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Dosen Pembimbing:
Dr. Edial Rusli, S.E., M.Sn.
Arti Wulandari, M.Sn.
Nico Kurnia Jati, M.Sn.

Disusun Oleh:
Erdin Adi Saputra


Harjanto Sumawan (Liasson Officer of FIAP for Indonesia): Ladies and gentlemen
2019 when I became a liasson officer one of my future goals was to have an FIAP Exhibition
Center in Indonesia so I discussed with my Federation president Jonny Hendarta. and I got full
support from him what is share the same position with me and June 2019 shooting in Morocco
I am at the field president Ricardo and I asked him about it he was very happy and encouraged
me to make it happen he even took me to the Asian Center in Monterey Park when we met in
Italy in November 2019 so now I have two person who back me up on this idea Ricardo
Boosie and a Johnny Hendarta I wasn't so sure about it it's like driving a car with only three
wheels I need one more weels so can run smoothly and I know exactly where I look for your
right I got that Agatha Bunanta she has a international and domestic networks is well-
connected because she has PSA a vice president for international relations and I sought her my
idea fortunately she believed me and she promised to help me in any way she can and then we
start to look for looking for potential candidate weather in Bali and after months of careful
planning and preparation back in April 2020 our world so badly everything fell apart and all of
us we're very disappointed at that time but now when I standing here right now I consider it a
blessing in disguise FIAP Exhebition Center found the perfect place in Pandeng gallery what's
a part of Photography Department, Faculty of Media Recorded Art of Indonesian Institute of
Arts Yogyakarta.

Dr. Irwandi, S.Sn., M.Sn. (Dean of Faculty Media Arts Indonesia Institute of Arts
Yogyakarta): Ladies and Gentleman, Faculty of Media Recorded Arts, Indonesia Institute of
Arts Yogyakarta continue to evolve on Photographic, and this challenging year on pandemic,
on opportunity Pandeng Gallery make FIAP Exhebetion Center, the first and the only one in
South East Asia. This achievement as truthly a joy for Faculty of Recoreded Media Arts and
for Indonesia Institute of Arts Yogyakarta because this achievement become gallery pandeng
international exhibition and important for the artist especially for this era. Some how this will
open up oppurtonity to those artist to recognize on global scene. This achievement would be a
big motivation to Faculty of Recorded Media Arts to be continue on international exhibition.

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