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Mass media serves as an important conduit through which individuals learn about
political events (Graber, 2004). When this important conduit does not simply provide a
stream of consumable information, the mere fact of coverage makes a particular issue more
relevant for a viewer or reader (Iyengar& Simon, 1993).

Thus it is the media that sets the information for the audiences to which kind of
information they draw from the portrayed content of mass media. Through which they
draw their inferences about the world and ongoing events and crisis in the world.
Which actually functions as a window to the outside world for public and possesses
the ability to shape their knowledge, attitudes, and images in their minds.

Media does not portray every news to its audiences rather there is a code of conduct
and defined strategy and policy which is different in every single media-outlet and this is the
major object according that media-outlets select information pieces to offer the audience.
Media biasness starts from this point; where media favors an individual, group, organization,
party, country or state for different reasons and sometime it came to criticize the other
individual, group, organization, party, country or state.

Such function of media is totally against the fundamental of media philosophy

where at one point it defines the media as objective and impartial mediator assigning
it the duties of informing, educating, and entertaining its audiences. From long ago
mass media channels had converted these assignments to make an impact by framing
the content either it is during the entertainment assignment, or education assignment
of mass media, even the assignment of informing changed to making an impact.

In this thesis the researcher has focused on the informing assignment of mass
media channels taking the news-outlet as a source of information for current affairs
and follow-up of ongoing conflicts in the world. There are a variety types of media
bias. In this thesis, content slant (content bias) which is defined as; to favor one side
of a political conflict and don’t provide equal treatments to both sides, is discussed
from the angle of the news media.
Media-outlet by setting stages for political news, managing their agenda and sources
and framing the information, plays an important role in the society. One vital role of mass
media channel in this regard is; building images in the mind of its audiences in positive or
negative shapes. In this era of technological advancements media plays an important role in
opinion shaping and building. The part played by media is so strong that at times it influences
the policies of the regions and countries. Be it our day to day lives or our national or
international affairs pivotal role of media cannot be denied. It has become one of the
strongest tool of hybrid warfare where even a strongest enemy can be destroyed just by
deliberate and meticulous use of media. The states that are playing well on media fronts are
the successful ones whereas the ones not utilizing this medium are at the losing end.
Thoroughly crafted messages can act as bullets for the target audiences. Once those messages
hit the targets the opinions start shaping according to the will and wish of the one who crafted
the message. In lieu of this all kinds of media are employed, be it social media or
conventional media like radio, television or newspaper etc. Moreover, media’s one of the
basic role is to inform and educate. The power of this basic role cannot be denied.

Another very important aspect is the portrayal of conflicts by mass media. This is
becoming a major concern for combatants as the opinion floated by media becomes the
opinion of the masses. Therefore, conflicts can both escalate and deescalate due to framing of
media in a certain manner.

Kashmir is considered integral part of Pakistan by Pakistani government whereas

India considers Kashmir as its territory and want to have control over it by use of sheer force.
Since the inception of Pakistan in 1947, Kashmir remained as bone of contention between
India and Pakistan. Three wars were fought to resolve the issue between the nuclear states of
South Asia.

The issue of Kashmir dispute always remained alive in both Indian and Pakistani
media. But the coverage took a leap and gained momentum when Modi led government of
India abrogated article 370 and 35 A in Indian occupied Kashmir. According to article 35A of
Jammu Kashmir Legislature, it is Jammu and Kashmir states’ prerogative to define
“permanent citizens” and are responsible for providing special rights of citizens. This was
released by Indian President on 14th May 1954 under article 370. According to this article it
was only the right of Jammu and Kashmir citizens to buy any kind of property, right to vote,
privilege of having government jobs and contest in elections etc. After abrogation of this
article lockdown was implemented in Indian occupied Kashmir. Both India and Pakistan have
their own narrative vise-versa the abrogation of article which is portrayed in their media. The
way this issue is portrayed in media will determine how the issue is to be solved.

Historical Background
World crisis and conflict’s history determines that South Asia is one of the world’s
major area with more crisis and conflicting situations. Most of geography scholars has
included Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Butane, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka
in this South Asia.

Unfortunately, more than half of the population of this crisis escalated area are living
under poverty line. According to the world development indexes this area is one of
underdeveloped areas. Despite these negative characteristics of this area has comprised
world’s two major Atomic Powers (India and Pakistan).

Mostly scholars believe that; partition of subcontinent is the main cause for the
above mentioned characteristics for this area. The major opponents in this area are the
above mentioned two Atomic Power countries (India and Pakistan).Scholars believe
that Kashmir Dispute is the main discorded case between India and Pakistan (Dixit,
2002, Cohen, 2002, &Schofield, 2010). This crisis is a mixture desire/claim of
nationalism, ideological differences, superiority demands, national interest, and
economical interest.

However, the basis of subcontinent’s partition was ideological the establishing

philosophy of Pakistan was; to be a home for minority Muslims of subcontinent. The rule at
that time was described as are as with majority of Hindu population would be
determined India’s part, and areas with majority of Muslim Population would be
designated part of new established state of Pakistan. There were 584 princely ruled
states in subcontinent before partition which all provinces were given a choice of
acceding into either resultant state. Among them Kashmir territory (at the time is
divided between India and Pakistan by Line of Control) was an area with majority of
Muslim population but under the rule of Hindu King who postponed the decision of
joining either India or Pakistan (Ganguly, 2002).

This King’s procrastination in decision lead to the uprising of tribal groups in

the south-western parts of Kashmir with supports provided by Pakistani Army. These
rebels reached to outskirts of Srinagar, the capital of the region which impelled the
king to seek assistance from India. Indian government provided military assistance on
the condition that the king accede to India and the accession must be proved by a popular
leader and the people’s representative know as Sheikh Abdullah territory and it was the
first time when India called UN (United Nations) to mediate this war. The war ended
with the first declaration of UN’s sponsored ceasefire on 1st-january 1947. The
ceasefire occurred when the rebels had captured a third of the territory of former
Kashmir region. The ceasefire line was declared the line of control (LoC) between the
two nations which is the border between I. Admn. K. and PAK. Admn. K.

Since the partition of subcontinent India and Pakistan has fought four major wars over
Kashmir; (First Kashmir War; 1947, India-Pakistan War of; 1965, India-Pakistan War of
1971, and Kargil War 1999). These military wars signify the importance Kashmir territory
for both sides.

Still both sides claim each other as occupier; I. Admn. K. is known as Jammu
&Kashmir by India and for Pakistan it is known as Indian-occupied Kashmir, while
the case is reverse in PAK. Admn. K. which is known as Azaad Kashmir by Pakistan,
and India consider it as Pakistan-occupied Kashmir.

Shrivastava in her research on frames in the US print media coverage of the Kashmir conflict
states that;

‘However, the constant juxtaposition of the three parties and their religious
majorities seems to convey the impression that the demographics of India have a
major influence on India’s attitude towards the dispute and the nature of its policies
inKashmir ’.(Shrivastava, 2004)

Yet, it can be argued that describing Pakistan as a Muslim country and its
claim to the territory of Kashmir as rooted in religion is justifiable since the country
was founded as an Islamic nation and because it considers Kashmir as legitimately a
part of Pakistan because the population in Kashmir is mainly Muslim (Cohen, 2003,
Dixit, 2002, Schofield,2003)
The basic reason of first two war were Kashmir. The third war occurred because of internal
issues in Pakistan. India pervade into Pakistan and divide Pakistan into two pieces. One was
west and the other was east. East Pakistan was now Bangladesh. After these wars there is no
other war held between them. But the conflict always remain same. The conflict increased
time to time. The war of words always continue between them .Their conflict not be erased.
The all three wars between them was on small level. These wars were very short in period.
The first war is more in length than 1965 and 1971 wars. The both nation had no powerful
weapons. They used very old materials. Both nation had lack of new weapons. The army of
both country were very new. There was very lack use of air defense. The war was on ground.
But now India and Pakistan are technologically rich. They have nuclear powers. They are
now more powerful than ever. They both have capabilities for operating the missile. Their
army are now become powerful (Ganguly, 1995).

The cause of war between Pakistan and India based on ideology. India called its
native secular while according to Pakistan their homeland is an Islamic state in which all
Muslims all equal and serve equally. But after the independence of both nation, both show
their interest in Kashmir. Kashmir maharaja joined Kashmir to India while the population of
Muslims were large in numbers as compared to Hindus. The war of 1971 was at the time of
election in Pakistan. India attacked Pakistan during civil war. India wanted to weak Pakistani
state and separate the East Pakistan from Pakistan because East Pakistan had a majority of
Muslims. India pervade in Pakistan when already a tension exist in Pakistan. The intrusion of
India in Pakistan led to Pakistan division. This division create a Bangladesh (Ganguly, 2002).

According to many commentaries the India and Pakistan war never to end. This war
will remain continue between them. They even not get a solution of any issue between them.
The 4 wars between them in 1947- 1948, 1965, 1971, 1999 and many conflict rise between
them with the passage of time. These conflict never come to an end. These issue are
increasing day by day. The crisis that emerged between them show that this war never come
to any end. During these wars there is no peace exist between them (Swami, 2006). In 1999
the Vajpayee who was the prime minister of India cover his journey through bus for Lahore.
It considered a positive gesture from India it raised a hope among people. This movement
considered a positive vibe from India. It seemed that things would be smooth between both
countries. But this hope came to end after 4 months. India and Pakistan started war due to
kargil. But in 2001 they fought the war of words. President of Pakistan general Musharraf
and prime minister of India Vajpayee met to solve the issue but all that meeting end without
any December the attack on India increased the hatred. Due to the attack on Lok
Sabah it increase the intensity. This create another issue among Pakistan and India. The war
once again start between them. They were not ready to tolerate each other. They were not
ready to dialogue with each other at any cost. After that in 2004 the moment had come when
new opportunities were on the door to get the solution. The temporary reaction found in the
India and Pakistan. It is time for taking good step to resolve the issues. Otherwise it will
become worse with time (Tawarees, 2008).

When the time had come in 1947 every state had a right to join whether India or
Pakistan. The maharaja of Kashmir state was a Hindu. His name was Hari Singh. He joined
his sate to India but there were approximately 77% of Muslims in Kashmir. Kashmiri people
not ready to accept this. In 1951 election conduct for the sake of both countries India and
Pakistan. Sheikh Abdullah won amazing mandate. National conference was a political group
which run by Sheikh Abdullah. The agreement between Nehru and Sheikh Abdullah come to
one point. According to this agreement the Kashmiri people call Indian and “non Kashmiri
Indians” will have no rights of any property in Jammu Kashmir. “The emergency power of
India’s president would be contingent upon approval by the Jammu and Kashmir
government”. And after that Sheikh Abdullah started movement for independence. His aim
was to free Kashmir from Indian government rule. He started movement against India for the
sake of Kashmiris freedom. It took the circumstances more critical. Sheikh Abdullah arrested
by the Indian government in 1953. Bakshi Mohammad became the next ruler of national 1954 it declared that Kashmir has the part of India finally. In 1956 it was final
that Kashmir was the part of India and it approved by the assembly of Jammu and Kashmir
(Routry, 2012).

