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With reference to Week 9 topic on Sikhism, search for a newspaper or journal article or a

youtube clip on Sikhism, discuss its main points and lessons learned. Post the link of the
newspaper or journal article or youtube clip at the bottom of your posting.

The article talks about the celebrations in India to mark the 550 th anniversary of the birth of Guru
Nanak, the first guru and founder of Sikhism. More importantly, the opening of the Karturpur
corridor, a line of division formed by British colonials that separated the Sikhs geographically during
colonial rule, allowed for Indian devotees to cross for the first time to visit a holy shrine without a
visa. This comes as a pleasant change amidst larger neighbourly tensions that have prevented that
from happening for years. The celebrations occurred over 3 days, with the reading and procession of
the Guru Granth Sahib, as well as worship in the Golden Temple.
This highlights the influence of religion to bring devotees together despite differences in terms of
nationality and the issues it brings. It displays the ability of people to rise above these tensions so that
they can come together to worship or have access to these holy sites, even if Indian devotees might
not have been allowed to explore the country outside of these holy sites or stay overnight. However, if
we were to see the teachings of Sikhism that does not discriminate against caste or race, perhaps more
could be done after this historic opening of the corridor to create real and sustainable change for
Indian Sikhs’ movement to places of worship.

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