Exp 2

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(i) For O.C.

(a) Leave the secondary terminals of the transformer open.

(b) Adjust the variac to supply rated voltage to the primary side and take readings.

( iii ) For short circuit test:

( a ) Short circuit the secondary terminals.
( b ) Adjust the primary input voltage for various currents not exceeding the rated current
and take corresponding readings.
( c ) Calculate Z1, R1 and X1 for every reading and then find their average values to be
used in the formula for voltage regulation.
( iv ) Load Test:
( a ) Make the connections of the transformer as shown.
( b ) Energize the primary by a 230 VAC source.
( c ) Take the readings under no load condition.
( d ) Load the secondary and record the readings of the instruments connected for
different load conditions.

Open circuit test:

Voltmeter reading V0 =………………..

Ammeter reading I0 =…………………

Wattmeter reading W0 = ……………..

Short circuit test:

S.No. Voltmeter reading Ammeter reading Wattmeter reading

Vsc Isc Wsc

3. Load test:
No load secondary voltage, V20 = .........................

S.No. Primary Side Secondary Side

Ammeter Voltmeter Wattmeter Voltmeter Ammeter

reading reading reading reading reading

I1 V1 W1 V2 I2


Determination of series parameters and full load copper loss:

S.No. Vsc Wsc X 1 = Z12 − R12  I 1 fl 
Z1 = R1 = WCuf =   .Wsc
I sc I sc2
 I sc 

Mean R1=....... Mean X1=....... Mean Wcufl=....

Determination of voltage regulation at different loads for (i) unity power factor

(ii) 0.8-lagging power factor (iii) 0.8 leading power factor

S.No. x Voltage Regulation

Unity power factor 0.8 lagging power 0.8 leading power

factor factor

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