SHS Humss Diss Q1 WK6

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VII, Central Visayas
Division of Bohol
Competency : Apply the basic concepts and principles of the major social science theories.

Reference : Abulencia, Arthur S., Discipline and Ideas in the Social Sciences Teachers
Guide. Pasig City. DepEd-BLR. 2017. p. 31-35
Copyright For classroom use only


A sociological theory that attempts to explain why society functions the way it does by focusing
on the relationships between the various social institutions that make up society (ex. government, law,
education, religion, etc.)
Social Structure is any relative stable pattern of social behavior. Social structure includes
arrangements in society, such as various social classes (upper, middle and lower) or various governmental
levels (federal, state, and municipal). Social Functions is the action that contribute to the maintenance of a
system, institution, or society.
Society Economic, socio- Social Social function
cultural, political Structure
Family Socio cultural Parents Parents: nurture children positive esteem
Children Children: submit himself to rules of discipline
Governmen Politics Executive Executes and enforce law
t Legislative Make new laws or change existing laws
Administers justice according to law
Corporation Economic Board of Plan & strategize goals and objectives of the
Directors company
Employees Perform their work with care

Three of the focus study of structuralism is to determine the latent, manifest functions and
dysfunction of every institution on the society.
Manifest Functions are known and intended consequences of a system, institution or society. Latent
Functions are the unintended and often unforeseen consequences of a system, institution or society.
Social Dysfunctions are actors that lead to the breakdown of a system, institution or society.


Family Members love each other Become member of society Teen pregnancy

Marxism, whatever else it may be, is a potent force in the modern world. An interpretation of
Marxism is not merely an academic task. It is also a political action which can either strengthen or
weaken Marxism as a social force; consequently, interpretation of Marxism evoke the full range of
feelings associated with any controversial political action. This irreducible partisanship does not vitiate
the scientific value of Marxism thought or prove that Marxism is really a species of religion On the
contrary, in indicates the continuing capacity of Marxism analysis to address the central political and
economic conflicts of our time. Interpretation of those conflict inevitably reflect a person’s location in
social structure and historical time.
Marxism on Society and culture.
Historical materialism — Marx’s theory of history — is centered around the idea that forms of
society rise and fall as they further and then impede the development of human productive power. Marx
sees the historical process as proceeding through a necessary series of modes of production, characterized
by class struggle, culminating in communism. There it is clear that according to him the current set up of
society is governed with perpetual conflict. This conflict should be eliminated to attain a society called
“classless society”.
Marxism on Economy.
Marx’s economic analysis of capitalism is based on his version of the labor theory of value, and
includes the analysis of capitalist profit as the extraction of surplus value from the exploited proletariat.
The analysis of history and economics come together in Marx’s prediction of the inevitable economic
breakdown of capitalism, to be replaced by communism. However, Marx refused to speculate in detail
about the nature of communism, arguing that it would arise through historical processes, and was not the
realization of a pre-determined moral ideal.
Marxism on Politics as Ideology.
It originally consisted of three related ideas: a philosophical anthropology, a theory of history,
and an economic and political program. There is also Marxism as it has been understood and practiced by
the various socialist movements, particularly before 1914. Then there is Soviet Marxism as worked out by
Vladimir Lenin and modified by Joseph Stalin. Which then followed by the several socialist fronts in the
Philippines such as Labor Unions (Unión Obrera Democrática Filipina), Political Organization
(Philippine Democratic Socialist Party) and even Revolutionary movement (CPP-NPA).

EXERCISE I. Fill in the table. Apply the given situations either socio-cultural, economic or
political. Then in the third column give example of social structures and in the fourth give at least one
example of social function of a given situation.
1. Cooperative
2. School
3. Barkada/peer
Multiple choice: Read and analyze the following questions carefully. Choose the letter that corresponds
to the correct answer.

1. The following are the purpose of a family institution EXCEPT:

A. To nurture and socialize children C. To increase the population in a society
B. To pass on generational traditions D. To provide a sense of belongingness and

2. Which of the following DOES NOT belong to the group?

A. PMI Colleges Bohol
B. Bohol Island State University (BISU)
C. Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA)
D. None of the above

3. It is a focus study of structuralism which refers to known and intended consequences of a system,
institution or society.
A. Latent function C. Social dysfunction
B. Manifest function D. All of the above

4. What is the main function of the religion institution?

A. To establish a hierarchy among religious subsets
B. To separate people into clusters so they have differences in opinion
C. To form groups that can revolt against the governmental institution
D. To provide with a set of beliefs, values and practices that help them understand the right way
to live

5. Which of the following is NOT a requirement of the government as a social institution?

A. To promote the health of the public
B. To make and enforce the rules of society
C. To regulate relations with other societies
D. To have a leader whose power is recognized by the people

6. Which of the following shows the manifest functions of family as a social institution?
A. Parents nurture their children positive esteem.
B. Children submit themselves to rules of discipline.
C. Either A or B
D. Neither A nor B

7. The following are examples of social dysfunctions in the government as a social institution
A. Corruption C. Overpopulation
B. Inflation D. All of these

8. Your childhood friend who happened to be in the ninth grade was confirmed to be three-month
pregnant. She told you that she was worried if her family would know about it. You know that it
would be a big trouble. That’s why, you advised her to tell her family as soon as possible. The
situation implies what focus study of structuralism?
A. Latent function C. Either A or B
B. Social dysfunction D. Neither A nor B

9. In a hospital, the doctors are treating a patient suffering from a certain kind of incurable disease
and somehow save the patient. Thus, discovering a new method of treating the disease. Which
focus study of structuralism is being shown?
A. Latent function C. Social dysfunction
B. Manifest function D. All of the above

10. When President-elect Bongbong Marcos won the 2022 presidential election, he formed his
cabinet members including Vice-President-elect Sara Duterte. Which of the following could be
the best expected manifest functions among the cabinet members?
A. To establish a hierarchy among members
B. To form groups that can revolt against the governmental institution
C. To separate people into clusters so they have differences in opinion
D. To carry out individual roles to achieve the mandate of the government
1) C
2) D
3) B
4) D
5) D
6) C
7) D
8) B
9) A
10) D

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