Burhan was the rebellion fighter in Jammu Kashmir he was very young in 10th class
when he joined Hum because he had to take revenge from Indian army who beat his brother
made him senseless for nothing and after that they killed his brother in 2015. Burhan was a
very young fighter and became popular among people. He showed the faces of people who
had fear to interact with the camera. He was the hope of many people. He discussed about the
current situation in Kashmir and the grief of innocent people on social media. He used social
media and shared the videos on it to show the real face of India and its army. So the Indian
army traced him and during the fight of 2 hours Burhan killed by Indian armed force. After
that when people came to know about it they start strike and burn the tire in Srinagar people
block the roads and conduct a funeral prayer for him. This incidents and many others make
people more aggressive. Burhan want to do something for his people. Indian army used to kill
many innocent people for nothing. After the death of Burhan it will not stop because this
incident work a fuel on fire. So government of India should give the right of Kashmiris.
Kashmir issue cannot be solved without giving them their freedom. In this case the
international communities also called India for solving this Kashmir issue. But India is not
ready to make dialogue on this topic India is not ready to give the freedom to the people of
Kashmir to decide by themselves about their future. Many communities call them to resolve
the issue in a peaceful manner. India should give them freedom to decide about their future

The incident that take place in 2019 on February 14 that was a Pulwama attack. In
which 44 Indian soldiers loss their lives. A suicide bomber attacked on the security personnel.
The Indian claimed that Pakistan was behind in this attack. Pakistan involved in this attack.
They consider Pakistan as culprit. Jaish-e-Muhammad mission was to free Kashmir. Indian
claimed that maharaja handed over this state to India so it is legal. Their mission were to free
this state from Indian .After that jaish-e-Mohammad claimed that they were behind the
attack. The situation became more in this way India dropped bombs on the area of
jaish-e-Mohammad across the line of control in Pakistan. India violate the border for taking
their revenge from Pakistan. India want to isolate Pakistan on international level they want to
infamous Pakistan in front of all countries they want to declare Pakistan as terrorist .So
Pakistan retaliated on 27 February 2019 by arranging air strike and captured the pilot who is
an Indian pilot. But the prime minister of Pakistan released this pilot for the sake of peace.
But India considered it a law of Geneva Convention (Nazmul, 2019).

Pakistan and India are neighboring countries. Even after seventy years the relation
between them could not be normal. The issues between them never solved. The both
countries created on the basis of two nation theory. Declare that the majority area of Hindus
under the sovereignty of India and the Muslims majority areas under the sovereignty of
Pakistan. Indian political leaders all want to see their country as the emerging power. They
want to rule over the world. The leaders of India started preparing plan for occupying the
nearby Island. They prepared fake papers of state Jammu Kashmir. They attacked the state
and occupied it. After that in 1948 India used a ruler of Baluchistan for attacking on
Baluchistan. They attacked from the surface of Afghanistan. The Pakistan Army arrested the
enemies and present them to the governor general of Pakistan Muhammad Ali Jinnah. In
1965 the war begins on the issue of Jammu and Kashmir. India attacked Pakistani border in
1965. The prime minister of India Indra Gandhi in 1971 collaborate with the political agents
in east Pakistan attacked Pakistan and won the war against it. After all that happened the
prime minister of India Indra Gandhi made her county a nuclear power. Pakistan came to
know their intention they knew it that they had to protect their country. Pakistan decided to
become a nuclear power for defending the country from the evils. Then the day came
Narinderamodi became the prime minister of India. Narinderamodi and all the extremist
political parties crushing all the movement of self-establishment. These all parties against the
self-determination movement. All these parties against the Muslims and Pakistan. They
recognized for their anti- Muslim ideology. Their enmity also for Pakistan. After seventy
years Jammu Kashmir fight for their rights but these parties do not want to give their rights.
India want to change the constitutional of 35- A status of Jammu Kashmir. Not only this, the
prime minister of India started war against terrorism in Pakistan. India financially supported
all separatism movements that has started in Baluchistan. It damage the economy of Pakistan.
India stop the water supply for Pakistan. Water is very important for agricultural purposes. It
threaten Pakistan. The war of 1965 between India and Pakistan was for Kashmir. This war
held because of Kashmir. The maharaja of Kashmir state was a Hindu. He joined his state to
India in 1947. The population of Muslims in Kashmir state are more than Hindu. So
according to Pakistan Kashmir should be a part of Pakistan because of the large population of
Muslims in Kashmir state. This war was based on this issue. Everyone failed to find out why
Pakistan attacked by India. Their military was not rich at that time. Their military had to face
difficulties. India was very backward in defense matters. But India was rich in industrial
bases. India many times warn Pakistan. Pakistan objective was to free Kashmir from India. In
this way the three war between India and Pakistan were held because of Kashmir (Ganguly,

After the pulwama attack India blamed Pakistan for this attack and the group that
named Jaish-e-Muhammad declared that they were on the back of this attack they took the
responsibility of the attack. Pakistan claimed that they had no link to this incident. India
threaten Pakistan and they violate the border on 27 February. According to Indian media their
pilot dropped the bomb on the jaish-e-Muhammad camps in Pakistan. Adil Ahmad Dar was
the attacker. He was 22 years old boy. He belong to Kaka Pura. According to his parents they
saw adil last time in March 2018. They said that Indian army beat him many times and six
times he arrested by Indian army and release without any charges. He left his home on March
2018 and never return. After the attack of pulwama India raised the custom duty. The Indian
directors also ban Pakistani actors. They ban the broadcasting of PSL matches in India. They
violate the line of control and dropped the bomb in Pakistan. According to their media their
pilots killed 300 people but Pakistan refused this statement. Shakarullah was Pakistani who
jailed in India due to illegal activities. But on 20 February he beaten by the four prisoners and
killed. But Pakistan declared it a revenge after Pulwama attack (Dar, 2019).

On 8 December 1898 Dr. Rubiya who was the daughter of home affair minister who
arrested by the rebellion group of Kashmir. Rubiya admitted in hospital where the Kashmiri
groups kidnapped her and declared that they release rubiya on one condition when they
released their group members. So the government accepted their condition and released their
group members. After that it became a trend in India. But within weeks many rebellion
groups emerged. They killed security personnel, attacked on government ministers. These
groups were against the rule of Indian army on the Kashmir state. Many rebellion groups
emerged in 1989. Rapidly they increased in the numbers. Around 200000 groups were in
Kashmir valley. The Hindus left Kashmir on the reason of these groups. Indian increased
their army in Jammu Kashmir the number of soldiers were 400000 who fought with these
rebellion groups. The all rebellion groups were in the favor of Kashmir independence. They
were not ready to live under the control of Indian government. So these groups demands
freedom. Many of them were pro-Pakistani groups. Some were hizab-ul-mujahedein, Harkat-
ul-ansar groups. All these groups main objective was to free Kashmir nation from India
(Ganguly, 1996).

The ISI intelligence agency designed by British army. A British officer William
Carthorne established this agency in Pakistan in 1948. British army trained them first and
after that CID and then French intelligence agency trained them. The ISI was limited to
intelligence agency in military. But in 1958, Ayyub Khan imposed Martial law in the
country. First time he took the army to the politics affairs. The main objective was to
safeguard the land, to notice the opposition and to sustain the rule of army in the country.
After the defeat from India in 1971 the power transferred to Pakistan people party (PPP).
Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto took the power from the army. Pakistan people party was the civilian
party in 1970 election this party dominated in the half west of the country. After the 16 years
the power of army in political matter came to end. Bhutto wanted to use ISI for himself. He
wanted to use this agency for the sake of his political objectives. He wanted to rule over ISI.
In the earliest of 1972 Bhutto use ISI against “Balochi nationalist”. After the test of India
nuclear power Bhutto ask the ISI to cooperate with Pakistan in making nuclear weapon
(Gregory, 2007).

When the time had come in 1947 every state had a right to join whether India or
Pakistan. The maharaja of Kashmir state was a Hindu. His name was Hari Singh. He joined
his sate to India but there were approximately 77% of Muslims in Kashmir. Kashmiri people
not ready to accept this. In 1951 election conduct for the sake of both countries India and
Pakistan. Sheikh Abdullah won amazing mandate. National conference was a political group
which run by Sheikh Abdullah. The agreement between Nehru and Sheikh Abdullah come to
one point. According to this agreement the Kashmiri people call Indian and “non Kashmiri
Indians” will have no rights of any property in Jammu Kashmir. “The emergency power of
India’s president would be contingent upon approval by the Jammu and Kashmir
government”. And after that Sheikh Abdullah started movement for independence. His aim
was to free Kashmir from Indian government rule. He started movement against India for the
sake of Kashmiris freedom. It took the circumstances more critical. Sheikh Abdullah arrested
by the Indian government in 1953. Bakshi Mohammad became the next ruler of national 1954 it declared that Kashmir has the part of India finally. In 1956 it was final
that Kashmir was the part of India and it approved by the assembly of Jammu and Kashmir
(Routry, 2012).

The war of words started between both India and Pakistan. This war do not reach to
an end till now. Pulwama attack is also a chain of this war. This incident occurs on February
14, 2019 in the district of pulwama. A suicide bomber attacked on the security personnel. So
40 killed along with the attacker in this attack. India blamed on Pakistan. According to them
Pakistan attacked on pulwama. Chaudhry Fawad Hussain the minister of information and
broadcasting states that the blames of India is totally false. He stated that Pakistan is a
peaceful country and it promote peace. Pakistan condemn on the attack of pulwama. Fawad
Hussain stated that everyone has equal rights in Pakistan not alike India in which Jammu
Kashmir people has no right. He said without any proof how you can involve Pakistan in this
issue and how you blamed Pakistan for this pulwama attack. Pakistan is not involve in this
attack it is a peaceful country. He said Pakistan want good relation with its neighbor along
with India. Kartarpura corridor is also a way to promote peace. The prime minister of
Pakistan stated that why he not respond on the same day of attack on pulwama. He said that
he was busy in the conference with the Saudi crown prince on that day. He said why we
attacked on these days when Saudi crown prince come to visit us. We are not involve in these
activities. Pakistan lost its 70,000 people in terrorism. Pakistan is the only country who faces
the terrorism more than other country. We do not want terrorism anymore. He added without
any proof how you can say Pakistan is on the back of this incident pulwama. He added this is
a new Pakistan and we are peaceful people. Prime minister stated that they will investigate
the culprits if their agency cooperate with them and share their evidence with us. V.K Singh’s
the minister of state said that the need is to look at our faults and try to never repeat the things
that made the reason of this incident. Kirenrijuju the minister of home affair stated that it is
not a new thing in the ruling time period of Modi. Many editors wrote on pulwama attack
incident. Munsif stated in his editorial that it is very easy to blame others especially neighbor.

Why not you check out your shortcomings. Rasht Riya Sahara newspaper said it was
a disaster. According to this newspaper India has snatched the beloved nation of Pakistan,
now its efforts to aloof Pakistan. But now the time is to think about how to stop this
increasing incident because it take pain to our soldiers. Hamarasamaaj newspaper editor calls
that day a black day. He said this happened not because of any disaster it is a sign of revenge.
It must be in the favor for India to take revenge from Pakistan. India will never give
permission to any territory to attack again on this land.

