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Diuretic efficiencv of furosemide during

continuous adrnikstration versus bolu;

injection in healthy volunteers
Furosemide delivery rate in the nephron has been reported to be one of the major determinants of di-
uretic response. In a randomized, crossover double-blind study in eight healthy volunteers, we tested
this hypothesis by comparing continuous intravenous infusion of furosemide (infusion rate, 4 mg/hr)
during 8 hours after administration of an intravenous loading dose of 8 mg (total dose, 40 mg) with an
intravenous bolus injection of 40 mg furosemide. During the study days subjects were rehydrated with
isovolumetric amounts of fluid. Mean total urinary volume (Vw), sodium (U,,), potassium, and chlo-
ride excretion after 8 and 24 hours were significantly greater after treatment with continuous fu-
rosemide infusion when compared with bolus injection, whereas total urinary furosemide excretion
showed no differences (V, bolus versus ,
V infusion, 5270 versus 6770 mV8 hours; UNabolus versus UNa
infusion, 314 versus 430 mmoV8 hours; bothp < 0.001). These findings strongly support the concept of
the furosemide delivery rate into the nephron as a determinant of diuretic efficiency. (CLINPHARMACOL
THER 1992;s 1:440-4).

Joseph J. M. van Meyel, MD, Paul Smits, MD, Frans G. M. Russel, PhD,
Paul G. G. Gerlag, MD, Yuen Tan, and Frank W. J. Gribnau, MD
Nijmegen and ~ i n d h k n The
, Netherlands

Furosemide is a high-ceiling diuretic agent often quently, continuous infusion of furosemide may be the
used in clinical practice to treat edematous states in most efficient way to administer this kind of drug. Up
congestive heart failure, nephrotic syndrome, and to now, few studies have been performed that address
liver cirrhosis. After secretion into the proximal renal this issue. In an animal study, Lee et a1.2 compared
tubule, furosemide exerts its effects from the luminal different lengths of infusion time using the same total
side of the thick ascending limb of the loop of Henle, dose of furosemide. They found increasing diuretic
where it inhibits reabsorption of chloride and, second- effects with increasing infusion times, whereas the
arily, of sodium. Recent studies have shown a correla- pharmacokinetic parameters were not significantly dif-
tion between the urinary excretion rate of furosemide ferent between the four infusion times. In an uncon-
and its diuretic efficiency.'-4 In addition, Kaojarern trolled study, Lawson et a1.' showed the usefulness of
et al.' stated that the time course of delivery of fur- continuous furosemide infusion in patients with refrac-
osemide is one of the overall determinants of diuretic tory congestive heart failure. However, Copeland
effect. According to this concept a low but continu- et a1.6 did not find pharmacodynamic differences in a
ously effective urinary excretion rate of furosemide comparison of continuous infusion versus bolus injec-
would lead to a higher diuretic effect than short expo- tion in a study in 18 postoperative patients. Yet it
sure of the active site to high concentration of the must be stressed that these two studies were open and
drug, as occurs with bolus administration. Conse- were not blinded or randomized in a crossover design.
The aim of the present study was to compare the phar-
From the Department of Pharmacology and Division of General
macodynamic effects of a bolus injection of fu-
Internal Medicine, Department of Medicine, University of Ni- rosemide with an equivalent dose administered as a
jmegen, and the Department of Medicine, St. Joseph Hospital, continuous infusion in healthy volunteers in a random-
Eindhoven. ized, crossover double-blind fashion.
Received for publication July 23, 1991; accepted Nov. 5, 1991.
Reprint requests: Joseph J. M. van Meyel, MD, Division of Internal METHODS
Medicine, Department of Medicine, University Hospital
Nijmegen, P.O. Box 9101,6500 HB Nijmegen, The Netherlands. Subjects. After approval by the local hospital ethi-
1311134796 cal committee (University Hospital Nijmegen), we se-
NUMBER 4 Continuous versus bolus administration offirosenzide 44 1

