Yes We Can MARCH 8 Corrected by DR - Orange

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YES WE CAN – SDLE 21/12/2017 KSA

Thank you 'yes we can' for their efforts corrected answers in

‫الدكتوره شهد‬ orange BY Dr. Orange
1.Case of lower class 1 partial denture and upper porcelain fused to metal but he also not
say anterior or posterior. Ask about lesion in lower anterior teeth as in pic
A. Attrition
B. Abrasion
2.pic about fractured denture want to repair. Pic has stains and calculs. And ask how to .clean
Ultrasonic scaler

.3.Same q without pic and ask how to manage to send to lab :

Disinfiction Protocol between lab and dentist

4_long case about child has general anethesia and develop laryngeal spasm

5_pic of child has thumb sucking habit . Which affect more :

.A. Duration both answer ( duration and frequency ) is correct and u cant ust choose one
B. Frequency , some books went with duration and the others
f went with so choose whatever
u feel right

.6_During the extraction of a mandibular premolar, the tooth fractures with approximately
whatever u feel righ
one-half of the root remaining in the socket. The dental surgeon wants to remove the root
fragment by drilling a small hole into the root and elevating the root out.
Which of the following elevators should the surgeon use during the procedure?
.1root tip pick
.2crane pick
.3pennant shaped
root tip pick ‫هواالساس اختار‬
‫لكن ذكر بالسؤال انه عمل‬
asmall hile into the root
2 ‫لذلك اصبح الخيار هو‬

7-Which instrument used to remove massive supragingival calculas?

4R/4L curette

Gracy scaler numbers

1/2 ...2/3...3/4...5/6....7/8...9/10...11/12...13/14
All these for sub gingival scalling
‫ اي بقي ارقام هتيجي بخالف اللي فوق تعتبر‬supra gingival
2 ‫ او‬.30/15 ‫يقول بقي‬l 2 r / 2r ..4l
‫ده باختصار كده عشان منحفظش كتير‬

.8_Depression muscle ?
Lateral pterygoid aided by digastric

All muscles of mastication elevate md except lateral ptrygoid depress md

YES WE CAN – SDLE 21/12/2017 KSA

🎀All ms of mastication protrude md except post hz fiber of temporalis retrude md

🎀Ms makes side to side movent of md
Lateral ptrygoid ass e medial ptrygoid
🎀Ms of mastication are
Lateral ptrygoid

Medial ptrygoid
‫ده بعض التجميعه كده عشان نسهل الدنيا‬

.9_patient came to the clinic need 2 partial dentures . He had missing 14,17 ,24,27 ,34,37
,44,47 .and had all third molars missed . Only had all anterior teeth .
A. Mount dy hand as vertical dimention not lost
B. Mount mandibular cast by wax rim in centric occlusion
C. Mount mandibular cast by wax rim in maximum intercuspatin
Remaining lower ant= loss of vertical dimensions of occ mount by CR + wax
🎀Remaining some of post teeth bilateral.Pt has vertical stop of occ ..mount by
CO OR maximum intercuspation + wax
🎀Loss one to two teeth (q which came loss of all lateral incisors and all wisdom
teeth). Bec lateral doesn't determine the Co and also wisdom so ...Co or maximum
intercuspation + hand

‫السؤال اللي فوق ده مازال بيجي بنفس اللخبطه‬

‫ وفي االخر قايل معندوش اال االسنان االماميه وفاقد جميع‬5&6 ‫ كاتب في االول ان العيان عنده‬post
‫نوعية األسئلة دى عايزه أبقى فاهم األول الموضوع ألن االجابه على حسب أرقام األسنان اللى بيقول أنها مش‬
removable partial denture ‫ فى حاالت‬occlusion ‫هو بيسأل ازاى باخد ال‬
‫ وال‬vertical dimension ‫ده يعتمد على شئ واحد مهم واساسى هل عضه اسنان المريض محافظة على‬
‫ ازاى ؟؟؟؟‬... ‫ال‬
‫ ( يعنى مافيش على األقل‬bilateral contact of opposing posterior teeth ‫🏻👈فى حالة أن مافيش‬
vertical ‫ ده معناه أن الحاله دى محتاجه اظبط‬...... ) ‫ فوق وتحت فى الجنبين هو عاضض عليهم‬first molar
complete denture ‫ ساعتها بعاملها معامله ال‬.. ‫ بتاعها ألنه مش باين عندى‬dimension
wax rim with centric relation ‫بعمل‬
‫ تمام كده ؟‬.. occlusion ‫ودى اول طريقه الخد‬
‫🏻👈تانى طريقه نفترض أن فى‬
Bilateral contact of opposing posterior teeth
‫ موجود‬vertical dimension ‫بمعنى أن ال‬
‫بس عنده أسنان كتير مفقود‬
‫ متحافظ عليه‬vertical dimension ‫ ألن ال‬centric relation ‫كده انا مش محتاجه اعمل‬
YES WE CAN – SDLE 21/12/2017 KSA