The prime minister of India claimed that Pakistan is behind this attack in Pulwama.
He added “those who behind the terror attack would pay a very heavy price and had made a
very huge mistake” India said that Ghazi Abdul Rasheed was involved in this attack but
according to Pakistan he was in his graveyard, he killed in Lal Masjid operation in 2007 by
Pakistani forces. But India do not ready to accept that so they claimed to find out Ghazi
Abdul Rasheed according to them he was the masterpiece of this Pulwama attack. .
According to Pakistani foreign minister this attack is only in the benefits of Modi. He added
India used to blame Pakistan every time because it is easiest for it. Shah Mahmood Qureshi
said violence and terrorism are not in our schemes. He condemn on the Pulwama attack and
said it is also very sad to receive such blames on Pakistan from India without any proof.
Many newspaper editor write editorial on Pulwama attack on 16 February. Indian prime
minister and media blamed Pakistan for this attack. According to their Prime Minister
Pakistan is involved in this terror attack. But the prime minister of Pakistan said Pakistan is
not in the favor of terrorism. He said this is not good to blame Pakistan without any evidence.
If you have evidence then show to us. Prime minister of Pakistan deny from any connection
to Pulwama attack. He said we want to stop terrorism. According to ministers of Indian
government should look at once on these territory because the boy who attacked belongs to
India. Why the boy did this, think about it instead of blame other. In Pakistan all people enjoy
their equal rights. In 1999 the Vajpayee who was the prime minister of India cover his
journey through bus for Lahore. It considered a positive gesture from India it raised a hope
among people. This movement considered a positive vibe from India. It seemed that things
would be smooth between both countries. But this hope came to end after 4 months. India and
Pakistan started war due to kargil. But in 2001 they fought the war of words. President of
Pakistan general Musharraf and prime minister of India Vajpayee met to solve the issue but
all that meeting end without any December the attack on India increased the
hatred. Due to the attack on Lok Sabah it increase the intensity. This create another issue
among Pakistan and India. The war once again start between them. They were not ready to
tolerate each other. They were not ready to dialogue with each other at any cost. After that in
2004 the moment had come when new opportunities were on the door to get the solution. The
temporary reaction found in the India and Pakistan. It is time for taking good step to resolve
the issues. Otherwise it will become worse with time (Tawarees, 2008).


The Kashmir issue has been getting international lime lite and coverage for many decades as

a nuclear flashpoint between two nuclear countries India and Pakistan but the year 2019 has

turned out to be a major turning point in getting the attention of world media as some of the

developments brings both the countries near the war beginning from February 2019 suicide

bombarding in the Kashmir Valley and reciprocal Indian airstrikes on Pakistani soil after

1971 and Pakistan to respond with counter striking the Indian jets by capturing one Indian

pilot.In early August 2019, the Government of India announced main changes to the legal

position of the Muslim-majority state of Jammu and Kashmir, precisely by revoking Article

370 of the Indian Constitution, which provides for "special" independence for the state.

"Union Territories" with more restricted original secretarial powers by dividing the center,

and the country into two hereditary divisions. Internationally, the move has led to controversy

over India's "unilateral" attempt to change the status of the territories, which are considered

undecided between bordering Pakistan and China, as well as by the United Nations. The
present study explores how the Pakistani and Indian press has dealt with the situation in

Kashmir after the repeal of Article 370 of the Indian Constitution.

Statement of the problem

The study will analyze how Pakistani and Indian editorials framed issue of Kashmir
according to their government’s policies and war journalism after abrogation of article 370
and 35 A. Moreover the study will also analyze how the framing of Kashmir issue in
editorials of leading Indian and Pakistani newspapers after abrogation of article 370 and 35 A
is affecting the conflict between two countries.

Research Question:

1. Whether and to what extent the Kashmir issue is covered in Indian and Pakistani press
after abrogation of article 370 and 35 A with respect to war framing?
2. Whether and to what extent the Kashmir issue is covered in Indian and Pakistani press
after abrogation of article 370 and 35 A with respect to peace framing?
3. How the coverage of Kashmir issue is different in Indian and Pakistani press after
abrogation of article 370 and 35 A?
4. To what extent faming of Kashmir issue in editorials of leading newspapers is
escalating tensions between the two neighbors?


1. H 1. The editorials of leading newspapers of India and Pakistan are framing Kashmir
issue to escalate the tensions between the two countries after abrogation of article 370
and 35 A.
2. H 2. Both Indian and Pakistani newspapers are giving more frames of foe to each
other in coverage of Kashmir issue.


1. The study will explore the nature and treatment given to the coverage of Kashmir
issue in editorials of leading newspaper of Pakistan and India.
2. To identify frame and slant given in coverage of Kashmir issue given in editorials of
leading newspaper of Pakistan and India after abrogation of article 370 and 35 A.
3. To investigate differences in the coverage of Kashmir issue given in editorials of
leading newspaper of Pakistan and India after abrogation of article 370 and 35 A.

Significance of the Study:

Pakistan and India are at logger heads with each other vis-à-vis Kashmir issue is concerned.
Article 370 and 35 A were abrogated by Modi government in Indian occupied Kashmir. Modi
led BJP government’s move of changing the status of Indian Held Kashmir is viewed as
manifestation of his Hindutva ideology. In lieu of countering any resistance to this abrogation
of articles Indian military deployed another 50,000 paramilitary and military personal into the
area that was already heavily militarized. This abrogation was strongly condemned and
rejected by government of Pakistan whereas Indian government remained adamant on
implementing the change of laws in Indian held Kashmir. As a result of all these changes
debates started surfacing on both conventional and social media. The Kashmir issue again
became the highlight of media. The resistance in Kashmir on the abrogation issue was
highlighted in media of both the countries. The situation is so charged that it brought both the
neighboring countries at the brink of severe crises. Violations as reported by media on both
sides of line of control also stared escalating. In this scenario the portrayals and framing on
media plays a very important role as both the countries that is India and Pakistan are nuclear
states and any misadventure can lead to bigger chaos in the region.

This study would suggest the newspaper editors as to how frame news of Kashmir without
escalating the tension between two nuclear states. The study will quantitative analysis in
comparing Indian and Pakistani newspapers for Kashmir coverage post abrogation of article
370 and 35 A.
Literature Review

The history of conflicts especially during The Great War (WW-I) and post-WW-I, brought
mass communication scholars toargue that; mass communication channels has been
used by stakeholders to inform their public about battlefield and to gain the needed
help from them.The main role mass communication medium played in that time was
image building, encouraging youth to join army, and to gain public support in to
enhance state image building. Although at that time the number of radio audience was
not at a large scale but the majority of populous had access to newspapers and press
publications. Along its significant role it is believed that; this war was the first in its
kind during which stakeholders has used government produced propaganda to the
masses (Welch,2014).

Since the WW-I, the mass communication channels have beenrecognized as a

significant supportive tool in conflicts to promote national interest. Mass
communication scholars such as; Rowland &Watkins (1984), Levy &Robinson
(1986), Livingstone (1990), ChanchalSerkar (1990), Mughees-Uddin (1992), Jo
Groeble (1995), David Welch (2014) and Badmus

During the second world war (WW-II) and post-WW-II conflicts such as; Vietnam
war where media played a crucial role in shaping public opinion in the United States
of American and compelled the government to withdraw its forces from Vietnam, it
shows that how mass communication channels change or reshape state foreignpolicy.

According toGroebel (1995) Mass communication channels which nowadays are

hired as one of the major war tool for recent conflicts in theworld. Even many
scholars believe the indispensable correlations of massmedia and conflicts

During last eight decades of this dispute between India and Pakistan Few research has
been conducted on its portrayal. It is hard to specify the accurate number of literature
on this topic through which portrayal of Kashmirdispute in mass communication
channels has been studied. Although after conducting online, and library research on
the subject area, researcher has reached to argue that; the first research on the topic
with 28 -years’ historical background has been published in the Journal of
Development Communication during1990s.

According to Serkar (1990) who has studied the coverage of Kashmir andPunjab’s
ethnic and communal conflicts by Indian newspapers, which thefocus of this article is
mainly on influences of Indian government on news publications regarding reportage
of Kashmir and Punjab as well as the purposefulness of reporting of these conflicts by
news publications, as conclusion he has stated that; news publications in India are
objective in reportageofwhatisgoingoninKashmirandPunjab.(Serkar,1990).

The International Crisis Group which observes and analyses the major crisis of the world had
stated in its 2003 published report that government of Pakistan controls media channel in
regard to the coverage of Kashmir dispute, whereas the media in Pakistan are not attempting
to bring both stakeholders closer to resolve the dispute (Report, 2003).

On the other hand, the journalist supporter organization ‘Reporters Without Boarders’ in its
report claims that the media in India are not reporting Kashmir conflict objectively rather it
propagates social and political issue in favor of Indian government (Reporters, 2004).
Concerns emerges while media channel of a third country reporting a dispute between two
countries with some kinds of slant and subjectivity. The first mater comes to discuss is; the
this major war tool even before the emergence of this dispute during 1930s while for
the first time the theory of two nations (Two Nations Theory) was explained in All-
India Muslim League party in subcontinent (Badmus, 2017 &Khan,2018).

After a huge online and library research its stated that; the firs research in which
‘portrayal of Kashmir dispute in a third country’s mass communication channels’ has
been studied is a work of (Mughees-Uddin, 1992). This piece of literature has studied
the support of government’s foreign policies by its press; the case study of this
research is portrayal of Kashmir dispute in the USA based newspaper ‘New York
Times’ (NYT). This research has focused on; how thisnewspaper has responded to
America’s policy on Kashmir dispute during its first two wars. Also it has measured the
shift-in-focus of NYT in supporting of USA foreign policy. The author states that; he
didn’t found any policy debate in frontand editorial pages ofNYT.
Hence it was hard to measure and judge the role of this newspaper in the perspective of
American policy on Kashmir. The author highlights that NYT had played the role of
mind manager. Where the research has found many suggestions to the policy makers
regarding this conflict i.e. the suggestion of NYT to linkPakistan’s nuclear
programwith America’s support of Pakistan in Kashmir dispute.

Where the other policy making suggestion of NYT is stated as proposing solutions to resolve
this dispute between India and Pakistan. While concluding the portrayal of Kashmir dispute
in NYT the author argues that;

“TheNYT recognized Kashmir as disputed territory and a Muslim majority area and
provided and adequate coverage. It didn’t characterizefreedom fighter as with
specific epithets. Whereas while coverage of the second India-Pakistan war it has
portrayed ‘Muslim fighters as ‘Militants’ and ‘Muslimseparatists’.

The researcher has concluded that; NYT has played an adversarial role as of Libertarian
Theory of the Press (Mughees-Uddin, 1992). Mass media influences and impacts on
audience which has been a far debatable case among media scholars. Throughwhich a
large number of media scholar has determined characteristics such as mind maker or
image builder tool to mass communication channels, Rowland &Watkins (1984), Levy
&Robinson (1986), and Livingstone(1990).

According to Siraj (2008) the dominant frame in US Elite newspapers were war
journalism, he has explored the war and peace journalism framing in hisarticle “War or
Peace Journalism in US Elite Newspapers: Exploring NewsFraming in Pakistan-India
Conflict” sample newspapers for this study was the New York Times and the
Washington, he reports that; Pakistan was portrayed more favorably, while news
articles included more peace journalism framing. Turn about portrayal of India, more
stories favoredIndia when using war journalism frames, while using peace journalism
frame India was less favored(Siraj,2008).

