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Science Module I

23. A compound results from the chemical union of

a) an electron and a proton 0000

ab c d
b) two or more elements
c) a neutron and an atom
d) a neutron and a proton

24. An example of a compound is

a) mercury b) salt c) carbon d) oxygen 0000

ab c d
25. When matter is changed into another matter having different properties, the type
of change is known as

a) physical change c) chemical change 0000

ab c d
b) electrical change d) atomic change

26. Baking soda produces carbon dioxide when mixed with

a) sour milk b) flour c)-.water d) egg 0000

ab c d
27 . The bubbling in softdrink is due to

a) air dissolved in the liquid 0000

ab c d
b) carbon dioxide dissolved in liquid
c) alcohol in the liquid
d) sugar in the liquid

28. A gas which bacteiia extract from air and change into a form which plant can use

a) argon b) nitrogen c) carbon dioxide d) oxygen 0000

ab c d
29. Pressure is the push or pull exerted by a weight on a given unit of area. Since air
' has weight, it exerts pressure on all objects exposed to it. Decreasing air pressure,
air can be made to move from _ pressure region to_ pressure region.

a)alow,ahigh c) a high, another high 0000

ab c d
b)ahigh,alow d) a low, the same

30. Clouds are made up of

a) water vapor r c) tiny droplets of water 0000

ab c d
b) dust particles only d) partially evaporated water

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