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Following our class yesterday, search for a newspaper article that deals with the relevant

aspects of Judaism and/or the Jews. Discuss the highlights of the article and lessons learned.
Include the link of the newspaper at the bottom of your posting. -- This question aims to help
you prepare for the writing of your response paper.

The article highlights the pervasiveness of anti-Semitism in the UK today, including an

instance addressed by the Labour Party Leader at the time as “pockets of anti-Semitism” in
government. The Jewish people in Britain face mostly verbal abuse, but there are incidents
causing damage as well, such as desecration of buildings and places with items such as
stones, bricks and eggs. The use of social media to attack them has been rising too, with
attackers even referencing back to past tragedies with messages like “Hitler was right”.
Despite rising cases of anti-Semitism, it is still considered under-reported by the

Despite being the “Chosen race”, the Jewish people have suffered persecution throughout
history, first under the rule of the Egyptians and later on under Roman rule. Living in
remembrance of their past is still done with the celebration of the Passover, a time before the
Jewish people were freed from slavery in Egypt, commemorating their God who came to
save them. Their diaspora into the desert still echoes today in the Jewish people being found
all over the world, the UK included, and yet they still face persecution in the form of anti-
Semitism today. However, similar sentiments of desiring freedom from these persecutions,
with the message of their traditional Dayenu, meaning “enough” in Hebrew, to stand their
ground and fight for their freedom.

It can also be seen that the anti-Semitism they face is due to the stereotype that the Jewish
people are the rich few at the top controlling the economy and society. While there are
prominent Jewish leaders in power in different countries around the world, this could perhaps
be attributed to the way of living that Judaism subscribes to, namely discovering and
fulfilling their sense of mission and purpose in life, which also dictates day-to-day living
through making the most out of the time that each person is given. Despite comments by Mr
Corbyn to denounce this issue, as well as claiming to be a “militant opponent of anti-
Semitism”, more can and must be done, especially so on the ground in the public sphere, so
as not to repeat events whose actions are reminiscent of an “ancient hatred”.

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