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 _________________- Form of energy resulting from the existence of

charged particles (such as electrons or protons )

 __________________– The branch of chemistry that deals with the relations
electrical and chemical phenomena
 __________________ – A simple substance that cannot be broken down
into smaller parts or changed into another substances
 __________________ – The strength and vitality required for sustained
physical or mental activity.
 ___________________ – The branch of zoology concerned with the study
of insects
 ____________________ – The process by which different kinds of living
organisms are thought to have developed and diversified from earlier forms
during the history of earth.
 _____________________ - A scientific procedure undertaken to make a
discovery test a hypothesis, or demonstrates a known fact.
 _____________________– A thing that is known or proved to be true
 _____________________ - the remains or impression of a prehistoric
organism preserved in petrified form or as a mold or cast in rock.
 ______________________ – A tube or pipe that is wide at the top and
narrow at the bottom used for guiding liquid or powder into small opening.
 ______________________ – A study of heredity and the variation of
inherited characteristics
 ______________________ - the science that deals with the earth’s physical
structure its history and the processes that act on it.
 ______________________- is the study of the physics of the Earth and its
environment in space
 ____________________– ornaments and artifacts’ made out of glass.
 ____________________ – The force that attracts a body toward the center
of the earth or toward any other physical body.
 _____________________ – the branch of zoology concerned with reptile
and amphibians.
 ______________________- A supposition or proposed explanation made on
the basis of limited evidence as a starting point m for further investigation

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