The idea of framing (explanation of; why something works or happens the way it does) is that
TV, radio, newspapers, and websites focuses attention on certain issues and then sets them
within a field of meaning. While observing literature for this topic, there was no
data/research/ thesis/work available regarding reportage of this dispute in third country’s
media channels. Especially there is no study on portrayal of Kashmir in Afghanistan media
channels. The Project for Excellence in Journalism which was launched during 1997s in
USA used empirical-methods to evaluate, study, and observe performance of the
press (Pew_Research_Center,2013).In its article titled ‘Framing the News; The triggers,
frames, and messages in newspapers coverage’. Has studied the narrative techniques of
framing a news story by journalists and the biases existed in reporting of the press.

It is pertinent to note that media platforms have predisposition towards the policies of their
countries. But at the same moment many times they also swim against the tide where
unintentionally or intentionally inclination towards enemies is found in their slants. And thus
narrative of enemy is promoted. There is no denying the fact that Pakistani media is
extremely loyal to its homeland but at times in order to sell the news some sensationalism is
added to make the news attractive and hold the audience.

A study on frames that were dominant in leading Indian and Pakistani newspapers on
Kashmir conflict was done during year 2013 and 2018. Newspapers selected were “The
News, Dawn, The Tribune and The Hindu”. Major contrast was found in framing of issue in
these newspapers. Pakistani newspapers presented and framed issue as “Kashmiri Freedom
Struggle” whereas Indian print media presented freedom fighters as militant armed groups.
(Riaz, S., Shah, B. H., & Ahmad, 2018). Study on prominent frames employed by leading
newspapers of South Asia as for Kashmir conflict is concerned was conducted. The results
showed that the selected newspapers i.e., The Hindu and Dawn employed contrasting frames
to present the issue of Kashmir. It was presented as India’s internal law and order issue
whereas Dawn framed as consensual and human rights issue that can have long term effects
on regional peace. The results concluded that elite press of South Asia followed the foreign
policy of their respective countries (Ali, A. 2018) The research conducted in 2020, analyzed,
two aspects, the international arena of reporting of media regarding conflict with on one side
there is India and the other side is international media. India’s following narrative of legality
via control on media whereas in international media the leaning was on narrative of a violent
dictator and found out that this was overlooked by coverage of media (Ahmed, K. M. 2020)

Johan Galtung’s model of Peace journalism was used to find out prominent frames of
Kashmir coverage in “The Dawn” one of the leading Pakistani newspaper. The findings
revealed that media in any case give coverage to conflicts by creating extra hype. The
probable Galtung’s PJ Model inspires and delivers advice to use peace oriented approach
while covering conflict. (Khan, A. 2019)

The study analyzed the coverage of Kashmir issue in the editorials of leading newspapers of
Pakistan. For the said research two English and two Urdu newspapers were selected and the
editorials of selected newspapers were analyzed. The results revealed that Urdu newspapers
were giving more space to Kashmir issue as compared to English newspapers. Moreover,
almost all newspapers had almost same pattern and very overt predisposition of war journalist
(Zaheer, L. 2017)

Sreedharan (2009) contends that both Indian and Pakistani media serves as a
battlefield for the war of words by their respective political leaders. But print media of
Pakistan is functionally free than India. The Pakistani press, despite being critical of the
government regarding policies, is a big supporter of the establishment regarding the Kashmir
issue. Just like Pakistan, the Indian press also backs the position of the government on the
Kashmir issue. The Indian press is of the view that being Kashmir as Indians’ integral part of
its accession should be with India. And Indian media term the violence in the valley as an
issue of law and order. It also projects that Pakistan supports the militants in the valley and
term it as ‘cross-border terrorism’.

Joseph (2002) states that media of both Pakistan and India, in the issues of national
importance, positively project the government policies especially in the case of strategic
importance like Kashmir. Indian media stay on the official line regarding the Kashmir issue.
Instead of questioning the presence of the army in Kashmir and suppression of the right of
self-determination by them, the media is always on the centerline on the point of Kashmir
being an Indian integral part; the continuous instability in the valley is due to Pakistani
sponsored militants and their activities. Human rights violation in Kashmir like massacres,
rapes, torture, and abduction to suppress their political and moral right get little or even no
media coverage in the New Delhi press. India’s national press even censors news items
according to government forces. They stick to Government press releases to only portray the
official site of the event. Shekhar Gupta, a senior Indian journalist, who was editor-in-chief
of The Indian Express newspaper for almost 19 years, said that Indian media has never been
truthful on the matter of Kashmir due to the country’s self-interest. According to him, the
biggest problem in the valley is its portrayal in the Indian media. It is always been
misrepresented at the hands of Indian journalists who do not even know the language of the
valley. It’s only been covered as a security issue.

A journalist based in New Delhi, Syed Nazakat states that Indian media lack
objectivity on the matter of Kashmir. He further added that extreme hardships faced by
Kashmiris at the hands of the Indian army and even curfews go unreported. Joseph (2002)
reported that the Indian army only focuses and highlights the killings of the minorities like
Sikhs and Hindus in the valley and ignores the human rights violation by their army. He also
highlighted the point that Indian newspapers publish human interest stories saying that
minorities have become victims of ‘rebel groups’ supported and funded from Pakistan. In this
way, Indian media has constructed a storyline away from the realities of Kashmir valley.

Pakistani media in times of conflict is reluctant to go against the official or elite

perspective if they perceive national security as threatened because they believe themselves
equally responsible for the protection of core interests of the state. Media depends on
information on the official sources but perspective doesn’t need to be also shared rather
media narrate the information according to their stance towards conflict (Hussain &
Sreedharan (2009) indicates that print media of India particularly national newspapers
have given consistent and sustained coverage of the Kashmir issue in comparison to
electronic media. Especially when cameras were banned by militants, journalists of print
media kept the public up-to-date with Kashmir valley on-goings. Growth in circulation and
penetration attest to print media as an influential force. Ahmad (as cited in Sreedharan, 2009)
observed Indian press dedicated persistent coverage to Kashmir. After the conflict of1989 in
the valley, the growth rate of journalism and also journalists is remarkable. Many Kashmiris
are not only working locally but also serving in the international media as stringers. But they
lack resources and infrastructure. The establishment of India suspects these journalists as
secession society’s members.
A study bySreedharan (2009) concluded that the Indian and Pakistani press did not
take part in any constructive role in resolving the issue of Kashmir instead the role of media
is destructive on both sides portraying each other negatively and coverage can be attributed as
anti-peace and partisan. Conflict is presented to the public as ‘us-versus-them’ depicting “we
were the victims and they are the perpetrators of violence”. Examination of news patterns on
both sides suggests that coverage of the Kashmir conflict is strongly government-led;
originates from the sources of government which promotes an official perspective.

A study examined the media coverage of killing of Burhan Wani who was a young
freedom fighter of Kashmir. Four Pakistani newspapers in English language and Urdu
language (Dawn, The News, Jang, and Nawa-i-Waqt) have been chosen and their reports for
three successive months have been observed. Findings of the study showed that media was
more leaning towards war journalism and coverage was dominated with war frames and it
was mostly in Urdu newspaper. The study concludes that this type of coverage is mainly
accredited with the background history and also state policy about the issue of Kashmir. The
media of Pakistan reported violence and violations of human rights taking place in the region
of Kashmir (Zaheer, 2016).

The public of India and Pakistan have no good feelings about each other. According
to some polls (as cited in Sreedharan, 2009) Gallup Poll of 2006, 53% of Pakistanis consider
India their enemy, and 28% consider them their rival. According to a poll conducted in 1994
by Kroc Institute Survey, 50% of the Indian elite identify Pakistanis as a security threat. And
after the Mumbai attack, a survey in 2009 by the Delhi-based center, observed that 42% of
respondents are of the view that terrorism in India is caused by Pakistan and must give them a
lesson, 24% want war. As Kashmir is the base of the Indo-Pak conflict so media coverage of
the Kashmir issue may affect the perception of the public on both sides. So polls suggest
some empirical credibility that news presented in both media indicate subjective journalism
portraying others as enemy, violent, and threat. Wolfsfeld (2004) observed that media
encourage such a mindset.

The media of India and Pakistan is highly polarized but there are some outstanding
similarities in the narratives of media on the Kashmir issue. Both countries’ media coverage
of Kashmir is dominated by the news about death and violence. Indian and Pakistani
journalists see Kashmir as a national cause and tag violence as terrorism. The only difference
is that one sees terrorism as which state propagate and the other sees terrorism as cross-
border (Sreedharan, 2009).
Theoretical Framework

A theoretical framework is a group of concepts which are inter related, similar to a theory but
not adhesive in structure. It guides the study, determines what a researcher would measure in
his study and provides the foundation for the statistical relationships. It validates the theories
and concepts used in the study relating it to broader topics of the field. It helps in making a
study more meaningful and recognizable. (Akintoye, 2015)

Theoretical frameworks help when a person is ignorant about what to do and is in the process
of learning more about a certain topic. It theorizes how certain phenomena are correlated. It
allows a researcher to connect to the existing literature review and guide him by providing a
theory on which the hypothesis is based.

The need of theoretical framework in a research comes when a person is clouded with false
judgement. It is nearly impossible for an individual to have unbiased opinion or preconceived
notions, there are certain things which we as a researcher won’t notice that do not fit our area
of research.

It is the theoretical background which highlights how we view what we view, it supports our
judgment with the help of prevalent theories allowing us to analyze the situation with
different lenses. It lays out the meaning, nature and unexplained challenges faced by the
world due to a certain phenomenon. It links variables and constructs with the theories and
explain the relationships between them. E.g. if education and health were variables, one can
say, the more education a person has, the more healthy he is. Now, one would ask how a
degree can fight diseases and keep a person healthy. The answer to this is that there must be
an intervening variable that is maintaining an indirect connection between the direct and
indirect variables. An educated person will have better knowledge about nutritious food and
tends to eat healthy food, thus has a better immune system. Thus, theoretical framework is a
conceptual model built an inter relationship and build a logical understanding between the
several factors, helping in identifying a problem. (Borgatti, 1999).

Leaning of editorials of leading Pakistani and Indian newspapers will be discoursed as to how
and to what extent it has verified to be reliable, impartial and trustworthy in order to educate,
to guide and to inform general masses while framing Kashmir issue.

Research will revolve around the theory mentioned below-

1. Framing Theory

When media effects theoreticians, hypothesize the possible consequence of

manufacture and exposition of news content, they characteristically deliberate both macro
and micro effects of that material produced. On micro level philosophies of result are used to
forecast and clarify how persons can be predisposed by disclosure to a message. Most
hypothesizing about framing occur at this stage (Tewksbury, D., &Scheufele, D. A. 2009)

The study under investigation used Framing theory as its theoretical framework to
explore rivalry between India and Pakistan. Framing is theory used by many scholars to
identify and study the themes, frames and media narratives. Because frames are the
organizing themes that link the stories historically which over time construct a narrative
(Oso,2017). “Unless the narratives are compared, frames are difficult to detect fully and
reliably, because many of the framing devices can appear as “natural,” unremarkable choices
of words or images, (Entman, 1991, p.6).” Media scholars contend that reporters use different
narratives in order to emphasize on specific issues. As media use narrative of “implied
danger” if it want to bring the issue of “climate change” into attention (Anderson, Brossard
&Scheufele 2012).