lected eight nonsmoking male volunteers for the Table I. Baseline values of eight healthy volunteers
study. From each subject a written informed consent on the pretreatment day
was obtained before participation. Age range of the Day 3 Day 3
subjects was from 21 to 41 years and weight range (before bolus) (before infusion)
was from 67.5 to 75.5 kg (Quetelet index; mean .f
SD; 22.5 t 1.2 kg/m2; range, 20.2 to 23.8). Each CL,, (mllmin) 122 '- 5 123 2 4
v,, (mU 1200 r 150 1370 240 *
subject had a normal medical history, physical exami-
nation, complete blood count, and biochemistry. None
UN, (mmol) 156 13* 154 2 11
U, (mmol) 78 t 9 81 2 8
of the subjects used any medication before study U,,,, (mmol) 163 t 17 165 2 11
entry. Data are mean values ? SEM.
Study design. The study was designed as a double- CL,,, Creatinine clearance; V,, total urinary volume; U,,, urinary excre-
tion of sodium; U,, urinary excretion of potassium; U,,,,,,,, urinary excre-
blind randomized crossover study in which all subjects tion of chloride.
participated in 2 study days. The diet 3 days before
(days 1 to 3) and on each treatment day contained 150
mmol sodium and 80 mmol potassium. Volunteers were stored at -20" C and were carefully protected
were not allowed to drink coffee, tea, or alcohol from light until analyzed. On the treatment day, urine
throughout the treatment days. Urine was collected for was collected hourly until 8 hours after the start of the
24 hours on the day before the study day to assess ad- test. During this time the volunteers stayed in the hos-
herence to the diet. The study started in the morning pital. After 8 hours the subjects went home, with no
of day 4 at the close of the 24-hour urine collection. restriction on fluid intake, and collected urine from 8
On the treatment days the volunteers received, after an to 24 hours.
initial bladder voiding, either a bolus injection of 40 Analytic methods. Urine was immediately analyzed
mg (4 ml) furosemide intravenously followed by a for sodium, chloride, potassium, and creatinine con-
continuous infusion of saline solution at a rate of 4 centration. Sodium and potassium were assayed with a
mllhr or a loading dose of 8 mg furosemide (dissolved flame photometer, chloride by a semiautomatic colo-
in 4 ml saline solution) followed by continuous in- metric titration method, and creatinine by means of
fusion of furosemide (furosemide concentration, Jaffe's method. Plasma and urine concentrations of
1 mg/ml) at a rate of 4 mllhr for 8 hours. To prevent furosemide were determined by a rapid and sensi-
the photochemical degradation of furosemide, both in- tive HPLC assay that has been described previously.8
fusions were protected against light. According to the Calculations and statistics. All findings are pre-
formula: sented as mean values + SEM unless indicated other-
Intended infusion rate (mglhr) . tfi (hr) wise. We used the sigmoid maximum effect (Emax)
Loading dose = model for the dose-response relationship, using the
data obtained after bolus administration. No high uri-
we calculated that a loading dose of 8 mg intrave- nary furosemide concentrations were reached with
nously followed by a 4 mg/hr continuous infusion was continuous intravenous infusion; consequently, the
necessary to reach a steady-state plasma furosemide full extent of the curve could not be defined. How-
level. With respect to this calculation, we assumed a ever, data during continuous infusion followed the
half-life (ta) of furosemide of 90 minutes. The t, af- same dose-response pattern as that after bolus admin-
ter 40 mg of intravenous furosemide in healthy volun- istration. The data were fitted to the Emaxmodel by
teers in 11 studies ranged from 45 to 172 minute^.^ use of the NONLIN computer program.9 Because the
Urine losses of each period were replaced volume for diuretic effect of furosemide has been shown to be
volume by a combination of a continuous intravenous more closely related to the urinary excretion rate
saline infusion and tap water orally during the subse- rather than to the plasma concentration, we used the
quent period. Between the 2 treatment days there was urinary excretion rate of furosemide, as proposed by
a washout period of at least 7 days. At the contralat- Hammarlund et a~.~"':
era1 side of drug infusion, blood samples for the deter-
mination of plasma drug concentration were drawn by
way of an indwelling heparinized catheter in an ante-
cubital vein at 0, 15, 30, 45, 60, 90, 120, 150, 180, in which E is effect, Emaxis the maximum drug effect,
240, 300, 360, 420, and 480 minutes after the start of E, is basal effect without stimulus, ER is the urinary
furosemide administration. Plasma and urine samples excretion rate of furosemide, ER,, is the urinary ex-
442 van Meyel et al. APRIL 1992


1 1

0 2 4 6 8
TlME ( h ~ )
Fig. 2. Cumulative urinary sodium excretion (mean &
FUROSEMIDE EXCRETION RATE (pglmin) SEM) during 8 hours after bolus injection and continuous
infusion of 40 mg furosemide, respectively.

- steady-state values of both the plasma furosemide con-
centrations and the urinary furosemide excretion rate
throughout virtually the whole study period. By con-
trast, after bolus injection a peak value of furosemide
urinary excretion rate during the first hour was ob-
served, followed by a distinct decrease during the sub-
sequent hours. The total urinary recovery of fur-
osemide after 24 hours averaged 76% + 6% (range,
40% to 94%) in the bolus group versus 71% + 2%
0 2 4 6 8 (range, 65% to 87%) in the infusion group.
6 TIME (hr) As shown in Fig. 2 an almost stable hourly natriure-
sis occurred during continuous infusion of furosemide.
Fig. 1. Furosemide plasma concentrations (mean 2 SEM, A)
Volume and electrolyte excretion were significantly
and furosemide excretion rate (mean 1- SEM, B) after
higher during furosemide infusion compared with bo-
bolus injection and continuous infusion of 40 mg fur-
lus injection, whereas furosemide excretion, as men-
osemide, respectively.
tioned, showed no difference (Table 11). Even after 24
hours, electrolyte and volume excretions remained
cretion rate at half maximum effect, and s is the slope significantly higher in the infusion group, although the
factor. volunteers were allowed to have unrestricted fluid in-
For calculation of the maximally efficient excretion take during this time. Table I11 shows the parameters
rate (MEER), we used the formula as proposed by obtained by fitting the data to the sigmoid Em,, model
Kaojarern et al. : and the derived efficiency parameters. The individual
data of the dose-response curves of two volunteers ex-
MEER = [ER&(S - l)]"S
pressed as urinary sodium versus furosemide excretion
Statistical comparisons were assessed by use of the rate are presented in Fig. 3. These dose-response
Student t test for paired data. The 5% level of signifi- curves are representative of all volunteers. It is obvi-
cance was used in all cases. ous that all data collected during the period of contin-
uous infusion of furosemide are on the steep part of
RESULTS the dose-response curve, close to the MEER.
As shown in Table I the volunteers were in balance
with their diets on the pretreatment days. Fig. 1 pre- DISCUSSION
sents the course of the plasma furosemide concentra- Our findings clearly show that the time course of
tion and of the urinary furosemide excretion rate after furosemide delivery in the proximal renal tubule is an
bolus administration and continuous infusion (starting important determinant of diuretic response. Yet, one
with a loading dose) during 8 hours. As shown in must keep in mind that maximal efficiency does not
Fig. 1, continuous infusion of furosemide induced mean maximal effect per stimulus (maximal efficacy)
NUMBER 4 Continuous versus bolus administration Offirosemide 443

