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Name :

Grade : 10
Subject : Integrated Humanities
Expected Time:- 2 hrs

Task 1: Investigating
Source - A
‘No lead in Maggi’: Nestle India again defends product quality amid lawsuit challenge

The Maggi noodles were first found to contain lead higher than the permissible level in 2015.
It was NDRC(National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commision) that filed a class action suit under the
Consumer Protection Act against Nestle India, on the claims that the firm was selling noodles containing
excessive lead and monosodium glutamate (MSG). Maggi noodles were banned in India. It re-entered
the market five months later with the claim as shown in the image above with evidence from the tests
conducted by CFTRI ( Central Food Technology Research Institute Laboratory) which declared that lead
and msg levels in Maggie were within the permissible limits.
Source -

Q1. State 2 reasons why Maggie should or should not be challenged with a lawsuit.

Crit A: ii

I feel that Maggie should be challenged with lawsuit
1. It was proven in the labs that they had lead and msg content was higher than the permissible limit
and hence posed a great threat to the health of consumers, especially young ones who are the
main consumer of the product. They should be charged for posing a threat to the health of
2. The quality control of the company failed to produce goods that meet the quality standards of the
nation and hence they must be sued to ensure that not only Maggie but other companies learn
the lesson to have better quality control checks before the products enter the market for
consumption. They should be charged for negligence.

Name of Educator : Date :

Name :
Grade : 10
Subject : Integrated Humanities
Expected Time:- 2 hrs

You are a regular customer of Maggie and amidst the controversy of Lawsuit and Maggie deemed to be
poisonous and harmful to health you want to know whether there are other brands that are not as per the
standard health parameters and not being reported. You want to research and find out whether there are
other brands and food items that are not healthy and not being reported or are casually consumed openly
and frequently by unaware consumers.
Criterion B ii will be assessed overall, based on Q 2A to 2E

2A. Formulate an RQ to find out which commodities might be frequently bought and consumed that may
be unhealthy for consumption.
To what extent the ready to eat snacks like chips and wafers available in Surat have followed the quality
control check to ensure that it is fit for human consumption from the year 2021 to 2022?

Or To what extent the ready to eat snacks like chips and wafers have ensured the ingredient limit as per
the set guideline for consumer consumption in Surat from the year 2021 to 2022?

To what extent ready to eat snacks have been tested by the local food quality control cells to check the
consumption suitability in Surat from the year 2021 to 2022?

2B. Justify the relevance of your RQ in terms of - Connection to the problem assigned, time, place and
case, need for the research and scope.
Aii, B i

My rq is relevant as it has addressed the main problem of products being consumed and sold in the
market without any primary or secondary check or knowledge whether they are fit for consumption or not.
In this fast life people prefer fast food and food that doesn't require much time especially food on the go
like chips, wafers, biscuits, etc. Without checking the ingredients or knowing its impact on health we buy
and consume products that have longer shelf life, are easy to store and ready to eat. The spices used
may contain msg or lead as we learnt recently in case of Maggie. The packing, ingredients, raw material
used might be allergenic or not prepared as per the health standard policies. Rarely it is taken into
account and we believe that the big brand names do follow all the policy measures to ensure that their
products are of best quality. The reality might be shocking for everyone as it happened with Maggie,
Mcdonalds where these measures are overlooked numerous times. The packet might say something
while the content might contradict that. Through my research I would be able to find how many products
in the given range(chips & wafers) follow the standards and how many are tested for the suitability for
human consumption. Through this research I would be able to gather data and if found standards not
being followed then would report the same to the food quality control check and their license can be
taken away sending a strong message to the remaining manufacturer to ensure that good quality
products are only sold for consumption.
Every household needs to be more careful and aware about what they consume and how easily our
eating habits are monitored and being changed and sometimes not in the best interest of the consumer.
Hence my rq is relevant as it is focused on 1 specific food habit, place being Surat as being a localite I
would have more variety of local as well as international brands along with the area that is not very big
and chips is something that is found in every small to big shops in Surat. Time range of 1 year so that
thorough research can be done with analysis and evaluation of data with final conclusion which will be
presented in the form of Report

Name of Educator : Date :

Name :
Grade : 10
Subject : Integrated Humanities
Expected Time:- 2 hrs

Note- The Justification may not need to be this long and precise. This is for your reference and points
mentioned here for your understanding.

2C. State 2 pieces of information that you would need to complete the research
B iii
1. Local as well as international brands of chips and wafers available in the city of Surat
2. List of companies/manufacturers who have got the food grade certification for producing chips
and wafers.