Ardèvol-Abreu (2015) explains that the origin of framing theory is found within
interpretive sociology which considers interaction and situations define how people interpret
reality and this interpretation determines how people perform. Gregory Bateson first used
term frame referring it to psychological concept. Bateson used two mathematical analogies to
define frame one a picture frame and second a Venn diagram. According to Bateson a frame
like Venn diagram plays a double role including elements that lies within borders and
excluding the elements that lies outside and a picture frame organize the perception of people
by urging them to see what lies in it and ignoring its outside. In agreement to this an old but
still relevant explanation of framing concept is defined by Giltin (1980) “Framing refers the
ways in which mass media present and organize issues or events as “patterns of presentation,

of selection, emphasis, and exclusion”. A frame leads public to pay concentration on some
messages which are built-in it and ignoring messages that are not included in it.

Erving Goffman (1974) recovered the framing theories for sociology and this
perspective was used in the study of communication. He defined frames as: “the principles of
organizations which govern social events about the social world”. López-Rabadán and
Vicente-Mariño (as cited in Ardèvol-Abreu, 2015) divided the evolution of framing theories
into three phases. The first phase covers 1974-1990; it was the time when theory entered the
communication field. The initial phase of framing was the start of instrumental application
and was based on the definition of sociology. In the second phase that was of 1990s emerged
with defining framing as mass media specialty. Framing theory was applied to analyze media
discourses using dispersed methodology. This era also generated debate some argued that
framing can be attributed to an addition of the theory of agenda setting and some attributed it
a different theory. The third and final phase started in 21st century is attempting to find out an
unified concept and methodology.

Frames are employed in communication in an attempt of analyzing trends in the

discourse of elites. In the field of communication frames are used as a tool to select some
elements from reality and to give some elements a central position to make an issue
understandable to diverse audience (Entman,1993). Frames can be called cognitive structures
which hold the subjective and organizing elements. Frames give direction for representing
and perceiving reality (Holody, 2006). In agreement to this notion Tankard (2003) define
framing as organizing idea that proposes context for news items through emphasis, selection,
exclusion and elaboration. De Vreese(2005) refer framing to organized principles which are
shared in a society and are also persistent, it also work as symbols for giving meaningful
structure to the social world. When news after framing is on aired, it has the ability to affect
viewers learning, interpretation and ways of assessing information about particular issues or

Frames of news are stereotyped images and bulk of phrases that reinforce the
common ways of interpretations (Norris, 1995). Oso (2017) contends that framing of news is
the practice of viewing news stories in recognizable context. Framing tells how media attract
public’s attention towards a particular topic then creating a frame through which audience
will understand the information. Furthermore, researchers argued that framing is done via
selection, exclusion and inclusion of issues and events (Tuchman, 1978). Media gives

specific angle or images of issues and event to public by making some issues more salient
over others. As a result the events and issues which are important in the eye of media have
public importance as well. Mass media does this by placing news, headline construction,
excluding few events and issues, include events and issues from their own perspective
(Entman, 1989; Tuchman, 1978; Graber, 1988, Goffman, 1974; Gamson& Modigliani, 1987;
Pan &Kosicki, 1993).

Framing theory is currently being used in many studies to understand or study the
reality of media and through which scholars study the public opinion formation. Framing
theory tells that how presentation of frames influence the audience decision of processing that
information. Frames are used to give meanings to messages. Media produce frame by
making news in the midst of predefined meaning and narrow context (Oso, 2017). Frames are
most of the time related to ideological context. Manifestations of media discourses are done
through visuals, words, description, catchy phrases etc. (Gamson&Lasch, 1983). In this
process all above mentioned factors are responsible for failure and success of powerful
impact. Some scholars argue that realities are perceived according to culture. Framing is
considered manipulative though according to constructionist perspective only the sender of
message is partially aware of the framing process (Van Gorp, 2007).

Because different cultures has set of symbols and views about world and people
attribute different meanings to different events in the light of their symbolic interactionism
(Gamson& Modigliani, 1989). Authors while framing messages take cultural values and
shared narratives into account (cf. Clarke, 2006). For Polleta (2004) frames exist beyond
cognitive construct of an individual because culture is not the head of an individual. So the
framing process often based on traditional understandings and not on individuals in defining,
interpreting and evaluating news.

Frames are “interpretative packages” (Gamson& Modigliani, 1987). It helps

journalists to conceptualize the events and issues according to their organizational policy or
personal views which in turn effect the perception of general public. Accordingly
Halin&Manchini ( 2004) and Strom back &kaid ( 2008) explored that different media
organizations frame the same issue differently because of their organizations’ editorial policy,
media conglomerates and countries’ political, economic and social condition. Frames in
media are repeated patterns of presentation, interpretation and cognition which through
symbols organize its discourse. The reasons may be lobbying of interest groups, pressures

from politics, advertisers and ideology DA Silva, P., & Rothman, F. (2011).Media frames the
political discussions and debates to show emphasis on issues they cover. Framing process is
according to preference and importance: reporters and media persons decide not only the
events to give coverage but also how to give coverage to it, and make a decision on which
particular aspects of events should be given more emphasize (Yarchi et al. 2017).Lewis and
Reese (2009) discussed that frames are most of the time used by social actors to construct
reality of their own to minds of people. These realities are reflected in everyday settings.

Oso (2017) states two levels of framing first is “frame in communication” which pertains to
communication from diverse sources and “framing in thought” which deals with representing,
interpreting and simplifying reality on mental level. Both frames are similar in a way of
emphasizing or giving salience (Druckman, 2001) but differ in a way that communication
frames focus on the words of communicator emphasizing issues in the elite discourse while
thought frames focus on what a receiver thinks as important (Entman,1993). As a result
frames are distinct but still related.
“Frames lead a double life… frames are interpretative structures embedded in
political discourse. In this use, frames are rhetorical weapons…At the same time, frames also
live inside the mind; they are cognitive structures that help individual citizens make sense of
the issues…” (Kinder & Sanders, 1996 p.164).
Framing effect takes place when frame in thought is affected by frame of
communication. But it’s not always true sometimes this may influence and sometimes may
not. As Furnham (1982) explains that communication frame may not take an effect on
individuals who have previous strong held beliefs. How much a frame is effective can be
determined through the metaphors which are normally used in reporting of a specific issue.
Frames take central position in defining that a particular event is perceived positively or
negatively by the audience. Media frames has the tendency to suggest ‘moral judgment’
representing a ‘specific ideology’ which are being put forward by using carefully selected
words, phrases and metaphors, it also sets the ‘tone’ of media coverage(Saleem , 2007).

Chong and Druckman (2007) are of the view that all frames are not one and the same
in term of strength. The strength determines how a particular frame appeals to the public and
persuades them against another frame. A frame’s relative strength depends on how frequently
it is repeated, how much it is accessible to audience and its relevancy to the matter. Literature
on framing distinguishes specific and generic frames. Application of specific frames is only

for specific event while generic frames have the flexibility of application to different events.
Generic frames help in comparing research carried out in diverse places and topics. Rhee
(1997) proposed strategy frame under the umbrella of generic frames. This is opposite to
issue frame in which study election campaigns of political candidates. Iyengar (1991)
describe the thematic and episodic frames are the best way of identifying media influence.
According to Lyengar TV cover the news in episodic, newspapers stories are also event-
centered (Barnhurst and Mutz 1997). Episodic frames take a single event or issue into
account, ignoring the in depth study of factors contributing to the issue and describe issues in
terms of individuality. While thematic frames consider social conditions and take an event
into broader account (Dorfman, Wallack, and Woodruff 2005).

Matthes& Matthias (2008) indicate that examination of literature on media framing

suggests five approaches of methodology to measure frames in media. First is hermeneutic
approach in which frames are studied in depth and provides no quantification. These studies
take small samples and analyze the discourse of single issue or event. Second is linguistic
approach which entails analysis of structure, placement and selection of words and sentences
and paragraph is taken as unit of analysis. Third is manual holistic approach in which frames
are extracted through qualitative analysis and then these frames are defined in coding for
quantitative analysis. Fourth approach is computer-assisted in which frames are computed by
a program of computer. Cluster algorithms help in identifying such words in text that occur
together. Fifth is deductive approach. All five approaches have some overlap.

Communication researchers empirically identify frames using inductive method

and deductive method. Semetko&Valkenburg (2000) describes frames may be inductive or
deductive. Basically frames which are inductive starts with “loosely defined preconceptions”
and let content drive the categories of framing. But this analysis is difficult to replicate
because of being time constrained. Van Gorp (2007) suggests starting analyzing news which
is strategically chosen and looking for devices of framing such as metaphors, images,
examples, descriptions and arguments that may be overt or covert. Name of frame should be
abstract so it can be generalized to other situations. Semetko&Valkenburg (2000) explains
deductive framing is easy to reproduce because it is a method of using predefined frames
which are used in news often. It also helps analyzing large samples. Generic Frames i.e
conflict, economy, human interest, morality and responsibility are the commonly used frames
in news.

Framing has a surprising impact on viewers. Apart from limiting the knowledge
people judge events, framing can encourage people to make tougher choices than they might
otherwise. This means many events are shaped as specified by media. Similarly public
opinions are also shaped by these frames as per specified. This effects the audience’s
perception and their thoughts by limiting their views. As a result, much information, events,
news are constructed according to the conviction of the media. This has an impact on viewers
by minimizing their knowledge and understanding of events. This clearly indicate that how
much press have power of manipulating the opinions of people by their telecasted events.

Conceptual Framework

It is a tool in the analysis part of the study which helps in attaining a comprehensive and
deeper understanding of the phenomenon in question. Used in a variety of fields, it helps in
explaining the primary concepts, variables and relationships within the study (Creately,
2021). There are various types of conceptual frameworks specified as taxonomy,
mathematical description and visual representation. This process includes the process of
reading, its aptitude and learning-to-read as a process on its own (Emans, 1970-71). It has a
number of features such as its ability to be more interpretative than analytically set.
Similarly, it does not process hard facts per say, rather provides a “soft interpretation of
intentions”. These frameworks can be structured through a qualitative process but are not
enabling enough to predict outcomes (Jabareen, 2009). The basic advantage which follows
from a conceptual framework is a boost in user confidence regarding the standard being
used as it is believed to be set upon ample evidence (EVERYTHINGWHAT, 2021). Similarly, it
is held at great importance due to the convenience it brings alongside it since there is not
much that has to be newly extracted, rather to be rediscovered through a careful review of
previously held studies or literature (QuestionPro, 2021).

Importance of Conceptual Framework

A conceptual framework is an integral part of any research study that takes place. This is
because it acts in a manner such that it provides a graphical (visual) or written explanation
of what the study entails. This includes factors, variables and/or any concepts that are linked
to the study. To understand the overall phenomena, it serves as a basis upon which further
excavation is done to interpret the problem in question. The key note to understand is that

it provides a model of loose plan for you to follow throughout the course of your study and
provides you a tentative theoretical backing that you can pursue for the investigative
process that you are undertaking(Sage Publications).


