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Materials Today Communietions 28 2021) 102604 Contents lists available a ScenceDisect Materials Today Communications journal homepage: www e'sevier com/ocatelmteomm Effect of multi-layer laser cladding of Stellite 6 and Inconel 718 materials on clad geometry, microstructure evolution and mechanical properties ‘Nikhil Thawari", Chaitanya Gullipalli", Jitendra Kumar Katiyar”, T.V.K. Gupta®” + Dyaemnot of Menlo Very Naina tine of Ty Nag, "Dp of Meal bug SRM tae f So Teil, Kata, Tan! Nad, ni The mul ayer ler cladding of high temperature resitnce alloys Le, Stl 6 and Inconel 71 on SVG was laser ding developed with an objective to inverigate the effet of cadding materials on clad geometry, microstrctre Me pe ‘volition and mechanical properties. The analysis wns performed using Optic! Microscope SEM with EDS nn “Microbncnes tester espectively. The ess have shown a compamble difference in ll th aspects of sty. A 506 nnd 30% increment in ela height is measred while eleing at 12 mm/s and 16 m/s san speed as compared to 20 mms fr bath the alos, The Inconel 718 pest as shown 15-25% larger cl eight, than Sellite 6. Alo, ander varying process parameters, 15-459 penetration depth ane 10-15% igh ation in Ineone! 718i obtained. SEM rests have revealed thatthe merosturtreevlation fom tp to ttom othe lads ery the ame exept at low ler poe The decrement in icohardness bere nee the interface the to dilaton andi high inthe fist ayer than the second lye, Wheres the lw dilaton obtained in the sccond layer ibecane ofthe newly depenited ayer over the sbrate The present work has given the opin Parumeters (ser power and scan speed) a 2900 W ant 20 min/s fo elite 6 and S400 W, 2m forlncone introduction In the recent yeas, surface modification techniques used to repair or ‘ebuild the worn-out pats, working in high temperature environment uch as turbine Blades, neroepace components, nuclear rector, space, automobile engine units, et, has gained a lot of attention. The varius coating methods available for depositing high temperature resistance alloys include air plasma spraying (APS), high-velocity oxygen fuel (HVOR), thermal spray, gas tungsten are welding (GTAW), laser wel ng, thermal barrier coatings (TBC), laser cladding (LC), ee. [9]. The laser lading process posses better advantages over other depeition techniques auch a¢ low heat input during deposition, minimum heat affected zane strong metallurgical bond [1]. The added advantage ike high aceuraey, rapidity, minimal distortion, better quality surface, rapid solidieation rate et., have made laser cladding a better option fr high temperatute coatings [9-/|- Laser cladding uses laser as heat source to melt the powder, fed coanaly, to produce a thin layer of coating over the substrate as shown in Fig. 1 (5). AS most ofthe L systems use clad ‘materials in powder form, a variety of materials can be deposited to ‘generate functionally graded coatings to protect the bulk substate (9). * Corresponding hoe ma ade icant CENEK. Gap). ps//do.og/40.1016/} mtcomm:2021.102604 fe 24098702001 Ekevier Ue Al right reserved ‘Also, the process can generate clad of thickness ranging rom 0.05 nm 0 2.0 mm under various process parameters (10) Tron, Cobalt, Nickel, and Titanium alloys cladding serves the high temperature applications because oftheir ability to maintain the struc: tural properties at elevated temperatures and are widely being used in laser cladding [11,12]. Out of these Go and Ni based alloys have drawn greater attention because oftheir after clad surface properties (1°14) nd they can be ueed as an altemative or together in many applications Shi etal. [15] and Bhadur etal. (16) suggested Ni based alloys over Co ‘based for cladding in nuclear power reactors to reduce the cost and to Increase the safety of maintenance personnel. Thawari etal. [17] and Stanelu etal. [15) added Stellte 6 and NiCHBSi respectively over Ni based. coatings to enhance the mechanleal and microstructural properties Stellite 6 (ST6) and Inconel 718 (IN716) are widely used superalloys in laser elading for high temperature and pressure applications with Detter comosion resistance properties [19,20], Almstrom et al used IN718 instead of ST because of similar thermomechanical properties like coefficient