maximum ‫بس عضه المريض نفسها مع كتر األسنان المخلوعه ممكن تختلف اللى هى ال‬
occlusion ‫فى الحاله دى بعمل ال‬
wax in maximum intercuspation ‫ب‬
. bilateral contact of opposing posterior teeth ‫🏻👈 ثالث حالة لو المريض عنده‬
maximum intercuspation ‫وبس مفقود سنه أو اتنين مش ماثرين على‬
‫ يعنى ممكن أمسك ال‬casts ‫ ساعتها يبقى االجابه‬... ‫ بايدى واقفله قفله المريض الصح‬by hand

.10_hypertensive patient with root caries. Which material used to restore.

A.conventional glassionomer
it doesn’t matter wither the patient is hypertensive or not , RMGI will still win in all cases

11_long details but finally ask about color of prilocaine 4% 1:200000 epinephrine

12_ask about heparin antagonist

.13_patient come to clinic to extraction and he take warfarin what can you do?
A. Give him calcum(vit K)
B. Stop warfarin 2 days before extractio
wrong , vit k needs days to work and warfarin is dangerous to be stopped , the best answer is to give a fresh
frozen plasma as it contains the affected factors of clotting

.14_child the bnlood test for diabetic 12 mmol /L

A.normal diabetes
B. Type 1 Diabetes
C. Type 2 Diabetes

.15_concentration of NaF varnish

A. 5%

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Naf used as fl varnish in conc 5% . Also used as mouth wash in conc 0.05 if used daily or
in conc 0.2 if used weekly
.16_Which sedative has the least vomiting and nausea side effect
: A.Ketamine
B.Nitrous oxide side affect of vomiting

.17_Case about perforation while finding canals what to do :

A. Put MTA then continue searching the canals
B. Find the canals then put mta
C. Complete obturation then treat the perforation

18_Adult pt was taking 8-20mg of fluoride for years :

B.DENTAL fluorosis
c. Crippling crippling also called skeletal

.19_nerve for 1/3 of the tongue:


.20_years child , water 0.3-0.6 , taking 0.5 fluoride what type of florosis he has:
1. •A.Questionable
2. •Mild
3. •Moderate
4. .Severe
.21_Periodontal probe used in furcation :
B. Who

YES WE CAN – SDLE 21/12/2017 KSA

.22_Pt cannot elevate hi.s right eyelid , cannot move his lips and so on in the rightside which
site of facial nerve is affected :
A. Upper part
B. After chorda tempanai
.23_After cementation of right side bridge from lower five to seven pt feel high spot on buccal cusp of
right seven , so the obstacle is in :
CA. Working side occlusion
B. Non working side occlusion

.24_What is the most sign for HCV :

A. Yellowish skin and whitening of eyes] --- wrong , also the eyes will be
B. Loss of appetite

.25_Renal dialysis extraction :

After 1 day correct , cuz u give heparin and the life time for it is 24 h

.26_pic of a lesion on lower lip with history of sun exposure:

• Keratoacanthoma

.27_Empathy definition:
•to feel what the patient is going through

28_In school a program for teaching the kids how to brush their teeth with verbal and
theoretical teaching so they can brush by themselves what is that type of teaching

YES WE CAN – SDLE 21/12/2017 KSA

.29_The famous Q about the rich man pt ,dentist made him restoration by 240 SR instead of 85 SR :


30_old women with a set of complete denture , she said that many dentists told her that her
ridge has a defect will make the prosthesis unfavorable , she give a history of falling of her
teeth after mobility , what is likely the type of her defected ridge :
•Knife edged