Johan Galtung is considered as one of the founding fathers of peace studies, he

blames media of war journalism. The emphasis of media on violence, tend to overlook the
wide range of causes and consequences of the conflict. Audiences doing research in war
journalism are presented a black and white image, which in return force them to back more
violent solutions to the conflict. It is evident that unbiased reporting in conflict is not possible
therefore Gultang proposes that researchers or journalists should adopt for a partiality
towards peace, peace journalism. By adopting “peace frames” peaceful results can be
endorsed. Peace and war frames theory can be employed for both journalists and researchers
(Galtung, J. 1996)

As indicated by this hypothesis there are a few edges which are tried through the

model and structure that can hold or bolster a hypothesis of an examination study. It can

presents and depicts the hypothesis that clarifies why the exploration issue under

investigation exists which Specifies which key factors impact a wonder of premium and

features the need to inspect how those key factors may contrast and under what conditions. It

can show a comprehension of speculations and ideas that are applicable to the subject of your

examination paper and that identify with the more extensive subject matters being viewed as

He asserts that Harmony news inclusion makes conversation simple and offers the choice to

hear the voices of each and every individual who is related with the conversation and

diminishing the conflict between two prohibitive gatherings. What's more, the examiner

endeavored to explore the incorporation of news with respect to communicates of news on

agreement, of how the two papers portray the discussions among Pakistan and India. The

expert will endeavor to inspect how the media spread the news with respect to the circulation

of war news. For this reason the scientist include a Johan Galtung model for this examination.

The study provides a linkage between the media studies and harmony reporting to

make better outcome as harmony. What's more, through this model analyst utilize the

methodologies as edges, the harmony edge and war outline. As portrayed by Galtung, the

thought of harmony reporting is that the media can pass on such messages, that they have the

ability to shield individuals from savagery, struggle, difficulty, and war. Another part of this

model depends on the chance to bring rival gatherings to the arranging table. In this sense, as

indicated by Galtung's contention, the media can cover strife and war with

straightforwardness, while giving the two gatherings a similar reality for their supposition to

examine or analyze the involved aspects of study.

Anyway Johan Galtung wrote the articulation "Amicability Journalism" and two

special strategies were created to declare wars, that is, "congruity or strife news inclusion"

and "war or fierceness news throwing". He gave an elective rendition of the Harmony News

communicate, which didn't follow the typical case of enumerating in the conditions of the

war. Or maybe, he concentrated on changing the battle. He assessed the utilization of words

and language inside the general substance of media subtleties and suggested that the amicably

arranged news inclusion research and recognize conflict and afterward depict it dependent on

the included gatherings and their objectives. Johan Galtung, in 1985, instituted the expression

"Harmony Journalism" and two unique methods of revealing wars rose for instance harmony

or struggle news-casting" and "war or savagery news coverage." He gave an elective variant

of harmony news coverage, which didn't follow the traditional example of announcing in the

war circumstance. Rather, it concentrated on strife change. He assessed the utilization of

words and language inside the general substance of media detailing and proposed that

harmony situated news coverage investigate and acknowledge the contention and afterward

outline it as indicated by the included gatherings and their goals. It additionally examinations

the language and substance of the sections and publications in the more extensive point of

view of Galtung's hypothetical system.

Keeping in view the John Galtung’s model, an understanding of theories and concepts

containing relevancy to the topic of this research work, several aspects have been added to

analyze the Harmony in news coverage. By applying this theory efforts are put to makes

concept easy, clear by offering the option to attend the ideas and perspectives of both sides

which are associated with the journalism or reporting practices and lessening the clash

between them by appropriate analysis. In addition, the analyst attempted to investigate the

inclusion of news regarding the publication of news on harmony, of how both newspapers

describe the debates between Pakistan and India. The analyst or researcher tried to attempt

for examine how the media spread the news regarding the distribution of war or conflict

news. For this purpose Johan Galtung model has been included to better understand the

aspects of this study and reach to the concrete analysis of this research or particular stated

study. Moreover this theory also explains why the research problem under study exists which

Specifies that how key variables influence a phenomenon of interest and highlights the need

to examine how those key variables might differ from each other and under what


Article 370: An analysis of Dawn Newspaper & the Times of India’s reporting

DAWN The Times of India


t Analysis

Reporting on Article 370


John Galtung’s Peace Journalism Model

Peace Frame War Frame


Peace Indicators War Indicators

 People-oriented  Uses Demonizing

 Avoid Demonizing Language

Language  Visible Effects of War

 Invisible Effects of War  Differences-Oriented

 Agreement-oriented  Partisan-Oriented

 Avoid Victimizing  Uses Victimizing

Language  Uses Emotive Language

 Avoid Labeling of Good  Victory-Oriented

& Bad  Elite-Oriented

 Partisan-Oriented  Labeling Good & Bad

 Avoid Emotive  Focuses on Here and

Language Now

 Causes and


 Peace-Oriented

Research Methodology

Research methodologies are important in a way that they provide insight into the particular
problem in question. Furthermore, they assist in developing ideas to create a hypothesis
which can then be used for further research. Without a deep understanding of what sort of
methodologies can be used, it can become quite a headache for the researcher. The
methodology serves as a path which the researcher must tread upon in order to reach the
destination which is the research question (123helpme, 2020). Furthermore, it is important for
a clearly defined methodology to be at the forefront to help the committee understand where
how you will be pursuing the course of action are. It explains the manner in which the
research will be conducted and provides confidence to the agencies who are to provide you
the funding necessary to undertake the research.

Types of Research Method

There are two types of research method

1. Qualitative Research

2. Quantitative Research

Qualitative Research

Qualitative research id defined as the data not in the numerical form but in the detail.

Qualitative research is empirical research which is used to check the behavior and opinions of

individuals. Qualitative research used to check what is happening around and to check the

things happened in natural setting. Qualitative research is that which purpose to find out the

meaning of people bring to them. It is not in the number form but it gives the details of each

and everything. Qualitative research is used when to check the data in details. According to

some psychologists qualitative research is good to predict the behavior and to check the

social reality of people of their beliefs values and culture. The main purpose of the qualitative

research is to check that how and why this thing happened and qualitative research is good in

predicting individual’s behavior and opinions. Since it is failed to predict the human

experiences but it can give the answer of how and why this thing happened. Qualitative

research used to predict people opinion and what they feel about it.

The variety of methods used in qualitative research. For the empirical study

researcher used the different methods to collect the data for example open ended questions

interviews and the content analyses of articles newspaper and visuals personal experience

from records are the more famous methods that are used in the qualitative research. The

method which is considered as good in qualitative research is unstructured interviews with

open questioning this method give the chance to audience to express their opinions and talk

in details and what they want to share they have permission. The data collected in this

method is not just a word and a text it can be speech videos pictures and anything.

There is no restriction for the researchers of qualitative research to write the data in

graph or tables or in numbers they can write their findings in their words and in detail form

there is no restriction the data is analyzed in qualitative research whether through content

analyses discourse analyses and other various techniques can be used to analyzed the data.

For qualitative research the research take part into the field and see the subject and there is no

biasness in qualitative research nothing can be done for granted all the things and data are not

predefined in qualitative research. For qualitative research the subject is the most important

part and without the active participants qualitative research can not be done.

The limitations of qualitative research is few but these are very important. Most of the

people do not want to conduct qualitative research because it contains very much time and

also it contains money to conduct the qualitative research. Further that the data collected in

qualitative research is not considered as a valid or reliable data because with the passage of

time the thinking way and the opinions of people can change and the events and situation will

not remain the same. The events participants and situation for the study can not be replaced

and the analyses process in qualitative research is very tough and time consuming. For the

analyses great knowledge and experts opinions are required and great care is required in the

analyses of data. For example if the researcher wants to check the symptoms of mental


The strengths of qualitative research are much more. Qualitative research is powerful

because in qualitative research the researcher come into field and check the situation this will

allow the researcher to check the issue and what is happening around and which thing is more

interesting for his study. The most important role of qualitative research is to build the

relationships between the research and participants and suggesting the possible relationships

and effects and dynamic processes. The most interesting and important thing is qualitative

research is based on narrative study and it can give the opportunity to the researcher to study

in details and keep the data in their mind and use which is more important and related to their

study. The qualitative research is also helpful and easy for the participants to express their

ideas and opinions and can discuss in details not only yes or no but describe in details with

their words.

Quantitative Research

Quantitative research is defined as the data is formed in number form and can be

showed in the form of table and graph is known as quantitative research. Quantitative

research is used to test the theory whether it is accepted or rejected.

The methods used in quantitative research for collect data are mostly questionnaires

and controlled observation. For example if the researcher conducted the quantitative research

he or she construct a questionnaire with the option of yes or no or using Likert scale e.g.

agree, disagree, neutral, strongly agree and strongly disagree to collect the data from the

participants. For data analyses statistical tools are used the statistics are helpful in turning the

quantitative data into the important and useful information for making decision. Many

statistical tool used in the analyses of data in quantitative research the most common software

used in the analyses of data in quantitative research is SPSS which is used to find the

relationships between the variables and to describe the pattern relationship and connections.

The limitation for quantitative research are not more than the qualitative research. The

researcher of quantitative research can not come into the field and can not check the

environment of his or her study. In quantitative research the participants are not feel easy

there is no open permission to the participants of quantitative research to express their

opinions and they can use words to express their feelings for this study. Many people do not

know the accurate knowledge of statistical tools and a little bit mistake can create a great

difficulty and make the research a false and incorrect data. Quantitative research is not

considered as a valid research because for the validity of data large sample is required

because low sample size show that less reliability of data. The researcher may be biased in

collecting data because he or she is more concerning to test the hypothesis or theory rather

than to generate the theory.

The strengths of quantitative research are not more than the qualitative research. In

quantitative research the analyses of data is very easy and the data is analyzed by the

statistical tools which are based on the mathematical rules so the data is analyzed through

these tools are not wrong and give the right findings Quantitative research is considered as

scientifically impartial and coherent.

Quantitative Content Analysis

Content analysis will be done in this study that as to how and to what extent editorials
of leading newspapers of Pakistan and India frame Kashmir issue post abrogation of article
370 and 35 A. Quantitative Analysis will be done in this study.

Content analyses not only describe the data but also provide easy way to analyze the

data and it allow researcher to check the data and analyze the data and it give accurate results.

The term content analysis as an exploration strategy is about extremely old however it might

appropriately be recognized that its history goes back to mankind's history itself, to the start

of human utilization of images and dialect. Starting at now content analysis is never again

described by its conventional use of understanding significance of messages. It, has,

throughout the years, ventured into a procedure in its very own privilege and allows the

analyst to design, convey, and basically assess an exploration plan autonomously of its

outcomes. Content analysis is a qualitative method and has its qualities and shortcomings.

Building up a fitting substance characterization plot is a vital advance and specialists must

know that "the classes picked ought to be comprehensive, fundamentally unrelated, plainly

characterized, and reasonably substantial in connection to the research question".