of thermal expansion, melting temperature range, spe- cific heat capacity for cladding valve seats. The authors reported better e'2 Match 2121; Received in revise form 13. June 22; cepted 27 June 2021 coigarmis [Leer ] ters Nazae Fig 1. Laver lading proces results with IN718 cladding than STS (21). Tn the pat, several attempts were made with STS and IN71S alloys individually using laser cladding for surface modification applications Jendraejewski etal. studied the effect of preheating temperature on ‘rack formation in ST cladding (22). Laser eladding of ST6 increased ‘the substrate material solid partiele erosion and cavitation resistance as ‘observed by Singh etal. (25). So etal. investigated the wear properties ‘of STS cladding on two different subetates for varying loade and aiding speeds (24), Wong et al. evaluated the fatigue behavior and wear resistance properties of Stlite 6\WC laser cladding at high tempera tures (25). Thawari etal. monitored the in-situ distortion and thermal history during ST6 deposition (25) Wheres, the tensile charactevization of later eladded IN719 for high temperature aerospace applications is studied by Lambarri et al, and reported that LC procest qualifies for industrial requirements (27), Muvvala et al. monitored the thermal history during IN71S deposition and corvelted it with the microstueture evolution. Long etal. studied the effect of Niobium (Nb) segregation and Nb-ich Laves phase for ‘mation in IN718 cladding (25 Calle etal performed miachining op: rations on IN718 deposits to investigate the machinabilty aspects (29) ‘Whereas, the solidification cracking behavior of IN78 cladding over ‘4-206 substrate was attempted by AlizadebSh et al.) ‘Even though, several researchers worked on laser cladding of STS and IN718 alloys, the attempts were constrained to individual alloy cladding. Whereas fom the past literature, it was found that different laser cladding materials behave differently when investigated and ‘compared in terms of different parameters (like sean patter, interlayer ‘ell time, coating material form, substrate thickness, preheating et.) [31 34), Moreover, it is observed that parts eladded with stellite 6 {(Co-based) and Inconel 718 (Ni-base) alloys can be used alternatively ‘or in combination for a variety of applications, due to their neat to similar thermo-mechanical properties like coefficient of ‘thermal expansion, melting temperature range, specific heat capacity, and den- sity (15-18,21], Despite ofthat, a gap exists inthe literature in some of the areas like clad geometry analysis, microstructural evolution, me- chanical properties et, which needs to be explored further to under stand the behavior of ST and IN719 alloys under identical procest conaitions. To bridge this ¢9p, a comparative study on ST6 and IN71 claddings is performed for lad morphology, microstructure evolution ‘and mechanical property in multi-layer laser cladding. Inthe present study, the process parameters are vatied to analyze ther effect on the responses, Indepth analysis of the claddings is carried with Optical Microscope (OM), Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM), and Microchardness tester. This study provides an insight into the effect of ‘lad materials and process parameters, and to arrive an optimum set of process parameters, Meise ay Cnn 28 2021 102504 2. Experimental setup 2.1. Matera Inthe present study, mult-layer taser cladding of ST6 (Co-based) and IN71G (Ne-based) materials were performed on 55316 substrate. Fig. 2 represents the povider morphology as observed through SEM and the particles are mainly spherical in shape with size range: 30-100 ym. The substrate $5316 (size 120 mm » 65 mm > S mm) weed in cladding, ie cleaned with acetone to remove dirt and oil particles (if any) prior deposition. The chemical composition of clad materials and substrate are given in Table 22. Cladding seap ‘The experimental setup consists of Laserline LDF 4000-100 fiber coupled diode laser (Max. power: 4 KW) system with laser spot size ‘5.5 mm, The powder ie supplied coaxially through the nozalet the later source using a gravimetsic powder feeder (UNIQUECOAT, USA). Fis. 3 shows the setup integrated with a KUKA Kis robotic arm having 6 DOF {or higher flexibility nd faster movement. A total of 18 