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Answer each question in depth and provide specific evidence from

the text or speaker whenever available. The more you write, the better!

SPEAKER: The speaker is Justin Baldoni. He’s an actor who is always put in “playboy” roles, and
Who is the speaker/writer? Hollywood saw him as a man who could always be shirtless. He’s a husband, a
What do we know about father, social media activist (with a huge following of mainly females). He grew up
them? What can you tell or with a sensitive father and resented him for being soft.
what do you know about
the speaker that helps you
understand the point of
view expressed?

PURPOSE: The purpose is trying to end toxic masculinity, or bring awareness to it. The speaker
What is the speaker/writer is also trying to show men that it is okay to not be okay. He’s trying to change what
hoping to accomplish? it’s like to be a man. The key to breaking toxic masculinity is accepting vulnerability.
What is the reason behind
this piece? What do they
want the audience to do
after having listened?

AUDIENCE: The speaker is trying to reach both men and women. We know because at the end,
Who is the speaker/writer he says, “So women, on behalf of men…” and, “Fellas, we are the problem”. They
trying to reach? How do we do indicate a certain audience, but only for a split second. I think that the only
know? Do they indicate a assumption is that every man is expected to be strong, but the speaker does not
specific audience? What assume that because he knows first hand. He sort of targeted parents.
assumptions exist in the
text about the intended

CONTEXT: This talk happened in 2017. The biggest thing that was happening at this time was
What is the time and place the Me Too movement. The Harvey Weinstein scandal was happening, Donald
of this piece? What is Trump was elected.
happening in the world as
it relates to the subject of
the speech or the

EXIGENCE: Something that could have influenced him was the Me Too movement, he could
What was the spark or have been tired of performing the same kind of person on TV or in movies.
catalyst that moved the
speaker/writer to
act/write? How did that
event impact the

CHOICES: He was starting with humor, then slowly got more serious. He used the story of his
What are the rhetorical relationship with his dad to show that he wasn’t the ideal man. Personal
choices that the experiences were used very frequently. He asks lots of rhetorical questions and first
speaker/writer makes in person view. He compared acting roles to gender norms.
the speech? Think about
overall structure, devices,
diction, syntax, etc.
APPEALS: To use ethos, he said things like “This happened to me,” an emotional appeal would
Which of the three be when he told about being bullied as a kid, logos would be how girls are weak and
rhetorical appeals (ethos, boys are strong.
logos, pathos) are present
in the text? Where? Why?

TONE: The speaker used a questioning tone, a humorous tone, then it got serious really
What is the fast. The tone depends on what he was talking about or even how frustrated he was
speaker/authors attitude with something.
toward the subject? Is the
tone the same throughout
the whole piece? Where
does it shift? What
evidence is there to
demonstrate the tone?

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