Table 11. Volume, electrolyte, and furosemide excretion 8 and 24 hours after administration of 40 mg furosemide
as a bolus or continuous infusion
Bolus Infusion
0 - 8 Hr 0-24 Hr 0-8 Hr 0-24 Hr Bolus vs infusion, 0 - 8 hr

vu,(ml) 4590 ? 320 *

5270 360 *
5830 360 6770 ? 280 p < 0.001
UN, (mmol) 274 -t 8 314 2 7 401 *19 430 ? 17 p < 0.001
U, (mmol) 51 2 3 *
78 3 63 2 5 95 5 6 p < 0.05
U c h l o r i d ~ (mmOl) 297 2 8 329 ? 6 463 ? 21 479 * 20 p < O.OO1
U,,o,,,id, (mg) *
30.2 2.3 30.7 r 2.3 28.5 r 0.8 31.4 + 1.0 NS
Data are mean values f SEM.
,,,,,U,,, Urinary excretion of furosemide.

Table 111. Parameters obtained by fitting the data to the sigmoid Emaxmodel and the derived efficiency parameters
after intravenous bolus injection of 40 mg furosemide
Sodium Furosemide Sodium E, Furosemide Sodium EM,,,
Subject No. Em, (pmollmin) ER,, (pglmin) S (pmollmin) MEER (pglmin) (prnolimin) ?
Mean ? SD
E,,,, Maximum obtainable natriuresis; ER,,, furosemide excretion rate causing half maximum natriuresis; s, slope factor, E,, basal diuresis without diuretic stim-
ulation; MEER, maximal efficient excretion rate; E,,,,, natriuresis occurring at MEER.

but the most efficient relation between stimulus and ing to our calculations, furosemide excretion rate
drug effect. Maximal efficiency is time dependent, reached maximally efficient values during only the
seems strongly influenced by the state of dehydra- first hour of our study. We speculate that total diuresis
tion'' and, as stated by Hammarlund et al. ,I1 is lim- would have been even higher if we had been able to
ited by the clockwise hysteresis phenomenon. As a maintain the furosemide excretion rate equal to the
consequence of this hysteresis, indicating acute toler- MEER.
ance to the diuretic effect, it is difficult to determine In contrast to our study, Copeland et did not
the maximally efficient urinary excretion rate of fur- find pharmacodynamic differences in a comparison of
osemide. However, in the current study acute toler- continuous infusion and bolus injection. However, it
ance development was prevented by use of isovolu- must be stressed that the study of Copeland et was
metric fluid replacement. not of a crossover design. This could have influenced
To calculate the maximally efficient excretion rate, their results, because of the large interindividual dif-
the slope factor seems to play a critical role as a deter- ferences of furosemide pharrnacodynamics. In addi-
minant of the dose-response curve, as noticed by Kao- tion, they did not start with a loading dose in the infu-
jarem et a].' When using the efficiency formula, he sion treated patients, thereby delaying the beneficial
calculated that with a slope factor of 1.23 the most ef- effect of continuous furosemide administration.
ficient furosemide excretion rate was 21.5 pglmin. In It seems likely that the concept of continuous infu-
our volunteers we measured a somewhat higher slope sion of a loop diuretic, as the most efficient maneuver,
factor (2.7 + 0.8). Consequently, the calculated is applicable to patients with refractory congestive
MEER was higher, in fact equaling the ER,,. When heart failure. Especially in these patients higher doses
treated with continuous infusion, urinary furosemide are needed, first, because most patients with severe
excretion rate during steady state in our volunteers congestive heart failure have impaired renal function.
was almost twice as high as the maximally efficient In addition, neurohumoral changes and intrarenal reg-
excretion rate calculated by Kaojarem et a].' Accord- ulatory mechanisms in these patients with severe con-
444 van Meyel et al. APRIL 1992


10 130 l0:00

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and continuous infusion (open circles) of 40 mg furosemide (curves representative for all volun-

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