.31_Ttt of tatus epilepsy if developed seizures in clinic :

• Lorazepam

.32_Vertical ramus fracture best x-ray view :

a. •PA
b. •Oblique

.33_Medial condylar displacement best x-ray view :

•Revers town
•Lateral oblique
YES WE CAN – SDLE 21/12/2017 KSA

34. What is formed from epithelial rest of serres

A. Epithelial root sheath of Hertwig
B. Lamina LAMINA
C. Vestibular lamina

.35_what is the layer under the Composite:

A. Zinc polycarboxlate
wrong , the calcium hydroxide has low strength and high solubility it
B.. Zinc oxide egenol will not serve as a base and needs some base above to prevent
C.. caoh that , the answer is A
‫ الترتيب كده‬1.RMGIC 2.GIC 3. Caoh only in deep cavity but it isn't best
.36_pt cannot elevate his right eyelid , cannot move his lips and so on in the rightside which
site of facial nerve is affected :
A.Upper part
B. After chorda tempanai
C.In the parotid

.37_Doctor asked pt to turn his kneck to right to explore which muscle :

• Left sternocleidomastoid

diagnosis: -

turn the head

To the right (left sternocleidomastoid)

turn the head to the left ( right sternocleidomastoid)

Shift the mandible to the right ( left lateral pterygoid)
Shift the mandible to the left ( right lateral pterygoid)

If trauma or injury :-

Shift the mandible to the right ( right lateral pterygoid)

Shift the mandible to the left ( left lateral pterygoid)

.38_best instrument with preimplant:

Carbon fiber Cannot understand the Q if he
means peri -implantitis the best thing is to use plastic
scalers and clorohexiden irrigation

39_body defense it self by antibodies from:

B lymphocytes
40_The body secrets antibody antigen using
which cells : B cells

YES WE CAN – SDLE 21/12/2017 KSA

.41_children less than 3 years flouridated tooth pastes : recommended

.42_patient come to clinic and u give her anesthesia but still have pain when doctor make restoration
what the dentist should do?
A.dismiss the patient and continue in other session
B.told the patient that he will feel slight pain
C. Complete your work and do not care about the patient

43_Which tooth has to be surgically removed the most?

1. maxillary first molar
2. mandibular third molar
3. impacted canine
4. mesially extruded molars
44_years old child with tetracycline stains in centrals,laterals,1st molars at what age this 9 teeth
a. 6 years
b. 2 years
c. 4 years
d. 1 year

.45_If dentist refused to treat an HCV patient what ethical factor did he violate :
A) Fairness**
B) Autonomy
C) Beneficence
D) Non maleficence

.46..Flouride conc . In mouth wash :

0.2 weekly
0.05 daily
47_cardiac child prophylaxis:
A.amoxicillin 50mg/kg
B.ampicillin 20mg/kg

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50mg/kg maximum 2gram Or 20mg/kg clindamycin maximum 600 mg

.48_which anesthesia used for patient has liver diseases?
Articaine *

49_if patients close in centric occlusion and there is interference palatal cusp of upper bridge
so the interference will be in:
1. Centric ***
2. Working
3. Non-working
4. Protrusive
50_increase size of gingiva is:
1. Overgrowth***
2. Hypertrophy
3. Hyperplasia

51_first sign of gingivitis:

1. Bleeding
2. Pocket
3. Blunt interdental papillae and roll gingival margin
4. Bone loss

52_determine of post palatal seal by:

1. T burnisher
2. Inedible pin
3. Pkt instrument

.53_Who probe: **11.5 ,8.5 ,5.5 ,3.5

Who probe ( 3.5/5.5/8.5/11.5)
Color code is between (3.5-5.5)

.54_missing 18 ,17,16,24,26 and 25 for extraction, Kennedy classification:

Class II Mod l *

.55_parotid duct is opposite to:

1. -Maxillary premolar
2. -Maxillary 1st molar
3. -Maxillary 2nd molar

YES WE CAN – SDLE 21/12/2017 KSA

.56_Amount of daily wear of amalgam ingested in the body:

1. 3-1 -μgs/day of mercury***
2. 15-10 -μgs/day of mercury.
3. 25 -μgs/day of mercury
57_Anesthesia insufficiently achieved by inf alv nerve block for man 1st molar Bcz patient feel pains
in mesial portion of tooth. dentist gave additional anesthesia. to anesthetize
which nerve:
1. -lingual
2. -Mylohyoid***
3. -Auriculotemporal
4. -Mental
58_Pink tooth? -Internal resorption

59_to he sees in TV it causes cancer, what should you do?

