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Taniapan, San Pablo, Zamboanga del Sur


Quarter 1 / SY 2022 – 2023

Name: ________________________________________ Date: Score: _________

Directions: Read each item carefully. Choose the letter of the correct answer then encircle the letter of your

I. MELC: Describe the components of a scientific investigation (S7MT-Ia-I)

1. What skill is used by a scientists when she listens to the sounds that produced by whales?
a. Interpreting data c. Making a hypothesis
b. Drawing conclusions d. Making observations

2. What is the correct order of the steps in the scientific method?

a. Ask a question, analyze results, make a hypothesis, test the hypothesis, draw conclusions,
communicate results.
b. Ask questions, make a hypothesis, test the hypothesis, analyze results, draw conclusions,
communicate results.
c. Ask a question, make a hypothesis, test hypothesis, draw conclusions, analyze results, communicate
d. Make a hypothesis, test the hypothesis, analyze the results, ask a question, draw conclusions,
communicate results

3. A scientist conducted an experiment to determine how the amount of salt in a body of water affects the
number of plants that can live in the water. Which is the independent variable?
a. Water c. Amount of salt in the water
b. Temperature of the water d. Number of pkants in the water

4. Why is scientific method an important process in doing experiments?

a. It takes more work but it is worth it.
b. It helps the experiment to take longer and be better.
c. It ensures that the results can be trusted and repeated.
d. It ensures that the people doing the experiments are scientific.

5. Which step that follows formulating and objectively testing hypothesis?

a. Interpreting results c. Conducting experiments
b. Stating conclusions d. Making observations and collecting data

6. What do you call a series of logical steps that is followed in order to solve a problem?
a. Model method c. Scientific method
b. Scientific theory d. Experimental process

7. What step should be completed fist to solve a problem?

a. Analyzing data c. Testing a hypothesis
b. Drawing conclusions d. Recognizing and identifying the problem

8. Which of the following steps to solve a problem must be completed LAST?

a. Analyzing data c. Testing a hypothesis
b. Drawing conclusions d. Recognizing and identifying the problem

II. MELC: Recognize that substances are classified into elements and compounds (S7MT-Ig-h-5)

9. Compounds are formed when two or more _________ are combined.

a. Elements b. Minerals c. Nutrients d. Food products

10. Which of the following ingredients is an element?

a. Calcium b. Carbohydrate c. Oil d. Protein 1
11. Which of the following ingredients is a compound?
a. Calcium b. Calcium chloride c. Magnesium d. Manganese

12. Oxygen and iron are elements (I). Protein and sugar are elements too (II). Which of the given options that
best describes the statement?
a. Both statements I and II are TRUE.
b. Both statements I and II are FALSE.
c. Statement I is FALSE while statement II is TRUE.
d. Statement I is TRUE while statement II is FALSE.

13. A compound is composed of one atom (I). Elements is a single atom substance (II). Which of the following
options that best describe?
a. Both statements I and II are TRUE.
b. Both statements I and II are FALSE.
c. Statement I is FALSE while statement II is TRUE.
d. Statement I is TRUE while statement II is FALSE.

14. Sainoden is fond of eating cereal drink even is he is already in grade 7. What compounds do Sainoden has
I. Iron pyrophosphate III. Sodium bicarbonate
II. Calcium chloride IV. Zinc sulfate
a. I and II only b. I and III only c. II and III only d. I and IV only

15. How do you classify elements from compounds?

a. Elements are sigle atom substances.
b. Compounds are composed of one molecule.
c. Compounds are compsed of two or more molecules.
d. Compounds are composed of two or more compounds.

16. Why is it important to be familiar with elements and compounds?

a. To classify them accordingly.
b. To tell others you know them.
c. To enumerate elements and compounds.
d. To be praised by others of knowing them.

III. MELC: Distinguish mixtures from substances based on a set of properties (S7MT-1e-f-4)

17. A gaseous material has a strong smell, evaporates quickly, particularly boils at -33.34°C and melts at -
77.73°C. This matter can be classified as _______.
a. Metal b. Mixture c. Solution d. Substance

18. Ella is experimenting on how two liquid samples. The data he gathered is shown in the table below.
Temperature in °C
Samples Before After 5 After 8 After 10 After 12 After 14 After 16
heating minutes minutes minutes minutes minutes minutes
Liquid A 29 45 60 90 100 100 100
Liquid B 30 47 65 97 100 105 108
What can be inferred from the table?
a. Liquid A is pure substance while Liguid B is a mixture.
b. Liquid A is a mixture while Liquid B is a pure substance.
c. Liquid A is an element while Liquid B is a substance.
d. Both Liquids A and B are pure substance.

19. A pinch of bread was placed inside a test tube and heated until it became blackish in color and released
some gas. Which of the following statement/s is/are true according to the given information?
I. Bread is solution.
II. Bread is composed of only of substance.
III. Bread is made up of solid and gaseous substances.
IV. Bread is made up of mixtures of different substances.
a. I only b. II and III c. II only d. III and IV 2
20. Sodium chloride dissolves in water very well. Which is NOT TRUE in the following statements?
a. Water is a pure substance.
b. Sodium chloride is a pure substance.
c. Dissolving sodium chloride with water produces a mixture.
d. Dissolving sodium chloride with water produces a new substance.

