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Johari Window Activity

1.) From the looks of it, yes they did. However, they seem to see things on me that I myself do not see.

2.) It is with great confusion that I find out they see me as “Logical”, “Knowledgeable”, “Wise”, or even “Brave” and “Mature”.

3.) The only major change would probably be that I am no longer as tense as before, though it is possible that is only because I was
unfamiliar with Berea not too long ago.

4.) Calmness and Decisiveness. I’ve started to find my path in life – my calling. Perhaps the decisiveness and openness of my
classmates rubbed off on me, but I have already decided on a path in life. In the past, I was not at peace due to my indecisiveness. However,
through finding my path I have become calmer.
We are a vessel of the universe, the world itself taken shape – and so we aim to live a life of service to the universe and to ourselves. Our
mastery over ourselves shall make us undying. In harmony with the heavens, we are humble and respectful. Our emotions and self-interests are
suppressed, blind to wealth and desire. Where there is desire, discipline; Where there is ignorance, thought; Where there is force, nature;
Where there is death, eternity.

We are in touch with the world; We maintain knowledge, and harmony to the heavens, integrated not into man but into heaven; We
maintain no connections, for it may lead us to selfishness and act only to our own interests; Yet nothing is forbidden to us, lest we turn to dogma
and eschew logic; The universe is we, and we are the universe.

Core Values
1. Way – We follow the natural flow of all things, we do not go against it.
2. Virtue – We are aware and we cultivate our own nature. We do not force it onto others, and only cultivate it alone.
3. Essence – We aim to perfect ourselves, both in our body and our mind. To do this is a betrayal to our own life, for to lose our
essence is to slowly die.
4. Form – Our body is our foundation, so to harm it is to go against the Way.
5. Intent – Our mind moves us to act, so to control the mind is vital so we may follow the Way.
This year, I am grateful for:
1.) I am grateful for the fact that I could find something to strive for this year.
2.) I am grateful for this year to waking me up to my weakness.
3.) I am grateful for the opportunity to do things this year that I’ve always wanted to do.
4.) I am grateful for the pressure caused by this year, forming me.
5.) I am grateful for being alive and well up until this year.

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