samples (9 each for STS and IN7IS) were cladded, each covering an area of 10mm > §$.mm with varying parameters as specified in Tobie 2. “These parameters are chosen based on the intial trials conducted with a wide range of process parameters L., laser power, sean speed and powder feed rate. The parametric set which deposited dense homoge: ‘neous cladding with no erack formation and good dilution rates were selected as optimum one and used in this investigation, Inthe present study, the combined effect of laser power and sean speed, Le, metic Linear Heat Input (LHD expressed in Bq, (1) is considered for further analysis. Here, cladding is performed in the longitudinal (parallel to length) direction witha dwell tite of 30 between the layers of depo: sition shown in Fe Powertd/s) a) * Sanna} o J 2.3, Measurements and mierosmucture ‘The clad morphology, microstructure and mechanical properties of ‘576 and IN718 deposits were studied using Optical Miroscope (OM) [640x, olympus], SEM [JEOL 63804) and Microhardness tester. The added samples were eut along the transverse direction with wire EDM (Electrical Discharge Machining) followed by polishing with different {grades of sand papers (120-2000) anda velvet cloth to evaluate the clad dimensions and microstreture. Further, a quantitative assessment of the microstructure is performed to investigate the fineness in cladding. ‘The dendritic parameters such a secondary dendritic arm spacing (SDAS), length of dendrites (L) and their width (W) are determined from the microstructure. The clad height, width, dilution and dendritic pa- rameters were measured using Imaged software. To determine the clemental composition of the coating at different locations, Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS) was wed. The microhardness along the clad depth (radial direction) was measured using Vickers microhardness tester (TUKON 2100 Wolpert, INSTRON) at a load of 300 g for 15s 3. Results and discussion Stllte 6 and Inconel 718 cladded samples with diferent process parameters on $5316 are investigated and compared for clad geometry (lod height, penetration depth and dilution), microstructure evolution and mechanical properties dscussed in the subsequent sections 3.1. Clad geomery ‘A successful multi-layer ladding has been performed with ST6 and Meise ay Cnn 28 2021 102504 Fig. 2 Cadding powder morphology of (A) Stlite 6, (8) Inconel 716 ‘Tablet Chemical composition (16) of ST, IN7IB and S516, Fig. 3. Experimental sep, IN718 alloy powders, all samples are resulted with dense and homoge. ‘nous cladding except for IN718 samples S11 and $12. These claddings ‘were deposited with laser power of 2400 W and scan speeds of 16 min/s and 20mm/s respectively. While for sample $10 with scan speed: 12 may, the clad formation e succesful, shown in Mic. Even though both the alloys have similar melting points, Stelite has resulted good lads while Inconel has fled to generate continuous cladding for the same process parameters, This could be due to insufficient power (2400 W) for 1N718 melting at high scan speeds and also high thermal resistance property offered by this alloy. Henee, he samples $11 and 512 samples are not considered for analysis ‘A schematic ofthe clad geometry is shown in Fig, 6 and the mea- surements like clad height, penetration depth and dilution are summa- ‘zed in Table 3, The results show thatthe clad height for ST6 and IN718 samples inreases with increase in laser power and decreases with the scan speed individually. The same effet is observed with increasing LHI in both the eases. For both the alloys, 55-608 increased clad height is obtained at sean speeds of 12 mm/sas compared to 20 mus, while its ‘only 20-20% higher at 16 mm/s, The low eean speeds allow more power per unt length, thereby depositing more material and thus in creases the clad height. However, the IN71@ clad helghts observed are ‘observed to be 15-25% higher than those of $T6, During cladding of| IN718, a large red-hot zone behind the laser source i observed and it ‘keeps on increasing with the number of tracks. This results in accumu lation of hea tha reduces the soitiation rae, resulting in inereazed clad height (35). Such phenomenon was not observed in ST® and this could be due to its high thermal conductivity. Also, iespective