2D. Identify/State the 2 Primary sources and 2 Secondary Sources that you might use for your research.
B iii

1. Interview some local chips manufacturers to know the quality check that they follow while
producing, packing and selling their product.
2. Observation- Local market malls and shops where people buy chips and wafer , whether they
read the quality status or just go by brands or availability.

1. Food quality control website to check which companies are tested for quality control
2. Reports of government or food quality control cells to know the basic rules and parameters that
the companies (manufacturers) must follow.
3. Videos containing details to understand the impact of unhealthy food items on consumers.
4. Report on common negligence from the manufacturers side while producing products.

2E. Identify/State the recording methods for the 2 primary and secondary sources mentioned in Q2C.
B iii

1. Interview of the chips manufacturers would be recorded using audio video recording so that it can
be saved easily and can be referred in future for further reference or clarity
2. Observation of local market would be recorded using google sheet so that data gathered could be
easily stored, organized and analyzed using various tools available on google sheets

1. The details from the quality control website would be recorded using cornell note taking so that it
can be easily recorded and analyzed with only valid or apt information being recorded.
2. Reports of govt or quality control cells will be recorded using google doc so that the data can be
stored easily and analyzed further using various tools.

Q3 - Evaluate the research conducted by Maggi(Nestle) to change the consumer behavior to convince
consumers to consume instant noodles. Please refer to the source for details of the research.
Source - Maggi and Indian Consumers
In your response you must include
● 3 strengths (overall -research+product)
● 3 limitation (overall -research+product)

Name of Educator : Date :

Name :
Grade : 10
Subject : Integrated Humanities
Expected Time:- 2 hrs

● Appraisal

There are numerous strengths of the entire research and implementation of actions.
1. The research task was divided effectively and the selection of marketing experts to do the
research was the best feature as it made the research more relevant , focused and effective as
they know how to gauge the behavior pattern of consumers and accordingly to suggest actions
and solutions which they did and made Maggie a common household name/product.
2. Selection of the Primary and Secondary sources were apt which had balanced primary sources
from the most relevant target (Housewives and Consumer Behaviour experts) secondary
marketing strategies and reports to identify the consumer behavior and helped to understand the
behavior and consumption pattern of Indian Consumers. Through primary and secondary source
they identified the taste factor, requirement of the households and market where it can be easily
introduced and the pattern could be changed
3. The actions implemented by them were not only 1 but numerous actions were initiated to have a
better hold of the market and capture the attention of the consumers. Actions like advertisement,
changing and upgrading the distribution channels, free packets in school for tasting the products,
sponsoring the most famous serial of the time.
Some of the limitations of the research were
1. The most significant limitation of the research was not taking feedback or observing the children
who were considered to be the main consumer. If the students(young ones) were interviewed they
could have identified the flavors and preferences of the children so that the product could be
made as per the taste needs of them.
2. The research does not have any information about the heath factor. Whether the ingredients used
are healthy enough as per their advertisement. The evidence of quality control cells, certificate of
excellence or any other form of proof to show that the product is good for health and safe for
consumption should have been added to build the trust among the indian consumers
3. Trying to enter the market with only 1 flavor initially is not a very good idea as they were still trying
to change the consumption pattern of Indian Consumers and they had done secondary research
of Indian Culinary history so could have have identified few flavors that would be familiar to the
Indian taste and then can influence the consumers to change the way they consume the product.
They would have done better in sales and advertisement if they would have worked on this

Overall the research and the actions like advertisement, free packets distribution in school, better
distribution channel to reach every part of the country, which were implemented were a great success as
we all are aware that Maggie has become a common household name and it is because of the research
and actions that were taken so many years back and yet till today they are enjoying the outcome of the
research and actions. There were definitely few areas of improvement like not interviewing the children,
health suitability or certificate of any kind to back up their claim of being a healthy substitute and not
trying different flavors as per the Indian taste preference yet the outcome evident and the process and
result shows more success than failure and hence it can be concluded that the research, process and
actions all were done with complete focus and effectively to ensure that the end goal - Changing the
Indian consumers consumption pattern in favor of Maggie was achieved.

Imp Note-
1. not expecting students to write such a long response, any logical inferences will be considered
valid if backed up by short supporting statements.

Name of Educator : Date :

Name :
Grade : 10
Subject : Integrated Humanities
Expected Time:- 2 hrs

2. Ensure that you separate each point and write them in separate paragraphs.
3. Appraisal should have short inference from strength and weakness both and then conclude with
success or failure or effectiveness of the research and actions/products.
4. Please don't write that the action plan is not there, rq is not framed, bibliography not there.
Instead identify what is missing or could have been better to make it more successful and more
substantial points should be covered in limitations
5. Do not provide too many points or just dont list the points. Short description to support the point
must be written.

