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In what ways are your drawings similar?

The similarities include the emphasis on the subject since the two
pictures offer a strong importance to the butterfly because there are
no background or other items involved that would distract the viewer from the
concentration on the subjects. Furthermore, the movement of the subjects
reflects the similarities of both butterflies, due to the fact that it demonstrates
a sense of movement, notably the flying movement of both butterflies. Last but
not least, the proportions of the two drawings are similar because they reflect
the realistic sizes of the visual components in the artwork.

In what ways are they different?

Since it consists of two equally sized portions of the picture plane, the
butterfly on the upper side of the artwork is balanced and symmetrical.
However, the lower side of the butterfly has an asymmetrical balance and does
not have mirror representations of each other. Likewise, both subjects differ
from one another due to the harmony and unity of their core elements. The
butterfly on the upper side of the drawing has unity and harmony in the use of
colors and styles, but the other butterfly lacks these qualities since the color
black clashes with the other colors used in the piece.

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