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Danh môc c¸c tõ vµ ch÷ viÕt t¾t

Tõ viÕt t¾t NghÜa tiÕng ViÖt NghÜa tiÕng Anh

Ψ / ΨU Pseudouridine Pseudouridine
∆G Møc chªnh lÖch n¨ng l−îng tù do Change in free energy
2-AP 2-aminopurine 2-aminopurine
2D-PAGE §iÖn di 2 chiÒu trªn gel polyacrylamide 2-D polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis
3’UTR Vïng ®Çu 3’ kh«ng ®−îc dÞch m· 3’-untranslated region
5’UTR Vïng ®Çu 5’ kh«ng ®−îc dÞch m· 5’-untranslated region
5-BU 5-bromouracine 5-bromouracine
ADN Axit deoxyribonucleic Deoxyribonucleic acid
ADN pol ADN polymerase / ADN polymeraza DNA polymerase
ADP Adenosine diphosphate Adenosine diphosphate
AIDS Héi chøng suy gi¶m miÔn dÞch m¾c ph¶i Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
AMP Adenosine monophosphate Adenosine monophosphate
ARE Tr×nh tù ARN giµu AU AU-rich element (sequence)
ARN Axit ribonucleic Ribonucleic acid
ARN pol ARN polymerase / ARN polymeraza RNA polymerase
ARNi ARN can thiÖp Interfering RNA
ATP Adenosine triphosphate Adenosine triphosphate
BER Söa ch÷a b»ng c¾t bá baz¬ nit¬ Base excision repair
cADN ADN phiªn m· ng−îc tõ ARN Complementary DNA (cDNA)
cAMP AMP vßng Cyclic AMP
CAP / CRP Protein ho¹t hãa bëi chÊt dÞ hãa / Catabolite activator protein /
Protein thô thÓ cña cAMP cAMP receptor protein
CDK Enzym kinase phô thuéc cyclin Cyclin-dependent kinase
CE §iÖn di mao qu¶n Capillary electrophoresis
CML Ung th− b¹ch cÇu thÓ tñy tr−êng diÔn Chronic myelogenous cancer
cs Céng sù Co-workers
CTAB Cetyltrimethylammonium bromide Cetyltrimethylammonium bromide
Da Dalton Dalton
DGGE §iÖn di biÕn tÝnh gradient Denaturing gradient gel
DHU Dihydrouridine Dihydrouridine
dNTP Deoxyribonucleotide triphosphate Deoxyribonucleotide triphosphate
dsADN ADN sîi kÐp Double strand DNA
§VCXS §éng vËt cã x−¬ng sèng Vertebrate animal
EDTA Ethylene diamine tetraacetate Ethylene diamine tetraacetate
EHMR Khèi phæ ®é ph©n gi¶i cùc cao Extremely high mass resolution
EJC Phøc hÖ nèi c¸c exon Exon joining complex
EMS Ethyl methane sulfonate Ethyl methane sulfonate
ESI Ion hãa phun ®iÖn Electrospray ionization
EST §o¹n ®¸nh dÊu tr×nh tù biÓu hiÖn Expressed sequence tag