According to Berelson content analyses allow researcher to read in details it consist of

text numbers images. Content analyses used in the qualitative research and it describes the

object and can be written in the form of systematic numbers. Content analyses used to

describe the text, when the researcher want the detail information then the researcher used

content analyses to describe the specific text. Content analysis in Library and Information

Science writing found that, meanings of this insightful methodology are diffuse and loose and

bring up that "there is impressive uncertainty (not to say perplexity) about the importance of

the term 'content investigation's in library and information science".

According to SatuElo and HelviKyngas content analysis is the process that is used in

quantitative research and also used in the Quantitative research. Content analyses is of two

types one is inductive content analyses and other is deductive content analyses. In nursing

studies the researchers mostly used qualitative content analyses. The researcher identified the

difference between inductive content analyses and deductive content analyses. According to

researchers the inductive content analyses is used when there is no previous studies dealing

with the specific phenomenon. The researchers concluded that deductive content analyses is

used when the phenomenon is related to the previous studies and the results are written on the

basis of the previous studies.

According to Lombard, Snyder and Bracken content analyses is very useful in mass

communication studies. The researcher said that content analyses allow researchers to see the

text or event in details. Researchers can read the single line and analyze it. Content analyses

mostly used in the nursing studies and in professional studies to know the information of

about specific phenomenon. Content analyses promise the researchers to give them true

information and it provides a detail data. A large number of content provide researcher to

read the details and analyze the data.

According to Downe Content analyses is the detailed procedure it describe things in

details. It is not only use in qualitative research but also used in the quantitative research

methodology. It is used when researcher need the detail on a specific text. Content analyses

used in the specific issue to know the solution and find the result. The researcher concluded

that content analyses provide detail data on the specific topic. It provide true results and

researcher use this method to analyze the text even the single line.

According to Sawan and Manning there are large number of documents that we read

according to our study. Content analyses is used when we want to know the information in

details about the text and documents. Its provide great details about the single line but when

we want to know the meaning of symbols image we use semiotic analyses it give the great

details about the text but also the symbols that used in the research which helps the researcher

to know the accurate information about the text and also the symbols and images that used in

the research. Documents have very important role in the research so semiotic analyses is used

when the researcher also need to know the meaning of symbols and text.

According to Graneheim and Lundman content analyses is used to address the issue in

the research. Content analyses is the qualitative method but also used in the quantitative

research methodology. It give the details of meaning of the object and useful in issue solving

by reading the single line in details. It is the best method and it gives true results and the

findings that are found by using this techniques are stronger than the surveys methods.

Content analyses used by researchers when they want to know the accurate information

according to their topic and content analyses give the accurate results.

According to Labbo semiotic analyses is very important technique which is used to

know the meaning of symbols. The researcher used this technique to investigate the young

children of symbols making on computer. The researcher used the tapes and video recorders

to record the activity of young children in the class room when they are doing work on

computer. The researcher conclude that semiotic analyses is the best technique to check the

meanings of symbols therefore they used this technique to investigate the children habits of

making symbols on computer and why they used these symbols in their work.

Data collection tools

Digital website of both newspapers is used to collection of relevant news. News related with
article 370 are searched through search bar and all the news are freely available in both
newspapers ‘archive.

Sampling Techniques

For this study, a purposive sampling technique was used. Purposive sampling which is also
known as judgment and subjective sampling is the method in which the researcher depends
on his or her verdict while selecting population members for participation in the study.This
sampling is also known as purposive sampling, could be a non-probability sampling
technique during which the sample participants are selected only on the idea of the
researcher’s understanding and judgment. because the researcher’s understanding is involved
in producing a sample during this sampling method, there are probabilities that the results
achieved are going to be extremely correct with a least scope of mistake.
The procedure of choosing a sample utilizing judgmental sampling contains the scholars
sensibly assortment and selecting each person to be part of the sample. The investigator's
knowledge is main during this sampling procedure because the participants of the
sample aren't casually selected. It is a non-probability sampling scheme and it befalls when
features chosen for the sample are selected by the judgment of the researcher

Non probability sampling is selected for this research. Purposive sampling is sampling
technique of this research. Only news selected which are based on revocation of article 370.

Sample size

Content of leading newspapers of Pakistan i.e. “Dawn” and India “times of India” published
during the period of 5th August 2019 to 5th December 2019 will be analyzed. These particular
newspapers are selected due to their highest rankings in circulations and professional

Unite of Analysis

News articles and opinions are unite of analysis. Language of the paragraphs determined
either this news has the topic related with war, peace and other form of reporting.

Coding Sheet

Content categorization scheme

Content categorization scheme is the key in content analysis. A coding sheet will be designed
for the variables, categories and rules will be identified.” Coding for war/peace indicator(s),

Lynch and McGoldrick’s (2005) 10 “war/peace language categories were utilized to ascertain
which dual notions of war and peace were assessed by the various publications”.

Variables Categories Rules

Newspaper IDs The Dawn Time Period

The Times of India During 6th August 2019 to 6th

December 2019

Type of news Editorials

Types of Journalism War journalism Indicators War Indicators

Uses demonizing language

Visible effects of war

Differences – oriented

Partisan- oriented

Uses victimizing

Uses emotive language

Focuses on here and now

Victory oriented

Elite oriented

Labeling good and bad

Peace Indicators
Peace Journalism Indicators


Avoids demonizing language

Invisible effects of war


Avoids labeling of good and


Partisan orientation

Avoids victimizing language

Avoids emotive language

Causes and consequences

Peace oriented

Frames Negative Frame Topics All the topics under war-
oriented frame are indicated
Supporting violence asa result
such reporting that is
of the revocation of article
Positive comprised on conflict or on
supporting conflictual
No care about the conflict situation
A state can revoke the law in
any situation

Neutral PJP is right on the abrogation

All the topics under the
of article 370
peace-oriented reporting
Victory for India for passing indicated the peaceful method
this law to resolve the issue of
revocation of article 370
Positive frame Topics
Peace should prevail

Peaceful resolution for

Kashmir issue

Higher authorities like the

UN should be involved

Voice for Kashmiri people

how they are suffering

Neutral Frame Topics

Revocation of article 370

observed under international

No human rights violation

UN should intervene

Code process in SPSS

Newspaper ID: The Dawn = 1, The times of India = 2

Editorial Month:August=1 September = 2 October= 3 November = 4 December = 5

Length of the stories: to be measured in columns

War /peace Indicators

Uses demonizing language = 1 Visible effects of war=2 Differences – oriented=3

Partisan- oriented=4 Uses victimizing=5 Uses emotive language=6 Focuses on here and
there=7 Victory oriented=8 Elite oriented=9 Labeling good and bad =10People-oriented=11
Avoids demonizing language =12 Invisible effects of war =13Agreement-oriented=14 Avoids
labeling of good and bad =15 Partisan orientation=16 Avoids victimizing language
=17Avoids emotive language =18 Causes and consequences =19 Peace oriented=20

New types.Editorial =1

Frame: Positive = 1, Negative = 2, Neutral =3


Supporting violence in result of revocation of article 370=1, No care about conflict=2,State

can revoke the law in any situation=3, PJP is right on revocation of article 370=4 Victory for
India for passing this law=5 Peace should prevail=6, peaceful resolution for Kashmir=7,

condemn the violence=8, Higher authorities like UN should be involved=9 Raise voice for
Kashmiri peoples= 10 , Revocation of article 370 observed under international law=11,
human rights violation=12, UN should intervene=13 others=14


l. The study is limited to editorials of only one leading Pakistani and one leading Indian

2. The study is particularly focusing on the framing of Kashmir issue post abrogation of
article 370 and 35A

Data Analysis

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent

Valid The Dawn 22 44.0 44.0 44.0

The Times of India 28 56.0 56.0 100.0

Total 50 100.0 100.0

In the upper table number of editorials has been collected from August 2019 to September 2019 and the selected newspapers were The
Dawn (Pakistan) and the times of India (India). Total number of 22 editorials has been found related to the Article 370 and 35A in the
Dawn newspaper and on the other hand total number of 28 newspapers have been found in the Times of India newspaper and the valid
percentage of editorials in the Dawn newspaper is 44 while the valid percentage taken from the Times of India is 56 %.

Editorial Month

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent

Valid August 28 56.0 56.0 56.0

September 9 18.0 18.0 74.0

October 6 12.0 12.0 86.0

November 5 10.0 10.0 96.0

December 2 4.0 4.0 100.0

Total 50 100.0 100.0

This above table is about the editorial months which have been chosen by the researcher and overall the data of five months have been
collected so far. The intensity of the editorials has become less month wise. The combined editorials of the newspapers in the month
of August have been found by the researcher and the number of the editorial are 28. In September 9 editorials has been found overall.
In October 6, November 5 and in December total 2 editorials have been found. So the intensity in the month of August is high as
compare to other months.
Newspaper * War Indicators Cross tabulation

War Indicators Total

Labeling good
Visible effects

Uses emotive

here and now

Differences –

Elite oriented
Focuses on





and bad
of war

Newspaper The Times Count
3 3 1 3 2 2 2 6 2 4 28
of India
% of 100.0
10.7% 10.7% 3.6% 10.7% 7.1% 7.1% 7.1% 21.4% 7.1% 14.3%
Total %
Total Count
3 3 1 3 2 2 2 6 2 4 28

% of 100.0
10.7% 10.7% 3.6% 10.7% 7.1% 7.1% 7.1% 21.4% 7.1% 14.3%
Total %

In the upper table the war indicators has showed the frequency of the war indictor through different languages have been used by the
Times of India. This newspaper has been war oriented all the time and it has used threatening language 3 times and the effects of war
and the blame game of the war has been used 3 times. 1 times it has used the term difference oriented has been used it means the
neutral role was played only once in the editorial. Most of the time this newspaper has showed its direction towards victory that they
have won the old battle. The label of good and bad has been used 4 times as they have pointed the neighbor country as bad role player
they itself are good enough in disseminating the message through editorials. So, this newspaper has been war oriented all the time as
compared to the promotion of peace.
Newspaper * Peace Indicators Cross tabulation

Peace Indicators Total

Newspaper * Frames Cross tabulation
Avoids Invisible labeling of Avoids Avoids
People- demonizing effects of Agreement- good and victimizing emotive Causes and Peace
oriented language war oriented bad language language consequences oriented
Positive Negative Neutral Total
Newspaper The Count
5 2 3 1 1 2 2 4 2 22
Dawn Newspaper The Dawn Count 12 1 9 22
% of % of Total 24.0% 2.0% 18.0% 44.0%
22.7% 9.1% 13.6% 4.5% 4.5% 9.1% 9.1% 18.2% 9.1% 100.0%
The Times of India Count 0 26 2 28
Total Count
5 2 %3of Total 1 0.0% 1 52.0% 2 4.0% 256.0% 4 2 22

% of Total Count 12 27 11 50
22.7% 9.1% 13.6% 4.5% 4.5% 9.1% 9.1% 18.2% 9.1% 100.0%
Total % of Total 24.0% 54.0% 22.0% 100.0%

This upper table is related to the Dawn newspaper, in this newspaper no as such war oriented or hated material in the editorial has
been found by the researcher. Promotion of peace and neutrality has been seen throughout in all editorials. 5 times this newspaper has
promoted the editorials by using people oriented term. It has avoided the threatening and abusive language and most importantly this
newspaper has also mentioned and discussed the causes and results of the articles by India on Kashmir on the people. The editorial has
avoided the emotional language also which can cause or can hurt the sentiments of the people. So, overall this newspaper was peace
oriented in its entire editorial as compare to the Times of India.
In the upper the percentage of the positive and negative language, emotions, words and consequences has been taken out by the researcher
through a specific procedure. In the Dawn newspaper, it has used 24% positive language in its editorial while in the Times of India there was
not even a single editorial has been published positively. The negative and hated language in the Dawn newspaper editorial has been used
only once but in the Times of India, editorial has been used 56% negatively which can show the war oriented editorial. 18 % of the Dawn
newspaper’s editorial were neutral and on the other hand only 11% neutrality has been adopted by the Times of India newspaper.

