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Muntok, September 21st,2022

Manajer personalia

PT.mega buana abadi

Lavender street number 12 Semarang

Dear sir / madam

My name is Rahel Eka utami and based your advertisement on Semarang news 19 th September
2022 edition.l would to apply for the position persondlia manajer.l wad graduated from SMK bina
karya 2 Muntok on 2020 .Majaring in computer literate .l have six month warking experience
jakarta.succesf vlly got many awards in Jakarta

With this application letter,l would enclosed some supporting document,such as

- Valid residency card

- Recent b/e photograph
- Copy of trans cripts
- Copy of latest ACCA demic
- Copy of latest work Certificate
- CV

Please,take the time toreview my resume.with my supporting document l confident that l Will
be able to control bution to your company

Thank you for your kind attention lam looking forward to your reply

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