Dr. Trifena - PRESENTASI ESPRO-Application of Ozone Therapy For Holistic Wellness and Antiaging

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Application of

Ozone Therapy
for Holistic Wellness and Anti Aging Medicine
Dr.Trifena, MSi (Herb.Est), MBiomed (AAM)
What is Ozone?
Molecul Formulation:
Oxygen : O2 (Neutral Charged, stable)
Ozone : O3- (Negative Charged, unstable)

The above energy disintegrates Ozone Synsthesis in Nature:

O2 to be two single O electron 1. By Ultra Violet
2. By Electric Discharge (Lightening)
with negative charge. When this
single O meet with O2, then it Half-time of Ozone:
becomes O3 Ozone is unstable and easy to get
O3  O2 + O-

Room Temperature (20-30º Celcius) : 20-25 minutes

In our body (37º Celcius) : 4 minutes
What is Medical Ozone?
Medical Ozone is a mixture of • 0,05% O3 - 5% O3
pure Oxygen and pure Ozone • 99,95% O2 – 95% O2

O2 + Hb  HbO2
Working Mechanism: O3 + Blood Plasma

ROS (Reactive Oxygen Species)

last only less than 1 minute while blood is still blood bag (In Major AHT)

LOPs will have therapeutic effect

Lipid Peroxidation result in Lipid oxidation products (LOPs) for our body. LOPs will be
produced continually and has long half-time. During the process of ozonated blood
infusion into our body, they will reach our whole blood circulation system and organs
to produce long term therapeutic effects (Velio Bocci, 2005)
Medical and Non Medical Ozone Generator
 Source: Pure Oxygen 99.95% Non Medical
 Accurate Ozone Concentration Ozone Generator
Generator  Medical Applications
Internal Invasive Treatment External  Source: Air
 Major Autohemotherapy non invasive Tx  Inaccurate Ozone
 Minor Autohemotherapy  Ozone sauna
 Daily Home Use
 Vagina Insufflation  Ozone Bagging
 Air Purifier
 Rectal Insufflation  Body suite
 Washing fruits/vegetables
 Ear Insuflation
(Removing pesticide)
(Epilepsion , Alzheimer,
Parkinson)  Washing meat
 EBOO  Industrial Use:
(Extracorporeal Blood Oxygen  Neutralizing polutant
Ozonization)  Water purification
Ozone Treatment in the U.S. and Canada

Canada and the United States are signatories to the World Health
Organization's Declaration of Helsinki, which states:

"In the treatment of the sick person, the physician must be free to use a
new diagnostic or therapeutic measure, if in his or her judgment it offers
hope of saving life, re-establishing health or alleviating suffering."

Any college or board of physicians or equivalent medical licensing

board that investigates or harasses a physician for using ozone therapy
is in violation of the Helsinki Declaration.
Medical ozone therapy is recognized in
Bulgaria, Cuba, Czech Republic, France,
Germany, Israel, Italy, Mexico, Romania
and Russia. It is currently used legally Ozone
in 16 Nations. Eleven states in the US
like Alaska, Colorado, Georgia,
Minnesota, New York, North Carolina,
Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, South
Carolina and Washington have already
passed access-type bills to ensure that
alternative therapies are available to
consumers. Physicians in these states
can legally use it and other safe
effective non-conventional treatments
as an alternative treatment in their
practice without being persecuted.
Ozone Side Effects
Ozone has been used in Europe for about 50 years, and in other
countries like Russia, and Cuba for years now. A 1982 German study of
384,775 patients (5,779,238 applications) documented only
0.000005% rate of adverse side effects.

This is the standard for 0%... DOES
(MUCH safer than ANY drug) NOT LEAVE ANY
While Several thousands people die of
aspirin each year in the U.S. RESIDU
Contra-indications of Ozone Treatment
• Acute alcohol intoxication,
• Recent heart attack (30 days) and Myocardial
infarction (6 months),
• Hemorrhage from any organ (termasuk menstruasi),
• Pregnancy
• Hyperthyroidism,
• Thrombocytopenia
• Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency
(favism, acute haemolytic anaemia)

Minor Autohemotherapy has NO contra-indications
20 Methods Of Adminitering Ozone Therapeutically In
Home Or Clinic:

• Intracutaneous Injection (blistering)

