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4Th Quarter Final Examination in English

English 10
Name:____________________________________________ Date: ___________________________
Teacher: FELISA F. PORRAS_________________________ Score:__________________________

Direction: Read the questions carefully. Encircle the letter of the best answer.
1. It studies a text as a “self-contained object” where generally it emphasizes the form of the work.
a. Moralist b. Formalist/ Structuralist c. Marxist d. Feminist
2. It judges literary works, according to moral principles.
a. Moralist b. Formalist/ Structuralist c. Marxist d. Feminist
3. It scrutinizes the text as “an expression of contemporary class struggle.
a. Moralist b. Formalist/ Structuralist c. Marxist d. Feminist
4. It examines the text in the context of recognizing women’s knowledge in literary concepts, and in terms of
valuing their experiences.
a. Moralist b. Formalist/ Structuralist c. Marxist d. Feminist
5. It analyzes literary text by using historical events and evidences, that include information about the author’s
life, historical and social circumstances.
a. Moralist b. Formalist/ Structuralist c. Historical d. Feminist
6. It revolves around the phenomena ‘Respond to Reading’.
a. Reader-Response b. Formalist/ Structuralist c. Historical d. Feminist
7. Which of the following supports the idea of structuralist/formalist?
A. It studies the text, without considering any external influence.
B. It focuses on cultural beliefs, without showcasing the importance of cultural diversity.
C. It serves as reminders, without empathizing with the various challenges in life.
D. It fosters a better relationship, without the real views of people.

8. Which of the following statements is following the moralistic view in critiquing a literary selection?
A. It is anchored on viewing the importance of factual events.
B. It is predetermined based on crafting possible problems to solutions.
C. It is focused on judging the value of literature according to moral lessons or ethical concerns.
D. It is centered on aligning basic literary concepts.
9. All these options support the Marxist’s way of critiquing a literary text, except:
A. It discusses literary factual concerns. B. It focuses on important practical issues.
C. It views literary works as reflections of the social institutions. D. It assesses trivial matters.

10. When making a feminist approach in critiquing a literary selection, it is expected to:
A. expose various ways to reinforce or undermine the economic, political, social, psychological
subjugation of women.
B. focus on several ways to emphasize that women are more powerful than men.
C. argue on numerous accounts that women can do better in producing outputs.
D. contend more ideas that women should learn how to control their emotions.

11. Which of the following learning concepts differentiates Historical from the Reader-response points of view?
A. Historical criticism talks about culture, nevertheless Reader-response seems to dwell on sharing
B. Historical criticism recounts details, but Reader-response displays various sentiments.
C. Historical criticism involves beyond the literature at the wider historical and cultural events
happening during the text was written, while Reader-response is centered on readers’ reactions to
D. Historical criticism encompasses emotions, whereas Reader-response is focused on possible replies
taken from the reading selection.

12. Which of the following sentences is a formal definition of the word grammar?

A. Grammar is the structure and system of a language, usually considers consisting of syntax and
B. Grammar is the structure and system of a language which is usually considered to consist of syntax
and morphology.
C. Grammar is the structure and system of a language, which is usually consisting of syntax and
D. Grammar is the structure and system of a language consisting of syntax and morphology.

13. Which of the following definitions of the word “commentary” adheres to the rules of writing formal

A. A commentary is a spoken and written description that is given by an outlooker in an event.

B. A commentary is a spoken and written description given by an outlooker in an event.
C. A commentary is a description given by an outlooker in an event.
D. A commentary is a description that is given by an outlooker in an event

14. The following statements are basic guidelines in writing a definition EXCEPT:

A. Use Jargons and complex words to define the term.

B. Write with simple grammatical structures rather than complex ones.
C. Place key terms and short explanations near the start of the definition.
D. Use conventional English words in explanations whenever possible.

15. Which of the following choices is the BEST revision of the definition inside the box?

Dictionary is a book which contains tons of terminologies and their definitions. It also includes usage,
pronunciations, and example sentences.