Newspaper * Topics of Editorials Cross tabulation

Topics of Editorials Total

the violence

for Kashmiri
passing this

PJP is right

violence in

revoke the

UN should

Victory for


should be
State can




of article

India for
result of

No care

like UN




Newsp The Dawn Count 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 4 3 1 4 2 2 22
aper % of
0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 6.0% 6.0% 8.0% 6.0% 2.0% 8.0% 4.0% 4.0% 44.0%

The Times Count 1 4 7 5 9 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 28

of India % of 14.0
2.0% 8.0% 10.0% 18.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 4.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 56.0%
Total %
Total Count 1 4 7 5 9 3 3 4 5 1 4 2 2 50

% of 14.0 100.0
2.0% 8.0% 10.0% 18.0% 6.0% 6.0% 8.0% 10.0% 2.0% 8.0% 4.0% 4.0%
Total % %
The upper table is about the main topics of the both editorials which have been published in the Dawn and the Times of India
newspaper. From this entire table it is shown prominently that Indian newspaper has openly promoted the war journalism through its
editorials while the Pakistani Dawn newspaper has focused on the issue and barbarism of the Indian government which has been
imposed on the people of Kashmir through Article 370 and 35A. In all above topics, the Dawn newspaper has focused on the violence
on the people of Kashmir and it’s condemn ratio is 8% while on the other hand, condemn of violence ratio is 0%. In the Times of India
newspaper the revocation of article 370 has been discussed in the editorials but the Dawn did not published a single editorial on it. The
Dawn has discussed in the editorial about the article 370 that it should come under international law to prove that either its fair or not
but the Times of India did not published once. So, from this upper table it can be assumed that the Times of India has focused mainly
on war oriented editorials rather than the promotion of peace journalism and the Dawn newspaper has focused on the condemnation of
the violence and discussed about the laws and regulations and about the rights of people of Kashmir.

Discussion and Analysis

The review examined the Framing Indo-Pak Relations in Pakistani and Indian Press Post Abrogation of Article 370 and 35A by India.
It meant to examine that how the significant issues connected with the Indo-Pak relations are outlined by Pakistani furthermore, Indian
English dailies e.g. the Times of India for the time of two months for example from August 5, 2019 to December 5 2019 as Pakistan
and India both came on the front foot against one another and the discussions of war and utilization of power against one another
moreover begun, trade of unforgiving words by the administration and experts were seen over media. On August 5, 2019, the public
authority of India disavowed the protected independence of its Muslim-greater part province of Jammu and Kashmir. This report in
light of data analysis of the editorials of the two newspaper The Dawn newspaper and the Times of India newspaper makes sense of
how the Kashmir struggle developed to a point that added to India's uncommon political ploy, and spreads out both New Delhi's
methodology and the difficulties the public authority faces proceeding. The data collection from the editorials showed that both the
newspapers have published the number of editorials in the 5 months which were chosen by the researcher. The editorials results shows
that the Dawn newspaper has worked and published more about having peace in Kashmir. It has also discussed about the people of
Kashmir and their rights which has been continuously violated by the Indian Government. According to the Dawn newspaper
editorials, the rights of the Kashmiri people have been violated openly and the Article which has been imposed forcefully on the
people of Kashmir has violated the Internationals laws and its regulations. So, the Dawn newspaper has worked in a more neutral way
as compare to the Times of India newspaper. Kashmir Issue has been covered quite efficiently by the Pakistani and Indian press i.e.
the Dawn newspaper and the Times of India newspaper. Researcher has noticed some points regarding the quantity of the published
editorial on Kashmir issue that both of the printing press has published in large number in the month of August when the article was
imposed on Kashmiri people but the number of editorials have decreased month wise so the focus of the printing press of these two
countries have become less gradually.
If we discuss about the coverage of Kashmir issue is different Indian and Pakistani press after abrogation of article 370 and 35
A, then the Indian press media was in backing of the Curfew in Kashmir and there was no compassion towards the infringement of the
basic freedoms, Indian press media asserted that the time limit is to standardize what is happening in Kashmir and the revocation of
the Article will guarantee more advantages to the Kashmiri nation yet Pakistani media altogether went against this position and
discussed lifting of this abrogation and giving common liberties to individuals in the valley. Protest to defend the rights of the Kashmir
people started all over the world promoted by people to ensure their rights respected and upheld as peace surrounded by Pakistani
media, Indian media criticized protests, saying it would lead to war and riots more conflicts in valleys and region. Both Indian and
Pakistani media reported on the cross-border insurgency, and Pakistani media asserted that maintaining peace in Kashmir would help
to alleviate the current situation. However, overall, a war-framing posture predominated, and the framing of the war in the media was
more favorable in this situation. The narrative of bilateral trade was backed by Pakistani media for the region's peace, development,
and normalization of relations, as well as to address the situation in a positive and helpful manner supporting peacemaking, while
Indian media responded by taking a position in favor of a war frame. So, it was viewed that as the papers of Pakistan and India
outlined the issues in the settings which suits their administration and the nationals in Pakistan, individuals were having reservations
and they were irritated over the Indian demonstration to repeal the extraordinary status of the Kashmir and an unforgiving tone was
likewise there in media over the check in time and infringement of the basic freedoms while the Indian media thought about this as a
major accomplishment and upheld the demonstration of the Indian government. Pakistan regardless of the most awful demonstration
of India which additionally tested the provincial security asked to help the respective exchange and standardization of the relations
however in spite of this Indian media completely went against to have two-sided exchange and normalizing the relations inclining
toward war outlining.
If we analyze the tension between two nations regarding the publishing of editorials related to the article 370 and 35 A then
media's part in struggle and war has been given extraordinary thought by the editors with an exceptional spotlight on media rehearses
in struggle revealing. In case of the Times of India war frames are said to have been utilized by columnists to feature the conflict
between two restricting gatherings in regards to the continuous the clash to have public interest and set forward the circumstance with
different understanding. The Times of India seemed to promote the war frame and to tell the people of its nation that Indian
government has done right thing regarding the abrogation of article 370 and 35 A and their editorials have also tried to create tensions
between the two nations and to promote extremism against the Pakistan and its media. On the other hand while the utilization of
conflict and war frame by Pakistani papers e.g. the Dawn newspaper in the outlining of Indo-Pak outfitted clashes approves that the
papers vigorously centered on investigating the clashes that occurred among India and Pakistan and given different understandings to
the crowd that first of all Indian press media is violating the international laws regarding the publications of the Kashmir issue e.g. in
favor of war and some other conflicts. Secondly Pakistani press (the Dawn newspaper) has grabbed the attention of the people
regarding the article 370 and gave the knowledge to the people that how this law can be dangerous for the people of Kashmir. They
have also highlighted some important points e.g. supporting of violence in result of abrogation by Indian press, no care of the conflict
by India which can cause some serious issues regarding human lives, forced the higher authorities like UN should get involved in it
and should take strict notice of this abrogation, editorials have also highlighted the violation of human rights by the Indian government
and India press, editorials have also raised the voice for the Kashmiri people to give back their rights to them and also forced to revoke
the article 370 and 35A and in the end, the editorials have also published that the peace should prevail and tensions between the both
nations should decrease and a peaceful solution should come out.
So, from both of the newspapers, it has been analyzed that the Times of India has mainly focused on the war and conflict issue and
seemed like they called it as their victory regarding the abrogation of the article 370 and 35 A and on the other hand the Dawn
newspapers has mainly focused on rights which have been violated by the Indian Government and forced the revocation of article 370
and 35 A.
Since the article 370 and 35A has been imposed on the people of Jammu and Kashmir forcefully by the Indian government, the people
of Jammu and Kashmir have deprived from having their basic rights and they are unable to breathe in a free air, Kashmiri people are
fighting for their rights for so long time but the abrogation of this article has made their made their scars more deep and full of
sorrows. In spite of the fact that, repudiation of Article 370 smashed the final trusts and desires of the people of Jammu and Kashmir,
still there's a long way to go to reach out the arrangement of their issues legally. Improvement of open conclusion inside and exterior India can be
substantive for settling the long term debate of Jammu and Kashmir. There can be a plausibility to secure the extraordinary status once more with
the change of god at the middle, as India has been notable brand envoy and guard of law based values and means. The two newspapers have been
selected for the analysis of their content regarding the article of 370 and 35A, their content was quite much in number and targeted their readers
also but in other sense they have fought like an old rivals and pointed each other through blame game e.g. Times of India is publishing war frame
and conflicted editorials and the Dawn newspaper was trying to remain neutral and focused on the issues of Kashmir after the abrogation of the
article 370 and 35 A. In view of the above-given results the specialists reason that media talk on the issue of Kashmir in both Indian and Pakistani
media is shifted more to war news coverage. The outcomes validate different examinations utilizing comparable hypothetical model. In any case,
keeping in view examinations of the information we can likewise have a reason that when contrasted with Pakistani media, the Indian media was
more conflict arranged and characterized by extreme patriotism. Media inclusion of both the nations was more uni-points of view in their
reports than multi-point of view. Such inclusion simply overlooks the other party of the contention (Kashmiris) who are likewise one
of the significant partners to the contention and who experience more than some other party to the contention. It tends to be reasoned
from this examination that Kashmiris have lesser opportunities to bring their interests up in this uni-point of view inclusion of the
broad communications. This outcome upholds the past examinations wherein it has been seen that Kashmiri individuals track down
less space in media. Indian public press has overlooked the voice of contradiction from Kashmiris as it make light of fights reports in
Kashmir either by not detailing them or by depicting these as supported by dissenter pioneers. We can likewise finish up based on
consequences of the current review that reports started from and dispersed by true sources are toeing the authority strategy and thus
need harmony news coverage.
Kashmir is in a calculated way, monetarily, and political significant locale in South Asia. It is a significant wellspring of
pressure among India and Pakistan. These strains are eventually bringing forth unending neediness in both the nations. Extraordinary
measures like the Comprehensive Dialog were started, and it should be taken and made its occasional enlistment obligatory for the
two India and Pakistan. A few revisions ought to be made to these exchanges as political situations continue to change — the new
corrections in Article 370 by the Indian government — and new issues will probably happen from here on out. Key global players like
the United Nations and the United States need to assume a powerful part to limit the episode of another conflict, particularly carrying
out the goals passed toward the issue of Kashmir. The United Nations ought to put forth certain their attempts and energy are not
squandered and yield planned results

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