Task 2: Communicating
Q4 Discuss 2 human activities that have impacted the green and the blue economy

● Start the answer with the meaning of green and blue in brief.
● Write at least 2 causes with clear details and examples for both the economy
● Stae 2 steps that could be taken to solve the problems mentioned in both the economy.
Cri A - ii
AL - 5-6

A4 The simple meaning of Green is : activities that results in improving human well-being and social
equity, while significantly reducing environmental risks and ecological scarcities. And Blue
economy is - the blue economy is economic activities related to oceans, seas and coasts. It is
the sustainable use of ocean resources for economic growth, improved livelihoods, and jobs
while preserving the health of the ocean ecosystem.

The human activities, which causes damage to the green economy broadly - are over
exploitation of resources, pollution, deforestation, mining, destruction of natural habitats,
construction, etc. Lets understand with few examples.
Forests are important habitats for wildlife, and as ecosystems supporting the relationship
between the living and non-living things, they have been badly affected by agricultural practices.
As per the latest data, more than 40% of earth’s surface now supports agriculture, and a bigger
fraction of these lands were formerly covered by forests.
Secondly, deforestation increases greenhouse gases within the atmosphere, which leads to
further global warming. Its further impacts include the displacement of indigenous peoples.
Recent studies have attributed deforestation to the increase of wildfires in areas like the Amazon
Wildfires are equally destructed even more so, displacing both people and entire species.

We have some challenges for the Blue Economy as well such as frequent floods, marine
pollution through ocean acidification, lack of trained personnel, harmonizing policies, plans and
laws, poor ocean governance and political support etc.Lets understand it more with few
● Unsustainable extraction from marine resources, together with unsustainable fishing,
exploited through illegal, unreported, and unregulated fishing.
● Physical changes and destruction of marine and coastal habitats and landscapes due in
large part to coastal development, deforestation, and mining due to over population.
Solution for both the economies to sustain and flourish is by regulating the human activities,
strict and harmonious policies to be implemented under stricter government supervision. Also

Name of Educator : Date :

Name :
Grade : 10
Subject : Integrated Humanities
Expected Time:- 2 hrs

each and every human being to contribute by using the resources mindfully and responsibly.
Switching to greener energy for sustaining both the economies.

Q5 Source: B

Eco-friendly – causes no air

pollution, much less sound
pollution. Low energy
consumption – 20% per
passenger km in comparison to
road-based systems. Greater
traffic capacity – carries as much
traffic as 7 lanes of bus traffic or
24 lanes of car traffic (either

After learning about “Sustainable Urban development town plan” in your unit you feel the need
of metro in Surat is waste of time and energy.
To address this concern - write a letter to the State Governor to stop the metro project in Suart
and use the resource for a better cause.
Points to include:

● Introduction of purpose of letter.

● Paragraph 1 - Main body:- 2 points to support your reasons to stop the project. (Connect
with real life issues and examples in detail. The reasons should be convincing)
● Paragraph 2 - Suggest your proposal - the better cause. 2 points to support your chosen
● Closing note - Reiteration of your proposal with a strong and affirmative closing
● IMP - the language used in the letter should be formal with appropriate greetings
wherever necessary and terminologies.
[C: i] [D: i ] AL 7-8
[C: ii] [A: i] AL 5-6
[C: iii] AL 3-4

Raj Empire,
Surat, Gujarat.
Date: 04/10/2022

Mr. Acharya Devvrat
Raj Bhavan, Gandhinagar.

Name of Educator : Date :

Name :
Grade : 10
Subject : Integrated Humanities
Expected Time:- 2 hrs

Subject: Request to stop the Surat metro project

Respected Sir,
On behalf of the Surat citizen and residents I write this letter to draw your kind attention to the
major concerns of the people of the city. The major concern is the loss of ancestral properties,
businesses, livelihood, pathetic state of the roads in our area due to the Metro project. The
project is causing lots of inconvenience to the pedestrians and commuters with vehicles.
It has been six months, we are living in such pathetic conditions and our multiple attempts for
complaints have to relook into the project has not resulted in any action from the municipal
Many accidents have occurred in the past six months due to this wretched condition of the area.
Most of the accidents occur at night due to the absence of sunlight and street lights.
This bad condition has affected the nearby locality residents, their livelihood, property, and
safety and they don’t find it safe to go out on these roads. Due to the demolition not maintained
properly, stones, concrete, and gravel come out of them, and craters are created which
produces lots of dust, smoke and noise leading to sever to worst health issues. This results in
pollution and causes airborne diseases. The situation becomes more pitiable when a sudden
monsoon outbreak causes waterlogging.

