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I MRS. LAKHI PRADHAN (Aadhar Card No.: 3071 5845 8323 & Pan Card:
BRYPP6469E), Wife of Gripson D Sangma, residence of 4/2 Police Quarter,
Mawlong, G S Road, 1st MLP Battallon, Mawlong Umjapung, Mawlong, East Khasi
Hills, Mawlong, in the state of Meghalaya, Pin: 793016 would like to authorize Ms.
Maria Goretti Kalikotey (Aadhar Card No.: 6214 0775 6723), Daughter of Marcus
Kalikotey resident of East Main Road, Kalimpong , P.O. & P.S. Kalimpong, Dist:
Kalimpong, in the state of West Bengal, Pin: 734301, as it won’t be possible for me
to look and take care of the said below schedule land as I stay in a different state.
Hence, I would like to authorize below mentioned tasks/activities on behalf of me
and act accordingly:
1. To look after, manage, control and supervise the said land standing in our name and
the said attorney is neither allowed to construct or develop nor allowed to change
the nature and character of the property and he is not allowed to make an agreement
with the promoter/developer of land and that this General Power of Attorney is

2. To attend, appear and represent us in filing any Civil/Criminal Case in connection

with the below schedule flat and any transaction before all Civil & Criminal Courts
at Siliguri/Jalpaiguri and in any Judicial proceedings, High Court, Supreme Court in
connection with the below schedule Land and to make any representation for us
and on our behalf.

3. To attend, appear and represent us in filing case related to Negotiable Instrument

Act at Siliguri / Jalpaiguri Courts and to file Plaint, Complaint, Petitions, file haziras,
sign Vokalatnamas, Written statements, Written objection, to swear affidavit, to
give evidence by way of Examination-in-Chief, to produce any documents and
exhibit it to file an application for return of any documents, to file an application
for obtaining certified copy of any document or order, to make any compromise or
settlement on any condition as our said Attorneys may deem fit and proper, to file
any compromise petition before the Court, to engage any Lawyer and to pay
his/her fees/remuneration, to contest any case on our behalf and/or to defend
any suit, case to be filed against us and to take all other steps as our said Attorney
may think proper.

4. To appear defend in any Suit, Case, proceedings, and to file any Suit/Case or
Proceedings in connection with the below schedule land and any transaction
before any competent Court and to file Plaint, Complaint, Petitions, file haziras,
sign Vokalatnamas, Written statements, Written objection, to swear affidavit, to
give evidence by way of Examination-in-Chief, to produce any documents and
exhibit it to file an application for return of any documents, to file an application
for obtaining certified copy of any document or order, to make any compromise or
settlement on any condition as our said Attorneys may deem fit and proper, to file
any compromise petition before the Court, to engage any Lawyer and to pay
his/her fees/remuneration, to contest any case on our behalf and/or to defend
any suit, case to be filed against us and to take all other steps as our said Attorney
may think proper with respect to the below land on our behalf in our name.

5. To enter into any negotiation with any person or persons on such terms and
conditions and also to compromise any dispute and differences and also to settle the
terms and conditions for protecting our said flat and interest over the said plot of

6. To pay revenue, taxes, Khazana and take effective measures for standard
production of crops on the said plot of land and also to represent us before the
concerned authority.

7. To appear and represent us before the land acquisition and requisition office and
receive the compensation money or awarded money and issue valid receipt thereof
and hand over us the amount of such receipts.

Generally, to do all other necessary acts, deeds, matters and things in relation to my
below scheduled plot of land giving full effect to the intent and meaning of this
authorization I, the above-named do hereby ratify and confirm and agree to ratify and
confirm all acts, deeds, matters, & things which my said authorized person shall do or
cause to be done by virtue of this Letter of Authorization, as if, I have personally
done, executed and performed them.
All that piece and parcel of land measuring appertaining to and forming part of R.S.
Plot No.- 263(P), corresponding to L.R. Plot No.: 343 recorded in Khatian No.- 231 of
Mouza: Dhemal, J.L No.- 83, within the jurisdiction of Naxalbari now Bagdogra
Police Station, Sub-Division and Registry Office A.D.S.R. Bagdogra, Dist:
The said Property is butted and bounded as follows:
North: Land of Rajen Singha,
South: 16ft wide Kucha Road,
East: Land of Vendor.
West: Land of Vendor.

Within the aforesaid boundaries 33 decimals is hereby sold by the Vendor by these
presents and the said demised land is shown by in the site plan annexed herewith
forming part of these presents.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF I the above named person do hereunto set and subscribe our
hand on this authorization on the 10th day of January, 2023.



S/o Ramesh Pradhan,
Residence of Santi Nagar, Dumriguri,
Uttar Bagdogra, P.O. & P.S. Bagdogra,
Dist: Darjeeling, West Bengal, Pin: 734001

Signature of the Executants

Signature of the Authorised

Drafted by me and printed in my office.

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