Invasive Treatment: misal untuk acne, wrinkle
• Subcutaneous Injection (slimming,
• Ear insufflation (Epileption, Alzheimer, cellulite)
Parkinson, Otitis Media) • Intramuscular Injection (pain
• Vaginal insufflation management)
• Rectal insufflation • Intra-articular (orthopedic use: joint
• Major Autohemotherapy arthritis)
• Minor Autohemotherapy • Direct IV Injection (dilarang!)
• EBOO (Extracorporeal Blood Oxygen • Intra-arterial Injection (dilarang!)
Ozonization) • Direct injection into a tumur
• Ozonated Drinking Water
20 Methods Of Adminitering Ozone Therapeutically In
Home Or Clinic:

External Use:
• Cupping with a funnel
• External limb bagging
• Ozonated bath Steam cabinet (Ozone Sauna)
• Bodysuite
• Ozonated olive oil massage
• Topical use of ozonated olive oil
Fourteen Major Effects
of Ozone on Human Body

by Dr. Frank Shallenberger

1 Ozone stimulates the production of white blood
cells. These cells protect the body from viruses,
bacteria, fungi and cancer. Deprived of oxygen,
these cells malfunction. They fail to eliminate
invaders and even turn against normal, healthy
cells (allergic reactions).

Ozone significantly raises the oxygen

levels in the blood for long periods after
ozone administration; as a result,
allergies have a tendency to become
2 Interferon levels are significantly increased.
Interferons are globular proteins that orchestrate
every aspect of the immune system. Some
interferons are produced by cells infected by
viruses. These interferons warn adjacent, healthy
cells of the likelihood of infection; in turn, they are
rendered nonpermissive host cells, inhibiting viral
Other interferons are produced in the muscles,
connective tissue and by white blood cells.

Levels of gamma interferon can be elevated

400-900% by ozone.
This interferon is involved in the control of phagocytic cells that
engulf and kill pathogens and abnormal cells. Synthetic
interferons are FDA approved for the treatment of Chronic
Hepatitis B and C, Genital Warts (caused by Papilloma virus,
Hairy-cell Leukemia, Kaposi's Sarcoma, Relapsing-Remitting
Multiple Sclerosis and Chronic Granulomatous Disease.
Interferons are currently in clinical trials for Throat Warts (caused
by Papilloma virus), HIV infection, Chronic Myelogenous
Leukemia Leukemia, Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma, Colon tumors,
Kidney tumors, Bladder Cancer, Malignant Melanoma, Basal Cell
Carcinoma and Leishmaniasis.

While levels induced by ozone remain safe,

interferon levels that are FDA-approved (and
in clinical trials) are extremely toxic.
3 Ozone stimulates the production of Tumor
Necrosis Factor. TNF is produced by the
body when a tumor is growing. The greater
the mass of the tumor the more tumor
necrosis factor is produced (up to a point).
When a tumor has turned metastatic, cancer
cells are breaking off and being carried away
by the blood and lymph, allowing the tumor
to take up residence elsewhere in the body.

These lone cancer cells have little chance of growing due

to the TNF produced to inhibit the original tumor. When the
tumor is removed surgically TNF levels drop dramatically
and new tumors emerge from seemingly healthy tissue.
4 Ozone stimulates the secretion of IL-2.
Interleukin-2 is one of the cornerstones of the
immune system, secreted by T-helpers. In a
process known as autostimulation, the IL-2 then
binds to a receptor on the T-helper and causes it
to produce more IL-2. Its main duty is to induce
lymphocytes to differentiate and proliferate,
yielding more T-helpers, T-suppressors,
cytotoxic T's, T-delayeds and T-memory cells.
Ozone kills most bacteria at low concentrations. The
5 metabolism of most bacteria is on average one-
seventeenth as efficient as our own. Because of this,
most cannot afford to produce disposable anti-oxidant
enzymes such as catalase. Very few types of bacteria
can live in an environment composed of more than two
percent ozone.
6 Ozone is effective against all types of
fungi. This includes systemic Candida
albicans, athlete's foot, molds, mildews,
yeasts and even mushrooms.
Ozone is the best virucide. As discussed
7 above, ozone goes after the viral particles
directly. The part of the virus most sensitive to
oxidation is the "reproductive structure". This
is how the virons enter the cell. With this
structure inactivated, the virus is essentially
"dead". Cells already infected have a natural
weakness to ozone. Due to the metabolic
burden of the infection the cells can no longer
produce the protective enzymes necessary to
deal with the ozone and repair the cell.
8 Ozone is antineoplastic. This means that ozone inhibits the
growth of new tissue because rapidly dividing cells shift their
priorities away from producing the enzymes needed to protect
themselves from the ozone. Cancer cells are rapidly dividing
cells and are thus inhibited by ozone.