A. Dictionary is a book containing tons of terminologies and their definitions including usage,
pronunciations and example sentences.
B. Dictionary is a book containing tons of terminologies and their definitions that includes usage,
pronunciations and example sentences.
C. Dictionary is a book which contains tons of terminologies and their definitions, including usage,
pronunciations and example sentences.
D. Dictionary is a book containing tons of terminologies and their definitions, it also includes usage,
pronunciations and example sentences.

16. Which word or clause may be omitted in the definition below to lessen the wordiness of the definition inside
the box without changing its meaning?

Simile is the practice of drawing comparisons between two unrelated and dissimilar things, people,
beings, places and concepts, which uses the words “as” and “like”.

A. Simile is the practice of drawing comparisons between two unrelated things, people, beings, places,
and concepts which uses the words “as” and “like.
B. Simile is the practice of drawing comparisons between two unrelated things, people, beings, places,
and concepts using the words “as” and “like.
C. Simile is the practice of drawing comparisons between two unrelated things, people, beings, places,
and concepts using “as” and “like.
D. Simile is the practice of drawing comparisons between two unrelated and dissimilar things, people,
beings, places, and concepts using the words “as” and “like.

17. Which of the following is an example of formal definition?

A. Astronomy is a branch of scientific study primarily concerned with celestial objects inside and outside
of earths’ atmosphere.
B. An electronic device that manipulates information or data is known as computer.
C. Matter is anything that has a mass and takes up space. It is found in three chemical forms;
elements, compounds and mixtures.
D. Love can be associated with care and adoration it is a feeling we usually give to someone we dearly

18. Which part of the sentence below is a genus?

Comic books are sequential and narrative publications consisting of illustration, captions dialogue
balloons, and often focus on super- powered heroes.

A. Comic books are sequential and narrative publications.

B. Sequential narrative publications
C. Consisting of illustrations, captions, dialogue balloons.
D. Often focus on super powered heroes.

19. Which part of the sentence below is a differentia?

The internet is a global system of networked computers that allows user-to-user communication and
transfer of data files.

A. The internet is a global system of networked computers.

B. A global system of networked that allows communication.
C. Networked computers that allow user to user communication.
D. Allows user- to user communication and transfer of data files.

20. Which part of the sentence below is a differentia?

Oxygen is a chemical element that constitutes 21 percent of the earth’s atmosphere and is present in
air and water.
A. Oxygen is a chemical element that constitutes 21 percent
B. Of the earth’s atmosphere and is present in air and water.
C. Chemical element that constitutes 21 percent of the earth’s atmosphere
D. Constitutes 21 percent of the Earth’s atmosphere and is present in air and water.

21. Which of the following definitions of the term documentary best observes the guidelines in writing formal

Documentary films are a nonfictional motion picture which intends to document some aspects of
reality that is primarily for purposes of instruction or maintaining a historical record.

A. Documentary films are a nonfictional motion picture which intends to document some aspects of
reality, primarily for purposes of instruction or maintaining a historical record.
B. Documentary films are a nonfictional motion picture intended to document some aspects of reality,
primarily for purposes of instruction or maintaining a historical record.
C. Documentary films are a nonfictional motion picture intends to document some aspects of reality that
is primarily for purposes of instruction or maintaining a historical record.
D. Documentary films are a nonfictional motion of picture which intends to document some aspects of
reality, primarily for purposes of instruction or maintaining a historical record.

22. Which of the following choices best expresses the use of expanded definition by giving examples on the
theme “pandemic”?

A. Routinely operating agencies and institutions such as the education, business, and industry sectors
decrease workforce but receives increase loads of work.
B. Know-hows of technology-based modes of communication and interaction became a primary skill
that every workforce.
C. Significance of performing proper basic health care steps had been highlighted and well-spread to
the public.
D. Issues on gaps and flaws in government protocols during pandemic had been escalated to be solved
and addressed in a limited span of time.

23. Which way of expanding definition of words is best suited for the line below?
“Industry for instance is constantly demanding new inventions that will speed up production.”