-change resto and take signature and tell her no harm***

.60_quistion about surgeon what he will do after finishing procedure?

-Put in utility gloves Wash it*

61_Ulcer in oral cavity, H/F-intraepithelial blisters?

-Pemphigus vulgaris

62_During extraction of maxillary 3rd molar, tuberosity got is firmly attached to tooth
what is the management?
-Splint with maxillary 2nd molar and re-extracted after 6 weeks Suture*

63_tip of tongue drains to? Sub mental lymph node

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.64_When doing direct pulp capping which cell responsible to heal this area?
- Un diffrentiated mesenchymal cell or odontoblast

65_dentist has diagnosed a problem and recommended specific treatment by the dental hygienist,
remains on the premises while the patient is being treated, and approves the work performed prior to
the dismissal of the patient?
-Direct Supervision

.66_Pt is taking 15 mg corticosteroids for certain condition, at the day of extraction you should:
double the dose So give him 30 mg

67_Pt. had trauma to central cause displace it and injury to lip:

•laceration and luxation
•laceration and subluxation

.68_case about pt. With lost 4s and 7s want to restore them by partial denture , pt. Has no 8s
, only anterior teeth is present , how to mount the occlusion :
•By hand
•Wax rim of posteriors in centric relation
•Wax rim of posteriors in maximum intercuspation
•Siliconized rubber bite

‫ لو مش موجوده‬c relation
‫عشان باليد الزم فيه ضرس اخير قافل من الخلف ع االقل سبعه او تمانيه‬

.69_which is the best area for implant in young pt. ?

a.Upper ant.
b.Lower ant.
c.Upper post.
d.Lower post.

YES WE CAN – SDLE 21/12/2017 KSA

.70_Pt extracted lower wisdom , after 4 months he came with pain and swelling ,
•Dry socket
•Subperiosteal abscess

subperiosteal abscess‫ اذا مش موجود نختار‬osteomylitis ‫اربع اشهر‬

‫ اسابيع بعد الخلع‬3-2 ‫ من‬subperiosteal ‫غالبا بيتكون‬

71_Fordyce’s spot on lips are composed of which type of glands?

1. •Sebaceous
2. •Seres
3. •sub mandible

.72_In pulpitis, vasodilatation of vessels and will happen in which zone of the pulp INITIATE?
1. •Cell free zon
2. Pulp core

73._Long case bout patient has shiny skin and hands ,multiple radiolucent area in the
mandible (can not remember the other options):
1. •Hyperparathyroidism
2. •Multiple myloma
3. •Dermo odema
4. scleroderma

74_stillmams brushing tech: Vibratory

75_Pt with swilling under mandible and pain with eating?

1. sialolitheasis
2. ameloastoma

.76_blood born hepatitis?


77 _Site of smooth surface caries most likely to have caries?

1. Maxillary upper molars"
2. Maxillary palatal
3. Mandibular buccal
4. Anterior labia
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78_muscle affected in bruxism

1. buccinators
2. maseeter
3. medial pterygoid
4. lateral pterygoid

79_Which part of dentine is shiny and located in the upper layer:

1.Calcified dentine
2.sclerotic dentine**
3.secondary dentine
4. tertiary dentine
5.reparative dentine

80_pit and fissure Alternative restoration ionomer
4.flowable composite

81_Lap pontic disadvantage:

Tissue irritatieon

82_patient tooth MO caries and want to restored it with composite what type of matrix we can used
b.sectiona with wedge

.83_which primary sign of established gingivitis

b.interdental gingival bleeding

84_ong case the final patient has shamma .and smoking for several years
carcinoma in situ

85_Epithelial Clefting and chronic inflammatory cell in C.T??