Ozone oxidizes arterial plaque


It breaks down the plaque involved in both

Arteriosclerosis and Atherosclerosis. This means
ozone has a tendency to clear blockages of small and
even large vessels. This allows for better tissue
oxygenation in deficient organs.

10 Ozone stimulate Neo Vascularization

(only in EBOO administration)
11 Ozone increases the flexibility and elasticity of red blood
cells. When one views a red blood cell under a
microscope, it looks like a disc. In the capillaries, where
they pick-up (lungs) and release (tissue) oxygen, these
discs stretch out into the shape of an oval or umbrella.
This aids their passage through the tiny capillaries and
makes the exchange of gas more efficient. The increase
in flexibility of the RBC's allows oxygen levels to stay
elevated for days, or even weeks after treatment with

12 Ozone accelerates the Citric Acid Cycle. Also known as

the Kreb's Cycle or TCA Cycle, this is a very important
step in the glycolysis of carbohydrate for energy. This
takes place in the mitochondria of the cell. Most of the
energy stored in glucose (sugar) is converted in this
13 Ozone makes the anti-oxidant enzyme system
more efficient. Cells respond to the beneficial
oxidative stress by increasing their production of
the protective enzymes.

Ozone breaks down petrochemicals. These

14 chemicals have a potential to place a great

burden on the immune system. They also worsen
and even cause allergies and are detrimental to
your long-term health.

Ozone Stimulate Poduction of NO (Nitric

15 Oxide) in our body. Nitric Oxide now is

known as Miracle Molecule and the Talking
Molecule.. It is the only one molecule in our
body that can talk...!!!
Additional Info
• When 20 mg ozone enter our body, it is neutralized by
0.1% glutahione produced by our body daily, and within
15-20 minutes this glutahione reverse back to gluthatione
reduction, so Ozone Therapy is very safe treatment.
• Ozone Therapy stimulate our bone marrow to release
stemcell to regenerate and replace our damaged cells
• Ozone Therapy stimulate our body to poduce Nitric Oxide:
- Vasodilatation effect: Hypertention, Erectile Disfunction
- Neuro
-Transmitter agent
Indications of Ozone Therapy
Ozone therapy may be indicated in all diseases in which oxidative
stress has an important role. Then we relate the general indications:


Acne Crohn's Disease Antiaging Chronic
Alopecia Irritable Bowel Atherosclerosis
Atopic Dermatitis Genital Herpes
Burns Syndrome Papillomavirus
Cellulitis Ulcerative Fungi
Eczena Colitis Bad odors
Fungi Immunology
Seborrheic Dermatitis
Skin Ulcers
Hemolytic Asthma
Common Cold Cerebral
Anemia EPOC (chronic
Chronic Hepatitis By C Ischemia
(sickle cell bronchitis
Herpes Infections Ischemic
anemia and
Herpes Zoster Heart Disease
and thalassemia) emphysema)
Lower Limb
Ischemia Idiopathic
(intermittent Pulmonary
ALS claudication) Fibrosis
Lateral Sclerosis)
Indications of
Hearing Loss
Multiple Sclerosis
Macular Ozone Therapy
Related with age
Pigmentary Retinosis
Wilson's disease

Ankylosing Carpal Tunnel Chronic Venous Cancer

Syndrome Insufficiency (preventive
Chronic Fatigue treatment and
Syndrome Epicondylitis Peripheral Arterial
Fibromyalgia Herniated Disc Insufficiency
Lupus Low back pain Skin Ulcers
and radiotherapy)
Erythematosus Osteitis Varicose Veins Diabetes
Systemic Osteoarthritis Gingivitis
Psoriatic Arthritis Osteomyelitis Obesity
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Tendinitis Peyronie Disease
Renal Failure
(ringing in ears)
Indications of Tooth Decay
Auto Immune
Ozone Therapy Diseases:
(Asthma, Allergy,
LUPUS, Schleroderma,
Chron Dieseases)
Chronic Ulcerations Due To Diabetic
Gangrene &/Or Venous Ulcerations

Pilot study by Calderon and Kaufmann (2002) in 118

patients with chronic ulcerations, 66 suffering from diabetic
gangrene and 44 from venous ulcerations
Herpes Simplex And Herpes
Major autohemotherapy : over 5 to 10 days.
The sooner the therapy is started, the better the result obtained.

Herpes zoster in the trigeminal region (Mattassi 1985)

Perbedaan darah
sebelum & sesudah diozon
Ozon bagging
Perbedaan Luka
sebelum dan sesudah diozon
dr. Trifena
MSi (Herb.Est), Mbiomed (AAM)

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