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With reference to Prof Phil's lecture today on Topic 6 and related readings, search for a

newspaper article that deals with the relevant aspects of globalisation (either on
technological, political, economic or cultural, or any other dimension of globalisation).
Discuss the highlights of the article and lessons learned. Include the link of the newspaper at
the bottom of your posting. -- This question aims to help you prepare for the writing of your
response paper.

The debate on whether or not to take vaccinations in the United States has largely been seen
as either a religious or medical issue, be it the use of aborted fetal cell lines to develop the
vaccine, or the negative effects of the vaccine on young children in their growing years.
Regardless, this issue has also been viewed to cause a political divide, with the Republican
right viewed as the staunch religious fighting for their religious freedom, while the
Democratic left are made up of liberals who believe in science. The merging of these two
disciplines of politics and beliefs has created a divided system that strongly oppose each
other, and causes a lot of problems when issues like receiving the vaccine arise. However, the
writer, a Christian himself, posits that in truly following the teachings of the Gospel, one
would be inclined to receive the vaccine for the greater good, and such religious beliefs
should not cause both sides to be opposed.
The problem with such distinct divides is that it can affect even the rest of the world today.
Having such strong opposition because of religious views, and its strong backing found in a
determined conservative right to protect religious freedoms in a largely Christian country, has
caused a huge impression on other Christians around the world as well. With ease of access
to news and material that proliferate the medical and moral dangers of receiving the vaccine,
we find significant “anti-vaxxers” in other countries as well that are surfacing, defending
their rights against such issues because of their religious freedoms. The influence of religion
when used in conjunction with political power can be seen as one that can cause significant
disturbance if not properly dealt with.

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