of the process parameters, the deposited height in the 1" layer slower than the 2! layer. This ie Because of surface remelting ofthe previously depos- ited layer, aleo as obtained by Lin eta » ion = 52, @ ‘where, b= penetration dept; h = clad height “The penetration depth (8 in 1 and 2" tayers deposition for both the alloy is shown In. 8 indicate that, depth decreases ith decrease in Lil, because of low substate surface melting. The pene tution depth is 70-00% mote at sean speed of 12 min/s and 40.55% at 16 mm/s for both the alloys compared to those at 20 ms While, at 2400 W its only half or one-third than at 3400 W. This isd to est ‘mount of heat transfers tothe aubstate a low povters. The IN718 slloy hat yielded higher penetration depth which varies between 15% aun 454% compare to STS. The lo eral difusvity of N71 results inlarger heat secumulaton, thereby resulting higher penetration depth Inthe 2" layer, the low penetration depth ed to igh temperature stability of the 1" layer deposition that rests farther penton, ‘The minimum dition obtained for STS clad, sn 53 (4) and for IN716, ison $10 (10%) as mentioned in Tbe 3. Whereas, IN716 hs sven 10-15% higher dation than ST because ofthe high penetration depts. The observed dluton at 3400 W iste than that obtained at 2400 W fr both the powder. The 2 layer dilutions ower (15-254 S76; 20-359 in IN716) than the 1 layer Because of low surface Meise ay Cnn 28 2021 102504 Table? Process parameters Semple No. LasrPower Seanpeed——-Fowderfecdzate(@/ LM) Novoftacla/—‘Totalclading tine Total Powder Conrupton ze noe ms) ‘ain fmm) Laer (ain (enin| Fig 6, Schematic of clad geome ‘penetration. The data alzo indicates that increase in laser power and ‘erase in sean speed causes an increase in the dilution. [EDS analysis ls performed at different spots along the depth in sample $1, 87 and $10, S16 show in Fs. 7 and the results are sum: marized In'Table which aeeounts for dilution based on the chemieal composition, Ba. (8) [10]. The measured dilution from the chemieal composition has given S1-14%, $7-20% and 10-11%, $16-25% Ditution = 2 2 [10] Where b = penetration depth ‘n= clad height try an dition caleaation, respectively in the fist layer. These are in conjunction with those ob tained through geometrical calculations. The observed dilution inthe 1* layer ie due to diffusion ofthe substrate element (Fe, Cr into ST and IN718 clads. The elemental diffusion is more at the interface forming a strong metallurgical bond. It ean be sald that clad geometry varies for diferent clad materials under dential process coniions Port Meise ay Cnn 28 2021 102504 ratea ces car ent = = Fi le om a re eres cee aeons ere) eee) erate) Erte) fee Substrate a 7. Tenses tin S(T 10 apse th FDS eer tin ae Op = oe oo an ie : Ls £ DieeeEwinigwiaiadia haat ning woot at Line eat tpt nm) Lite ptm) 1. tain neh of peti (Se 6c 78 eg or a TS a ge ca ei a a ee ET don = Kos ~X.) Aion FR Kau) + 0AKers =X) oy where, p= Detsity of cladding and substate, Xe, ~ Average 6 ‘weight of element X inthe clad region, xeand x, = Average 6 welght of clement Xin eladding and substrate. 3.2, Microsmuctire analysis ‘The cladded samples are further analyzed for the microstructural aspects. As S76 and IN7/18 alloys consist of different alloying elements orming earbides/phases in laser cladding ste presen study {is only to compare the microstructure evolution in ST6 and IN718 de posit. The samples $1, $7 and $10, S16 are used for analysis and ‘examined under OM and SEM as shown in Fi, 9 for ST ($7) and IN718 (516) clads along the thickness. ‘The images reveal mainly two types of structures, i. columnar enitie and equiaxed grain structures formed after cladding for both the powders. Tis is because of the difeentialsoldifieation rates (R) ‘and thermal gradients (G) generated in the clad. The columnar struc tures observed at the interface (substrate and Ist layer), except for samples 82 and 83, shown in iy. 9 E, Fare perpendicular tothe sub strate surface which is evolved opposite to the direction of heat flow. ‘These columnar structures were observed up tothe middle region and Pore migrostracture at! ria ‘Columnar to es) ee Ma Pay Cmca 28 2020) 10604 gets converted to equiaxed (Fiz. 9 C, D), and continued til the top surface of P Inver for both the alloys as