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Q2: So sánh 3 cuộc CM Anh, Pháp, Mĩ ( NN,KQ, ý nghĩa ) ( similarity and difference )
- British civil war ( 1642-1651 )
+ The English Civil War was a series of civil wars and political machinations between
Parliamentarians (“Roundheads”) and Royalists (“Cavaliers”)
+ The British Civil War was divided into 3 stages: First English Civil War (1642-1646) ,
Second English Civil War (1648-1649), Third English Civil War (1649-1651)
First English Civil War
+ when civil war broke out in earnest in August 1642, Royalist forces ( Cavaliers )
controlled northern and western of england, while Parliamentarians dominated the southern
and eastern regions of the country
+ July 2,1644, Royalist and Parliamentarian forces met at Marston Moor, west of York, in
the largest battle of the first english civil war
Second english civil war
+ Charles refused to give in but sought to capitalize on the religious and political divisions
among his enemies. After Fairfax, Cromwell, and the New model Army easily crushed the
Royalist uprisings, hard-line opponents of the king took charge of a smaller Parliament
Third english civil war
+ With Charles dead, a republican regime was established in england, backed by the military
might of the new model army
+ After losing the battle of dunbar to Cromwell’s forces in september 1650, Charles led an
invasion of england the following year, only to suffer another defeat against a huge
parliamentarian army at Worcester
 Consequences:
+ an estimated 200000 english soldiers and civilians were killed during the three civil wars,
by fighting and the disease spread by armies, the loss was proportionate, population-wise, to
that of WW1.
+ with the continued disintegration of the republic, the larger Parliament was reassembled
and began negotiations with Charles II to resume the throne
- French Revolution (1789)
The timeline of the French Revolution
1780 – bad harvest
1778-1787 – loss overseas market, over production -> Peasants faced with rent price
1787-1788 – a manufacturing depression
1788-1789 – the price of wheat and rye soaring leaving many people desperate
French monarchy
+ Louis XVI: knew little about operations of the French government, lacked the energy to
deal with state affairs
+ Marie Antoinette (wife): spent more time to court intrigues
 Collapse of government finances
+ Costly wars ever higher
 French government borrowed low-interest rates instead relied on private loans
+ No central bank
 Depent on private loans
 Financial leaders refusing to lend additional amounts
 Call a meeting Estates General
Main events
July 14: a mob of parisians stormed the bastille
1791: the national assembly had completed a new constitution
June 1793: an uprising in paris replaced the Girondins
1795: french army pushed the allies back across the rhine and conquered the austrian
November 1799: the directory was replaced by the consulate

Consequences of french revolution (9)

+ end of bourbon rule in france
+ change in land ownership in france
+ loss in the power of the french catholic church
+ the rise of modern nationalism
+ The spread of liberalism
+ laying the groundwork for communism
+ destruction of oligarchies and economic growth in europe
+ inspired the haitian revolution
+ ushered in the age of revolutions
- American revolution (1779)
Historical background:
+ the american revolution was a period in american history when british colonists revolted
against british rule. Before the colonies gained freedom and became the united states of
america, several battles were fought
+ there are 6 key causes of the american revolution:
Seven Years War (1756-1763) ...
Taxes and Duties. ...
Boston Massacre (1770) ...
Boston Tea Party (1773) ...
Intolerable Acts (1774) ...
King George III's Speech to Parliament (1775)

Main events:
+ 13 of great britain’s north american colonies (XVII-XVIII): before the american
revolution, there were several british colonies in the americas. Not all of them participated in
the revolution. There were 13 colonies that ended up rebelling
+ first continental congress (1774): they convened the first continental congress on
september 5,1774 in philadelphia, pennsylvania
+ second continental congress: convened on may 10,1775, with the purpose of solving
specific problems of the war
+ august 1775: parliament declares the colonies in rebellion so the colonists start getting
their army together. They appointed george washington commander in chief of the colonial
+ the battle of bunker hill, also known as the battle of breed’s hill (june 17,1775): the first
major battle of the american revolution took place in Charlestown (now part of Boston)
during the Siege of Boston
+ declaration of Independence (1776): Thomas Paine published a military essay calling for
the overthrow of British rule and the establishment of a republic
+ battle of Saratoga (september 19,1777 – October 17,1777): the Germans resisted American
attacks with determination in their redoubt, but they were finally vanquished
+ march 1781-articles of confederation ratified: the articles of confederation, a plan of
government organization prior to the US
+ october 1781-british surrender at Yorktown, Virginia: british general charles cornwallis
joins other british forces in Virginia, setting up base at Yorktown
+ september 3, 1783 – peace of paris: the american revolutionary war formally ended
+ the constitutional convention of 1787: fifty delegates assembled in Philadelphia in the
summer of 1787 to rewrite the Articles of Confederation
The consequences:
+ People of the colonies fought for independence for 6 years, reaping many victories
+ The triumph of the Americans also opened the western regions to invasion and
colonization, resulting in the creation of new domestic markets
+ Americans began to develop their own manufacturers, no longer relying on those in
+ Political abd social life in the country altered dramatically. As more individuals obtained
the right to vote, political engagement rose

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