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Page No. i . - - .

D. Y. Patil College of Engineering & Technology, Kolnap

Assianment Na. 0S
Ttle Lrite a Program to use aE Tatents far Sms 4-
Android Telephoo
Andaid Telephon apackage prouided b Andrni
opecate 4 qet iofatmatiao about nlnioterkate
devicede tails I t has Several iaterfaces _classes Haai
are used to
paside yariaus functianalities
AndenidTelephan Manager s one- such elass
thatis preseot in andoid.Teleplaan Packaqe Tt pavides
yau with Seueralmethods getnla ar telephon
inarm.ation knoo its Current state Alanq aith his
we alsa get subscribe infocmation usioq Telephan
Man oqer Methods

5MS Managec
Manaqer SMS aperations Such as sending data
tezt Pdu S msmessaqesGet thiS abiecd b
staticmethad qetDefoaultC)
To Create an insiance o f
SMsManage associai-
ed with a speci£ic SubsCipiion D Call qeiSmsmanoqer
Far Subscription Id Cint), This isHpicall
used Far devices
that support multiple active subScriptions
at Once

Program o Sms Sendinq

AndoidMoni fes . anl
9 Xml versian:1.0encoding Uf -8" >
aaifest Xmins andoid
httpillSChema s.andca:d.
7 D.Y. Patil College
lapkl res I android
Page No.
Engineering & Technology, Kolhapur
mlns dist http:/1 schemas.andmid.comapksL
distribution" package" Com. exomple.sendMail
uses. PeriSSiao andrai d: nane
andaic permiSsioo
<applicatio o
andcaid: alloo Backup
android icao -"true'
andoid:label :"Goipmaplic
" 0 strioq
andaid oundTcao "Q
andraid mipmap lic aunchet round
Suppar SRH:* true"
android theme slale AppTheme "
<adivit andcaid ndmne
<ioteot £ilter Main Acisit"
< actioo
andmid: adme
KCategar andmid- name "_andmidiotent_acBiao. MAIN" Z2
<loctisit ER<lmanifesl)_
lappli.cadio.n 1 Klintenl. Cilter
activitq main xml
S9 xml Nersian .0"
Lineor lozouf mns
encadinq Af -8" t
andmid" kttp: l selaem aS. andoid.
Com apk/ resL android*
mlns app http 11
schecnas. andraid.camlaple
android loaoutaidth malch.Par ent'
andmidiorientatian Ver tical
android layoutmarginTop:"4odp"
Page No.


D.Y. Patil College of Engineering&Technology.

andraid: laqaut.heightMatch.Pareni
toal Context"MainActiuit

andeaidid " tidleditTex"
andmid lazaut.aidth n atch.Pareo
andruid layaut.heiqkt *udrap canteni
Android: Cms :"lo"
android: hinB: " Enter num.ber

+idleditText 2
android: id
"_match Pareai
android: lagaul aidH
andmid:lazaut. laeiqht " uwrap cente
andmid: em61o"

andenid: hiat " Enter message"

android inpuBispe "text Persa.o

andaid:id "Gid lbuttan"-
andraid lozaut-dicdth maBch-pareni'

andoid lazaut beiqht:arap
android: lazout macaio op 20dp
andaid: text " SEND' 12

Package coro. example.SendMail
roport Compat Adivit
7 D. Y. Patil College of
Page No.

Engineering & Technology, Kolhapur

mpart andraid.0s. Bundle;
mpart an draid. telephan.sns Monagers
mpoct ondrid. vie. ieu,
import andraid uidqet. EdilTexlA,
impart andraid. idet. Toost,
public class Maintiit alenisApplarmpat
atActiuit t
Edittext phone Nurnber Message
Gu ttonSend
prntected. vaidonCteate (Bundle Saedinshance Statei
Supec anCreate C
Savedlnstonce State )
setContent View (R. lazout actiuits-main)
sendFiadview BTd (R._idedit Text):
message findsie B1d (R. id. ediTezt
send seonclick Listener ne lien on ClickListener ()
public aid onClick (siea vieu)
string Oumbec
phanenumbec ge Text)a
S trinq )
Siring msq message aeflext 0. lo strioqC
SMS ManagersenTextmessageNumber null, msq.
null n u l l ) :
Taost MakeText lget Appli.caliao Cantext O. MesSaqe Sen
Toast LE NGTHLLONG)shon)
Cotch (Exteptiao e)
Toast. makeTot (getApplicoationContext C)" Samefi
elds are tmpt Toast.LENGTH LONG ). shau()

1 Conclusion In his expecimeni. ule learned andraid

telephorn 4 Sms naqer. Also implemeoted pragram
for S11s 4telephan usinq in tents

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