was from 9B. False

Q.3 Answer the following in one words: Answers

1) Which class won the match? 9A

2) In which conntry did kabaddi originated? India

3) How many members are there in each team? Seven

4) What is the person sent across to the other team called? Raider

5) What word does the raider have to chant? Kabaddi

6) What is the term for 'bouns' or 'extra' points? Lona

1.6 The Peacock and the Crane.
1) conceited: very proud, arrogant.

2) gorgeous : very beautiful, attractive.

3) scoffed at : laughed at rudely and scornfully.

4) pale : dull.

• Fine fathers don't make fine birds - good looks or flashy clothes may not be
really important or impressive.

Q.1 Answer the following questions:

1) Why did the Peacock scoff at the Crane?

Answer: The Peacock at the Crane's feathers were pale and colourless, while the
Peacock had a gorgeous tail with colourful feathers.

2) What reply did the Crane give the Peacock?

Answer : The Crane said that it could fly high among the clouds and stars and see
the beauty of the earth in all its glory from above. The peacock, In spite of its
gorgeous tail could not fly, and lived down on the earth just like any ordinary

Q.2 Find 5 adjectives that end with 'ful' and 'less'. Then write the antonym
(opposite words) of each:

Adjective ending with 'ful' Adjetive ending with 'less'

Beautiful x ugly Tasteless x tasteful
Careful x careless Lawless x lawful
Colourful x colourless Limitless x limited
Harmful x harmless Meaningsless x meaningful
Tactful x tactles Painles x painful
Q. 3 Read the following sentences carefully and choose the correct meanings:

a) The peacock had a gorgeous tail like no other bird.

i) no other bird had a tail.
ii) The Peacock's tail was more beautiful than any other bird's.
iii) All bird had gorgeous tails.
Answer - ii) The Peacock's tail was more beautiful than any other bird's.

b) Fine feathers don't make fine birds.

i) You cannot use feathers to make birds.
ii) You can judge something by its outward beauty.
iii) something that looks beautiful may not really be useful.
Answer: iii) something that looks beautiful may not really be useful.
Q.4 List 5 adjetives and 5 nouns from the story:
Answer: Adjective: conceited, gorgeous, colourless, dull, colourful.

Noun : Peacock, Crane, tail, bird, feathers.

1.7 Param Vir Chkara : Our Heros

Legendary - very famous and admired Fluently - to speak, read and write a
language easily and well.
Bestowing - givning something to Thunderbolt - a flash of lightning along
somebody to show how much they are with thunder that strikes at something.
Conspicuous - something that attracts Matchless- so good that nothing can
attention. compare with it.
Pre-eminent - outstanding Invincible - unbeatable; impossible to
Valour - great courage, especially in Fashioned - made.
Self-sacrifice - helping others at the cost Derives - gets
of your own life.
Posthumously - after a person's death. Combat - fight, especially during war
Fitted with swivel mounting- fixed in a Determination - strong resolve,
way which allows it to move freely. perseverance.
Obverse - the side of a coin or medal Gallant - brave or courageous in a very
that has the head or main design on it. difficult situation.
Emblem - symbol; an object that Inspiring - encouraging one to do or feel
represents something. something; motivating.
Relpica - a very good or exact copy. Account - a decription of an event.
Engrave - to cut words or designs on Fatal - causing death.
wood, stone or metal.

Q.1 Answer the following questions:

1) What is Param Vir Chakra?

Answer - Param Vir Chakra is India's Highest military decoration. It is awarded for
the most conspicuous bravery or some daring or some outsanding act of valour or
self- sacriifice, in the preseence of the enemy,whether on land, at sea or in the
2) What is seen on the obverse and reverse of the PVC?

Answer - On the obverse, the PVC has the Indian national emblem at the centre,
surrounded by four replicas of 'Indra's Vajra'. On the reverse, the words Param Vir
Chakra are engraved in Hindi and English with two lotus flowers in between.

3) Who designed the PVC medal?

Answer - The PVC medal was designed by Savitribai Khanolkar, a European lady,
who married Vikram Khanolkar, an Indian Army officer.

4) what makes Indra's vajra or weapon invincible?

Answer - The supreme sacrifice of the sage Dadhichi makes Indra's Vajra

5) Write the story of Sage Dadhichi's sacrifive in your own words.

Answer - Thousands of years ago, a demon had stolen all the water in the world.
Innocent people died because of lack of water. This demon could not be defeated
by a weapon made ordinary material like wood, metal etc. Something
extraordinary was needed to kill him. It came to be known that the sage Dadhichi
had bones that had extraordinary power . The sage was a noble person when he
came to know this, he sacrificed his life and gave his own bones to make the
weapons to help the people. Thus, Indra-vajra was weapon made from these
bones of sage Dadhichi and the demon was defeated with use of this weapon.

Q.2 Complete the following :

i) Srinagar Airfield was attacked on 14th December 1971.

ii) Flying Officer Nirmal Jit Singh Sekhon could not take off immediately because of
clouds of dust raised by another aircraft.

iii) Finally, the enemy aircraft fled from the scscence of battle.

iv) The airfield and the town of Srinagar were saved because of Flying Officer
Sekhon's efforts.

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