Michael Gil - 2. Day 3. Assignment. STAAR®Blitz. Social Studies. 8th Grade

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American Revolution STAAR® Blitz Review

CHART- Fill in the charts with the correct ERA, PICTURE, and KEY WORD.

SENTENCE- Write one sentence summarizing what the American Revolution era was about.

1. American Revolution Sentence - _____________________________________________________________________


FILL IN THE BLANK- Fill in the blank with the correct word.

After the French and Indian War, Britain passed the (2)_________________________ which forbid colonists from
crossing west of the (3) ________________________ Mountains. This (4) _________________ the colonists greatly.

angered Appalachian Proclamation of 1763

Later Britain needed money so it began passing (5)_________________on the American Colonists. One tax was called
the Stamp Act which placed a tax on (6)______________. The American Colonists felt this was unfair because they had
to pay taxes to the British government but they did not get to (7)______________ for representatives in the British
Parliament. The Colonists protesting chant was “No taxation, without (8)______________________.”

paper vote taxes representation

Tension between the colonists and Britain (9)_________________. The colonists protested the Tea Act with an event later
called the Boston Tea (10)______________. In return the British Parliament passed the (11)___________________ (Coercive)
Acts, which many colonists felt was too harsh. Shortly after the ‘Shot Heard Round the World’ occurred at the Battle of
Lexington and Concord, which was the (12)______________ battle of the American Revolution.

increased 1st Party Intolerable

The colonists signed the Declaration of Independence which stated the colonies were now a (13)________________
country from Britain. The Battle of Saratoga was the (14)__________________ Battle of the War because France later
joined the Patriots side. The final battle was at (15)___________________, and afterwards the British surrendered. The
war officially ended with the signing of the Treaty of (16)_________________ of 1783.

Yorktown Paris separate turning point

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MATCHING- Use your knowledge to match the items that follow.

_____17. Forbid colonists from crossing Appalachian Mountains A. Unalienable rights

_____18. Taxed paper B. Treaty of Paris of 1783

_____19. Rights every person in the world is BORN with C. Yorktown

D. Stamp Act
_____20. Political belief the colonists felt Britain violated
E. Proclamation of 1763
_____21. Punishment for Boston Tea Party
F. Saratoga
_____22. Wrote Declaration of Independence in 1776
G. Thomas Jefferson
_____23. Turning point battle (France later joined Americans) H. Intolerable Acts
_____24. Last major battle of American Revolution I. Consent of the governed
_____25. Agreement that ended American Revolution

SHORT ANSWER- Use your knowledge and textbook to answer the following questions.

12. Why did the British pass taxes on the colonists after the French and Indian War?

13. Why did the American colonists feel the taxes were unfair?

14. How did the Intolerable Acts increase the tension between the colonists and Britain?

15. In your own words, define unalienable rights.

16. In the Declaration of Independence, what does Jefferson list as examples of unalienable rights?

17. Why is the Battle of Saratoga significant to the American Revolution?

18. Why is the Battle of Yorktown important to American history?

Primary Source- Use the excerpt below to answer the following questions.

19. What document are these words from?

“We hold these truths to be self-evident,
that all men are created equal, that they are
endowed by their Creator with certain 20. When was this document signed and who wrote it?
unalienable Rights, that among these are
Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.”
21. Circle the three unalienable rights listed in this
Excerpt from the Declaration of Independence

Thomas Jefferson
22. Why does Jefferson bring up unalienable rights in
Signed July 4, 1776
the Declaration of Independence?
All rights reserved © 2018 Lowman Consulting LLC

STAAR is a federally registered trademark and service mark of the Texas Education Agency. Lowman Consulting LLC is not sponsored by or
associated or affiliated with the Texas Education Agency, which has not endorsed the products or services of Lowman Consulting LLC.

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