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all right so I was finally able to catch

my cigarette angelfish spawning this is

their second spawn I'm gonna once

they're done I'm gonna pull these eggs

the first spawn I let them try to take

care of it and the majority eggs fungus

stuff and they ended up eating any

wigglers so once they're done I'm gonna

pull them and put them in some methylene

blue and try to do it that way so I

actually didn't have room to move the

eggs so I left them with the parents and

we could see now


- InFocus

there are wigglers

so I'm actually gonna go ahead and pull

this cone and move it to a separate tank

so the parents don't eat the fry when

they start swimming so here's a better

look at the wiggler's after I move them

you can see them all still attached to

the cone see all the eggs that fungus

tup I would remove that but I don't want

to mess with the fry too much I'm gonna

experiment and see if leaving that

affects them in any way but we have some

that you know came off of the cone

already and they're hanging on to the

water sprite there I put the air stone

here just to have some current like the

parents would still be Fanning the eggs

kind of doing a hands-free approach to


not too much intervention I didn't use

any methylene blue I'm not gonna pull

these guys and put them away from the

fungus I'm just kind of gonna see what

happens see if there is a the easiest

way which would be just to move them and

and leave them until they're free

swimming so we'll check back in in a

couple days and see where they're at so

it's actually six days later and we

finally have some free swimming fry I

just put some live baby brine shrimp in

for them to feed on it might be a little

early but I wanted them to have food

readily available here we have the

angelfish fry two weeks later and the

pair actually laid again on a piece of

slate and I figured I would experiment

and see the first hatch here which we

ended up with about thirty babies we

kind of just did the hands-off approach

where we just moved the cone the

breeding cone to another tank didn't put

any methylene blue or anything and

didn't touch it really when the eggs

were focusing up and we ended up with

thirty so now I have in this base here


the other clutch of eggs with an

airstone and methylene blue in there I

have it in this tank just to keep the

temperature the same I don't have enough

tanks to dedicate my heater for one

batch of eggs so we'll see there are

some fungus stuff most of those were

there already with the parents in the

tank and we'll check back in in a couple

days and see what it looks like checking

back in on the angelfish it's eight days

later you can see these guys are

starting to look a little bit like

angelfish nice full bellies from the

baby brine and the slate that we moved

into the jar with the methylene blue so

not a lot of fungus growth most of the

eggs have actually fallen off and all

collected but now we could see some

wigglers I didn't want to move any of

the eggs or mess with anything I just

kind of wanted to see how the methylene

blue would do the air stone is on high

so I figured they're getting enough

water movement and methylene blue to

prevent some fungus saying I'm surprised

how little fungus there actually is

there's just a little bit on the right

side there but all these eggs in the

front still haven't fungus tup and

they're actually starting to to wiggle

which is good so I'll have to start

water changing out some of the methylene

blue in there and we'll check back in

and see how many fry make it to the free

swimming stage versus the twenty or

thirty that we have without the methane

so I must have jinxed myself because

it's the very next day and all the eggs

overnight have fungus like this I've

never seen them fungus that fast

I have probably something to do with the

circulation in this container of this

base you can see kind of curves in so

that's a total loss on those guys

unfortunately so I guess some will try

any another container and see what

happens so we actually got two more

clutches of eggs one is from that super

red pear and the other is from the

Philippine blue angelfish that I have

trying again with this method I think

with this base as soon as the eggs start

falling off I'm gonna transfer them to a

different container in this container

you know it's not see-through so it's

not ideal but there are eggs in there

and I think I'm gonna leave those and

see if we get fungus in like we did with

the last one so we have some wigglers

again we have some that fell off the

slate and some that are still on the

sleep last time I ran into issues

because I didn't move them at this stage

I didn't think that they could fungus

once they were wiggling but I guess they

still can so I'm gonna go ahead and very

carefully move them to a separate

container so these guys are in a little

breeding container with an air stone in

it I tried to take a lot of the white

eggs out some of them are just attached

to fry and I don't want to risk damaging

them so I'll keep an eye on them and if

they start the fungus like what the fuzz

around it then I'll probably have to

have no choice but to pull it out we'll

see how these guys do I've got some that

you know went through the cracks in the

breeding container and are on the bottom

of this tank that they'll grow up in so

we'll kind of use these guys as an

experiment and kind of see kinda just

dump them in the tank once they're

wigglers the next time

so checking in two days later not a lot

of fry in the container but it turns out

that this container here the specific

brand one right here there's a hole in

it so you can see the fry that are

falling out there so that's a weird

design so we actually have all the fryer

and majority of the super Ed's

all on the floor of this tank on the

bottom of this tank all alive still

which is good

still all wigglers I haven't moved them

just you know testing this out this is

this video if they come more of a trial

and error kind of learn from my mistakes

video I actually put the Philippine blue

angelfish fry and this breeder net to

see if I like this better

and so far I do it won't focus through

but you could kind of see all the fry

how they're more spaced out and they're

not you know flying all over I still

have an airstone in there and the tank

you know it has the main man filter

still putting the water through so

there's good water flow in this versus

this container and all the fry have

stayed in for the most part in the

breeder net versus this container where

you know they're just all over the place

a couple days later we have a ton of

free swimming fry so the method of

moving them once they were wigglers

seemed to really work for me it's a

method I'm gonna continue and try to

improve on in the future even though

this is two spawns the individual spawn

of the Super Reds was way more than the

first one just to show you guys the

original spawn here they look like

little angelfish

this video kind of turned into a

trial-and-error learn with me as I go

hopefully you were able to pull

something from my mistakes and maybe you

got an idea of your own and how to try

to maybe get more fry you guys have your

own techniques you want to share I'd

love to hear about them in the comments

and we'll see in the next video

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