A. Expanding by Example C. Expanding by Process

B. Expanding by Comparison and Contrast D. Expanding by Motivation

24. Which of the following ways of expanding definition is used in the statement below?
Basic health care procedures before were not as well strictly publicized and implemented as when the
COVID-19 bombarded the globe.
A. Expanding by giving an example B. Expanding by comparing and contrasting
C. Expanding by describing a process D. Expanding by giving example and describing

25. This is the common signal in comparing and contrasting ideas for clarification and better comprehension.
A. Different from B. Compared with C. For example D. Expanding by Assessment

26. Which of the following statements gives the best expanded definition of the line,
“Health care providers and front liners are overworked.”?

A. Health care providers and other identified front liners were stretched on both hours and extension of work to
provide effective and efficient service to the public.
B. Health care providers and other identified front liners developed mental health illness due to the heavy loads
of work.
C. Health care providers and other identified front liners were seemingly given special treatment.
D. Health care providers and other identified front liners were not expected to always perform their duties 24/7.
27. Which of the ways of expanding definition of words is applied in the lines below?
“You have to wash first your hands with soap thoroughly. Then, apply the sanitizer to be clean safe
from virus.

A. Expanding by Example C. Expanding by Process

B. Expanding by Comparison and Contrast D. Expanding by Motivation

28. What is the correct way to expand ideas on a topic used in the sentence below?
Education, for instance, is an effective platform to instill awareness and values to the youth which
when developed, becomes a motivation to positively act towards it.

A. Expanding by giving an example B. Expanding by comparing and contrasting

C. Expanding by describing a process D. Expanding by giving example and describing

29. How do you expand the definition of word to enrich comprehension and express yourself
A. Expanding by summary, analyzation, sample B. Expanding by example, comparison and
contrast, and process
C. Expanding by process, summary, Conclusion D. Expanding by Conclusion,
Contrast/comparison/ summary

30. Which of the choices DOES NOT denote the signal for expanded words by examples?
A. However B. For instance C. Then D. Also

31. This is the part where researchers present the purpose of their research.
A. Introduction B. Interviewing C. Interview Guide D. Methodology

32. What technical term is used when you acknowledge the sources used in research?
A. Results B. Discussion C. Appendix D. Reference

33. Which among the following choices is NOT an example of running text?
A. According to Mualim (2021), you should adjust the world, not the world will adjust you.
B. According to Ferrer (2019), where God guides, He provides.
C. According to Luna 2010 life is a fruitful harvest.
D. According to Remandaban (2020), you can’t buy trust, but you can lose it.

34. Which of the following terms is used when you indicate the procedure on how you conducted the research?
A. References B. Methodology C. Literature Review D. Appendix

35. Which of the following information is placed in the Appendix?

A. Questionnaire B. Literature Review C. Introduction D. Conclusion

36. Which term is used when you give interest to the reader to read the entire report?
A. Interview B. Abstract c. Literature Review D. Reference

37. All of the examples used are forms of questions in writing a questionnaire EXCEPT:
A. Checklist on students’ favorite movie genres
B. Interview Guide
C. A Rating Scale in Agreeing or Disagreeing with opening of classes
D. Students’ pastime using multiple choice format

38. In research, what do you mostly need when you want to determine the percentage of Grade 10 students
who find difficulties in using online platform for learning?
A. Conduct a survey. B. Provide the answers. C. Prepare the findings. D. Write the summary.
39. Which do you think could be the narrowest research title about “Environmental Awareness”?
A. Environmental Awareness of Students
B. Environmental Awareness among Learners
C. Environmental Awareness of the Grade 10 Students in the Monitoring System Activities of the
Municipality of Basilan
D. Environmental Awareness is one way to create positive attitude towards loving nature

40. Which of the examples DOES NOT show result of a survey research?
A. Graph that shows the number of Grade 10 learners who have internet access at home
B. Table that shows the frequency of Grade 10 learners who use mobile phones
C. Chart that shows the meal plan of a patient
D. List that shows the rate of consumption of oil in the Philippines

Good Luck and GOD Bless………………………………………………….

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