Tõ viÕt t¾t NghÜa tiÕng ViÖt NghÜa tiÕng Anh
FAP Héi chøng u tuyÕn polyp theo dßng hä Familial adenomatous polyposis
FGF YÕu tè t¨ng tr−ëng nguyªn bµo sîi Fibroblast growth factor
FISH Lai huúnh quang t¹i chç Fluorescent insitu hybridization
gARN ARN dÉn ®−êng Guide RNA
GR Thô thÓ glucocorticoid Glucocorticoid receptor
HIV Virut g©y suy gi¶m miÔn dÞch ë ng−êi Human immunodeficiency virus
HLA Kh¸ng nguyªn liªn kÕt tÕ bµo lympho ng−êi Human leukocyte antigen
HPLC S¾c ký láng cao ¸p / S¾c ký hiÖu n¨ng cao High pressure liquid chromatography
IRES VÞ trÝ ®i vµo cña ribosome Internal ribosome entry site
IS C¸c tr×nh tù (yÕu tè) cµi Insertion sequence
Kcb H»ng sè c©n b»ng Equilibrium constant
kDa Kilodalton Kilodalton
LCR Vïng ®iÒu khiÓn locut Locus control region
LINE C¸c tr×nh tù dµi n»m r¶i r¸c trong nh©n Long interspersed nuclear element
LTR C¸c tr×nh tù lÆp l¹i dµi ë ®Çu tËn cïng Long terminal repeat
MALDI Ph©n hñy laser trong chÊt mang Matrix-assissted laser desorption
mARN ARN th«ng tin Messeger RNA
MHC Phøc hÖ kh¸ng nguyªn t−¬ng hîp m« Major histocompability complex
miARN TiÓu ARN Micro RNA (miRNA)
MMR Söa ch÷a kÕt cÆp sai nhê m¹ch khu«n Methyl-directed mismatch repair
®−îc methyl hãa
MMS Methyl methane sulfonate Methyl methane sulfonate
MS Khèi phæ Mass spectrophotometry
mtARN ARN ti thÓ Mitochondrial RNA
NER Söa ch÷a b»ng c¾t bá nucleotide Nucleotide excision repair
NJ ThuËt to¸n kÕt nèi l©n cËn Neighbor joining
NMD Ph©n hñy mARN mang ®ét biÕn v« nghÜa Nonsense mediated decay of mRNA
NMR Céng h−ëng tõ h¹t nh©n Nuclear magnetic resonance
NST NhiÔm s¾c thÓ Chromosome
NTP Ribonucleotide triphosphate Ribonucleotide triphosphate
ORF Khung ®äc më Open reading frame
PABP Protein liªn kÕt ®u«i polyA PolyA binding protein
PAGE §iÖn di trªn gel polyacrylamide Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis
PCR Ph¶n øng chuçi trïng hîp Polymerase chain reaction
PDGF YÕu tè t¨ng tr−ëng cã nguån gèc tiÓu cÇu Platelet-derived growth factor
PEP Phosphoenolpyruvate Phosphoenolpyruvate
PFGE §iÖn di xung tr−êng Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis
PITC Phenylisothyocyanate Phenylisothyocyanate
PPi / ~ Nhãm pyrophosphate Pyrophosphate group
PTS HÖ thèng phosphoryl hãa phô thuéc vµo PEP-dependent phosphotransferase
PEP system

Tõ viÕt t¾t NghÜa tiÕng ViÖt NghÜa tiÕng Anh
rARN ARN ribosome Ribosomal RNA
RBS VÞ trÝ liªn kÕt ribosome Ribosome binding site
RFLP §a h×nh ®é dµi c¸c ®o¹n giíi h¹n Restriction fragment length
RISC Phøc hÖ t¾t gen kÝch øng bëi ARN RNA-induced silencing complex
RPBS VÞ trÝ liªn kÕt protein ®iÒu hßa Regulatory protein binding site
SCID BÖnh suy gi¶m miÔn dÞch kÕt hîp Severe combined immunodeficiency
nghiªm träng disease
SDS Sodium dodecyl sulfate Sodium dodecyl sulfate
siARN ARN can thiÖp kÝch th−íc nhá Small interfering RNA
SINE C¸c yÕu tè tr×nh tù ng¾n n»m r¶i r¸c Short interspersed nuclear element
trong nh©n
SMC Protein duy tr× cÊu tróc nhiÔm s¾c thÓ Structural maintenance of chromosome
snARN ARN nh©n kÝch th−íc nhá Small nuclear RNA
snoARN ARN h¹ch nh©n kÝch th−íc nhá Small nucleolar RNA
snRNP Ribonucleoprotein kÝch th−íc nhá Small nuclear ribonucleoprotein
SRP ARN ARN nhËn biÕt tÝn hiÖu Signal recognition RNA
ssADN ADN m¹ch ®¬n Single strand DNA
SSB Protein b¸m m¹ch ®¬n Single strand binding protein
STR / SSR Tr×nh tù vi vÖ tinh Microsatellite / simple tandem repeats
tARN ARN vËn chuyÓn Transfer RNA
TBP Protein liªn kÕt hép TATA TATA-box binding protein
TE YÕu tè di truyÒn vËn ®éng / gen nh¶y Transposable element
TIC HÖ thèng vËn chuyÓn translocase mµng Translocase, inner chloroplast
trong l¹p thÓ
TIM HÖ thèng vËn chuyÓn translocase mµng Translocase, inner mitochondrial
trong ti thÓ
tmARN ARN tÝch hîp cña mARN vµ tARN tmRNA
TMV Virut kh¶m thuèc l¸ Tobacco mosaic virus
TOC HÖ thèng vËn chuyÓn translocase mµng Translocase, outer chloroplast
ngoµi l¹p thÓ
TOF Thêi gian bay Time of flight
TOM HÖ thèng vËn chuyÓn translocase mµng Translocase, outer mitochondrial
ngoµi ti thÓ
uORF Khung ®äc më n»m ng−îc dßng Upstream open reading frame
UPGMA ThuËt to¸n ph©n cÆp dùa trªn gi¸ trÞ Unweighted pair group with
trung b×nh arthmetic means
UV Tia cùc tÝm Ultra violet
VNTR Tr×nh tù nucleotide ng¾n lÆp l¹i liªn tôc Variable number tandem repeats /
víi sè l−îng biÕn ®éng/ tiÓu vÖ tinh minisatellite

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