21. Ana wants to compare the chemical properties of two substances. In doing it, he prepared two flasks
containing the substances and labeled them Liquid A and Liquid B. he monitored the boiling points of the
liquids and found that the boiling points were 100°C for substance A and 110°C - 112°C for liquid B. how
would you classify the two liquids?
a. Liquid A is pure substance while Liquid B is a mixture.
b. Liquids A and B contain two or more atoms that are chemically bonded.
c. Liquid A has varying boiling oints while Liquid B has a fix boiling point.
d. Liquid A may be homogeneous or heterogeneous but substance B is not.

22. A white powder was tested and heated. After some time, it melts completely. What does it imply?
a. It is a mixture. d. It is a combination of pure substance and
b. It is a pure substance. mixture.
c. It is a homogeneous mixture.

For item 8 – 9, refer to the statement and table below

Two liquids were observed and heated. The data gathered is shown in the table below.
Temperature (°C Liquid A Liquid B
At start of boiling 100 80
After 30 seconds 100 85
After 60 seconds 100 84
After 90 seconds 100 86

23. Based on the table above, which of the following is TRUE about Liquid A?
a. It has a fixed boiling point. c. It is a mixture.
b. It is heterogeneous. d. It is an element.

24. Which of the following could be Liquid A?

a. Fruit juice c. Water
b. Soft drinks d. Water-salt solution

IV. MELC: Investigate properties of unsaturated and saturated solutions. (no code)

25. When a solution is saturated?

a. Crytals form
b. You need tto stir it more
c. No additional material will dissolve in it
d. Two materials have combined to create a clear liquid

26. You are given a 30 mL solution in a beaker. You add solute to the beaker and it dissolves completely.
What is the solution?
a. Solubility c. Unsaturated solution
b. Saturated solution d. Supersaturated solution

27. What is the solution that contains more solute than a saturated solution under the same conditions?
a. Solution c. Unsaturated
b. Saturated d. Supersaturated

28. When does a solution become a saturated?

a. Crystals form
b. You need to stir it more
c. No additional material will dissolve in it
d. Two materials have combined to create a clear liquid

29. A solution that contains as much solute as can be dissolved under the existing conditions is said to be:
a. Saturated b. Supersaturated c. Soluble d. Concentrated

30. Supersaturated solutions are characterized by:
a. Being super-hot
b. Having great stability
c. Having a larger amount of solute than can theoretically be dissolved
d. Being able to exist at super low temperature.

For items 31 – 32, use the solubility curve diagram to answer the questions.

31. How would you describe a solution of KNO3 at 80°C if there are
about 45 grams of KNO3 dissolved in 100 grams of water?
a. It is supersaturated c. It is unsaturated
b. It is dilute d. It is saturated

32. What happen to a solution of KNO 3 that is saturated at 50°C when

it is cooled quickly to 10°C?
a. The solution is not changed.
b. The solution becomes unsaturated.
c. The average kinetic energy rises.
d. Extra solute falls out of solution.

V. MELC: Express concentrations of solutions quantitatively by preparing different concentrations of mixtures

according to uses and availability of materials. (S7MT-Id-3)

33. 15 grams of common salt is dissolved in 400 grams of water. Calculate the concentration of the solution
by expressing it in Mass by Mass percentage (w/w%).
a. 3.60 grams b. 3.61 grams c. 3.62 grams d. 3.63 grams

34. 15 grams of common salt is dissolved in a solution of 300 mL, calculate the Mass by Volume percentage
(w/v%) to express the concentration of the solution.
a. 5 g/mL b. 6 g/mL c. 7 g/mL d. 8 g/mL

35. In a Science class, Jejou prepared a solution by mixing 25 grams of sugar in 80 grams of water. What are
the concentrations of the solute and solvent in percent (%) by mass?
a. Solute is 34% and Solvent is 60% c. Solute is 24% and Solvent is 76%
b. Solute is 14% and Solvent is 86% d. Solute is 44% and Solvent is 56%

36. What is the percentage concentration in the following solution: 2g sucrose in 80 grams of water?
a. 2.4% b. 4.4% c. 2.5% d. 97.6%

37. Calculate the percentage concentration of solution in 4 grams fof sucrose in 80 grams of water?
a. 4.8% by weight sucrose solution. c. 95.2% by weight sucrose solution.
b. 3.5% by weight sucrose solution. d. 95.4% by weight sucrose solution.

38. A saline solution with a mass of 355g has 36.5g of NaCl dissolved in it. What is the mass percent
concentration of the solution?
a. 10.3% b. 10.5% c. 11.0% d. 11.8%

39. A solution is prepared by mixing 78mL of methyl alcohol in enough water to give the solution a final
volume of 135mL. Find the percent by volume concentration of the solution.
a. 58% b. 57% c. 59% d. 56%

40. A solution is prepared by dissolving 90mL of hydrogen peroxide in enough water to make 3000mL.
Identify the concentration of the hydrogen peroxide solution.
a. 4% b. 5% c. 7% d. 3%

End of Quarterly Assessment…

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