Week 1 - Salazar - Cristina

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Name: Salazar Guamán Cristina Mariuxi
Date: 23/10/2022
Some basic questions
What are the big questions about lesson planning that we need to explore right at the
beginning of this book? These are the ten most frequent questions I get asked:
1. What is ´lesson planning?
A lesson plan is a kind of guide made by the teacher where he describes the activities that
the students will carry out or during the teaching process.
2. What does a lesson plan contain?
The lesson plan contains the goal or objective, this means what students need or should
learn (learning objectives), the second is how it will be achieved (learning activities) and
finally a test verifying student understanding
3. Does lessons planning always result in a written document, that is, a lesson plan?
This activity must be clearly written to obtain the greatest benefit of understanding, that
it is easy to develop, in this way a sheet will be obtained as a guide for when substitute
teachers or practitioners can follow the defined plan.
4. Do all my lessons have to be planned in the same way?
If we refer to the content, the answer is no, since obviously they will be other objectives,
other methods, etc. But if on the other hand if we talk about the format, the answer is yes,
since this has we mean that the objectives should never be missing and not one remaining
5. Should my lesson plans look like those completed by other teachers?
The answer is simply no, as many of the teachers do not consider an overall objective of
the activity and therefore also not a result of the students as a final assessment.
6. If two teachers are teaching the same class the same lesson, will their plans be
One part, yes, but on the other, no, since in my opinion the same thing is being taught but
with different methods and different conclusion, however teachers can have the same
lesson plan to increase more the understanding of the students.
7. What about if I am teaching the same lesson to four different year7 classes? Can I
use the same lesson plan each time?
In my opinion yes, but you can make some changes, this is not what we mean by the
objectives, we mean that if the teacher taught a class with "poems" he can implement the
different poems for different levels.
8. Is lesson planning something I have to do for my whole teaching career?
If, as we mentioned before, this lesson plan serves as a guide for teachers, and this is more
feasible for two reasons, the first if the teacher is new and is starting his first class and the
second is if the students belong to elementary school.
9. Does a lesson plan have to have timings in it?
Time is considered a lot because the teacher will know if he can develop it with the whole
group of students even though in a certain way some teachers do not know how to
implement a time limit but it is believed that time is essential.
10. Does a lesson have to be written on a particular lesson plan template?
Usually not, since there are different ways to make a lesson plan, it is not necessary to
follow a format itself, since the only thing that matters is that it contains the necessary

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