given in Fig. 9A, B. Similar microstructure was observed in the 2" layer, while at the interface (7* and 2" layers) the inclined and oriented grain growth is observed at shown in ‘The high melt pool temperatures (>1400°C) and low substrate temperatures (27 °C) in laser cladding generates larger thermal gradi ents atthe interface which goes on decreasing towarus the top surface ‘Asa result, the G/R rato inereases from bottom to top ofthe clad and leads to formation of columnar structures at the bottom and equiaxed at the top region ‘The random orientation in the grain growth near Interface region of 2" layer is because ofthe thermal gradient. The Inser con pattern and mult-tracks als lead to varition in the jotherm movement at the interface of 1" and 2" layers. The high temperature in the 1" layer acts like a preheating forthe 2 layer which reduces its ‘thermal gradient and further enhances te G/R ratio. This phenomenon forme more equiaxed structures in the 2" layer than the 1" layer. Due to low thermal conductivity of IN718 higher equiaxed structures are formed Both $T6 and IN716 elads has shown columnar dendrite structures long the clad helght at lower LHI (120—162J/mm), and mixed strue- ture, (columnar andl equiaxed at higher LHI (200-283 J/mm). The SEM Images for S7 and S16 samples at the middle region shown in ON Doren Srna ree road ots Serine Fig. 9. Optical images of S16 and IN7IS clas, atop region (oqulate A,B), now mde (columna wo equiaxed, B), bottom region (column: FP Pee rns Tora a | De aS Columnar Eesti Meise ay Cnn 28 2021 102504 ere fost (ty << < Bees Ce its hy enter 10pm Fig. 11. SEM tthe mide region of Seite 6 (A,B) and Inconel 718 (, D) alo. (A-D) are taken at lower and higher magnification to observe the phase {ormation, In $T6 cladding Co rch primary dendritic matrix surrounded Dy secondary interdenditie consisting of Grand W results in the fr ‘mation of hard carbides (37). The IN719 samples has shoven austenitic Nivieh phase) matrix with high Nb, Al, Ti in interdenditie region, ‘These elements acts as a strengthening agent, forming FCC (Nis (Al, TH] and y" BCT [NiNb] precipitates (57). The intergranular Laver ‘phase formation is also observed due to segregation of niobium (Nb) and silicon (Si) To investigate the fineness in the clad micrortructut, sec ‘ondary dendritic arm spacing (SDS), length of dendrites (L) and wides fare evaluated and enumerated in sh for both the sets of samples. Teis observed that, increase in scan speed and deereae in Laver power Individually decreases SDAS, length and width of the dendrite, This is ‘ecause that with inrease in sean speed (Le, at 20 mm/s and constant power) the laser inceracts less with the substrate resulting rapid heat Aisipation in the lad zone. Ths leads to development of larger thermal _radients (G) near the interface; and the ead cools rapidly and hence solidfieation rate increases forming fine mierostrutute (9). Duet the ormation of such fine stricture the dendritic atm ie placed closely to ‘each other and hence SDAS reduces. While, the opposite phenomena happened a low sean speed (ie, 12 and 16 mm/s) which decreases the cooling rate and hence higher SDAS were observed. In ST6 deposits, praetor meanirment in ST and INTIS Spe No. AN SDAS gm) Dei Legth Dee Wl ‘my oa SDAS decreases from 442 to 3.98 pm asthe sean speed increases from 12 to 20mm/s at constant laser power (2900 W). Whereas, INTIS. samples have shown decline in SDAS from 467 to 4.11 jun forthe same process condition. Similarly, with increase in laser power from 2400 to ‘3400 W, the amount of hen transfer reduces (due to larger heat adi- tion) and so the G value (14), generating lower cooling rates with Increased SDAS. The samples with higher SDAS also have shown some ‘porosity inthe clad region due to entrapment of gases, This also shove ‘that scan speed has higher impact on SDAS than ser power. Since laser lading involves higher cooling rates [26,1], nearly all samples have shown fine dendrite mierostructae i, SDAS less than 10 jm (2) and ound to be consistent with the microstructural analysis. Moreover, ‘early all the ST6 samples have shown lower SDAS than IN718 under identical parameters. One ofthe predicted reasons behind ths finding is higher thermal conductivity of ST, which reslts in faster heat transfer