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Required Questions:
o The Capstone is a unique and demanding challenge. In completing it, what
did you learn about your subject? Your skill set? Yourself?

I learnt about the many different types of pace-notes, how to write them, how to drive
and understand the notes being read. The first few times attempting writing pace-notes
were very overwhelming, but after some practice I have learned to trust my decisions
and be more certain
o How is your project relevant to you, the school or the community-at-large?
This project is relevant to me because I love driving, and because I like driving I like to
drive through complex roads with a lot of turns, So learning how pace-notes work and
understanding them makes the driving more fun. In Kelowna and its neighbouring city’s
rally is more popular and there is weekend long events just around every month, so I
want to learn more about rally and share it to my peers.
o How did you demonstrate the six Core Competencies throughout this
project? (See attached Core
Competency sheet)
The ways I demonstrated the six core competencies a lot of the time was not seen,
because at least for me organizing and planning this project has been the most difficult
part, it has forced me to work on my Social Responsibility skills to help me convince
people to give assist in my project and in result made me closer with a few of my friends
that I didn’t know the best. This project has also has tested my Personal awareness skill
because of the self determination and self regulation needed to keep focused and
steady working on this long project, and in result it has improved my wellbeing leaving
me feeling more confident. This project has also help me scope out and find my true
values and some of my hidden personal strengths and abilities. And when I am out
driving through these rally style roads it tests my critical and creative thinking because
of the ability to properly judge the severity of the corners does not come easy and takes
a lot of practice before you start labeling the corners accurately to their severity. My time
management and communication skills were challenged whenever it came to gathering
my friends to go out for a drive on a specific route, because for whatever reason we are
all very indecisive about choosing a place to meet up.

o What impact if any did your Capstone project have?

It has impacted my vocabulary and I would like to think my comprehension skills too,
because of the chaotic environment onboard when the co driver is shouting and the
corners are coming up fast.
o Thinking about the whole process and your finished product, what are you
most proud of?
I am most proud of the fact that I stayed true to my idea in the beginning and never had any
second doubts and last minute topic changes. But a close second would have to be my website,
I am just happy with how it came out and all of the information that I have as the content for
the website.
o What was a difficulty you encountered and how did you solve the problem?
My project was plagued with bad weather and other small inconveniences, almost every
time I had a time planned to record or find a new place with friends inevitably it would
start snowing or, raining or my car almost even becoming no longer road legal over an
an exhaust and missing license plate light.
o What is one thing about your finished project you wish you could change?
I would change the route i used for the good copy of the pace-notes, I would’ve done it
on Seymour or another mountain but it was too risky with all of the snow and my car not
having snow tires
o What advice would you give to a student who will be completing their
Capstone Project next year?
To not procrastinate and to start working immediately, I have seen too many of my friends flip
flop back and forth with ideas all semester until they realize they need to finish it and then they
end up rushing and coming out with a sub par final project instead of a great achievement that
they are proud of.
o What source from your research helped you the most? (or least?).
The Team O’Neil rally school would have to be the most helpful source because of there long-
form style of videos, they have dozens of 20-40 minute videos that are packed full of
information about all different sides of Rally and Overall motorsports.
o What is one thing about your approach to your project that you wish you
could change?
I wish I worded the approach differently so that I would’ve had an easier time that would not
have been affected as easily by weather conditions.

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