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With reference to Weeks 10 & 11 topic on Religion and Politics, search for a newspaper or

journal article or a youtube clip on Religion and Politics, discuss its main points and lessons
learned. Post the link of the newspaper or journal article or youtube clip at the bottom of your
This YouTube clip talks about the divide between Sunni and Shia Muslims in Saudi Arabia,
the origin of Islam and home of the Prophet. After Muhammad’s passing, there was a
division in beliefs through religious and political differences, one that we still see present
today in the world. Especially in Saudi Arabia where the majority are Sunni Muslims, and in
a country where the population also adheres to religious authority, Shia Muslims face
discrimination. The man in the video talks about how he was not able to testify for his friend
as he was not considered a legitimate Muslim by the courts, and even experienced stones
being thrown at a bus that Shia Muslims were in while at a gas station.

While this can be attributed to the religious divide between the Muslims, it also finds its root
in opposing political forces; the rise of the majority Shia Muslim nation in Iran can be seen as
an example of a separate polity, given the political differences faced between empires in
terms of power from the previous millennium. In our age today with the rise of sovereign
states and the judicial system, the potential conflicts between state and religious law seems to
be a source of tension that needs to be addressed, especially in countries with religious groups
that hold majority power. While it is impossible to oversimplify the laws of the land to
following a judicial system, there could and should be steps taken to acknowledge the human
identity and dignity of the individual, even in the face of different beliefs. In the case of a
running government, it is necessary to ensure that religious influence does not overwhelm
state reign, especially if a country is not religiously homogenous.

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