and hence the smaller SDAS, Henceforth, the obtained results show that, thermal gradient, process parameters and different cladding materials hhave significant effect on SDAS and hence the microstructure. In Stellite 6 cladding, for samples 51-83, fine grain microstructure and coarse structure in samples 57-89 is observed at the interface, shown in Fig. 12 (A, B). It predicted that at Jow laser power, the ‘thermal gradients are higher at the interface which results in faster heat lsipation. This will ead to rapid solidfiestion and hence fine micro suture is formed, The high cooling rates n ST6 claus generated eracks ‘a observed atthe interface in $2 and S3, shown in Fis. 12 (C, D). In TWV716 cladding, no such results were obeerved because of no clad for ‘mation ($11, $12). To avoid the eraek formation a lower power and hgh sean speeds, substrate preheating is required. There is no evidence ‘of porosity formation in any of the samples. The present observations on the microstructure indicates that eladding material doesnot have any signifteant role on the microstructure evolution, rather it is highly feted by the selection of process parameters. 3.3. Microhardness ‘The microhardness ofthe lads is measured using a Vickers micro hardness tester along the clad depth to investigate the effect of eladding ‘materials and process parameters. As both the alloys possesses different ‘hardness, only the variation in mierobardness with cladding parameters along the depth is studied. Fip. 13 (A-D) shows the average micro ‘hardness variation in samples S1, 57 and $10, 816 respectively. Each reading represents an average of three to four measurements, consi ving at three locations ie, cladding, interface/HAZ and the substrate ‘The plots show a sudden decrement in hardness at the interface of 1" layer and substrate which is due to surface melting and dilution. ere E Tae Meise ay Cnn 28 2021 102504 ‘Whereas, uniform hardness is obtained at the interface between 1" and 2 layers, due to negligible difusion of Fe element and low dilution 2-25 times higher (max. 593 HV), whereas @ marginal increment in IN716 (max. 348 HV) are measured as compared to the substrate (254 HV), The microhardness atthe overlapped region is low due to mixed grain microstructure formation and remelting ‘The maximum hardaess obtained for all the samples plotted in ‘ig. 14 shows that 6 (ST6) and S13 (IN718) have given the highest hhardness. With Stellite 6, at all laser powers and hgh sean speeds (20 mm), the hardnese is maximum and uniform along the thiknest Which gets reduced with scan speed. At high scan speeds, the fine ‘microstructure formed due to high solidification rates (sefer Pi. 12) fn with lees interaction time result love dilution and improves the hhardness (3). However, in IN718 deposits, a higher hardness at low scan speeds (12 m/s) and at all laser posers is obtained. The high hardness in ST6 i due to hard carbides formation Le, MCs (primary) and MiG (secondary) in Co sich matrix (4). Whereas with IN718, the precipitation of andy” phases and formation of carbides (MaCe, NBC) In Ni tieh matrix ls responsible [45]. The diluclon effect reduces the carbides and precipitation forming elements and zo the hardness. The results show that cladding material, process parameters, and eatbide/ phase formation plays a vital role in determining the mechanieal properties 34, Overall observation ‘The overall investigations indicate that cladding two diferent ma- terials (ST6, IN718) with identical process parameters will provide altogether a different morphology in tems of clad geometry, dilution, ‘microstructure and microhardnes. This comparative study coaverges to an optimum parameter set fr cladding high temperature superalloys. ‘The optimum parameters obtained are 2900 W, 20 mm/s for stelite 6 and 3400 W, 12 mm/s for Inconel 718 respectively. ig, 12, loterfce region showing fle and cose grain microstructure in (A) 88, (B) ST Cac formed n(C) 82 (D) SS ne the imerace Meise ay Cnn 28 2021 102504 Yr =] am a e :- [- jw inn i» . lbw 3 3 || ea go a oO 316 i- pe 2 i- i bn Bo a 3 "7 pees? ete Fig. 12. Microhardness profil tained at fr sample St, $7, $10, S16 ‘Microhardness (HV200g) SLSIO S23 ‘=Stellite 6 = Inconel 718 S4,S13 88,514 $6,S15 7,516 S8,S17 59,518 Sa le No. Fig. 14 Maximum