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Following our class today, search for a newspaper article that deals with the relevant aspects

of Christianity and/or Christians. Discuss the highlights of the article and lessons learned.
Include the link of the newspaper at the bottom of your posting. -- This question aims to help
you prepare for the writing of your response paper.
It has always been understood through the centuries that the teachings of the Catholic Church
have, for the most part, involved the discernment of ecumenical councils, a congregation of
bishops to decide on matters of the church under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. It has been
through these platforms that teachings and laws have been written up and taught to the laity,
so the recent setting up of the Synodal process to hear the voices of the people is a first step
in creating church reform in terms of social Catholic teachings. While fundamental principles
and laws of the church will not see any change, such as the Catechism of the Catholic
Church, the purpose of this process is to study the social issues present in the lives of the
Catholic congregation today, to see what can be done for the faithful in living out their faith
in the world.
There are mainly two camps who either approve or disprove of this process, but it does seem
that in line with two thousand years of tradition, clergy all over the world remain obedient to
the authority of the church and to following the process. This illustrates continued reverence
shown to the seat of Peter, a long line of Papal descendants that traces all the way back to one
of the apostles Simon Peter, the first head of the Church and appointed by Christ Himself.
Understanding the power of the Catholic Church, then, in the eyes of the faithful, yet holding
those in power accountable to their actions, especially in this time of revelations of wounds
such as sexual abuse within the Church, gives us a better appreciation of the shifts from sole
clerical authority to participation of the laity, as well as the Church’s prevalence in fighting
on today in the midst of rising secularism and relativism in the world. With hopes of ordinary
worshippers raising their concerns about the Church, this goes back to the long-standing
purpose of Communion of the church; to journey as one body of Christ, with and for each
other, to draw closer to relationship with and worship of God.

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