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E-Plastic System


E-Plastic recycling includes the user registering for the E-plastic process. Admin
getting the user information and returning the date, day, and time for E-plastic collection.Users
can then do online shopping for the recycled products.The user can also track the delivery of the
ordered product.The objective of this project is to manage/process recycling process online.The
request for recycling placed by the users should be fulfilled by the admin.The user can do online
shopping for recycled productsThe order goes through various payment phases till it finally
reaches the customer.At any point of time customer, himself can track the status of the order
online with the reference number he got while placing the order.

Modules of E-Plastic System


Admin can get log in with valid username and password. Admin can view materials
details and also can accept materials. Admin can also upload products.


The user needs to register by entering all the fields in the registration form. The user
can get log in with valid username and password. The user can upload material and can
view material status.

Online Shopping:

Online Shopping can get log in with valid username and password. Online Shopping
can view products.


Customer needs to register by entering all the fields in the registration form. The
customer can get log in with valid username and password. The customer can view the
products in the application and can purchase the selected products.
E xis tin g S ys tem

The existing system is totally manual thus there are chances of error in Processing.
The basic and major drawbacks in the existing system are the speed of retrieval of data from
files, which leads to delay. Maintenance of data is very cumbersome and laborious job. The
manual jobs such as calculation are more error prone. There are plenty of chances of duplicity of
data and information. Updating is very tedious job. There is no central database from where one
can get different statistical data at one place.

Prop os ed S ys tem

Through this E-Plastic we can categorize and display products of plastic. It can give
the date, day and time for plastic collection accurately.Increase in competition. Adopt
new methods and approaches. Developing an electronic-based platform. Recycling
ensures sustainable use of resources. We can make the Recycled products to feature
on other online shopping portals so that more users can purchase it.This can become a
standard mechanism for collection of plastic.We can include the save in cart option for
online shopping.

The above Hardware specifications were used in both Server and Client machines when

Processor : Core I3

Processor Speed : 2.5 Ghz

Ram : 2 GBB

Hard Disk Drive : 160G

Floppy Disk Drive : Sony

CD-ROM Drive : Sony

Monitor : 17” inches

Keyboard : Logitech

Mouse : Logitech


Operating System : Windows 7

Front end : Html, Css, JavaScript

Back end : PHP, My-Sql

Web Server : Apache (Xammp)

Browser : Internet Explorer 6.0


Operating System : Windows 10

Browser : Internet Explorer 6.0

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