2.1 Clothesline: Shivaji Vidyalaya Secondary Section, Kurla (W)

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Shivaji Vidyalaya Secondary Section, Kurla (w)

Std : 6th Subject : English Teacher Name : Mrs. Lila Garje.


2.1 Clothesline
Meanings :-
1. hither and thither - In many different direction
2. Flip, flap, flop - noise made by the clothes while moving in the
wind on clothesline.
3. Fluttering : moving lightly and quickly
4. Restive :- restless
5. caper :- leap, playful manner.
6. prance:- walk or move with high, springy steps.
7. wildly :- violently.
8. pegs :- clips of wood or plastic to attach wet clothes to the
9. gleam :- shine.
10. a ditch - a pit at the side of a road or field.

Q.1 Answer the following question:

1) What is described in the poem?

Answer : The fluttering and dancing clothes on the clothesline, and

particularly the poet's handkerchief, are described in the poem.
2) What are the clothes compared to? Give two example.

Answer : The clothes are compared to restive horses and fairytale


3) What do the restive horses do?

Answer :- The restive horses caper and prance.

4) What do fairy-tale witches do?

Answer :- Fairy- tale witches dance wildly.

5) What did one of fluttering creatures do?

Answer: One of the fluttering creatures danced wildly, struggled and


Q.2 List the rhyming words from the poem.

Ans - i) row - fro ii) go- snow iii) prance- dance,

iv)sun-fun v) be-sea vi) ago-know.

Q.3 List all the phrase from the poem in which two or more words are
joined with 'and':

Answer :- i) hither and thither ii) to and fro

iii) caper and prance iv) pegs and clothesline
v) shiver and skip vi) Flipping and flapping and flopping.
Meanings :-
Weaver : a person whose job is to Spinning :- process of making
weave cloth. yarn or thread out of cotton wool.
Arrogant :- proud and unpleasant. Carded :- cleaned and combed
cotton to remove the seeds
Agitated :- anxious or upset spun :- drew out and twisted
Rags :- cloth that is torn in pieces. Touched :- felt emotional about
Toiled :- working very hard Idleness:- laziness
Boll :- pod of the cotton plant
which contains the seeds.

Q.1 Answer the following question in one sentence:

1) Who was Thiruvalluvar?

Answer: Thiruvallluvar was a textile weaver who was also a great Tamil
saint - poet.

2) What is Thiruvalluvar's book of teachings called?

Answer : Thiruvalluvar's book of teaching is called Thirukkural.

3) Who often made fun of other people?

Answer : A rich young man from Thiruvalluvar's town and his friends
often made fun other people.

4) What did the rich young man want to do?

Answer : The rich young man wanted to make Thiruvalluvar angry.

5) What was the young man proud of?

Answer : The young man was proud of his riches.

6) Who wove the threads together?

Answer: Thriruvalluvar and his wife wove the threads together.

7) What touched the young man's heart?

Answer : Thiruvalluvar's softly spoken words touched the young man's


8) What did the young man decide to do?

Answer : The young man decided to give up his idleness and bad habits.

Q. 2 Who said to whom:

1) "I am sure I can make him angry."

Answer: Young rich man said to his friends.

2) "How much does this whole fabric cost?'

Answer:- Young rich man said to Thiruvalluvar

3) It has become worthless.

Answer:- Thiruvallauvar said to Young man

Q.2 Classify the following words into positive and Negative words.

Positive Words Negative Words

Great, beautiful, quiet, answered, Arrogant, impatient, worthless,
happy, offered, smiled, grew, shouted at, wasted, proud ,
dyed, rewarded, smiled thoughtless, hasty, refused,
toiled, destroyed.

Q. 3 Write the (antonyms )opposite words:

Answer : i) politely X rudely ii) calmly X angrily

iii) arrogant X humble iv) sold X bought

v) loved X hated vi) reducing X increasing

vii)softly X loudly/ harshly viii) carefully X carelessly

ix) refused x accepted x) rewarded X punished

xi) destroyed X created xii) thoughtless X thoughtful

Q. 4 Write down pairs of verbs and adverbs :

Sr. Adverb Verb Sr. Adverb Verb

no. no
1 ago lived 6 hard worked
2 greatly is loved, is 7 Carefully were dyed
3 today is loved, is 8 Together wove
4 politlely answered 9 Back can bring
5 clamly went on
Q. 5 Use the following phrases in your own sentecnes:

1) roam around :- i) Once exams are over, children roam around here
and there.

ii) The cattle roam around the fence.

2) again and again :- i) I asked the watchmen again and again whether
he had seen my puppy.

ii) She tried again and again to make drawing.

3) bring something back: - i) Once the sun has set, nothing can bring it
back the same day.

ii) Time is very precious we can bring it back.

4) there and then :- i) The women asked the thief to give back her chain
there and then.

ii) I was trying to convince my mother to give a

permission to go picnic there and then.

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