With so many issues which will be lasting for a long time looking at the project’s scope and
planning, it seems the authorities have not taken into consideration about the wellbeing and
development of the people staying around. The city already has number of flyovers and effective
public transport system. Instead of making it more reliable and more easy accessible, coming up
with new such project seems waste of time, energy and resources. Half of these resources
would have been required to upgrade the existing facilities. Also instead of metro if the
authorities could have redeveloped the cultural heritage of the city it would have added more
value to the place and the people - like how Gopi talav was revamped.

I request you to think over these issues, concerns and suggestions. If you really wish to develop
the city then considering what the people wants would lead to more support and cooperation
which in turn with make the development a grand success. Hope you will relook into the whole
matter and use the time and effort for a better and deserving cause.

With sincere regards,


Task 3: Thinking Critically



To die or not to die?

The case that we have for you today is as much about the crime as what happened next, about death as

Name of Educator : Date :

Name :
Grade : 10
Subject : Integrated Humanities
Expected Time:- 2 hrs

much as life. It is about morality as much as ethics, as much about the society we seek to create as
much as the punishment it doles out to those who threaten it. This case will come to be discussed for
generations of Indian law students. It is the story of a 25-year-old nurse just seeking to make a
difference, help those in need, and live a normal, happy life. And then, on the night of 27th November
1973, the actions of one man changed this woman’s life forever and pushed her into a 42-year-long
nightmare. This is the story of a case that moved India and moved the world. This is the story of Aruna
Shanbaug. Aruna Shanbaug, a former nurse who lived in a vegetative state for the past 42 years after
being brutally sexually assaulted at the KEM Hospital here and became the face of the debate on
euthanasia in India. On May 18, 2015, then 66 years, she died of severe pneumonia.

On the evening of 27th November, 1973 she was attacked by a sweeper in the hospital who wrapped a
dog chain around her neck and yanked [pulled with a jerk] her back with it. He raped her. To immobilize
her during this act he twisted the chain around her neck. The next day on 28th November, 1973 at 7.45
a.m. a cleaner found her lying on the floor with blood all over in an unconscious condition. It is alleged
that due to strangulation by the dog chain the supply of oxygen to the brain stopped and the brain got

Aruna suffered for approx 42 years in a vegetative state and still was unable to get Euthanasia.

Q.6) Using source [video] and your knowledge from MYP studies, analyze the source in terms of

In your response, include:

- 1 point Origin
- 1 point Purpose
- 2 points of Value
- 2 points of Limitations

Criterion D: iii
AL: 5-6

Origin -
Youtube, posted on 28th December 2021
Youtube channel: Law Planet.
Purpose -
The purpose of the video was to inform about the Aruna Shaunbaug case and how it impacted the
legality of Euthanasia in India.
Value -
The source is provides a valid information about passive euthanasia using the case of Aruna Shaunbag
and is really helpful in clarifying the meaning of the same.
The source provides a timeline of the case along with perspectives of different stakeholders which gives
a good point of view to the source.
Limitations -
The source focused on Hindi as a medium of communication and hence it might have limited access to
The source is very limited to a particular place; India and might not provide complete information of
Euthanasia laws in different countries

Name of Educator : Date :

Name :
Grade : 10
Subject : Integrated Humanities
Expected Time:- 2 hrs

The source does not have a recent update on the laws and is a little outdated.

[Include any 2 limitations]

Ques. 7)
To What extent do you think the decision taken by the Supreme court in not allowing passive Euthansia
to Aruna was valid or justified.

In your response, you must include:

- Introduction to Euthanasia and case [Brief 1-2 liner]
- 1st paragraph - Supporting points for the decision taken by Supreme court & doctors [Detailed]
[At least 3-4 points]
- 2nd paragraph - Opposing points for the decision taken by Supreme court & doctors [Detailed]
[At least 3-4 points]
- Perspective of at least 2-3 stakeholders involved in the case, other than doctors and the court
and its impact on them.
- Detailed conclusion with a substantiated stand reiterating the ‘To What Extent’ question.
Criterion D: i, ii, iv
Criterion A: ii
AL: 7- 8

Euthansia is also synonymous to mercy killing. It has been a rather controversial topic since a long time.
The debate regarding Euthanasia came forward to light in the events of Aruna Shaunbagh’s case. It was
indeed a case that compelled the judiciary to relook at their stand and decision. Aruna was a nurse at a
hospital in Mumbai and one night during late hours, she was raped by the sweeper fo the hospital. The
assault was so brutal that it forced Aruna to enter into a vegetative state for around 42 years, but she
wasn’t provided the luxury of putting an end to her misery. The Supreme court and the doctors denied to
give her Euthanasia justifying that she didn’t show any signs of willingness to die and niether she was in
a vegetative state, but that does not deny the suffering she had gone through.