A-lichen planus
B- pemphigus vulgaris
C- pemphegoid
D- lupus erythromatosi

.86_after minor surgery to extract lower 8 the pt. came after 4 weeks complaining form painful
swelling at the site of extraction
1. Fracture of cortical plate
2. Sub periosteal abscess

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87_which is slowest onset


Procaine is the slowest then bupivacaine

.88_which type of bacteria enhance formation of pellicle

a.streptocoocus mutans
b.streptococcus mitis

.89_pregnant want to know what kind of baby

b.blood invistgation

90_requirement to protect privacy and confidration

.91_patient with dry mouth ,,dry eye,,,difficult in swallowing and submandibular swelling
a.sjorgen s disease
c.grander syndrome
d,mams disease

92_calcification of teeth start per week


93_metabolism a.activation and deactivation of drug

.94_lower 6 with amalgam and sever pain .we used all vitality tests but not effective we use
a.electric test

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b.preparation test
C.percation test

.95_fordyces spot composed of which gland

a.sabaceous gland

96_ which artery of upper lip most blood supply

a.facial artery
b.labial artery

97_what's the management of Herpes simplex infictions:

a. 5% acyclovir orally
b. 3% acyclovir ointment
c. 1% acyclovir ointment
d. reassurance sense it's self limiting disease.

A sure 5% 5 times per day for 5 days

5% ointment every 4 hrs
Or 200mg orally 4-5 times /day

.98_pt missing central teeth want to make FPD:


.99_Pt eats a large amount of food in a short amount of time then vomit :
A) Anorexia
B) Bulimia nervosa

100_Case about perforation while finding canals what to do

:A) Put mta then continue searching the canals
B) Find the canals then put mta
C) Complete obturation then treat the perforation

.101_A pic showing attrition in lower anteriors but he said that the patient has posterior
:restoratios and maxillary PFM crowns ( did not said ant. Or post.) Diagnosis
A) Attrition
B) Abrasion
C) Abfraction

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D) Erosion
Natural teeth


attrition .. teeth to teeth

102_Pt had a problem in plasma what type of anesthesia to give : amide

.103_Most common in diabetes

1. Periodontal abcess
2. Gingival recession
most common feature of periodontal disease :- ( periodontal abscess)

.104_If 2 surgeon become had infected patients a year how many workers will have HIV team work:
A) 2
B) 6
C) One to one million

105Difference between BRR and class 1 filling :

A. Caries extension
B. Caries depth

106. case about patient has general anesthesia and start laryngeal spasm what to give :
1. 2mg succinylcholine
2. 4mg succinylcholine
3. 10mg succinylcholine

..107most percentage in killing E.fecialis ?

1. 2% CHx
2. 3% CHx
3. 4%CHx
4. 5%CHx

108.A 57 year-old patient reports to the Dental Clinic with an erythroplastic lesion in the floor of the
mouth. The dental surgeon wants to stain the suspicious lesion using toluidine blue. Which of the
following dyes is retained more actively in normal squamous epithelial cells than in abnormal
epithelium and when used in combination with the toluidine blue dye gives more accurate results?
1. Tololinium chloride
2. Lugol’s iodine
3. Methylene blue
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4. Xylene

109.Most commonly, after placement of amalgam restoration Pt. complains from pain with:
*Patient with amalgam usually complains of pain with:
a. Hot.
b. Cold. *
c. Occlusal pressure.
d. Galvanic shock.
e. Swee

110A 25 year-old patient reports to the Dental Clinic with the chief complaint of bilaterally missing
mandibular first molars. Clinical examination reveals that the patient has an angle class III
malocclusion. Fixed partial dentures are planned for the patient.
In order to achieve adequate occlusal harmony, which of the following occlusal schemes
should be used?
A. Bilateral balanced occlusion
B. Mutually protected occlusion
C. Unilateral balanced occlusion
D. Reverse occlusion

.111.Skeletal Fluorosis happen if dosage :

1. over 10 ppm
2. over 20 ppm
3. over 30 ppm
4. over 40 ppm
Note : ( Skeletal = Crippling )

112. Pt has necrotic pulp in upper central incisor, not closed apex, what is the best treatment:
a. Calcium hydroxide
b. Apexification with GP filling
c. Calcific barrier
d. RCT + GP filling

113. Medial condylar displacement best x-ray view :

1. PA
2. Reverse town
3. Lateral oblique


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