micohardnese monsired for all spl 4. Conclusions In multt-layer deposition of stellte 6 and tnconel 718 over $8316 substrate with lser cladding technique, the effet of process parameters ‘on clad geometry and morphology are investigated, with some of the specific conelisions from the study ae: * Atlow scan speeds, i, 12:mm/s and 16 mm/s, about 50%6 and 30%6 Increase in clad heights are obtained for both the alloys. Under ‘dentcal process conditions, the cad height is higher (15-2596) and the penetration depth is 15 459% more in IN718 dads ‘The dilution in STS samples are 10-15% lower than IN718 under ‘dentcal conditions. + The OM and SEM analysis have shovn similar trends in the micro snruetural evolution Le, columnar dendrite structure at the inesface, extending towards the middle region, and converted t0 fully equiaxed upto the top surface in all the samples, In ST6 samples, due to higher cooling rates, lower SDAS is observed in the mievostructure as compared to IN718 deposits « Stelite 6 claddings have given more uniform microhardness along. the thickness compared to Inconel 718, due to low dilution and rapid solidification rates « For Stellte 6 laser power, 2900 W and 20 mm/s scan speed an for Inconel 718, 3400 W, 12 mm/s are found to be the optimum process parameters. « Although Inconel 718 and Stellite6 have similar thermomechanical, properties, Inconel 718 ie not suitable for cladding at love lager powers and high sean speeds. (CRedi? authorship contribution statement Nikhil ‘Thawati: Concept, Experimentation, Analysis and Manu: script preparation. Chaitanay Gullipall: Measurements and assistance In experimentation. Jitendra Katiyar: Charseterlzation and proof checking. TV K Gupta: Supervision, Proof reading, Manuscript concept. Declaration of Competing Interest ‘The authors declare that they have no known competing financial Interests or persona relationships tha could have appeated to influence ‘the work reported in this paper. Acknowledgment ‘The authors express sincere thanks to Department of Science and ‘Technology (DST), Govt. of India, for funding the research (DST/ECR/ 2016/0001403) and also gratitude to M/s Shreenath Engineering In ustries, Nagpur for facilitating the Laser Cladding setup for ‘experimentatien. References 10) Jeno Yan. stem, ae cade oo fab Sie ten reson Sl toes Mate on Sch Ck, be Aaa ert to sd oe Ine cd i 29d re eed wr 20st Me S tng area) rear a tn To anna ‘Gann mre, Dror, Baim 3. VD Cet) Eun tance oso ess ar wl ‘epnte2 (a0a) ai haps snngNnnese ‘Sadng roe), er Poe ent AEN) sea os! Jot A Rar, De telling of gern A 16 sie see Tibet 42(2009 790.75 eases NTO TiS bax 8. ALi Keng Lae srfae ete of ne 718 a ‘heal es mays Op ne ng #0 (10 74070, Sa {onor6 jopleeneapiooa ra “Te Yang, nS, Exist enh dl eps th noon be sting Rl; Op net Tro Tos Cane} ae fp nog oleae aon 1k. 1% Zn esto oa er cng Wo coin ‘ite yer Bel, Op Ler ec 194201) A, ‘Gogo opens 04017 191M Aion Pa, Roo Tye Th at of ie (Bit) Soteapt, ps tony sot joneon SN. Eten. a. ep, Onn, Laser Cdn, 217 bse oy yates igo Md peo oS eg Mo cv cata toons, ips eso ioe jet in Yu om Marc al wot tc of i lg id ‘ly ting tgs not ws ey Mae 4 (20) 135 hap taco 103090 aT Seite ning 74 inion se. Aly. Coe 50 ON) ‘Pras, a en sg, Ein of ‘hacer td cps ying. Sk Tok un 1 (041) 5-470, gost eo Uiotvoaantnaons an Sty fe, Feeley pd et mn ae vey hoe ag En 24 (012) Einhnpey soon torviegmeenrae az 011 A: Bar, htm, Seon of hrc lo compos a ‘indo ple tat ster cora @00) HOA pe torte penars os Thar lial, Rae, TV, Gutters bere ite risen presto ee tr iach any tan el ay sta yaaa {iin sng ner dng aoe 7, er, Maa Proce 3 ae teen hens oan el 1 ta ts te "1 1 foo) to 2 tos) ua tet 7 tos) or ten wn (aa) tas) a st toot 7 bos) wo) eo) in be21 (ss) bs) tat 7 (081 9) 0) veal st Meise ay Cnn 28 2021 102504 row, M.A) APs cont, ccd at ‘Sud Opt ase Tel 68 QO15) LB, ai Sho, Me Bada Mt Rea, Eakin of siention ea Pucouractte ner cng hc 718 spo, Op ae eco: 120 {ao19, 0576, ht dove 01s sesastee 20191057 Eas Alte tras or High enprte High esse Valves, edn Na, Cone, 14. de Dee tt, Propetig ime nde rng pepe on pete ina eh ae. ‘De 29m Heo9e Tipe conan toteve nant nt Singh, Ds Ro, SA Ml SI Tot, Ler ld Seite on ‘ankle ad prt on a craton estan, ‘Gu Teta 251 Cana) Bh, ise te Sa CT. 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