Talking about the supporting points with respect to the decision taken by the Supreme court for not
providing Euthanasia to Aruna Shaunbag. Firstly, Indian Judiciary system battled the moral dilemma for
taking away a person’s life, when the person was alive and had not shown any signs of willingness to die.
It would simply mean a clear violation of right to life.. Aruna’s life or death, was a decision that she was
supposed to make and not someone else. Secondly, she was in a really good care and support by the
staff of the hospital, the nurses took such good care of her that she did not have any skin issues even
when she was bed ridden for so long. The nurses considered her as their own and showered all the love
and compassion on her. Thirdly, the law of India did not provide for any legal aspect that permitted killing
someone in the name of Euthanasia, and hence the doctors as well as the judiciary was in a constant
state of moral dillemma of what to do and what to not. They could not provide that Aruna was in a
vegetative state, since she was able to listen and also sometimes react with her facial expressions. She
survived for almost 42 long years after the incident in the care of the hospital and was responsive to a
limited extent. Fourth, allowing Euthansia for Aruna would have been straight away categorized as
‘Involuntary Euthanasia’ which is also so controversial and often considered synonymous to ‘Murder’
since it does not involve the consent of the victim in the same. Fifth, Aruna had already suffered enough,
an now killing her through Euthanasia would do no good to her family but rather add on to their emotional
turmoil and prove to be entirely devastating for them. Her existence, even in that low to no response state

Name of Educator : Date :

Name :
Grade : 10
Subject : Integrated Humanities
Expected Time:- 2 hrs

was more than enough for the family.

On the contrary, the arguments that oppose the decision taken by the Supreme court for not providing
euthansia to Aruna Shaunbag. Firstly, Aruna was the sole person to suffer the harsh atrocities life had
thrown her way for a period of 42 long years. Sufferining the pain and helplessness, such that she could
not even help herself because of her situation and the kind of pain she had to endure, should be reason
enough on human grounds to let her go. Secondly, some cases have a scope of exception, and such
was Aruna Shaunbagh’s case. Her case was completely exceptional and unique with respect to her
situation and she should have been given the change to make things right by putting an end to her
misery. So even in lack of such kind of law, the court should have been supportive enough of her and
sympathetic towards her situation. Thirdy, the moral dillemma should not have been in question over
here since, in this case, Euthansia could have done more good than bad to the victim in this situation. It
would have provided freedom and would free her from her hardships and miseries. Fourth, she suffered
for 42 long years and yet there was no progress in her situation. Taking a call for her life, by someone
else like a doctor or is completely unethical and unacceptable, and she should have been given the
choice to release her from her miseries.

Aruna’s family would have been in a real state of turmoil with respect to her situation and would
obviously not want to kill her in any instance even if there was no scope of improvement for her. The
doctors would hold on the moral dilemma of taking away someone’s life when the victim clearly did not
give any consent or shown any willingness to end her life. The general public held total sympathy for
Aruna and her situation and held mixed opinions of either helping her relieve her from her suffering or
letting her choose her own life. In my opinion, Euthanasia is a decision to be taken by either the victim
or the family members, even if there is no provision in the law, it should have been considered for the
case of Aruna under special circumstance.

To conclude, the decision made by court was not justified to a larger extent because 42 years is a long
period of time for Aruna to suffer and endure the hardships. She went through life, but did not get a
chance to live it but rather just suffered and endured. If the supreme court had allowed Aruna to end her
life it would have relieved her from her pain. Aruna endured the trauma everyday for 42 years and putting
her to sleep peacefully should have been the right thing to do and this would also support the
perspectives of the family and the victim. In a nutshell, to make a more reasoned and rational call for
Euthanasia, the judiciary should have better and more firm laws in picture.

The response includes 4-5 points of both support and oppose, but you should include 3-4 points. More
number of points are provide to give you exposure, understanding and options.
It is completely okay if your response and stand differs from this MS, as long as you provide well
reasoned points.

Name of Educator : Date :

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